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Fitness Benefits of Flexibility

1. Increased range of muscle joint motion;
2. Reduced muscle stiffness and increased body relaxation;
3. Improved blood circulation in specific body segment;
4. Reduce incidence of injury during a major sport event and;
5. Reduced risk of cardiovascular problems in exercise

Safety Recommendations:
1. For the instructor, it is very important to review factor of your students.
2. Students who require medical attention should be identified by the PE
teacher. If a student has an infection or is not feeling well, they should not
take the test.
3. Spend 5-10 minutes warming up before the physical fitness test.
4. Two hours before the test, students should avoid consuming large meals.
5. For the test, students should dress appropriately (PE Uniform).
6. Students are required to measure their pulse before the test (at rest).
7. Their baseline heart rate must not exceed 120 beat per minute.

Body Composition
BODY COMPOSITION - Is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass,
bone and organs. Body composition is widely accepted in exercise science as a crucial
component of health-related fitness, suitable for everyone, including those with
genetic predispositions to obesity.

SOMATOTYPE- is a body typing system that categorizes individuals based on their

body shape, noted by Sheldon in the 1940s and 1950s it is categorized into three
types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph,

ECTOMOROPH - body type that is characterized as lean and small body build with
greater surface area to mass ratio. bone size is relatively small with slender limbs
and low muscle mass

MESOMORPH - body type has a relative predominance of muscles. the bones are
usually large and heavy with massive limbs, this concluding to greater weight than

ENDOMORPH - The endomorph body type is characterized by a soft roundness and

a large digestive viscera. There is a greater Percent of the body fat when compared
to lean body mass
Performance related fitness
Performance Related Fitness

- It refers to the quality of one's movement skill.

1. Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium in relation to changes in body position.

Balance can be categorized into static and dynamic balance. Static Balance is the ability to
maintain equilibrium in a fixed position. Dynamic Balances ability to maintain one's
equilibrium while the body is motion.

2. Coordination is the harmonious working relationship between the skeletal muscle and
nerves in one aspect of movement.

3 Agility is the ability of an individual to quickly shift or change direction of the body from
one point to another.

4. Speed is the ability to perform a task or move from one point to another in the shortest
possible time. It is also the time spent finishing or completing a performance after the
initial movement has been made.

5. Power is the ability to perform one maximum effort in a short period of time. It is a
product of both strength and speed as seen in many sport activities such as track and field
and weightlifting

Benefits of Physical Fitness


1. Vitality. Through physical exercise, muscle tissues are being strengthened which enables to maximize body energy

2. Posture. Good fitness as a program stresses the development of anti-gravity muscles, which maintains good abdominal wall and
the arm and the shoulder griddle.

3. Relieves Low back Pain. Through engaging in physical fitness related activities, our muscles and joint are being stretched which
enables the elimination of low back pains. One example is by doing a simple stretching, through this way, we are able to stretch
our muscles and improve our flexibility.

4. Retards Aging Process. Continued participation in regular exercises of the proper amount and severity is of considerable value in
postponing that usually takes place as a person grows old.

5. Physical Fitness and Ability to Meet Emergencies. A body that is used to engaged with daily activities is more physically fit and
has more capability dealing with emergencies.

6. Neuromuscular Skill. The smooth, efficient coordination of the muscular system is improved as a result of regular participation in
physical activity.

7. Relaxation. Emotional and muscular tensions are being relieved through the help of participation in physical activities. Thus,
enables relaxation and relief to be acquired.

8. Improvement of Personality and Social Skills. Participation in several physical activities such as sports aids in improving one’s
personality and development of desirable social skills.

9. Mental Fitness. Participation in several physical fitness related activities plays a vital role in aiding the mental processes in order
to function with increased efficiency.

10. General Growth. Physically fit person possesses a high degree of general resistance which enables him to successfully avoid
minor illnesses. Through engaging with physical activities, we are also strengthening our immune system that helps our body to
resist minor sickness and illnesses.
Parameters of Physical Education
Many proponents of physical education have various ideas on how to measure physical fitness. Educators on
physical education today separate the various disciplines into four measurable parameters, which are:

1. Muscular Endurance – Ability of the muscle group to execute repeated contractions over a period of time
sufficient to cause muscle fatigue, or to maintain a specific percentage of the maximal voluntary contractions for
a prolonged period of time.
2. Muscular Strength – it is the muscle’s ability to exert force at high intensities over short period of time.
3. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance – Ability to perform large muscle, dynamic, moderate to high intensity exercise for
prolonged periods. The performance depends upon the functional state of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and
skeletal muscle system.
4. Joint Flexibility – ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion.

- The above parameters are considered the hard core of physical fitness.
- Without strength, participation in physical activity is not possible and the fitness of the individual is limited. When
the muscles are weak, or lack of endurance, all movements are curtailed since all movements depends on the strength
of the muscles or group of muscles.
- A fit individual can maintain a lower heart rate during activity which can supply a greater volume of blood with each
contractions of the heart and can recover more quickly after exercise that a less fit individual.

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