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Fact sheet

Molar Pregnancy

When a woman receives the diagnosis of molar Molar pregnancy occurs in 1 per 1000 pregnancies.
pregnancy, it sounds like one more thing to worry It makes up about 2% of miscarriages (unsuccessful
about when you are often already upset about pregnancies). Each year in Australia, around 300
losing the pregnancy. We hope this fact sheet will women have a molar pregnancy. If a woman has
reassure you that almost all molar pregnancies had a molar pregnancy before, there is around 1%
have an excellent outcome and your future chance chance she will have another one and around 99%
of a normal pregnancy is very high. chance that she won’t.

This fact sheet will also help you understand what

having a molar pregnancy means, and what
treatment and follow up are needed.

Molar pregnancy is part of a larger group of

conditions with the medical name gestational
trophoblastic disease (GTD). Molar pregnancy is by
far the most common type of GTD and is the only
one covered in this fact sheet.
More than 300 Australian Women have a
Molar pregnancy has two groups - complete mole Molar Pregnancy every year
and partial mole.
Why does a molar pregnancy occur?
 As the pregnancy grows, it often looks like a Molar pregnancy occurs by chance, a mistake of
bunch of tiny cysts. This is why you often see nature. While it is a bit more common in women
the word ‘hydatidiform’ (cyst) included in the under 20 years and over 40 years, and in women
name, e.g. complete hydatidiform mole. from some world regions such as Asia, the fact is it
can happen to any woman. There is nothing a
 Sometimes the tiny cysts grow (burrow) into the woman/couple can do to cause it or prevent it.
wall of the uterus (womb) - this explains the
name ‘mole’ which is a burrowing animal. At the beginning of a normal pregnancy, the sperm
and egg join together to form a normal embryo and
What is a molar pregnancy? a normal placenta. A sperm has 23 chromosomes
A molar pregnancy is an uncommon type of and an egg has 23 chromosomes (long strands of
miscarriage. There is either no embryo (earliest genes / DNA inside our cells). After they join
stage of a baby’s development) or an abnormal together, the pregnancy has 46 chromosomes half
embryo, plus a large amount of abnormal placental from each parent.
tissue (the placenta is the afterbirth – its role is to
bring oxygen and food to the baby during In a molar pregnancy, the joining together of the
pregnancy). Molar pregnancies are caused by a sperm and egg doesn’t happen in the usual way.
chance mistake of nature that occurs at the moment
the pregnancy begins.

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There are two types of molar pregnancy: bhCG (pregnancy test hormone)
 Complete Mole: The pregnancy test hormone (bhCG) is made by the
A complete mole happens when a sperm joins with placenta. In molar pregnancies, the larger placenta
an egg that has lost its own chromosomes/genes. often makes more bhCG than usual. When treating
Once the sperm is inside the empty egg, it molar pregnancies, we follow the bhCG level to
duplicates (makes a copy of) its own genes. There make sure the molar pregnancy is going away.
are then 46 chromosomes, but they all come from
the father (sperm), with none from the mother (egg). Why is a molar pregnancy important?
Most molar pregnancies are cured by a quick day-
Without genes from the mother, an embryo cannot surgery operation known as suction curettage or
develop. However there is a large and abnormal D&C - see below. This simple operation cures over
placenta due to the increased number of genes 98% of partial moles and over 80% of complete
from the father (sperm genes are important for moles.
making the placenta).
The reason molar pregnancies are important, is
 Partial Mole: because some cases can turn into cancer and need
Here, two sperm join with one egg and form a treatment with cancer medication (chemotherapy). If
pregnancy with 69 chromosomes. In a partial mole, you have a molar pregnancy, we will keep close
an embryo may develop, but it is always abnormal watch over you to make sure everything is going
and cannot survive. Because of the extra sperm well and that you get the treatment you need.
genes, the placenta is large and abnormal.
The two main types of cancer developing after
Partial molar pregnancies are 2 - 3 times more molar pregnancy are called:
common than complete molar pregnancies and tend  Persistent molar pregnancy (persistent GTD,
to cause fewer problems. sometimes called invasive mole)
 Choriocarcinoma

Persistent molar pregnancy

This is when some molar tissue won’t come away
and stays behind in the uterus after the small
operation to empty the uterus. This tissue may also
grow into the wall of the uterus. The good news is
that persistent molar pregnancy can nearly always
be cured with chemotherapy.

Persistent molar pregnancy occurs in:

 about 15 - 20% of complete moles

 about 1- 2% of partial moles.

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Choriocarcinoma This is because the ultrasound diagnosis of molar
Very rarely, a molar pregnancy can form a more pregnancy before 12 weeks is not always accurate.
aggressive type of cancer called a choriocarcinoma
which can spread around the body.  Sometimes the ultrasound looks like a molar
pregnancy, showing a bunch of cysts in side the
Choriocarcinoma occurs in: uterus (image).
 About 2-3% of complete moles  Yet, at other times it looks like an ordinary
 Under 1% of partial moles  Working in the opposite direction, sometimes
when ultrasound suggests the pregnancy may
Like persistent molar pregnancy, choriocarcinoma be molar, it turns out to be a normal miscarriage.
can be cured almost 100% of the time with

How is the diagnosis of a molar pregnancy

usually made?

A molar pregnancy usually ends in a ‘miscarriage’ in

the first three months of the pregnancy.
The usual findings are:

 bleeding in early pregnancy

 an ultrasound which does not show a normally- Ultrasound picture of a complete molar pregnancy
developing pregnancy showing a bunch of tiny cysts.
Att: Häggström, Mikael. "Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014".
Wikiversity Journal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.008.
 other symptoms – rare these days. ISSN 20018762. - Own work
o Before the modern age of home
pregnancy tests and early ultrasound,
To make the right diagnosis, pregnancy tissue
molar pregnancy diagnosis and
should be checked under a microscope by a
treatment often happened much later
pathologist. This always happens with pregnancy
o In those cases, women would sometimes
tissue collected during curettage.
develop symptoms such as severe
vomiting, abdominal swelling, overactive
When women miscarry at home, we ask them to try
thyroid problems and other problems.
and collect the tissue they pass, so we can send it
This rarely happens these days.
to the pathologist. For an accurate diagnosis,
pregnancy tissue passed at home must be kept in
The fact is, many women don’t find out they have a
the refrigerator and brought to the hospital as soon
molar pregnancy until after the pregnancy tissue is
as possible and always within 12 hours.
looked at under a microscope by a pathologist.

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How is Molar Pregnancy treated? Follow up bhCG plan after Complete Molar
If ultrasound suggests a possible molar pregnancy, Pregnancy:
the best treatment is suction curettage. You are  bhCG blood test every week until the level falls
asleep in the operating theatre for this short below 5 IU/L (< 5IU/L) for three weeks in a row.
operation. A doctor passes a narrow tube up the  Then a bhCG blood test every month for 6
vagina and into the uterus and attaches low suction months from the time of your curettage.
to remove the pregnancy tissue [please see our  If the bhCG level falls below 5 IU/L within 8
fact sheet on curettage for miscarriage]. weeks of your curettage (or when you
passed the pregnancy if you did not have
Sometimes molar pregnancies bleed during surgery) and remains below 5 IU/L at 6
surgery. months since the curettage, you don’t need
further tests. At this point, you can try to get
As for other miscarriages, before surgery we test pregnant again if you want to.
 bhCG (pregnancy test hormone level) BUT
 blood count (to make sure you are not anaemic)  If the levels take more than 8 weeks after
 blood group your curettage to fall below 5 IU/L, the clock
 other tests only if needed doesn’t start until the bHCG is below 5 IU/L.
It must then stay below 5 IU/L for 6 months.
If you are Rh negative blood group, before you go Only then can you stop the tests and try to
home we will give you an injection of Anti D. This get pregnant again.
will prevent you from developing antibodies in your
blood which could affect future pregnancies. Follow up bhCG plan after Partial Molar
 A blood bhCG level every week until the level is
< 5 IU/L for three weeks in a row.
 If the bHCG falls below 5 IU/L within 8
weeks of your curettage and remains below
5 IU/L for 3 results, you can stop testing.
You can try to get pregnant if you want to.

 If the levels became < 5 IU/L after 8 weeks

from your curette, then you will have follow
up as for a complete molar pregnancy.

Contraception and Avoiding Pregnancy During

Follow Up
You need to avoid pregnancy during the period of
Follow up after molar pregnancy diagnosis bHCG follow up - until our staff say getting pregnant
Because of the small risk of turning cancerous, you is okay.
need to have follow up bhCG blood tests after
treatment for a molar pregnancy

 following the bhCG trend is most accurate if

each bhCG test is done by the same laboratory

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This is because a new pregnancy will produce its Chemotherapy should not affect your chances of
own bHCG, and we won’t be able to tell if the molar having another baby. It also does not cause
pregnancy has gone away completely. problems in future pregnancies.
 It is best to use condoms for contraception until
the bHCG falls to normal What care should I take in the next pregnancy?
There is around 99% chance you won’t have
 If you are then having 6 months of bHCG follow another molar pregnancy.
up (complete mole and also partial mole that did
not drop < 5 IU/L within 8 weeks of curettage) In any future pregnancy you should:
our staff can help you decide which  have an ultrasound at about 8 weeks to make
contraception to try. You may wish to: sure the baby is growing well, and the
 continue to use condoms pregnancy looks normal
 change to an oral contraceptive pill  make sure to tell your doctor that you have had
 have an IUCD inserted once the bHCG a molar pregnancy in the past
levels are normal, and it is more than 6
weeks since your curette  always have a bHCG test 6 weeks after any
future pregnancy no matter how many normal
What happens if my bHCG levels don’t fall below pregnancies you have. Persistent molar
5 IU/L? pregnancy or choriocarcinoma can very rarely
Sometimes the bHCG levels: pop up again after a future normal pregnancy.
 do not fall well (fall of less than 10% over 3 x
weekly results) Losing a wanted pregnancy is upsetting
for women and their families. A molar
 go up instead of down (rise of more than 10% pregnancy adds additional stress.
over 4 x weekly results)
As well as the physical recovery,
This could mean you are developing persistent emotional healing often takes time.
molar pregnancy or, less commonly,
Talk about your feelings with your
choriocarcinoma. We will organise
family and friends, our clinic staff and
 a pelvic ultrasound your GP. Let us know if you would like
to see a counsellor or psychologist.
 a CT scan of your chest and abdomen And never blame yourself – pregnancy
loss including molar pregnancy
 referral to an expert in persistent molar happens by chance. It is just bad luck
pregnancy because you may need some
and can happen to anyone.

If this happens to you, try not to worry too much.

You can be confident that chemotherapy treatment
of persistent molar pregnancy and choriocarcinoma
leads to a cure in almost 100% of cases.

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