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Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

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Combined acoustic and aerodynamic investigation of the effect of inlet

geometry on tip leakage flow noise of free-inlet free-exhaust low-speed
axial flow fans
Tamás Benedek ⇑, János Vad, Bálint Lendvai
Department of Fluid Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The performance and the emitted noise of a free inlet – free exhaust axial flow fan are influenced by the
Received 30 March 2021 inlet geometry. In the present paper, the effect of bellmouth entries with various sizes on the tip leakage
Received in revised form 10 October 2021 flow (TLF) noise is discussed. The aerodynamics phenomena are investigated using inlet velocity profile
Accepted 20 October 2021
measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Noise source maps have been
Available online 16 November 2021
derived from phased array microphone measurements using the Rotating Source Identifier (ROSI) beam-
forming algorithm. The aerodynamic and acoustic data are evaluated in a combined manner. The results
showed that with the use of a bellmouth entry of proper size, the TLF can be moderated, the double-
Axial flow fan
leakage flow (DLF) can be eliminated, and the sound pressure level of the emitted noise can be reduced
Bellmouth entry by 5–6 dB.
Fan noise Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Tip leakage flow noise (

1. Introduction  Tip leakage flow (TLF) noise: generated by the turbulent leakage
flow over the blade tip.
A large amount of low-speed axial flow fans operate in the
vicinity of humans, therefore the noise reduction of these machi- In the literature [4–6] it is well-documented that the tip leakage
nes is an important issue in addition to the aerodynamic perfor- flow (TLF) can be a dominant noise source. TLF occurs due to the
mance and the high efficiency. The dominant proportion of the pressure difference between the pressure and suction side of the
noise emitted by axial flow fans is the aeroacoustic noise of the blade tip, making the phenomenon inevitable in the case of axial
blading: the turbulence ingestion noise (TI), which is the interac- flow fans. After passing through the tip clearance (TC), the TLF rolls
tion of the upstream turbulence and the leading edges, and the up into a well distinguishable vortex structure, called tip leakage
self-noise of the fan blades. According to literature [1–3] the self- vortex (TLV), which propagates downstream in the blade passage.
noise sources of the blades are as follows: In [5,7,8] it is documented, that as the TC size increased, the TLF
was strengthening, which means the increase of the TLF noise
 Turbulent boundary layer (TBL) noise: generated by the wall and the related aerodynamic losses (blockage effect of the
pressure fluctuations due to boundary layer turbulence. extended TLF, thickened boundary layer on the annular walls).
 Separated flow (SF) noise: the significant increase of the emit- Increased tip clearance and reduced local flow coefficient of the
ted noise in case of boundary layer separation blade tip area increase the exit angle of the TLV compared to the
 Vortex-shedding (VS) noise: generated by the coherent vortices blade suction side surface. This may result in such TLV trajectory
shedding over the blade profile and the trailing edge. that the TLV impinges on the pressure side of the following blade
 Turbulent boundary layer-trailing edge (TBL-TE) noise: the [5,9]. The interaction between the TLV and the blade surface
noise generated by the interaction of the turbulent boundary induces sound emission, furthermore, it increases the blockage of
and the trailing edge. the mean flow, which contributes to significantly increased losses
[5,7]. The impingement of the TLV on the pressure surface can
cause some of the TLF to pass through the TC again, resulting in
double leakage flow (DLF) [10]. As the DLF interacts with the
⇑ Corresponding author. TLV, a further increase in aerodynamic losses, as well as in the
E-mail addresses: (T. Benedek), (J. Vad), noise strength are observed [7]. In this paper it is also shown, with (B. Lendvai).
0003-682X/Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

mid middle
Latin letters s sampling
f frequency t blade tip
Ka number of the averaged windows
L axial length of the casing Abbreviations
Ls number of data points in the sample BG background
n rotational speed BM bellmouth entry
NW window length CFD computational fluid dynamics
OW window overlap circ circular direction
ptot total pressure DLF double leakage flow
pst static pressure LE leading edge
R dimensionless radius (nondimensionalized by r t ) MP measurement plane
r radius PAM phased array microphone
SSL source strength level ROSI Rotating Source Identifier
Ta measurement length RPM revolution per minute
u blade circumferential velocity SF separated flow
SH short-tapered entry
Greek letters SST shear stress transport
q density TBL turbulent boundary layer
U global flow coefficient (annulus area-averaged axial TC tip clearance
velocity divided by ut ) TE trailing edge
u local flow coefficient (pitchwise area-averaged axial TI turbulence ingestion noise
velocity divided by ut ) TLF tip leakage flow

w local total pressure rise coefficient (¼ 2  Dptot = q  u2t ) TLV tip leakage vortex
VS vortex shedding
Sub- and superscripts
bm bellmouth

the increase of TC DLF occurs in all operating conditions, while in In the aerodynamic investigations inlet velocity profile measure-
the case of normal TC the DLF was only experienced in near stall ment and CFD simulations are involved. The acoustic measure-
state. In [8] CFD simulations are presented. The results showed that ments were carried out with a sound pressure level meter and a
the DLF originates from different chord positions in the case of dif- phased array microphone (PAM) which device is widely used for
ferent operating points. However, the TLF from the leading edge acquiring spatially resolved noise data of several types of turboma-
always flows out directly from the blade passage. The results also chinery [21–23]. For the evaluation of the PAM data, the ROSI
showed that with the occurrence of the DLF the sensitivity of the beamforming algorithm [24] is used, by the means of which noise
machine’s efficiency to the TLF increases. Some research focuses source maps can be created in a co-rotating reference frame. To
to avoid the formation of the DLF using casing fences [11] or casing confirm the results and eliminate the noise source ambiguity orig-
grooves [12]. inated from the rotational periodicity of the noise source maps, the
The effect of inflow conditions on axial fan noise was in the method presented in [25] is used. A related preliminary work of the
focus of numerous research [13–16]. The inflow conditions for free authors of the present paper is published in [26].
inlet fans placed close to the intake, such as ventilation fans built in
walls, are directly influenced by the shaping of the inlet section. 2. Fan of case study, measurement and simulation setup
Since both the aerodynamic and acoustic behavior of the fan are
heavily impacted by the inflow conditions, it is of major impor- The fan of case study (Fig. 1) has 5 forward skewed blades with
tance [1,17,18]. In the case of fans, the flow conditions near the circular arc blade profiles. The radius of the blade tips are
periphery of the entry geometry have a direct impact on TLF and rt ¼ 0:15 m, the hub-to-tip diameter ratio is 30%. The fan was
the related noise. From an aerodynamic and acoustic point of view, installed in a short (L ¼ 0:6r t ) cylindrical casing, the tip clearance
the entry geometries can be sorted: the least favorable inlet geom- to tip radius ratio was 5%. The fan operated in free-inlet free-
etry is the sharp-edged intake, and the most favorable is the bell- exhaust condition, i.e. the static pressure rise of the fan was negli-
mouth entry, which guarantees good efficiency and moderate gible. The measurements were performed at 3 different rotational
noise. As such, the European Standard [19] requires fitting a bell- speeds: n ¼ 950; 1175; 1400 RPM. Four inlet geometry variations
mouth entry in performance testing of free-inlet axial fans. In (Fig. 1) were investigated: a short-tapered (labeled as SH in the fol-
[20] the noise reduction caused by bellmouth entries with various lowing), and three bellmouth entries: BM10 - r bm ¼ 0:10rt ; BM33 -
radii was investigated in the case of various rotor positions. In this rbm ¼ 0:33rt ; BM50 - r bm ¼ 0:50r t . The profile of the bellmouth
paper it was shown with the application of the bellmouth entry entries was a quarter circle, and the largest radius is in accordance
even 15—20 dB noise sound pressure level reduction can be with the standard [19].
achieved. However, the aerodynamic background of the noise Fig. 2 shows the sketch of the measurement setup. The inlet
reduction is not detailed in that work. velocity was measured using a Schiltknecht Mini-Air vane
The present study aims to investigate the relation between the anemometer. The measurement planes (MP) of the velocity profile
inlet section shaping and the acoustic characteristics of a free inlet, measurement are shown in Fig. 1. The inlet velocity profiles were
free exhaust, large clearance, short ducted axial flow fan. In the measured along two perpendicular diameters. The measurement
study, a short tapered entry and bellmouth geometries are used. uncertainty for the aerodynamic measurements are presented in
Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 1. (a) Sketch of the fan of case study, (b) Sketch of the short-tapered entry, (c) Sketch of the bellmouth entries.

Fig. 2. (a) Sketch of the measurement setup. (not to scale) (b) Arrangement of the microphones.

Table 1 ing was 3:66rt . The pattern of the phased array microphone is
The relative uncertainties of the aerodynamic properties. shown in Fig. 2, the largest distance between two microphones is
U ½ u1 ½ w ½ 6:34rt . The distance of the PAM from the outlet surface of the fan
5% 5% 5%
was 3:66r t . Preliminary anemometer studies showed that the
PAM has a negligible effect on the flow field at the rotor inlet.
The plane of the microphones was parallel to the outlet surface
of the fan, and the center of the PAM was set to coincide with
Table 1: where U is the global flow coefficient, u1 is the local flow
the rotor axis. The focus plane of the PAM was the plane of the
coefficient and w is the local total pressure rise coefficient.
trailing edges of the rotor blades. The parameters of the acoustic
For the acoustics measurement, a ROLINE RO-1350 sound pres-
sampling and data processing are listed in Table 2, where f s is
sure level meter and an OptiNav Array24R general-purpose micro-
the sampling frequency, Ta is the measurement length, Ls is the
phone array were used. The sound pressure level meter was placed
number of data points in a sample, NW is the window length, Df
upstream side in the centerline of the fan. The distance between
is the frequency resolution, OW is the window overlap and Ka is
the sound pressure level meter and the trailing edges of the blad-
Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Table 2
Acoustic sampling and data processing parameters.

f s ½Hz T a ½s Ls ½ N W ½ Df ½Hz OW ½ K a ½

44100 15 661500 1024 43.1 0.5 1291

the number of the averaged windows. The noise source maps were firms the assumption of the turbulence model of a fully turbulent
created using the ROSI beamforming algorithm [24], therefore the flow. The numerical mesh (Fig. 5) used for the simulation was a
rotational speed was synchronously monitored with a non-contact structured H-grid mesh, which contained ca. 2.5 million hexa ele-
optical encoder. ments. Two-third of the elements were in the rotating zone, which
Due to the periodicity of the noise source maps, a source ambi- consisted of 112 elements in the pitchwise and streamwise direc-
guity occurs with the most dominant sound source near the lead- tions and 123 elements in the spanwise direction. The number of
ing edge: it is impossible to determine, whether the blade precedes the cells in the tip clearance was 20 in both spanwise and pitch-
the source peak, therefore, the noise is generated by the tip leakage wise direction. The mesh sensitivity study showed that the spatial
flow from the preceding blade, or the blade follows the source resolution of the mesh is adequate.
peak, as the source originates from the impingement of the turbu-
lent flow on the pressure surface of the trailing blade near the tip 3. Results and discussion
leading edge. In order to eliminate the noise source ambiguity
caused by the circular pattern of the ROSI beamforming maps, In this section, most of the results in graphical form are pre-
the method presented in [25] was used. One of the blades was sented only for the n ¼ 1400 RPM rotation speed. However, the
elongated with a cardboard plate (Fig. 3) with a camber being iden- results show similar trends for all other investigated rotation
tical to the camber of the blade tip, by the means of which, the tip speeds as well, therefore, these results can be considered
clearance of this blade was reduced to the 30% of the original tip representative.
clearance. The cardboard plate was light-weighted in order to
avoid the vibration due to rotor imbalance, but rigid to avoid the 3.1. Acoustic results
deformation and vibration due to flow phenomena. More details
about the measurement setup and the data processing can be The hand-held sound pressure level meter results are shown in
found in [25]. Table 3 with A and C-weighting. The uncertainty of the measure-
CFD simulations were performed for all of the measurement ment was estimated to be 0:2 dB. Based on the C-weighted
cases. The calculations were carried out using the ANSYS FLUENT results, the sound pressure level decreased by 2:5—3 dB with the
15.0-19.1 software. Fig. 4 shows the simulation domain. Based on application of the BM10 bellmouth entry geometry compared to
preliminary studies, the aerodynamic effect of the supporting the SH entry. A further 2—3 dB sound pressure level decrease
struts was considered negligible, therefore one blade passage was was observed for the larger bellmouth entry radii. The A-
modeled using rotational periodic boundary conditions with an weighted results show lower values in terms of sound pressure
offset of 72 . The simulation domain was divided into three parts: level. However, the trend is similar to the previously described
the inlet and outlet zones were steady, and the zone containing the C-weighted sound levels. Fig. 6 shows the acoustic spectra of the
blade was the rotating zone. In the simulations steady state was fan for different entry geometries in the case of n ¼ 1400 RPM.
assumed and the frozen rotor approach was used. According to The spectra were calculated as the maximum of the ROSI source
the measurements ptot ¼ 0 Pa were prescribed as inlet boundary maps corresponding to each discrete frequency. The BG gray line
condition, and pst ¼ 0 Pa were prescribed as outlet boundary con- depicts the background noise with the machine turned off. Based
dition. The distance of the inlet and outlet boundaries from the on the background spectrum, the fan is the dominating sound
center of the fan is 5dt in the radial and axial directions as well. source. With the introduction of the bellmouth entry geometry,
The effect of the turbulence was modeled using Menter’s SST the acoustic spectrum remains broadband. However, the source
k  x model [27], which is commonly used in the case of CFD sim- strength levels are decreased in the 500—2500 Hz and
ulation of turbomachines. The Reynolds number based on blade tip 4000—7000 Hz ranges compared to the SH entry. Based on mea-
velocity and blade tip chord length was between 130 000 and 190 surements and simulations[28] the dominant eigenfrequencies of
000 for the n ¼ 950 to 1400 RPM rotational speeds, which con- the fan blades are below 200 Hz. The interaction frequency of the

Fig. 3. Sketch of the tip clearance reducing.

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 4. The CFD domain.

two supporting struts and the five fan blades is 233 Hz in the case tion of sound level can be achieved even with the smaller,
of the highest investigated rotor speed. According to this, the noise rbm ¼ 0:33rt radius bellmouth entry geometry. Furthermore, it
sources above 500 Hz were considered as aerodynamic noise can be noted, that the sound pressure levels slightly increased
sources. The study focusing on the frequency range of the third- for the larges bellmouth entry compared to the smaller radius,
octave bands of f mid ¼ 1:0—6:3 kHz because this frequency range BM33 bellmouth entry. Since, there is no significant difference
is the most important from the viewpoint of the human audition between the BM33 and BM50 noise source maps in the investi-
in accordance with the A-weighting [29]. An additional limit of gated frequencies, the marginally increased sound pressure level
the investigated frequencies is the spatial resolution of the PAM. is unlikely to originate from flow-related sources. However, the
Therefore the lower frequency limit of the investigation was set increase in sound level can be caused by mechanical noise, as the
to 2000 Hz. Previous studies [30–32] showed that, in the third- additional weight and geometrical size of the largest bellmouth
octave bands f mid ¼ 2000—3150 Hz the dominant noise source of entry could change the mechanical characteristics of the fan, also,
the present fan is the TBL-TE noise. Based on [2] the 3:5—5:2 kHz the radiating surface increases with the size of the bellmouth
frequency range is dominated by the TLF noise. This is supported entry.
in Fig. 7: the third-octave band source maps corresponding to
the different entry geometries are presented for 3.2. Aerodynamic results
f mid ¼ 4000—6300 Hz nominal frequencies, in the case of
n ¼ 1400 RPM. The source maps were calculated with a dynamic Table 4 shows the flow coefficients calculated from the inlet
range of 7 dB. The most dominant sound source values are located velocity profile measurements and CFD at different rotational
near the duct wall by the tip leading edge of the blades. Further- speeds for all entry geometries. For the SH entry, the difference
more, another less dominant source appears at the trailing edge between the measurement and the catalogue value related to
of the blades for higher frequencies. The periodic repetition in 0 Pa static pressure rise (Ucatalogue ¼ 0:315) is in the range of the
the source map is in accordance with the number of blades. measurement uncertainty (Table 1). The measurement data agree
The source maps agree fairly well with the hand-held sound fairly well with the CFD results, the differences between the
level meter measurements: the maximum source level values are related values are below the 5% measurement uncertainty
decreased with the introduction of the bellmouth entry. No signif- (Table 1). Based on the flow coefficient data and considering the
icant difference can be observed between the BM33 and BM50 measurement uncertainty, the operating point of the fan was only
entries. Nevertheless, in both cases the most dominant source sightly affected by the introduction of the bellmouth entries.
peaks appear near the tip trailing edge, the peaks were rotated The dimensionless axial velocity profiles along the span, at the
by about half of the tip spacing (36 ) compared to the SH entry. entry of the duct (MP), are shown in Fig. 9 for measurement and
The source maps corresponding to the BM10 entry show the tran- CFD as well for n = 1400 RPM. The curves for the different rota-
sition between the SH and large radii bellmouth entries: the most tional speeds are in fair agreement. The inlet velocity increases
dominant sound source is located at the tip trailing edge, still, sec- monotonously along the span, departing from the uniform axial
ondary source peaks can be observed at the leading edge as well. inlet velocity condition used frequently in rotor design, the slope
Fig. 8 illustrates the sound source strengths along the R ¼ 0:95 of the curves is similar. In the case of the short-tapered entry, slight
radius for different nominal frequencies. The circumferential angle differences can be observed between the measurement and the
is defined in relation to the horizontal plane with a clockwise pos- CFD: the simulation moderately overpredicts the axial velocity
itive direction. Based on the figures, it can be determined, that due on lower radii, the difference is below 10%. Also, low axial velocity
to the installation of the bellmouth entries the tip leading edge values near the duct wall were predicted by the simulation, how-
sound sources are reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, the sources ever, the measurement device was not suitable for registering that.
located near the trailing edge, which can be observed in the case of For the bellmouth entries, the differences between the correspond-
the SH entry as well, become dominant. ing axial velocity profiles are in the range of the measurement
The presented measurement results show, that replacing the uncertainty. The dimensionless velocity profiles for each entry
short-tapered entry with the bellmouth entry specified in the stan- geometry are similar up to R ¼ 0:85. Above which, the velocity
dard [19] (rbm ¼ 0:50r t ) results in 5 dB sound strength level reduc- decrease near the duct wall was reduced in the case of BM10, com-
tion. However, based on the hand-held sound level meter pared to the SH entry, and it almost disappeared completely for
measurements and the sound source maps, an equivalent reduc- BM33 and BM50. Based on the flow coefficients and axial velocity
Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 5. The CFD mesh.

Table 3
Sound pressure levels.

n ½RPM 950 1175 1400

A weigh. C weigh. A weigh. C weigh. A weigh. C weigh

SPL ½dB SH 65.2 71.4 70.7 78.1 74.7 81.1

BM10 61.0 68.2 67.2 75.7 71.6 78.4
BM33 59.5 65.5 65.4 73.0 68.5 76.0
BM50 60.1 66.6 66.0 73.5 68.8 75.5

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 6. The acoustic spectra of the background, short-tapered and bellmouth entry, n ¼ 1400 RPM.

Fig. 7. Noise source maps for the different entry geometries, n ¼ 1400 RPM.

profiles, the CFD simulations can be considered capable of deter- peripheral stagnation zone develops due to the low-energy incom-
mining qualitative trends. ing flow caused by the SH entry. Due to this annular stagnation
The dimensionless axial velocity distributions on the cylindrical region, the flow near the duct wall has low axial and high relative
surface at R = 0.95, which incorporates the blade tip as well, are tangential velocity. In the case of the BM10 geometry, the size of
shown in Fig. 10 for n = 1400 RPM rotational speed. In the case this stagnation zone is reduced, and it is eliminated if the bell-
of the SH entry geometry, upstream of the blade leading edge, a mouth entries with the larger radius were applied. In the case of

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 8. Noise source strength distribution along the R ¼ 0:95 radius, n ¼ 1400 RPM.

Table 4
Flow coefficients.

n ½RPM 950 1175 1400

Meas. CFD Meas. CFD Meas. CFD
U ½ SH 0.305 0.294 0.302 0.289 0.304 0.306
BM10 0.295 0.273 0.289 0.275 0.294 0.280
BM33 0.280 0.266 0.280 0.278 0.281 0.277
BM50 0.291 0.277 0.291 0.303 0.292 0.296

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 9. Axial velocity distribution at MP, n ¼ 1400 RPM.

Fig. 10. Dimensionless axial velocity distribution on the R = 0.95 cylinder mantle, a) SH b) BM10 c) BM33 d) BM50.

Fig. 11. Path lines originate at the blade tips, a) SH b) BM10 c) BM33 d) BM50.

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

the SH entry, the low axial velocity region upstream interacts with
the blades, which results in considerable TLF development, as it is
shown in Fig. 11. In Fig. 11 the pathlines for all entry geometries at
the R = 0.95 cylindrical surface for n = 1400 RPM are depicted.The
path lines initiated from the blade tips were calculated from the
CFD simulations. White arrows correspond to the rotational direc-
tion, black arrows correspond to the axial direction. LE and TE rep-
resent the leading and trailing edges, respectively. In the case of
the SH entry, the TLF originating from the tip leading edge of the
preceding blade impinges on the pressure side of the following
blade. However, the TLF originating from the trailing edge of the
preceding blade (red arrow in Fig. 11) passes through the tip clear-
ance (double leakage flow – DLF, red circle in Fig. 11) and mixes
into the TLV of the leading edge leakage flow of the represented
blade. For the BM10 entry, the leakage flow impinges on the repre-
sented blade closer to the trailing edge, also, the DLF is consider-
ably reduced. In the cases of BM33 and BM50, the TLV
originating from the preceding blade exits the blade passage with-
out impinging on the represented blade, furthermore, the DLF is
Based on the CFD simulations, the source map peaks near the
tip leading edge are produced by the following fluid mechanic phe-
Fig. 12. Dimensionless axial velocity distribution on the R = 0.95 cylinder mantle, a)
nomena: I. the rolled-up leakage flow originating near the leading
original tip clearance, b) reduced tip clearance, SH entry.
edge impinges on the following blade, II. double-leakage flow. The
secondary source peaks developed near the trailing edge can be
linked to the locally developed leakage flow.

3.3. Combined evaluation of the acoustic and aerodynamic results

In this section, the previously presented acoustic results are

associated with the observed aerodynamic phenomena. In the case
of the SH entry, a peripheral, low axial velocity stagnation zone
develops upstream of the blade passage. Due to the stagnation
region, the TLF originating near the blade leading edge impinges
on the trailing blade, also, the TLF originating near the trailing edge
of the blade develops DLF as it passes through the tip clearance of
the trailing blade before exiting the blade passage. The stagnation
zone could be mitigated with the application of the small radius
Fig. 13. Pathlines originate from the blade tips a) original tip clearance, b) reduced BM10 entry, whilst, the stagnation region was completely termi-
tip clearance, SH entry. nated in the case of larger radii BM33 and BM50 bellmouth entries,

Fig. 14. Change in the source maps due to tip clearance reduction, SH entry geometry, n ¼ 1400 RPM, reverse clockwise rotation, +: increased source strength, : decreased
source strength, o: no change in source strength.

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 15. Change in the source maps due to tip clearance reduction, BM10 entry geometry, n ¼ 1400 RPM, reverse clockwise rotation, +: increased source strength, :
decreased source strength, o: no change in source strength.

Fig. 16. Change in the source maps due to tip clearance reduction, BM33 entry geometry, n ¼ 1400 RPM, reverse clockwise rotation, +: increased source strength, :
decreased source strength, o: no change in source strength.

Fig. 17. Change in the source maps due to tip clearance reduction, BM50 entry geometry, n ¼ 1400 RPM, reverse clockwise rotation, +: increased source strength, :
decreased source strength, o: no change in source strength.

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

Fig. 19. Noise source strength distribution along the R ¼ 0:95 radius, reduced
Fig. 18. Noise source strength distribution along the R ¼ 0:95 radius, reduced
clearance, n ¼ 1400 RPM; f m id ¼ 5000 Hz.
clearance, n ¼ 1400 RPM; f m id ¼ 4000 Hz.

furthermore, the TLF exits the blade passage before impinging on

dominant sound sources: the impingement of the TLF on the pres-
the trailing blade.
sure surface of the trailing blade and DLF. Also, the remaining
In addition, the dominant source peaks are located at the tip
source peak near the tip trailing edge is caused by the single-
leading edges with the SH entry geometry for the
leakage flow.
f mid ¼ 4—6:3 kHz one-third octave nominal frequency, secondary
peaks can be found near the tip trailing edges. The tip leading edge
source peaks were reduced with the application of the BM10 entry, 3.4. Source ambiguity
whereas, they disappeared for the greater radii BM33 and BM50
entries. The decrease in sound strength level caused by the intro- The source ambiguity proposed in Section 2 was resolved with
duction of the bellmouth entries was verified by hand-held sound the method described in [25]. The validity of the method for resolv-
level meter measurements as well. ing the ambiguity is realized with CFD simulation. Fig. 12 shows
Based on the acoustic measurement in accordance with the the dimensionless axial velocity distribution on the R = 0.95 cylin-
simulation results, the noise reduction capability of the bellmouth der mantle surface with SH entry, at n = 1400 RPM rotational speed
entry can be explained by the termination of the peripheral stagna- for the original and the 70% reduced blade TC. The decrease of the
tion zone near the duct wall. This results in the elimination of the stagnation zone can be observed for the reduced clearance, which,
Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

in accordance with the path lines in Fig. 13, results in reduced TLF.
Furthermore, the developed TLF exits the blade passage without
impinging on the pressure surface of the trailing blade. Therefore,
the reduction of tip clearance restrains leakage flow and conse-
quently mitigates the sound sources linked to the leakage flow.
The acoustic measurements were carried out for the reduced TC
as well for all entry geometries on all rotational speeds. The result-
ing source maps were compared to the source maps measured
with the original tip clearance for the previously examined fre-
quency bands. Figs. 14–17 show the comparison of the source
maps for n = 1400 RPM, the source strength scales indicated by
the original configuration apply for both cases. The blade with
the reduced tip clearance is always the most right blade of the
fan, and it is indicated by black arrow.Three source peaks were
investigated in the source maps, which are labeled as follows in
the Figures: 1) the first source peak trailing the reduced TC blade,
2) the second source peak trailing the reduced TC blade, 3) the
source peak preceding the reduced TC blade. Reduced peak source
strength was indicated by ‘‘”, no change was illustrated with an
empty circle, increased source strength corresponds to ‘‘+”. The
sound source strengths along the R ¼ 0:95 radius for the investi-
gated third-octave bands can be seen in Figs. 18–20. The resulting
changes induced by the reduced TC are included in Table 5 for all
rotational speeds. Reduced peak source strength was indicated
by 1, no change was illustrated with 0, increased source strength
corresponds to 1 and ‘‘” sign marks the cases, where the results
could not be interpreted.
In summary, by reducing the tip clearance on one of the fan
blades, the following changes were observed in the source maps:

 1) In the case of the SH entry, the first source peak following the
reduced clearance blade was decreased significantly, for the
bellmouth entries, the change is not considerable. Based on
the previously presented CFD results, this is due to the intensive
tip leakage flow developed for the SH entry geometry, which
promotes double-leakage flow, also, some of the flow impinges
on the trailing blade. By reducing the tip clearance, the leakage
flow exits the blade passage without impinging on the trailing
blade and the double-leakage flow is eliminated, therefore low-
ering the source peak strength. For the bellmouth entries, where
the dominant source peak is associated with the trailing edge
leakage flow, the reduced tip clearance did not affect the first
source peak.
 2) The second source peak following the reduced tip clearance
blade decreased in the case of the SH entry, whilst the change
was insignificant for the bellmouth entries. Based on the CFD
results, the decrease can be explained by the highly reduced
double-leakage flow for the SH entry. For the BM10 entry, the
Fig. 20. Noise source strength distribution along the R ¼ 0:95 radius, reduced double-leakage flow was mitigated, and it was prevented in
clearance, n ¼ 1400 RPM; f m id ¼ 6300 Hz.

Table 5
Changes in the source maps due to tip clearance reduction. 1: reduced peak source strength, 0: no change in peak source strength, 1: increased peak source strength, –: results
could not be interpreted.

950 [RPM] 1175 [RPM] 1400 [RPM]

peak label 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
SH 4000 [Hz] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5000 [Hz] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6300 [Hz] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
BM10 4000 [Hz] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
5000 [Hz] – – – 1 0 1 0 0 1
6300 [Hz] – – – – – – 0 0 1
BM33 4000 [Hz] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
5000 [Hz] 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
6300 [Hz] – – – – – – 1 0 1
BM50 4000 [Hz] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
5000 [Hz] 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
6300 [Hz] – – – – – – – – –

Tamás Benedek, János Vad and Bálint Lendvai Applied Acoustics 187 (2022) 108488

the case of the larger radii BM33 and BM50 entry geometries. CRediT authorship contribution statement
 3) The source peak strength preceding the reduced tip clearance
increased in all cases, possibly due to the additional vibration of Tamás Benedek: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
the cardboard strip. Furthermore, in the case of the SH entry, Investigation, Resources, Visualization, Writing – original draft,
the tip leakage flow from the preceding blade interacts with Writing – review & editing, Project administration. János Vad:
the blade pressure side on a larger surface. Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing – review & editing,
Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Bálint
Lendvai: Investigation, Visualization, Writing – original draft,
4. Conclusion Writing – review & editing.

In the present paper, the noise reduction effect of bellmouth Declaration of Competing Interest
entries with various radii is studied in the case of a free inlet – free
exhaust axial flow fan with a special focus on the blade tip related The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
noise sources. In the investigations four different inlet geometries cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
were used: a short-tapered and three bellmouth entries with to influence the work reported in this paper.
radius of 10, 33, and 50 percent of the blade tip radius. The size
of the largest investigated bellmouth entry was in accordance with Acknowledgements
the standard [19]. For the acoustic measurements, a sound pres-
sure level meter and a phased array microphone were used. The }zsér, for her help during
Gratitude is expressed to Ms. Eszter To
acoustic measurement data were processed with the ROSI beam- the measurements, to Ms. Anna Csenge Tóth and Mr. Bendegúz
forming algorithm, by the means of which noise source maps in } Bak for their help in the preparation of the CFD meshes.
a co-rotating reference frame can be created. In the aerodynamic This work has been supported by the Hungarian National
investigations inlet velocity profile measurements and CFD simula- Research, Development and Innovation Fund under contract NKFI
tion was involved. The results showed that compared to the short- K 129023.
tapered entry, the overall sound pressure level is reduced by The research reported in this paper and carried out at BME has
2:5—3 dB when the smallest bellmouth geometry was used and been supported by the NRDI Fund (TKP2020 IES, Grant No. BME-IE-
reduced by 5—6 dB in case of the two larger bellmouth entries. WAT) based on the charter of bolster issued by the NRDI Office
The noise source maps showed that the noise is dominated by under the auspices of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.
the tip leakage flow in the third octave bands of The research reported in this paper and carried out at BME has
f mid ¼ 4—6:3 kHz. In the case of the short-tapered inlet geometry been supported by the NRDI Fund (TKP2020 NC, Grant No. BME-
two strong noise sources were found in the tip region: a more NCS) based on the charter of bolster issued by the NRDI Office
dominant one near the leading edge, and a less dominant one near under the auspices of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.
the trailing edge. By the application of the smallest bellmouth
geometry, the strength of the noise source near the leading edge References
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