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K. J.

Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce


Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) Programme


Name of the Program : B.Com

Title of the Course : Advertising

Course Code : UBCOMSSIII.5

Preamble for the Course:

Advertising is a very important promotional tool of marketing. It can enhance sales
through creativity. As business needs more customers to expand and increase profit. It
helps a student to become a successful business man. This subject enhances the
marketing skills of a student.

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 1

Course Objectives:
 To highlight the role of advertising for the success of brands and its
importance within the marketing function of a company.
 It aims to orient learners towards the practical aspects and techniques of
 It is expected that this course will prepare learners to lay down a foundation
for advanced post-graduate courses in advertising

Course Outcome:
At the End of the Semester, the students would be able
CO1 - To understand functions of advertising in enhancing sales.
CO2 - To analyze consumer behavior, segment the market, find target audience and
make appropriate advertisements.
CO3 - To evaluate the role and impact of advertising in brand building.
CO4 - To find out the impact of advertising on society and also economical aspect of
advertising in business.

Number of Lectures : 45

Number of Credits : 04

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 2

Semester III

Module I: Introduction to Advertising (11 Lec.)

Meaning – Evolution – Features
Active Participants – Functions – Advertising as a Communication Process
Global Advertising – Advantages, Problems
Trends in Advertising and Advertising Industry in India – Challenges faced by
Advertisers in India

Module II: Advertising as a component of Marketing

(11 Lec.)
Concept of Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) –
Advertising and other tools of Marketing / IMC, Role of Advertising in
Product Life Cycle (PLC), Low Involvement and High Involvement Products –
Role of Advertising in Brand Building Consumer Behaviour – Target
Audience and Market Segmentation Factors influencing consumer behaviour

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 3

Module III: Classification of Advertising (11 Lec.)
Classification on the basis of – Audience, Media, Advertiser and Area including
Advertising in Rural India Special purpose Advertising such as Green advertising,
Political advertising, Advocacy advertising, Retail advertising, Financial advertising,
Corporate image advertising, comparative advertising, Primary / Generic advertising
and Pro Bono / Social advertising including Social Advertising by Indian
Government through Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP)

Module IV: Economic, Social and Regulatory aspects of Advertising (12 Lec.)
Economic Impact of Advertising – Advertising and Society - Interrelationship Ethical
and Social issues in Advertising – Advertising andIndian values / Culture Regulatory
System for Control on Advertising in India – Advertising Standard Council of India
(ASCI) – Various Laws and Enactments concerning Advertising in India , Legal and
Ethical Aspects of Advertising, Sensational /Banned Advertisements

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 4

Suggested References:
 Advertising Management – Batra Rajeev, Myers John G, Aakar David A, 5th
Ed, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2004
 Advertising Management – Jaishree Jethwaney and Shruti Jain, 2nd Ed, Oxford
University Press, 2012 Advertising and Promotion, an Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective – Belch G, and Belch
 M, 6th Ed, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2003
 Advertising and Sales Promotion – Kazmi S H H and Batra Satish K, 2nd Ed,
Excel Books, New Delhi, 2004 Advertising Principles – Bergh B G V and Katz
H, NTC Business Books, Lincolnwood, Illinois, USA, 1999
 Advertising, Principles and Practice – Wells William, Moriarty Sandra and
Burnett John, 7th Ed, Pearson Education Inc., 2006
 Kleppners Advertising Procedure – W Ronald Lane, J Thomas Russell, Karen
Whitehill King, 16th Ed, Pearson Education Inc., India, 2008
 Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications – Clow
Kenneth E and Baack Donald, Pearson Education Inc., 2002

Scheme of Examination (Internal)

1) Projects 20 Marks

2) Active participation, Attendance 05 Marks

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 5

Scheme of Examination (External)

Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 ½ Hrs.

All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.

Q. 1 Practical Question 15 Marks

Practical Question
Q.2 Practical Question 15 Marks
Practical Question
Q.3 Practical Question 15 Marks
Practical Question
Q.4 Practical Question 15 Marks
Practical Question
Q.5 Practical Question
Practical Question 15 Marks

Note: Full length question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 08
and 07 marks

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 6

Board of Studies Members

Sr. No Name of the Members Designation

1 CA Uday Shetty VC Nominee
2 Dr. Varadraj Bapat Subject Expert
3 Dr. Shital Mandhare Subject Expert
4 Dr. Deelip Palsapure HOD
5 Dr. Sonali Deogirikar Member
6 Dr. Mayuresh Mule Member
7 CA Ketaki Ketkar Member

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 7

K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai -400077 8

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