Grafidy3 Procedure

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Operating Documentation

Direction 5366159-2EN, Rev# 5

Brivo MR355 1.5T Service Methods
Module Version 1.0, Version Date 1/14/10

Grafidy3 Procedure
(Click Here for Summary Version)

1 Personnel Requirements

Required Persons Preliminary Reqs Procedure Finalization

1 Not Applicable 1 Hour for Base System Not Applicable

2 Preliminary Requirements
2.1 Tools and Test Equipment

Item Qty Effectivity Part# Manufacturer

Grafidy Kit 1 1.5T 5135527 -

2.2 Replacement Parts

Item Qty Effectivity Part# Manufacturer

RF Coil Assembly 1 1.5T 5135514 -

2.3 Safety


2.4 Required Conditions

Condition Reference Effectivity

DC Offsets - -
DQA II - -

3 Procedure
3.1 Hardware Set-Up

1. Unfold the 6-channel grafidy fixture and lock the arms into place (90o from center plate).

2. Connect Hypertronics cable to T/R board and use screws to secure. Place the fixture at the front (Head coil end) of
the MR table with the connection box toward the bore.

3. Plug the Hypertronics connector into the Port A. SeeIllustration 1 . (The Green Coil ID light will come on.)

Illustration 1: Grafidy Hardware Setup

4. Center the laser cross hairs on top of the fixture (As shown in Illustration 2) . Landmark the system and press
Advance to Scan.

Illustration 2: Grafidy Tool And The Centering Point

3.2 Running Grafidy 3

1. Start the Grafidy 3 tool.

Starting non-proprietary service tools: From the Common Service Desktop, select [Calibration], [Grafidy3]
from the calibration menu, and select [Click here to start this tool] to start the procedure.

2. If you receive the message shown inIllustration 3 about “Short TC Cal Values”, click [Yes].

Illustration 3: Default Short Cal Values Popup

3. Click on the [Auto Mode] tab. See Illustration 4. All three-coil axes will be selected. Click the [Scan] button to
start the calibration. (When the scan is active, you can stop it by pressing the [Abort] button and the “STOP”
button on keyboard.)

Illustration 4: Auto Mode Setup

NOTE: When in Auto/Manual Mode, a number of signal checks are performed to ensure the proper state of the
grafidy fixture. The following signals are examined from every channel and an error is reported if a problem
is found. The signals are as follows:



Signal Saturation.

4. If you receive the message shown in Illustration 7 about “Short TC Cal Values”, click [Yes]. See Illustration 5.

Illustration 5: Default Short Cal Values Popup

5. The Grafidy 3 software runs multiple scans to bring each term into specification. It iterates up to the maximum
specified (default is 5 iterations). The WHOLE or ZOOM mode usually takes about 2 hours.

As each component finishes a scan/analysis iteration, the residual of the eddy current of the measurement
displays in the results table. The results are color-coded, see Table 1.

Table 1: Color Coding

Text Color Meaning

Red Values above spec.
Green Within Spec

6. Review the numeric output values from the auto mode scan. Verify that the results of final iteration for each
component are below specs (green). SeeIllustration 6 for help in reading output values.

Illustration 6: Reading The Output : The specs and the Actual values (Smoothed) are shown circled.
7. If a component is not in spec after the maximum number of iterations you may need to use manual mode to
calibrate that component. See Step .

3.3 Manual Mode

Use Manual Mode when Auto Mode fails to bring one or more of the terms into specification. Manual Mode lets you
iterate through the process yourself, and decide when to stop.

1. Select the [Manual Mode] tab.Illustration 7 shows this.

Illustration 7: Manual Mode Tab

2. Select the desired terms, and then press [Scan].

3. If the “Prompt To Accept” mode is active, after the scan is complete, a graph of the results will pop up (see
Illustration 8). In order to learn about “Prompt To Accept” refer to Grafidy 3 Tools, section 7, manual mode.

Illustration 8: Results Window With Accept/Cancel Buttons

4. If a “good fit” is shown, click the [Accept] button. The calibration values will be saved to disk, and these values will
be used in the next scan. Repeat this process by going back to Step .

5. If a “bad fit” is shown, click [Cancel]. This will leave the last accepted values in the calibration files. Do not expect
any improvement on future scans when the fit doesn’t match the data even if you accept the cal parameters.

6. The last iteration for any component must be a check only, and you should not accept the fit parameters. You will
not be allowed to exit immediately after updating the cal parameters.

7. In order to know more about Grafidy, refer toGrafidy 3 Tools. or if problems are encountered, see Grafidy 3

4 Finalization
1. Remove Fixture from the system.

2. Exit the Software Tool.

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