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Dietary Requirements Template

For each recipe you will need to identify the customer’s special dietary requirements, food
preferences and aversions. You will need to complete one of these documents for each recipe.

Dietary requirements
Summarise the dietary requirements of the group. Your summary should include all:

 religious dietary requirements

 food intolerances or allergies

 eating/dietary trends and regimes

 nutrition goals

 contraindications with medicines

 any other dietary and nutrition needs of the group

 food restrictions

 customer preferences and aversions.

You should also include in your summary:

 a description of the health consequences of ignoring the special dietary requirements of the
people in the group

 a description of the process that you used to gather this information

 any liaison that you did with other professionals to identify and confirm the dietary requirements
of members of the group.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Recipe choice
Explain your rationale for selecting the recipe – what are its merits? How does the dish address the
special dietary requirements of the customer?
The recipe entitled "Rainbow Veggie and Chicken Stir-Fry with Quinoa" is in accordance with the
dietary requirements of children. The diverse and colorful selection of vegetables incorporated in the
recipe provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The lean chicken utilized offers high-
quality protein while the quinoa provides complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The visual appeal
of the dish promotes a diverse range of nutrients and encourages children to consume them. As such,
the recipe effectively addresses the nutrition goals of children and aids in promoting healthy eating

Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a
recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
Through a thorough process of assessment, research, and evaluation, I have successfully identified
the optimal recipe for children's nutrition goals. The assessment considered the children's growth and
developmental requirements, while the research identified recipes that offer a balance of essential
nutrients for children's growth. Recipes were carefully searched with colourful and nutrient-rich
ingredients suitable for children, and potential recipes were evaluated to ensure they met dietary
requirements. Adjustments were made to suit specific dietary needs of children while maintaining
taste and appeal. Consultation with a pediatric nutritionist was done to ensure nutritional guidelines
alignment. Finally, communication with parents or caregivers was done to address any concerns they
might have about the selected recipe.
Therefore, I am proud to present the chosen dish, "Rainbow Veggie and Chicken Stir-Fry with
Quinoa," which is guaranteed to fulfill children's unique dietary requirements. This well-balanced and
nutritious meal promotes their growth and well-being, thanks to comprehensive research, recipe
assessment for nutritional adequacy, and consultation with experts.

Ingredient choice
Describe how you chose ingredients suitable for meeting the customer’s nutritional needs. How did
you ensure that a combination of foods was chosen to meet the nutrient requirements of your
customer/s? How did you ensure balance of nutritional requirements and variety? How did the
ingredients chosen help in regards to dietary diseases and health implications of food choices?
I selected ingredients for a nutritious recipe that caters to the needs of children. The dish comprises of
vibrant vegetables, low-fat chicken, and quinoa to ensure a well-rounded diet. The assortment of
nutrients present facilitates growth, supports immunity, and provides protein, complex carbohydrates,

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

and dietary fibre. The dish's flavors, textures, and hues make it aesthetically pleasing and promote the
consumption of diverse nutrients among children. The recipe underscores the use of whole and
minimally processed ingredients to mitigate dietary ailments and cultivate a favorable relationship with
healthy food at an early stage.

Food labelling and interpretation

Describe how you reviewed the food labels to determine the suitability of ingredients. Were there any
implications of using food additives and preservatives?
I diligently inspected the food labels for the "Rainbow Veggie and Chicken Stir-Fry with Quinoa". I
meticulously searched for any allergens, additives, and preservatives. I ensured that there were no
traces of nuts, dairy, or gluten that may affect the children's sensitivities. Additionally, I scrutinized for
any presence of added sugars, sodium, and artificial additives. My primary objective was to select
whole and minimally processed ingredients to promote optimal health for the children.

Food preparation/storage/cooking methodology

Describe how the preparation, storage and cooking methods effect the nutrients.
Preparation: The chopping of veggies has the potential to result in the loss of necessary nutrients due
to oxidation. It is crucial to note that peeling vegetables can also lead to the removal of vital nutrients.
However, a brief blanching process can help maintain the color and nutrients of the vegetables by
inactivating enzymes.
Storage: Proper refrigeration techniques can effectively slow down the process of nutrient degradation
and maintain the freshness of the vegetables.
Cooking methods:

 Boiling: It is essential to note that nutrient loss can occur during boiling, particularly for water-
soluble vitamins that dissolve in the cooking water.

 Steaming: This cooking method is more favorable as it preserves more nutrients by reducing
nutrient exposure to water.

 Sautéing/Stir-Frying: It is essential to note that nutrient loss is minimized through quick

cooking as it reduces heat exposure and water usage.

 Baking/Roasting: It is crucial to note that nutrient degradation can occur with longer cooking
times at moderate to high temperatures, primarily for heat-sensitive vitamins.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

 Microwaving: Retention of more nutrients is possible due to shorter cooking times and
minimal water usage.

Describe the cooking process that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was
maintained. Why did you choose the process that you did? Why did you choose the equipment that
you did? Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.
In order to uphold the nutritional value of the "Rainbow Veggie and Chicken Stir-Fry with Quinoa," I
employed specific culinary techniques. Firstly, I briefly blanched the vegetables to retain their color
and nutritional content. Secondly, I utilized a wok to stir-fry the dish, thereby minimizing the loss of
nutrients due to the short cooking time and limited water required. The wok's shape also facilitated
efficient cooking and prevented overcooking. Thirdly, I added lean chicken to the partially cooked
vegetables to ensure that the protein remained tender and nutritious. Finally, I incorporated cooked
quinoa, which is abundant in complex carbohydrates and fibre, to optimize texture and flavor. These
procedures retained the nutritional soundness of the cuisine while concurrently amplifying its flavor,
texture, and visual allure, thus meeting the dietary prerequisites of children.

What cooking methods did you use? How did you prevent cross contamination? How did you ensure
that the dish maintained equivalent nutritional value?
I employed the culinary processes of blanching and stir-frying for making the meal. In order to prevent
the occurrence of cross-contamination, I meticulously adhered to strict hygiene practices. By
employing high-heat methods and minimizing cooking times, I was able to preserve the nutrients in
the dish. The utilization of blanching enabled me to retain the natural colors and nutrients present in
the vegetables. Additionally, I achieved a balance of macronutrients by incorporating lean chicken and
quinoa into the dish. The utilization of proper food handling and cooking techniques ensured that the
meal provided a safe and highly nutritious option for children.

Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need/s? Why did you choose this
person? What information did you seek? How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you
negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team? What specialist advice did you
seek? How did you ensure that you communicated clearly and effectively with other members of your
team to ensure that the customer’s needs were met?

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

I sought the counsel of a pediatric nutritionist to address the dietary requirements of a specific
recipe. My choice of consulting a pediatric nutritionist was informed by their specialized knowledge
of children's nutritional needs. I probed the nutritionist on matters pertaining to nutrient
requirements, allergies, and guidance on creating a balanced meal. I provided the nutritionist with
information on age and dietary preferences. Subsequently, I presented the recommendations to my
team and underscored the importance of meeting nutritional needs while ensuring taste and
presentation. To address allergen concerns, I consulted an allergist. Written guidelines were
provided to the team to ensure consistent communication and execution. Regular team meetings
were conducted to guarantee a nutritious and pleasurable meal for children.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

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