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A story

She tells me that she is the way she is because she'd let her heart die.
She was told she couldn't and she didn't.
When she'd tried too hard, more obstacles were put on her way.
Everytime she showed strength, he'd put his foot down to remind her of her place.
She'd stayed down for so long that she no longer knew a world different.
She'd been broken so bad that all she could master was to talk to me.

She'd talked to me.

She reminded me that I had a chance.
She'd helped me see through every single year she'd nursed so much hate for me,
that she'd reflected her own grief in the only way that lay before her.
It is only natural for mothers to turn their daughters against their fathers,
but if they'd fathered well enough, there wouldn't be much to turn against to.
I understood that women are more emotionally invested in a relationship and that's why they experience a more
profound pain.
any activity. It wasn't a question of whether it was good for you, but a question of how it would make them look.

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