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The lesson made me realize that the identity I have right now is made up of fragments from different

people I encountered and different experiences I had. It taught me that whatever emotion I am feeling
with my identity, I should not let it consume me whole. If I am proud of what I have become, then I should
remember to remain my feet on the ground and be thankful to those or what have helped me to achieve
that. Vice versa, if I am not happy with what I have become, then I shouldn’t push myself too hard and
remember that I am still growing and encountering a lot of influences in my life. As a person who is
constantly unsure and worrying if things that are happening are still right, the lesson made me realize that
having an identity crisis is normal. It made it clear that there are stages in life, but they have different
outcomes with different people. I am supposed to go through different things and grow through them.

Another lesson that I learned is the acknowledgement of the parts in myself that I am scared to show. As
a person who can’t handle too much problem and has the tendency to shut down my care, this lesson felt
relevant. It made it clear that concealing my thoughts and disregarding my problems will not solve it. The
bad effect may not show now, but if left continuously unnoticed, it will still stay unconsciously, and it may
even grow to something worse. I should not be ashamed with opening my problems to other people
because bottling it up will only fill me up with negative emotions. The only way to solve my issues is to
acknowledge their presences and to give my sincere attention to it. A solution will not instantly show up
and I shouldn’t feel irritated with that because it’s normal. Solving an issue is a trial-and-error process but
what matters is focusing my goal. I should always remember to not give up because finding out how I can
make it work or balance it is the only way to find my peace of mind.

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