MC MR Bob Revisi

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Please welcome our mc sister Dini and brother Mansyur

Both : good morning everyone..‼

Boy : ok, one more..good morning everyone…‼
Girl : how’s life ..?
Boy : we have gesture for our event. Then we would like to give you an example for our
gesture in this event. So when we say confident show ( show ur confident )
Girl : everyone, make it noisy please !
Everyone stand up and follow our gesture okay?
Boy : wow it’s the best spirit of yours !
Girl : well, everyone, many people said that there will be no hello if we don’t know each
other. So this is me ….
Boy : and I am …..
Both : we are the master of ceremony in this spectacular event. Welcome to confident
Girl : well guys, we would like to guide you into the agendas today.
Boy : the first agenda is opening
Girl : the second agenda is showing jargon from each camp.
Boy : the third agenda is performing the performances from each camp
Girl : the next agenda is correction and announcement from the jidges.
Boy : the last agenda is closing and taking picture together
Boy : now its time to show the jargon from each camp. It starts from…..,
Both : For ….. camp, show your jargon:
Cheesecake camp (speech) … (WOW.. what a wonderful jargon.)
Pegasus (Roleplay) … (Giving compliments)
Atlantis camp (Speech)
Evermore camp (Roleplay)
Bellatrix camp (speech)
Silver Queen (Roleplay)
Captain Zone (Speech)
Salvador Dali (Speech)
Girl : the next agenda is performing performance from each camp
Boy : the performances are speech and role play.
Boy : but before that let us introduce our lovely judges today. Bro Julius as Grammar and
Pronunciation judge (say hi to bro Julius), sis Ulfa as a Performance judge (say hi to
sis Ulfa), and sis Ilvia as time keeper (say hi to sis Ilvia).
Girl : so guys please pay attention, we only have 3 min for speech and 6 min for role play.
Boy : alright, without any further do, lets go to the first prformance speech from….
Girl : before that for ……camp to please prepare yourself in class……
Boy : for ……. Camp time is yours
Girl : (appreciation) wow ! the performances are wonderful
Boy : exactly sister‼I believe that the judges must be confused to decide who will be the
Girl : aaa… exactly bro!
Boy : For now it’s time for the judges to have a discussion. Time is yours.
Girl : I’m curious about which camp is going to be the winner of Jargon, Speech and
Roleplay performance.
Boy: Me too, sis. Why don’t we ask the wonderful people in front of us? (Audience)
Girl: That’s a good idea, bro.
Boy: Bro/Sis, which camp is going to be the winner? Why?
Girl: Bro/Sis, which camp is going to be the winner? Why?
Boy: So now, time to announce the winners
Both : dear judges, time is yours….
Boy : congrats.. for ….camp, …. Camp and … because you guys are the winners
Girl : well now, we are in the last agenda. Thank you very much for your attention.
Boy : but don’t come back to your camp first because we have to take picture together.
So I’m Mansyur
Girl : and I’m Dini
Both : we are the master of ceremony, peace out. The last we say mr bob…

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