So..that... - Such... That...

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So...that / Such...

4 Parts of speech in English:

1. Adjective (KS=Kata Sifat)

2. Noun (KB=Kata Benda)
3. Verb (KK=Kata Kerja)
4. Adverb (KKet=Kata Keterangan)

A. So...That

It expresses a cause and effect.

So + adjective/adverb + that
I was so sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Cause: It was too windy.
Effect: We couldn't go sailing.

It was so windy that we couldn't go sailing.

(windy- adjective)

Cause: My sister is very shy.

Effect: She hides behind my mother when there are strangers around.

My sister is so shy that she hides behind my mother when there are strangers around.
(shy- adjective)

Cause: The dress was wonderfully designed.

Effect: I couldn't take my eyes off it.

The dress was so wonderfully designed that I couldn't take my eyes off it.
(wonderfully- adverb)

So...that is used with quantifiers (many, much, few, little) even if there is a noun.

I have so many friends that I never get bored.

He has so much money that he can buy whatever he wants.

B. Such...That

Also expresses a cause and effect.

such + (adjective) + NOUN + that

Cause: It was a great movie.
Effect: I watched it several times.

It's such a great movie that I've watched it several times.

(great-adjective, movie-noun)

Cause: She is a very charming woman.

Effect: Everybody stares at her.

She is such a charming woman that everybody stares at her.
(charming-adjective, woman-noun)

Note: such a very charming... "very" is dropped.

Quick Exercise

Complete the sentences with so, such, or such a.

1. I spend ______ much money that I can't save any.

2. Jimmy and Ken are _____ alike that I can't tell one from another.

3. Shames is _____ a nice dog that he never barks.

4. Those are _____ great pictures that I never want to throw them away.

5. I am _____ bored that I just want to sleep.

6. Our neighbors are _____ kind that they let us borrow their lawn mower.

7. My back aches _____ badly that I can't lift anything anymore.

8. Hawaii has _____ amazing beaches that everyone wants to live there.

1. so
2. so
3. such
4. such
5. so
6. so
7. so
8. such

1. Jessica is a brilliant woman that everyone admires her.

2. He made an unforgivable mistake that it caused him his marriage.

3. She is shy that she would only talk to her parents.

4. The teacher was tired that she had to dismiss the class.

5. Those shoes are expensive that I can never afford them.

6. I have great memories with her that I will never forget her.

7. They were close to winning that everyone felt disappointed with the

8. He is a clever boy that he can learn multiple languages at the same

1. such
2. such
3. so
4. so
5. so
6. such
7. so
8. such


1. It's warm today that I'm going to the beach.

2. We're pleased with these new towels that we're going to buy
some more.
3. He has done foolish things that he will get into serious trouble.
4. He made generous contributions to the university that they are
naming one of the new buildings after him.
5. This hedge grows fast that we have to trim it often.

6. We had good time that we hate to leave the party.
7. The thief came in quietly that the sleeping couple never heard
8. He is extravagant that all his money is spent long before his next
pay check.
9. Those are great moments that will never be forgotten.
10. He wastes much time watching television that he never finishes
his homework.
11. He has read that book many times that he knows it by heart.
12. Her work at the university has been poor that she is thinking of
13. This is beautiful piano that I'm sorry I have to sell it.
14. It was delicious meal that we asked the chef for its recipe.
15. They are stingy that they never want to eat out.
16. They are boring people that we hate to visit them.
17. There was crowd in the street that we could hardly move.

1. It's _____ warm today that I'm going to the beach.

2. We're _____ pleased with these new towels that we're going to buy some more.
3. He has done _____ foolish things that he will get into serious trouble.
4. He made _____ generous contributions to the university that they are naming one of the new
buildings after him.
5. This hedge grows ____ fast that we have to trim it often.
6. We had _____ good time that we hate to leave the party.
7. The thief came in_____ quietly that the sleeping couple never heard him.
8. He is _____ extravagant that all his money is spent long before his next pay check.
9. Those are _____ great moments that will never be forgotten.
10. He wastes _____ much time watching television that he never finishes his homework.
11. He has read that book _____ many times that he knows it by heart.
12. Her work at the university has been _____ poor that she is thinking of leaving.
13. This is _____ beautiful piano that I'm sorry I have to sell it.
14. It was _____ delicious meal that we asked the chef for its recipe.
15. They are _____ stingy that they never want to eat out.
16. They are _____ boring people that we hate to visit them.
17. There was _____ crowd in the street that we could hardly move.

1. so
2. so
3. such
4. such
5. so
6. such a
7. so
8. so
9. such
10. so
11. so
12. so
13. such a
14. such a
15. so
16. such

17. such a


So ... that
So digunakan ketika :
a) hanya ada satu kata diantara titik-titik dan that.
Karena penggunaan So adalah : So+adj/adverb+that. Sehingga apabila diantara titik-titik dan that hanya
ada satu kata, itu adalah adjective atau adverb. Sehingga harus kita jawab SO
Contoh : Purbalingga is SO wonderful THAT everyone wants to go there.

b) ada dua kata di antara titik-titik dan that sedangkan kata pertama adalah salah satu dari
many,much,few, dan little (determiner).
Karena penggunaan So adalah : So+determiner+noun+that. Sehingga apabila ada dua kata
diantara titik-titik dan that, sedangkan kata pertama adalah determiner, kita harus jawab SO.
Contoh : Mr. Nugroho has SO MANY birds THAT his house is so noisy.

Such ... that

Such digunakan ketika :
a) ada artikel "a" atau "an" diantara titik-titik dan that
Karena So tidak pernah memakai artikel, sehingga apabila terdapat artikel "a" atau "an" di antara titik-
titik dan that, kita harus jawab SUCH.
Contoh : Mr. Toha has SUCH A big stomach THAT He can't go everywhere.

b) ada dua kata di antara titik-titik dan that, sedangkan kata pertama bukan salah satu dari
many,much,few, dan little (determiner).
Karena penggunaan such adalah : Such+adverb/adjective+noun+that. Sehingga apabila terdapat dua
kata di antara titik-titik dan that, dan kata pertama bukan determiner, kata pertama itu pastilah
adjective/adverb. Sehingga kita harus jawab SUCH.
Contoh : Cheetah has SUCH long legs THAT It can run fast.

Bedanya Such a ... that dan Such ... that apa?

a) Such a .... that

digunakan apabila noun sebelum that adalah tunggal/singular.
Contoh : Mr. Toha has SUCH A big stomach THAT He can't go everywhere.

Noun sebelum that adalah Stomach yang merupakan noun tunggal, sehingga harus memakai SUCH A.

b) Such .... that

digunakan apabila noun sebelum that adalah jamak/plural.
Contoh : Cheetah has SUCH long legs THAT It can run fast.

Noun sebelum that adalah legs, yang merupakan noun jamak, sehingga harus memakai SUCH.

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