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Designing a cable net facade on existing building

Working Paper · July 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34193.63845


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1 author:

Ivan Čakarić
Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts


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Designing cable net façade

M4 Dimensioning Module

Ivan Čakarić
Designing cable net façade
M4 Dimensioning Module


Ivan Čakarić

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Engineering
International Façade Design and Construction

at the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe

to be presented publicly on Monday July 11, 2016 at 10:00 AM.

Supervisor: Prof. dr. _______________

An electronic version of this thesis might be available at

I would like to thank prof. Martin Schwesig on sharing his valuable knowledge and experience to
students and on tremendous help and guideline during my M4 Dimensioning project.

Ivan Čakarić

Detmold, July 2016

This report is evaluating problems and designing aspects of cable net facades.
Fictional refurbishing project on existing building in Moscow has been chosen and
designed in phases. Basic statics and terminology behind cable net façade were
explained and preliminary tool for calculation of non-linear cable forces was developed
in Excel. Static calculation was done in finite element software RSTAB 8. Advantages
and disadvantages of cable net facades were analyzed and explained in engineering

Keywords: cable net façade, RSTAB, finite element software, non-linearity, statics,
suspended net façade, tensile structures

Designing cable net façade ........................................................................................ 2
Abstract ...................................................................................................................... 4
Contents ..................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
Linear vs. nonlinear theory ......................................................................................... 7
Architectural drawings ................................................................................................ 8
Materials and elements involved in the cable net façade ........................................... 9
Statics and cable prestress calculation ..................................................................... 13
Consequences and impact on the building ............................................................... 14
Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 19
Table of figures ......................................................................................................... 20
References ............................................................................................................... 21
Appendix 1................................................................................................................ 22
Appendix 2................................................................................................................ 23


Cable net facades, also known as suspended net facades or tensile structures, are the
most sophisticated and unknown area among façade engineers. First cable net façade
was built in Munich, Hotel Kempinski, in 1992 [1]. It was a breakthrough in designing
with combining large deformations cables and brittle glass panels on prestressed steel
cables. For the Kempinski Hotel, statics calculation was done experimentally and the
whole project put a new limit in designing facades. Since then, new materials and
technologies have exponentially improved and today we have an opportunity to
witness numerous finite element software that can simulate the nonlinearity of building
elements and help us in designing complicated structures.

Figure 1: Cable net facade of Hilton Munich Airport (former Hotel Kempinski)

In the next chapters, basic theory behind nonlinear theory of cables will be explained,
common used materials, architectural drawings of cable net façade and their
dimensions, RSTAB statics calculation, evaluation of results and their impact on the
building and construction details.

Linear vs. nonlinear theory

Undergraduate civil engineering students meet with rigid and linear theory behind
statics. As the stresses rise in material, it strains in linear way and in this way we can
describe and simulate deflections in majority of building elements. Nonlinearity was
known for centuries and many engineers tried to make a simple matrix solution in
solving such equations (Csonka Werner method, Ritz method, Cross method etc.).
Nonlinearity was introduced in civil engineering industry in the middle of 20th century
with advancement in computer sector and offered a possibility to calculate numerous
matrixes with indefinite number of unknowns and equations [2].

Figure 2: Rigid, linear and nonlinearity described with point loaded cantilever

As seen on Figure 2, linear and nonlinear theory displacement are similar till some
exact value and the difference between them becomes bigger and bigger as the
force/stress arises. A simple example of this cantilever shows us that maintaining the
maximum stress for some time would deform it more than it would be deformed during
the stressing increment. With linear theory, as we stress the element, so does the
cantilever deform and vice versa. Rigid cantilever is assumed and no influence of the
load bearing after the deflection. To describe this phenomena in simple words, the
main reason of nonlinearity is because of the beam deformation and load taking in the
same time. After initial load, the cantilever deforms for small amount and that exact
deformation makes a big influences on the loading capacity of the cantilever and
cantilever starts to deform more till it comes to the maximum stress values where the
constant stress is deforming it indefinitely. Similar behavior is with buckling. As soon
as it is put enough of the stress to shift the center of column out of its stability, less
force is needed to buckle.

Architectural drawings

In the Figure 3 are shown building dimensions and 3D visualization of the cable net
façade. The height of the building is 15 m and width 9 m with depth of 3 m. The façade
has a 7x6 cable grid with horizontal 1,5 m length between glass panels and 3 m in
vertical axis. As seen on the architectural drawings, cable net facades offers us above
95% vision.

Figure 3: 3D visualization of cable net facade in Moscow and its dimensions

The existing building construction elements are made out of masonry brick. In the
Figure 4 is shown a steel construction located on the roof of the building which is
holding the prestressed cable. Prestressed cables are holding the laminated glass
VSG 6 mm+PVB 0,73+6 mm.

Figure 4: Roof steel construction

On the building roof is located steel construction that is holding the prestressed cables
and glass laminated panels.

Materials and elements involved in the cable net façade

High performance facades demand high performance materials. Mostly cable net
facades are made out of highly efficient zinc galvanized steel, stainless steel or duplex
stainless steel above 20% chromium compound. Steel members will be under
prestress during its service life, therefore there is a bigger possibility for a corrosion
impact and it can influence the safety of whole structure. Most commonly for the
glazing, the panel will be glass (single or double glazed units) or a glass laminate, but
other materials may be used [3]. In our case we will be using laminated glass. In the
Figure 5 is shown a cable façade structure and its components.

Figure 5: Facade cable net structural components

It is suggested to have more than L/100 for the single glazed (tempered) glass and
L/175 for IGU (insulated glass unit) as shown on Figure 6.

Figure 6: Deflection suggestions for glass

For the cable net façade it is suggested to have from L/40 – L/50 till L/120. In case of
Hotel Kempinski the deflection ratio is L/45 [4]. It is evident that bolted fixings and
glazing support attachments have to take a part of rotating. In case they don’t take the
rotation, the glazing will it is will influence a possibility for a glass cracking, or visually
distortions that would make inhabitants unpleasant and uncomfortable. Cable net
structure is a tensile structure and demands a lot of small and important parts.

Figure 7: Different types of cable fittings

Cable fittings, also known as forks or lockers (Figure 7), are in charge of transfering
axial force/load to the bracket and securing the stability of the cable. Bolts (Figure 8)
are in charge of transfering dead load from glass panels and wind loads to glazing
support attachment and cable/element structure.

Figure 8: Countersunk bolt fixings and its cross-section

Glazing support attachments (Figure 9) are responsible of transfering the loads from
bolt fixings and securing the rotation in case of wind loads and preventing glass
deflecting below suggested L/100. It is interesting to notice that tolerances have to be
accomodated on construciton sites and that every glazing support should have at least
5 mm tolerance.

Figure 9: Spider glass support attachment

Today is a huge diversity of on the market concerning glass supports attachments, bolt
fixings or cable fittings. The main principle behind it is to ensure material compatability
and stability although cable net facades are a big deformation cases where every part
is allowed (sometimes restricted) to move and deflect upon different loads. This
shouldn't be forgoten and design/installation process should always follow this

Figure 10: Material characteristics and cross-sections

In Figure 10 are enlisted materials used in our project. Cable is from Pfeifer PE 60,
roof cantilever and column from IPE 500 (I profile height 50cm) and RD 80 for a tensile
roof element. Supposed C 30/37 concrete was used for the calcluation of the roof

Statics and cable prestress calculation

Statics calculation was done in RSTAB 8 with characteristic vertical cable element.
Winter case is the worst case scenario because of the cable contracting. Thermal load
from cable contracting was making bigger axial stresses than during summer (almost
10% difference). Maximum deflection is 24,7 cm which gives us a deflection ratio of
L/60, a number that puts us on the safe side and demands no need for the spring
regulators. Axial force in the cable is 212,56 kN (21,67 tons). The same vertical force
is bending the cantilevering beam which in return is making a moment at fixed column
joint. Axial forces are described in Figure 11. The column bracket and tensile member
bracket have been designed in FIXPERIENCE (Appendix 2).

Figure 11: Overview of vertical Fy and Fx forces on the roof steel structure

Preliminary prestress calculation was made in Excel in accordance with Baustahl

(Seile und Seilwerke chapter). In the Appendix 1, Excel calculator components are
explained and described. Preliminary results didn’t exceed much in comparison with
the RSTAB calculation (Figure 12). Nevertheless, it should be tested with more
examples and proved for the safe usage. Minor modifications have been done and
therefore it is not suggestible to completely rely on calculator outputs as they tend to
change from example to example.

force and stress
0 1 2 3 4 5

σ2 S1 S2

Figure 12: Force in wires and stress assumption by excel calculator

As seen from the Figure 12, the suggestion for the force wire is around 200 kN with
212 kN from RSTAB. Cable PE 60 from Pfeifer (Figure 10) can take maximum axial
force of 350 kN so the cable is on the safe side with 212 kN in winter scenario.

0 1 2 3 4 5

ftotal (cm) difference

Figure 13: Deflection of the cable and deflection difference (iteration success)

Calculated deflection is around 25 cm with 24,69 cm from RSTAB which is accurate in

Moscow case.

Consequences and impact on the building

From the statics calculation and materials characteristics it is possible to make a cable
net façade and achieve a ratio of 2,47 kg of steel for 1m2 of glass panel which ensures
an outstanding material reduction/efficiency and great visual transparency. The main
principle in building statics is obtaining equilibrium state of forces and reactions. Putting
an artificial 225 kN every 1,5 m of façade will make an impact on our existing building
and influence its structural elements (Figure 14). With design of tensile structures,
engineers and architects should always be cautious and have knowledge of
understanding what can happen to building structure with cable prestressing.

Figure 14: Force cycle of cable prestress throughout the building

As seen on Figure 14, 225 kN cable prestress strives to go back to the foundation and
the only way to achieve that is thorough masonry wall elements, beams, columns and
window lintels. If we take in notice that this is an old existing building, this amount of
forcing would badly influence, even statically disrupt the structural elements. The
foundations weight of the prestressed cables have to be the same or above the force
of 225 kN to function as a counterweight to prestress. Concrete density is 25 kN/m3,
therefore each cable needs a concrete foundation of 9 m3 to ensure force equilibrium.
On 9 m façade width that would equal a 63 m3 of concrete just for the cables structure.
It is only possible to go 2 m from the building envelope because of the pedestrian area.
In that case our cable foundation would be 3,5 m thick which puts it into massive
construction foundation.


Figure 15: Cable foundation solution connected to building slab and foundation

To avoid a massive cable foundation, it is possible to connect cable foundation with

the building where slab would take some percentage of the load through bending of
reinforcement (Figure 15). In this respective case, reinforcement should be increased
to satisfy the additional bending load from cable net facade.
From Appendix 2 the minimum concrete slab thickness for the roof brackets was
designed. In Figure 16, 3D model of the tensile roof bracket is depicted with minimum
27 cm concrete thickness and super-bond M24 fixings.

Figure 16: tensile roof bracket dimensioned in FIXEPERIENCE

Concrete C 30/37 can sustain compressive pressure from the steel column plate. The
bending occurring because of the tensile rod (200 kN) and steel column compression
(421 kN) should also be considered and additionally reinforce the roof slab.
Installation process is one the design elements to be considered. In our case, it is not
possible to prestress cables from the 3 m cantilevering beam so it should be done from
the ground. Usual prestressing device (up to 400 kN force) has no demanding
dimensions (Figure 17). Of course, the bigger the prestresssing, the bigger devices
and less area to install it in proper way.

Figure 17: Prestressing device

The corners have to be rigid (Figure 18) because of the wind turbulences happening
at edges of the building. Preferable CFD analysis is suggestible and correct wind
pressure analysis.

Figure 18: High wind load effects at corners and edges of buildings

Different pressure can deflect façade and influence other structural members.
Constant deflection and movement can harm butt joining and silicon joints. Connection
of the façade and the ground floor should be taken under special care and designed in
a way to allow limited movement and weatherproofing (Figure 19).

Figure 19: Cable net facade and ground floor detail

Cable net facades are sophisticated types of facades and it has numerous esthetics
advantages and benefits on material efficiency. On the other hand, to properly design
and install this type of facade, special care should be aimed to the whole building
structure. One of the arguments that can’t be neglected is to improve and upgrade the
building structure so it can meet new statics requirements with prestressing load.
Although it is visually astonishing and offers almost complete transparency, huge
gamma of small (expensive) and crucial structural parts is needed and consultancy of
specialists who have long experience in dealing with them.

Table of figures

Figure 1: Cable net facade of Hilton Munich Airport (former Hotel Kempinski) ........... 6
Figure 2: Rigid, linear and nonlinearity described with point loaded cantilever ........... 7
Figure 3: 3D visualization of cable net facade in Moscow and its dimensions ............ 8
Figure 4: Roof steel construction ................................................................................ 9
Figure 5: Facade cable net structural components ................................................... 10
Figure 6: Deflection suggestions for glass ................................................................ 10
Figure 7: Different types of cable fittings................................................................... 11
Figure 8: Countersunk bolt fixings and its cross-section ........................................... 11
Figure 9: Spider glass support attachment ............................................................... 12
Figure 10: Material characteristics and cross-sections ............................................. 12
Figure 11: Overview of vertical Fy and Fx forces on the roof steel structure ............ 13
Figure 12: Force in wires and stress assumption by excel calculator ....................... 14
Figure 13: Deflection of the cable and deflection difference (iteration success) ....... 14
Figure 14: Force cycle of cable prestress throughout the building ............................ 15
Figure 15: Cable foundation solution connected to building slab and foundation ..... 16
Figure 16: tensile roof bracket dimensioned in FIXEPERIENCE .............................. 17
Figure 17: Prestressing device ................................................................................. 17
Figure 18: High wind load effects at corners and edges of buildings ........................ 18
Figure 19: Cable net facade and ground floor detail ................................................. 18

[1] Facade Construction manual, Herzog, Krippner, Lang, published by: Birkhauser,
2004, ISBN 3-7643-7109-9, p. 179

[2] Numerical Modelling of Structures script, Mestrovic, available at: (accessed 30.06.2016)

[3] Steel supported glazing systems, SCI publication 193, published by: The Steel
Construction Institute Silwood Park, ISBN 1-85942-070-2, p. 2

[4] Getting started with cable net, Aaron Mazeika P.E., Kieran Kelly-Sneed, P.E,
ted.pdf (accessed 29.06.2016)

Appendix 1

Short manual:
1. Define material characteristics, length of span and deflection ratio.
2. Define q2 load based on wind load and multiply it with 1,5 factor.
3. Insert input for q1 with minimum value (usually q2 / 10).
4. Press on function under Cubic solver and define “Goal seek function” in Excel to find x in case of f(x)=0
5. Write S2 value in the right table, and f total (deflection)
6. Insert into q1 new q1 value (red highlighted)
7. Repeat the 4th step and make at least 4 iterations
8. Detect iteration success difference rate in deflection and read the S1,S2, Stress values and make a Scattered graph in Excel to have curve
*Values can vary from case to case. It has to be tested with multiple extreme examples to see the boundaries of it and range in which it can be used

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