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1. This task was simple.

2. I hoped to see him at work.
3. In my opinion, he decided to have some rest.
4. It brought hopes and dreams.
5. He told his brother that it’s all right.
6. The car fell over.
7. He wasn’t short in high school.
8. Our parents lived far away from Kyiv.
9. He stood in the hall.
10. The handsome man wished to have a simple life.
11. Children didn’t look at animals in the zoo.
12. We went to that high building.
13. The little girl saw a cute dog.
14. Did you study at the university?
15. Did you like her appearance?
16. She lied to the good-looking woman.
17. She saw the bald man.
18. He cleaned his room this morning.
19. These friends argued a lot yesterday.
20. He laughed really loud.
21. He didn’t like cheap and ugly motorbikes.
22. Mary cried last night.
23. It wasn’t an expensive car.
24. Was it difficult to apologize?
25. He didn’t reply.
26. They learned many words last lesson.
27. Were the questions discussed?
28. We weren’t right.
29. We decided to keep fit.
30. In my opinion, we told them the wrong answers.
31. You didn’t have breakfast yesterday.
32. Did he reply to the slim girl?
33. He didn’t want to stand near them.
34. The men on TV had an argument.
35. She didn’t like my dirty clothes.
36. Did he sit with his friends outside?
37. He didn’t hug his best friend.
38. I’m sure they talked to their teacher.
39. I taught Japanese five years ago.
40. Did you see that slow car?
41. Their PCs weren’t fast.
42. Did you go to your favourite shop?
43. Did she argue with him?
44. They didn’t look skinny.
45. I didn’t notice how tall he was.
46. That fat man lost weight.
47. Was her hair straight or wavy?
48. They had a row.
49. I’m sorry I lied to you.
50. Were I the heaviest person in the room?
51. Did you learn five Japanese words yesterday?
52. I ate breakfast in the morning.


1. Handsome man pay in the restaurants.
2. We study languages.
3. Does it tell you the right answers?
4. Do you sit on the floor?
5. I know how to drive a bicycle.
6. Does she pay for her pizza?
7. Am I bald?
8. She often decides what to eat.
9. Does he like to stand?
10. I argue with slow people a lot.
11. It isn’t good to lie to someone.
12. You are a smart boy. You always do your homework.
13. A good-looking person looks attractive.
14. He lives far away.
15. We don’t forget beautiful people.
16. Does she always hug her friends?
17. The children compare two cats on the street.
18. We meet in the park every Sunday.
19. We spend too much money on games.
20. I apologize for the dirty floors.
21. They take little animals with them.
22. It doesn’t fly.
23. The baby cries a lot.
24. I don’t usually apologize.
25. They don’t miss their English lessons.
26. She sells flowers.
27. I have lunch with my friends.
28. You lose good friends when you lie to them.
29. Does he have a favourite computer game?
30. He doesn’t drink juice because he’s allergic.
31. It doesn’t need to be clean.
32. He brings homework every day.
33. Are you ugly?
34. It is a difficult mission.
35. I don’t like heavy things.
36. She doesn’t have curly hair.
37. She eats sushi a lot.
38. The dog looks short and fat.
39. I make breakfast all the time.
40. The boxes are heavy and difficult to bring.
41. I don’t miss my school.
42. He thinks fast.
43. You don’t teach us Mathematics.
44. They discuss the dirty floors every time.
45. Does she look attractive?
46. She talks to her parents.
47. Do you swim in lava?
48. They are the cutest kittens.
49. Does he hope to see Santa?
50. They always buy cheap clothes.
51. Does he like to stand?

1. She’s going to study Astronomy.
2. He’s not going to bring his cute friend.
3. Am I going to argue with them?
4. In my opinion, they aren’t going to answer.
5. They’re going to drink the potion.
6. It’s going to do the difficult task.
7. Is she going to lie to that ugly man?
8. Am I going to pay for the clean house?
9. We are going to keep fit and be good-looking.
10. They are going to know every English word.
11. She’s not going to lie to us.
12. Are you going to forget our dream?
13. He’s going to break the heavy door.
14. I’m going to see my favourite movie tomorrow.
15. We’re not going to discuss this right now.
16. His favourite book is going to be right on the shelf.
17. In my opinion, the decision is going to be wrong.
18. Are we going to walk there?
19. Is she going to learn to play the piano?
20. Is the vase going to fall?
21. The beach is not far.
22. The kitchen is going to be clean.
23. Are they going to miss the last train?
24. The short girl is not going to reach the shelf.
25. The recipe is not simple.
26. Is the grocery store near our house?
27. Is the box heavy?
28. She is going to wish for a new bike on her birthday.
29. They are not going to talk to their boss.
30. Is he going to bring his guitar to the party?
31. The turtle is not going to be slow.
32. The mountain is too high for me.
33. The shoes are going to be dirty.
34. Is she going to hug her mom?
35. The kitchen is not going to be clean.
36. Is the old painting going to look pretty in the new frame?
37. Are you going to buy a cheap and ugly souvenir?
38. The actor is not going to be good-looking in the movie.
39. He is going to need help with the heavy luggage.
40. I am going to study hard.
41. He is not going to smile because he's upset.
42. Is the baby going to cry?
43. Are they going to have an argument?
44. Is her appearance going to be attractive?
45. They are not going to laugh at the silly jokes.
46. She is not going to sit on the uncomfortable chair.
47. She is going to talk to her best friend about the problem.
48. They are going to laugh at the funny jokes.
49. His favourite book is going to be right on the shelf.
50. Are you going to notice the tall person in the crowd?

1. She must sit at the front in the classroom.
2. I have to see the doctor.
3. They don't have to look at the presentation slide.
4. Did they have to argue?
5. I have to tell someone about my exciting news.
6. We don't have to take a bus.
7. They don't have to catch the last train.
8. Do we have to have breakfast now?
9. She must learn Spanish for her trip to Spain.
10. Do we have to have lunch now?
11. Does she have to sit in the front row in class?
12. I don't have to hope for good weather.
13. I don't have to stand in line.
14. I have to correct the wrong answer.
15. We have to have lunch before the meeting.
16. He has to teach math to the students.
17. She must not learn French;
18. He doesn't need to wish for luck;
19. Does he have to bring his umbrella?
20. Do we need to take a bus?
21. Do they have to look at the instructions?
22. I don't have to lie to anyone.
23. She doesn't have to sit at the back;
24. Does he have to bring his books to school every day?
25. Do I have to tell someone about the surprise party?
26. Does she have to sit at the front in the classroom?
27. They don't have to look at the old notes.
28. They don't have to talk to their parents about their plans.
29. He has to teach science to the students in the lab.
30. We have to have breakfast
31. I have to stand in line to buy tickets for the movie.
32. She must sit quietly during the exam.
33. He doesn't have to bring his ID card.
34. I don’t have to wish for a successful job.
35. Do they have to look at the map to find the way?
36. Does he have to teach English to the students?
37. Does she have to learn to play the guitar for the concert?
38. You must bring your ID card to the office.
39. He has to bring his lunch to school.
40. We don't have to have dinner now.
41. We don't have to take a taxi.
42. Do I have to stand in line to buy this magazine?
43. Does she have to learn new words?
44. They have to meet at the library.
45. Do we have to drive?
46. I have to lift the heavy box.
47. I don't have to tell anyone about my plans.
48. Students must learn and study to pass the exams.
49. Does she have to dance at the party?
50. Do they have to fly to Dubai?

1. Where do you usually stand during the national anthem?
2. Where did she sit during the concert?
3. Where did he fall while playing in the park?
4. What did you bring to the party?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
6. Why do you looking at the fish?
7. What can you see from the top of the mountain?
8. What subjects do you learn/study at school?
9. What does your teacher teach in class today?
10. Who do you talk to most often?
11. Who did you tell about your exciting news?
12. How far is the nearest grocery store from your house?
13. How near is the bus stop to your workplace?
14. What is your favorite book/movie/color?
15. Why do you think it’s all right to cheat in exams?
16. What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?
17. What do you dream about when you sleep?
18. Who do you miss the most when you're away?
19. Can you compare these two products?
20. What do you need to finish this project?
21. What do you wish you could do if you had the chance?
22. Why do you cry?
23. What made you laugh so hard?
24. Who do you want to hug right now?
25. What makes you smile the most?
26. Why do you bring any changes to the room?
27. Who is the tallest person you know?
28. Who is the shortest person in your family?
29. How high is the mountain peak you climbed?
30. How heavy is the box you're trying to lift?
31. What do you find attractive in a person?
32. Who do you want to talk to about your plans?
33. Who did you tell about your secret?
34. How far is the nearest train station from your house?
35. What is your favourite movie of all time?
36. What did they argue about?
37. To be honest, did you enjoy the party?
38. What did you decide to do about the situation?
39. Who did he lie to about his grades?
40. Where did you fall down and hurt yourself?
41. What did you bring to the potluck party?
42. What do you teach as a professor?
43. Which side is right or wrong in this argument?
44. What do you wish for on your birthday?
45. Why did you cry at the sad movie?
46. How low is the temperature in winter?
47. How ugly is the old building in the city?
48. How pretty is the garden in spring?
49. How clean is your room right now?
50. What is your appearance like today?


1. My sister has gone to the mall.
He hasn't seen the latest episode.
Have you ever eaten sushi?
Have your parents had an argument?
5. How long have you known your best friend?
Have you read an interesting book?
I have just finished my homework.
The team hasn't won a game.
They have bought new video games.
10. How has the weather been lately?
Has the car just been washed?
We have had a great time together.
Has she talked to her crush?
Jack hasn't become a better singer.
15. Has the party just begun?
The box has become too heavy.
Have you seen that movie before?
Has she just started her new job?
How much have you studied for the exam?
20. haven't eaten lunch yet.
The sun has set so far.
Have you gone on a road trip?
My parents have had a long discussion.
How long have you known him?
25. She has studied for the exam.
Have you won any matches with your team?
Has Tom recently broken his phone?
They haven't learned about that topic.
He has recently seen a shooting star.
30. The weather has been quite hot lately.
Have you noticed any changes in your friend?
My friend has recently become more confident.
How long have you known your teacher?
The pizza has been eaten by everyone.
35. Has Mike said sorry to his sister?
She has just spoken to her best friend.
We haven't had time to relax.
Have you learned a new language?
My brother has become taller.
40. Has the room been cleaned yet?
Has your sister gone on a trip?
Have you talked to your best friend today?
Has Jack become a better dancer?
Has she seen the new Marvel movie?
45. Have you ever fallen off your skateboard?
They have gone to the concert.
He has recently fallen off his bike.
How has the weather been lately?
Has the sun set yet?
50. Has your sister gone on a trip?
The party has just begun.
My sister has gone to the mall.
How much have you studied for the exam?
Have you ever eaten sushi?
55. She has spoken to her best friend.
Have you learned a new language?
How long have you known him?
The team has won the championship.
Have you noticed any changes in your friend?
60. Has she talked to her crush?
Have your parents had an argument?
I have given my brother a present.
Has the box become too heavy to lift?
I have just finished my homework.
65. Have you read an interesting book?
Have they bought the latest iPhone?
The sun has set so far.
Has Jack become a better soccer player?
Have you ever won a competition?
70. How long have you known your best friend?
Have you recently seen a shooting star?
My parents have had a long discussion.
They have bought new video games.
Have you gone on a road trip?
75. She has studied for the exam.
Has the pizza been eaten by everyone?
We have had a great time together.
Have you ever eaten sushi?
I haven't slept well lately.
80. He hasn't seen the latest episode.
My sister hasn't gone to the beach.
Have you given your friend a gift?
They haven't learned about that topic.
How has the weather been lately?
85. I have known him since kindergarten.
Has she just started her new job?
The party hasn't begun yet.
Have you ever fallen off your skateboard?
My brother has become taller.
90. Has Tom recently broken his phone?

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