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Lesson Plan

Miccalene Paquet

1. BASIC Is the content area correct? (1) Y The lesson plan has to do with numbers and counting
INFORMATION – which falls under Numbers, Operations and Algebra.
[4] Is the lesson topic correct? (1) Y Place Value is a part of Numbers, operations and algebra.

Is the term correct? (1) N Place Value is only taught in the 3th and 4th term.

Is the CAPS page correct? (1) N The correct page number is 163 and 164. The page
number on the lesson plan takes you to Grade 2 Term 2
Numbers, Operations and Relationships.
2. PRIOR Is the prior knowledge, correct? (1) N The prior knowledge that the learners must know before
KNOWLEDGE the lesson is to be able to count up to 20 not 25.
Is the prior knowledge sufficient? (1) N The learners should also know how to add and subtract
numbers up to 20, know their number names, write and
read number symbols and count physical objects by
3. LESSON Is the counting expectation fair? (1) N A grade 1 should only be able to count to 100 not 500.
[4] Is the assessment information correct? (1) N For assessing learners, purely relying on observation to
asses is inadequate. To better assess learners you would
need interactive responses.

Are there any elements missing from the N A detailed explanation of what is to be done in the
introduction? Explain (2) introduction is missing from the lesson plan. There should
be a breakdown of what is to be done in the introduction
so that any teacher that has to take over the lesson is able
to successfully complete the lesson without questions.

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4. SMALL GROUP Have the outcomes been chosen well? (1) Y Ordering numbers and decomposing two-digit numbers
TEACHING into multiple of tens and ones using Flard cards is easier
[6] down in Small group teaching as the teacher is able to be
more involved that only focusing on one student ant a
time. It is also more time effective as more work can be
done quicker in a group as well as explanations.

Is anything missing from the outcomes? (1) Y Counting in 10s as this is mentioned in the detailed
description of what will be done in the small group
teaching, and they can identify and correct mistakes.

Has an element of fun been included? (1) Y There is a fun element where the teacher counts to see
how quickly the learners can lay the Flard cards out in
columns of tens and ones in order.

Are the resources appropriate? (1) N There needs to be more concrete items used as
manipulatives such as an abacus, counting sticks and
counting beads.

Is the assessment strategy suitable? (1) Y The assessment strategy includes more than just
observation to assess the learners.

Is the consolidation suitable? (1) Y The teacher is rounding up what the learners have done
and is able to assess each learner though the conclusion.
5. INDEPENDENT Are the outcomes suitable? (2) N There is very little information in the outcomes in turns of
ACTIVITIES what numbers they need to order and count to. The
[10] outcomes need to be more detailed so that the teacher
and anyone else teaching the lesson can clearly see what
the students need to achieve without being vague.

Is Activity 1 suitable? (2) N Activity 1 has nothing to do with maths and the content
they are learning. It more focuses on fine motor rather
than an activity that promotes learning and practice.

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Is Activity 2 suitable? (2) Y The learners are able to count physical objects and
compare numbers to each other which falls into ordering
numbers. If one student guesses 20 bottle tops and
another student guesses 15, the learners will need to
figure out that 20 is higher than 15 so the first students
number is the biggest.

Is Activity 3 suitable? (2) Y The learners are able to count physical objects, recognise
numbers and are able to group numbers into Tens and
Ones by separating them into their specific columns. This
all promotes learning about Place Value and counting.

Is Activity 4 suitable? (2) Y The learners are able to count physical objects and do
group counting. Using the abacus to count is a really great
manipulative to use and include fine motor skill
development. By counting with the abacus, the learners
are able to group numbers together, such as 1 row
represents 10 beads so if a student needed to build the
number 16, they would shift 1 row and 6 beads which
promotes the learning of Place Value.

6. LEARNING Explain in your own words what Vygotsky’s Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development refers to a specific zone in
THEORIES zone of proximal development (ZPD) means. (3) a person’s brain where learning happens. This often is related to the
[6] Identify an example of this in the lesson plan space between what a learner can do independently and what a
and justify your answer. (3) learner can do with guidance or in collaboration with peers. For
learning to take place, the learners needs to be given a problem in
which they would require support and guidance from their peers,
teachers and parents often referred to as scaffolding.

An example of this in the lesson plan is when the learners are doing
small group teaching. The teacher is giving the students the clue to
help them identify grouped counting while the students must think
independently for the answers to solve the problem. Students are

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also able to get help from other competent peers as they are working
in a group instead of doing the solving by themselves as individuals.

6. REFERENCES Provide the correct references for the lesson Bucknam, S. (2022) 35 place value games to play in your classroom,
[3] plan. (3) Teaching Expertise. Available at:
games/ (Accessed: April 1, 2023).


English Mathematics (2011). Durban: Department of Basic

(2021) Place Value: Tens And Ones (Outer Space). YouTube.

Available at:
(Accessed: April 1, 2023).
7. IMPROVEMENTS Make five suggestions as to how this lesson 1. A stronger introduction with a better explanation about
[5] could be improved. Add your own ideas or breaking numbers down to tens and ones also adding an
explain what is missing. Do not refer to any attention-grabbing beginning and a fun element to get the
information you have already included in learners excited about learning.
previous questions. (5) 2. There is too much to do in one 30-minute lesson. I would
simplify the lesson plan and break it up into 2 different
3. I would add more manipulatives into the lesson for the
learners to be able to use while counting.
4. The lesson itself needs better structure as the lesson is a bit
all over the place in terms of content. The lesson topic is
supposed to be about place value but other lesson topics
such as ordering numbers and estimation is adding in.
5. This lesson plan could be more detailed with longer
explanations planning out time frames for each section of the
lesson and an appendix sheet at the end to show what will be
needed when in the lesson.
8. FLARD CARDS Make your own set of Flard cards, with
[10] hundreds, tens and ones. Take 1 clear photo of
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your Flard cards laid out. Take another photo of
yourself with your Flard cards and insert both in
the next column.
• Hundreds, tens and units (3)
• Three different colours used (1)
• Sturdy and reusable (laminated) (1)
• Correct font (1)
• Suitable size (1)
• Neatly cut out (1)
• Photo of cards laid out (1)
• Photo of student with Flard cards (1)
NB: If your photographs are unclear, you will not
be awarded any marks.

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Reference list:

Department of basic education (2011). CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) English Mathematics,
Durban: Department of Basic Education. (2020) Place value: Building a strong foundation, Math Blog for Differentiation. Available at: (Accessed: April 1, 2023).

Naudé, C. (2020) “Lesson 2: Understanding the Mathematics Curriculum,” in Mathematics for Foundation Phase 1 STUDY GUIDE. 3rd
edn. Durban: Stadio, pp. 40–70.

Riaan, R. (2020) Great grade 1's! first grade milestones - mathematics and numeracy, Japari School. Available at:
milestones/#:~:text=A%20grade%201%20will%20be,between%20zero%20and%20one%20hundred. (Accessed: April 1, 2023).

Tina (2022) Teaching place value to 1st graders, Primary Delight. Available at:
value-to-1st-graders/ (Accessed: April 1, 2023).

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