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By : Anandi Kolluru
Criteria A
Journal Entry#1
October: 10,11,12,13,14
Journal Entry 1: OCTOBER 10th
Today I began working on my personal project,Based on my project my global
contexts will be Personal and Cultural Expression as well as Fairness and
Development, as they properly resonate with my Project which is an Documentary on
the impactful organizations in Rwanda, which can properly display the cultural and
societal way of life in Rwanda, and also perfectly describes the work or impact these
organisations do and how their work affect the general community in Rwanda. I have
always been passionate and somewhat intrigued about filmmaking and community
service in general, which makes this Project more personal and motivating enough for
me to carry on.
Journal Entry 2: OCTOBER 12th
So today , I decided to write down my goals on how exactly I would want this Project
to help in in the end of this project.
Social and Community goals that I would like to achieve are

- Introducing the community to these organisation , which will

help them gain attention and as most of these organisation run
on donations, and that would help them gain more social

- These organisation can gain recognition for the immensely

difficult yet sustainable work that they do, and shade more light
on the impact on the impact they made on many communities
across Rwanda.
The Organisations: October 14 th
The Organizations I will be covering are:

-Breast Cancer Initiative East Africa ( BCIEA)

-Rotary Club of Rwanda ( Virunga)
-Womens Bakery
-WAG Rwanda
My Criteria on Choosing these Organizations.
October 15
- Should be Ethically right, and have a morally right system
- Needs to be an Organisation that helps people
- Should be a non-profit
- An Organisation has an office or it headquarters in Rwanda.
- Has Helped the Rwandan Public and community.
Communicating with these organizations
October 20th
Today I decide to organise myself and develop a project timeline, that will properly guide me into the time
specification and management
Success Criteria
In order for my product to be successful , I set up ceratin specification that would
help me achieve them.

- My documentary would be 15 minutes minimum and 30 minutes maximum.

- My documentary would contain only valuable and relevant information
- There would be subtitles to support the audience watching my
- And the documentary would be seeked advice and feedback from drama
students as well as general students.
Criteria B
:ATL Skills
Journal Entry#1

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