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CSS_ASSIGNO :O1- TY-A~S2 K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. ASSIGNMENT NO: O} mm (SYA) Was Inverted by Pulo)i she jn_ 1993 aren ound Soares similar _bvildu~g bbl odes Tet — bag jhe derign_4 SHA_intoduwel 6 The 16 word Nu blo input: to the Compression function be an __80- word block Message Cm) [ Round Initolie | [A8c,0 2 € Message Padding | Kat meee [018 —__k2t \ y| Round 20-39 ! [Round 40-59 | _| | TT 3 + Department of: - JClass /sem. {sub. /academic Year:- K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Te proming 4 SHA works ay Follows : D padding lity “fre _ovigurot Drege Js padeledd ore its duyation is tp 448 Module ond $12» Paddy is Cortinvally a atime The Tussage blocs pale ee u Por Apperd Leen 1 A 64-bit lock comiciitd avan unsigned 64 bit integer (mss) fint debi x0 Viens é fae padding in Shyp- |) Is added lo The Prerage- the com lets message's lengMn 1's a muttipl 4 Sl2- iFabire Tho butler: fhe bythey inclu 5S vegas 4 30 bith each indinted Bc, D ard € - thir r 160- bit buttery Con be used 6345 23 o1 cd ob 89 Di lo 32 $476 c3d2elfo Department of - /Sem. /Sub. /Academic Year:- K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Slept Process NIpsscu ge! in 512 bit plock ' thy Lobe gsion € nction ivided inho 20 Sequertial Slaps _incbudus four ronnots where y OS ee) fa shenvally Sone ad ith dj a ne ooltan Function jive additive Contax Kt OLte i on Unley OC —————————— Sky Outpt: Aly prousing The Firat Sl2 bit munage block + _( cowldsring } That | manage i divided int +t Sla- bit blous) i na 160 bit Mm digest k.J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Wa : i it £4 hy | Ymal Stans for Wool Riaed Mlessaoy Ruthentica- -hon (ode HMAC ao been claonttn ao hngnclabovey Stanly Loplomentedion fov The dhteynet Pralorol (10) suvily and Is alo Used in Tre _| Sure Souter Layer [std Probocol, vied Widely on jy jernet Existing message algyst ator Thm lid, MDS oy SHA-L Mesa Enovypt || MAC vo Yt MM. ipyd: String 00110 110 f b/S times olollolo * —~* K, J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. > add O's wad bo (oft 4 ie Ab) | nq Keb =e ; m OO Lergin Je >b > ti 0 = _ bry in mimage (m 2 kk Tho m y_ Thin MAC _inoton | K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. pb pe ee >| i ny dig pt from _Slep- 4 Se ee ere : tp - 5 pf Maing Dig tigen _[ 2 | H Dw, Sy ded MDA is applied on olP 4 ep Message a AlgonT m fain iy Th MAC saan GUIDA) Dos as x MAC Department of: - Meass & Jsem. —_/ub. Imeademic Year:- K, J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Digntas oytifiats + ipply @ Smaty po Signi ive The association by Chavaryistin Suh oo full hamp biyTh Lin Digitol Ceyti fice Creation S pation of a digital covfificle conoish Suveyad such ot Crengrattion ' chins 0 approadys fo This: Can creat iva uy And public > ron The public horgrid OTher info Thus generated 4 sued bo 4 privet. Icy bo itsey yf oThwr info to RA: [See ey tron] =a 8 Tierd. 10 FR d /Academic Year: | kK. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. 1) | RA (an gurerat ou air on Thy Subjeur's bebo ° Dory when is ho awau_or They is Gytral vealed (04 vequitrrertr fhe PA Paget lenow ane lose th into 4 privale ly 4 veers in charst 4, Same For Usev_(x) | Requstraton |-——————— [ key bereretion | [ Aumowy (RA) Pvivecte Key fr var |_| or ver Slap] Registration: > | Reqvivd only it use Qurorda The ky _porir in The fist sp 2 s x4 5 fo RA in a _ Standayaited format olted Covi vty Signing, Yea vest (CSR) “Ahi 13 one qd Public Ieoy Crgp ie graphs Standowde | PRC) Publi. ay —————— K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. it) che RA nord Jo remy yy Credetials, Sutnan erejdences > win Drganiute > cheer businers yecorde, proots, et 2 Vay individual > Chea nour, documo— , passports elt AQ yr covni fie K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. >| ¥-sD0 is @ poplar tandayd for _Stwuwu @yTi filet, Ourt 0 + 2 | Apart -fom covti ficoles 2 mation Oo __pvinds 7 on and ows it in a 4 gpd 5 Probeco! DAP 2 | CR then sends Covti fics, bo usey Which Can be downloaded ie and sho avin Dima tion - > the aigtel ‘cwd fut, iS a thoal ag bnrtadabl, in humo bh 2 a pp) ited p Da i ond 2) ih tot eee /Academic Year:- K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Gulia Diffie Hell nian key Orohange A¢ i Th Ai = rot = 5 2] La) Sf user P boo prayed, Joy Xa!0, Whod is A's public key ? Ya ? rH | de ps RB bao privet uy Aes OF, Wheat is Bis | public buy Ya? ior | What is Showed Secret bry ? Ano: | the Dit uy. vith _is bo _esteb- Nish ay Shored gecve Tod con be sed for Secret Communiationo while &« dota over a peblic network Using The eWiphe weve be Qensrile pork ond Common Prime Number (0) = 6 + Hay Now, we select ol Su That 9X 4 and A is primitive woot 4 ae dimed Wf modi fi mod Shovsd haw values 4 @ 4,23, 4, --- a-1y | K. J, Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Now, Privat, bey 4 A jis (Ka) = 10 T a a= 5 Now, Publi. kus Ya 4, Ais: - YA A modn- . 6F te Va t-5-} rat 6 Yas (5)'°mod 64 = (9465625) mod 6t- Ya = 40 (Xp) = a4 ns 6F a= 5 Y tsi xe a4 : =) a? 1 25 It 62 ay eo spr t tuted) ants C26 > 64) Department of: - [class Jsem. /sub. /Academic Year:- K, J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Ye = ot Lu. nl mod n = 10 = o1olo d= iL 1. Odi Is 62 ? t ? m2 25 35 __*0 ne 6h 7S 4 © C40) mos 6% K. J, Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. 4 dvanta: Dittie Hellman ia Disedvantag G4 Dittie Hellma y Exchang > Annot be vs OY Gay Asymmetry txchana = lannot bk d_-fp Lam “9 Gigited Sigvad re. Department of: - oe /sem. [Sub, (/Academic Year: K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. "ALPHABETA’ ond ' DPQ". Gareray, The ploinkxb- Cipher Text is lingay on a : 4 numb pedulo 26 prepes ded eae Az 0, R=) 2s 25 i is not an gssentias festre 4 hi Dencryp Prtan age tach block 4 /eters Promridered ao an _n-Componart veckr) is _muttplied by On invertible nxn mats x, agains Nodiusys 26 . o decrypt 2 menage, each block IS Muth plied The inverse 4 “The maepiy uid for nerypbon v h Pal vd fo entwption is The ciph And The hoi Chon b ronda m Fro Set Invertiple nxn m@trus ( modulo 26 ) vi) Here Plaintext : DP@ Key: ALPHABETA Now, Wwe have Se cette te ‘9Pa" -(n=3) ALPHABETA' whith can be writ 40 The nxn mamx a! Department of: - (em /sem. /Sub. / Academic Year: K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. “Tht_mnessage “pp@" js wriltn on Vechr ay: - Dd Now, “Te _alphadela Oy Mrepped wi Th Numbers ao: - A- 0 are’. @- lb yo: 24 B- 1 j- 9 R- lt 2 - as c-2 k- lo s - 18 D- 3 L-u qos ts E- 4 m- 12 U- 20 F- 5 n- 13 v- 21 a- 6 o- 14 W- 22 H- 2 p's X - 23 Now, The Lay medic wil be: | 0 MIE to} | Department of: - [Class /Sem. /Sub. [Academic Year:~ K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. ee tly Prats piled. fort is "LLL" Now, Tp loci py The thverie 4 key nati is: eRe 81 | | ctOeen He | ER 2 Peden 4190 |/ 135-99 ect [5 Giren U Lee | Ts [reer] [3035 [ap oo ae fpr | | 0-379 Cpu set ful Toon | OR Department of: - [Class Jsem. /Sub. /Academic Year:- K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. 0.0093 00019 00652 [ | 0-0465 -0:0098 0:021S— i [| s-o0r3 Colt! +0664 16 2 Ore eovil) [pliers ave 4 [ Lom le hiding beTh siogl = Lely £ “hyo - leben in fr on, > Shere Beperino F attack mode on Ciphovkat, &xcopt j+ nyo lalnbert. Department of: - [Class /Sem. /Sub. ‘Academic Year:~ K, J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. 0-6 | Explain AES decryption Shep boy skp with proper Davee ha Advante newiption Situndard [| AES) js a S pecitinnion h enuyptivn di electronic dota twteblished by Thy Nahonl dwt of Standards and Technology NIST) in 200) - A is wi Jd __hda ao_it is MU Sterorr Then D and tip DES aepite being harder bo Implerrert A isa block tbe ty Si an b & b bil urd it eng dorm in blocks 4 123 bi acl - jw) aes) AL, ption thad malo oo d_ Cipher Kat and ourpula oy In pit v) A rel ee and it is perfon 4 linked oprations Wwhiun _involwes —Yepla un, ound Shu Hing 4 AY 4 Diy aata i A d ipn follow ers pvinupls and worlsina 4 en but _o [h yOuno A> Avs i AL encuuy php [he pvenes. in _foym 4d a 4x4 (16 buh it_avvan a Woo Woy Wor Pile es ta ee Cree Wir Wa Wwe — War Wa rs Wao Wai Wr 33 Department of: - [ess /sem. Jsub. ‘Academic Year:~ K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (), Mumbai - 400 022. iy Ppaati ae av Ea bo gene rat, | by Dd in on, Lo vounon + initia! Vounel - earn wound uso + set 4 bs Wy Skagee of each ound in decryption js ap follows: 2] Add Round key Wo) taverse Mix Column co) Swift Rows (| Lnverse Subiyte \%) dd Round Wey = om oN G_Kupyy te 2, Cup py, The Yoonl tay Jt) L previous gt X Ok 0d it ued hs hove Lb baste p ovonlaloed aa trot a 128 bin 4 Department of: - oe /Sem. /Sub. /Academic Year:- K, J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. wh 0 * Cipher Text [ry 2g bit D TT Inverse Mix Cotumno| b) c a at o* TT Plain Text, CYS i Shift Rows J Invewe _Subyle i =n ' tnverse Subby te i nve olumna* Gi mila 2 olunn but oli tts in MaMmx Used fo AY ol Opie = bo it 13-9) Ceo] wb): D+ u 13aj [el] Cb2] 13.9 (4M) (Ce2J [bs] Cuts 9 Wj £e3) Department of - ia Sub. (/Academic Year:- K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. we ye g@ 4x4 Stile Matnx jing The Stak Matty used In Sar S22 $22 [Sso Sar San Sor | _hev Soo _mpans 0™ bette of oO” Word - a J Soe how, wt hav date ao? [olor1oioe ) ww cern oec (0101) = ie Sh yw and dec(olo0) + 4 4™col” 4 Stee _mMathx No oy a Stra) be bor 20 hin [20 )= 00010/00 pla vale ao Qo h Laz O0°l0/00 - d) hist Ro >|_ ch Ro Ow no. a Owe 0, Then aA x iinet per tpymed Ow = They iit th ST Row q Shuts Mestrix on left Side ina Cirenlay manner Department of: - ‘/Sub. / Academic Year:- K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022. Shit Row So, Ses| «(2 Soo Son Sas Sa Sn Sia > So Sot Sia_Siz aca Sx S23 Sin Sas [Sse Sy Sa, Sas | Seo 3 Se S38 | abootie, 4 Mix Co/P jn AGS Aecryption | ay Ww bow a Stat. Matiy ao! - Soe So, Sor Sos Sio $n Sm Sia $20 Sar Sor $23 S30 Sei Sex S33 No be abo ha O 4x4 Cho gti) MATAx , Cay:~ 14 I 13° 9 g It N13 13 9 ee nt is 3 Te foy Yound 2peu tition Matix ( tow gt ot Wi C4niy ie 3% coi q Sete Moctrix Tanah Nov, ly Fenora g rad ath x st_colomp 4 fis 3 9] [S00] fo te aT x | Se | Dw nes pet fe fT set se mt [wig eT Use | 13.9 4x) ang Ete HH KK Department of: - £ ;

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