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Grade 9
Topic : Genes and Chromosomes
Chromatin ---
- Is a complex of eukaryotic DNA proteins
Genes ---
- Are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contained in
threadlike chromosomes.
- It is used to determine the traits that an individual inherits.
Levels of chromatin organization :
-In order-
1. Condensed Chromosome
2. Condensed Chromatin
3. Extended Chromatin
4. Spiral Nucleome Fiber
5. Nucleomes

Autosomes – Any chromosome but not sex chromosome (22 Pairs)

Heterosome – are sex chromosome (1 pair)
There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each body cell
3 components of nuclenic acid :
1. Nitrogenous Base
2. Sugar Molecule
3. Phospate Group
Male Karyogram (XY)
Female Karyogram (XX)
Grade 9
Topic : Genotype and Phenotype
Phenotype ---
- observable characteristics or traits such as skin color, height, or
the internal or biochemical traits such as IQ and blood pressure
Genotype ---
- Refers to the entire heredity consitution of an organism.
2 types of genotype :
 Heterozygous – 2 copies of the genes coding for the trait are
different from each other.

 Homozygous – 2 copies of the genes coding for the trait are the

Alleles ---
AA – Dominant Allele
Aa – Recessive Allele

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