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13th September 2023n

Application Letter

PT. Astra a Honda Moto

JI. Imam Bonjol No. 57

Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, Kode Pos JKT 10000

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested in a position of mechanic. I was graduated from Motorcycle Engineering of SMK

MA'ARIF NU 1 AJIBARANG . I am capable to assemble, repair, and maintain the motorcycle
machine well. So, I write this letter to apply the I position.

Hare is my brief personal data :


Place and date of birth : 12 JULY 2006

Gender : Man

Address : Jawa Tengah, Banyumas, Gumelar, Tlaga Rt 2/Rw 3

Last education : SMK MA'ARIF NU 1 AJIBARANG

Mobile phone number : 082224135377

E-mail :

Because I love the products of Astra Honda Motor, especially 1 motorcycle I want to apply the
position of mechanic. Every time, I I used motorcycle to help all my activities. So, I know all
about I motorcycle, Honda motorcycle. When I was at school, I was I getting good achievement.
I got first rank for six semesters. And, I I have good score in job on training industry.
I can do the job of machine motorcycle well. I hope I get the time for personal interview. I am
ready to get interview anytime. I am really interested in this position and I hope you ask me to
come to your company to get interview. You can contact me by phone. I The number is
089878675645. Thank you very much for reading and understanding my application letter.


my regards,

(Yulian Bayu Saputra)

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