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First, put some water in the bottom half of the machine. Fill it up to the valve and no
further. Then place the grains in the filter. Next, place the filter carefully on top of the
bottom half of the machine. It should not touch the water. Close the top tightly before
putting it on the stove. The stove heats the water in the bottom of the machine. The
water is pushed up through the filter and the grains into the top of the machine.
Finally, when the top half of made is full liquid, it's ready to drink.
Primero, pon un poco de agua en la mitad inferior de la máquina. Llénelo hasta la
válvula y no más. Luego coloque los granos en el filtro. Luego, coloque el filtro con
cuidado encima de la mitad inferior de la máquina. No debe tocar el agua. Cierra bien
la parte superior antes de ponerla en la estufa. La estufa calienta el agua en el fondo
de la máquina. El agua es empujada hacia arriba a través del filtro y los granos hacia la
parte superior de la máquina. Finalmente, cuando la mitad superior del preparado esté
lleno de líquido, estará listo para beber.
How to cook a rice?
First, you need to size a cup of rice. In a bowl put the rice and wash with the water.
The rocks and the insects are separated by the water. Next, Cut the onions into small
parts on the table. That's easy in this part. In the next stage, you need to put the water
to boil in the cooking pot. Then you put the rice and wait to finish the process. The
stove heats the water. It should not touch the water. Finally, when the rice tastes softy,
it is indicative that the rice is ready.

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