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DEADLINES AY 2020/2021

1st term graduation:

Students under supervision of KU Leuven:

PCM report and/or thesis manuscript submission by 7/June/2021
Thesis upload to KU Loket (the latest by 21/June)
Defence/presentation in the week of 21/June
Degree award (if both modules completed) 1/July

Students under supervision of HS Anhalt or UCP follow local deadlines. If graduation is required in
this term, the results for all components have to be available/sent to KU Leuven the latest on
25/June. Prior steps/submission deadlines and date of defence has to be agreed with the local
supervisor(s) to attain this goal.

2nd term graduation:

Students under supervision of KU Leuven:

PCM report and/or thesis manuscript submission to Monika by 16/August
Thesis upload to KU Loket (the latest by 30/August)
Defence/presentation in the week of 30/August
Degree award 9/September

Students under supervision of HS Anhalt or UCP follow local deadlines. If graduation is required in
this term, the results for all components have to be available/sent to KU Leuven the latest on
3/September. Prior steps/submission deadlines and date of defence has to be agreed with the local
supervisor(s) to attain this goal.

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