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K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Technology and Livelihood Education


Agricultural Crop Production NCI

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad
Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Arnulfo T. Paquita

Alex A. Mancenido
Elizabeth T. Paquita
K.C. Joce G. Camara
Editor: Ma. Luisa C. Armillo

Reviewers: Dr. Nixon S. Olfindo, EPS-EPP/TLE/TVL


Layout Artist:



This Module provides the learner with the appropriate land

preparation techniques and strategies. It includes the tools and
equipment needed and the steps in undertaking these activities.


Upon completion of this Module, you must be able to:

LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work

1.1. Identify required materials, tools and equipment according to list
provided and/or authority’s instructions
1.2. Check materials, tools and equipment for insufficient quantity or
faults/defects and report to the authority based on manufacturer’s
lists and pre-operating procedures
1.3. Demonstrate correct manual handling and techniques used when
loading and unloading materials to minimize damage to the
materials, tools and equipment
1.4. Follow material and equipment handling procedures.
1.5. Select and check suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) prior
to use and according to job requirements
1.6. Provide irrigation support according to OHS requirements and
according to workplace information
Identify and report to the supervisor the OHS hazards based on
OHS requirements and company reporting procedures

LO 2. Undertake irrigation work as directed

2.1. Follow and clarify instructions and directions based on authority’s
requirements and workplace procedures
2.2. Undertake irrigation work in a safe and environmentally appropriate
manner according to enterprise guidelines
2.3. Carry out in a positive and professional manner the interactions with
other staff and customers as specified in the employee manual

2.4. Observe handling and disposal practices of materials for irrigation
work, following engineering and enterprise policy and procedures
Report problems or difficulties in completing work to required
standards or timelines to authority based on company reporting


Hand tools are usually light and are used without the help of
animals or machines. They are being used in performing farm activities
which involve small yet important jobs to be done.

1.1. Identify required materials, tools and equipment according to

list provided and /or authority’s instructions


Farm Equipment - These are machineries used in crop production. They

are used in land preparation and in transporting farm inputs and
products. This equipment need a highly skilled operator to use.

Farm implements - accessories pulled by animals or mounted to

machineries to make the work easier.

Farm tools - objects that are usually light and are used without the help
of animals and machines.

Preventive maintenance - an activity or operation done to prevent

malfunction of tools and equipment and it is done to prolong the useful
life of tools and equipment

Repair - to restore to good condition something broken or damaged


Write the letter of the best answer.

1. What tool does NOT belong to the group?
a. crowbar
b. mattock
c. shovel
d. pruning shear

2. Proper care and maintenance of farm tools are necessary in order

a. prolong the serviceability of the tools
b. be available for use

c. save time and effort
d. all of the above
3. Farm tools, implements and equipment are very important in pre-
horticultural operations because they:
a. make work easier
b. make work faster
c. save time and effort
d. all of the above
4. This tool is used in removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil
from one place to another, and for mixing soil media and fertilizers.
a. water pump
b. four- wheel tractor
c. shovel
d. pruning shear
5. This tool is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for
digging up stones and tree stumps.
a. crowbar
b. mattock
c. shovel
d. pruning shear
6. This tool is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil
during seedbed preparation particularly in the dry method of
seedling production.
a. crowbar
b. mattock
c. shovel
d. rake
7. What equipment in horticultural operations is used to draw water
from a source?
a. water pump
b. sprinkler
c. water pail
d. sprayer
8. These are accessories pulled by animals or mounted to machineries to
make the work easier.
a. farm implements
b. sprinkler
c. water pail
d. sprayer
9. These are machineries used in crop production. They are used in
land preparation and in transporting farm inputs and products.
a. Farm equipment
b. Farm tools
c. Farm implements
d. Wheelbarrow

10. In crop production it is used for cutting of weeds particularly tall
shrubs and grasses.
a. bolo
b. rake
c. shovel
d. grab hoe

Information Sheet

Hand Tools
Hand tools are usually light and are used without the help of
animals or machines. They are being used in performing farm activities
which involve small yet important jobs to be done.
1. Bolo. There are
different kinds of bolo
used for different
purposes. In crop
production it is used for
cutting of weeds
particularly tall shrubs
and grasses.

2. Shovel is used in
removing trash, digging
loose soil, moving soil
from one place to
another, and for mixing
soil media and fertilizers.
It is also used in the
repair and construction of
levees and in irrigation
management. mini-shovel-with-fiberglass-handle

3. Rake is used for

cleaning the ground and
leveling the topsoil during
seedbed preparation
particularly in the dry
method of seedling

4. Grab-hoe is used for
breaking hard topsoil and
pulverizing soil

5. Pick-mattock is used
for digging canals,
breaking hard topsoil and
for digging up stones and
tree stumps


1. Water pump. This

equipment is very
important to draw
irrigation water from a
source such as deep well,
rivers and lakes. In some
areas where water is
scarce, second cropping
of rice could be done
using a water pump.

Practice Task 1

In your activity notebook, list down the different farm tools and
equipment used in irrigation work using the table below:

Irrigation work Tools/equipment







Practice Task 2

Since you have listed down the different farm operations and the
farm tools, equipment used, this time you are going to make an
illustration of any tools and give the importance to irrigation work.

Tools Importance to irrigation work

Post Assessment

Write the letter of the best answer.

1. What tool does NOT belong to the group?
a. crowbar
b. mattock
c. shovel
d. pruning shear
2. Proper care and maintenance of farm tools are necessary in order to:
a. prolongs the serviceability of the tools available for use
c. saves time and effort
d. all of the above
3. Farm tools, implements and equipment are very important in pre-
horticultural operations because they:
a. make work easier
b. make work faster
c. saves time and effort
d. all of the above
4. This tool is used in removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil
from one place to another, and for mixing soil media and fertilizers.
a. water pump
b. four- wheel tractor
c. shovel
d. pruning shear
5. This tool is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for
digging up stones and tree stumps.
a. crowbar
b. mattock
c. shovel
d. pruning shear
6. This tool is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil
during seedbed preparation particularly in the dry method of
seedling production.
a. crowbar
b. mattock
c. shovel
d. rake
7.What equipment in horticultural operations is used to draw water
from a source?
a. water pump
b. sprinkler
c. water pail
d. sprayer

8.These are accessories pulled by animals or mounted to machineries
to make the work easier.
a. farm implements
b. sprinkler
c. water pail
d. sprayer
9. These are machineries used in crop production. They are used in
land preparation and in transporting farm inputs and products.
a. Farm equipment
b. Farm tools
c. Farm implements
d. Wheelbarrow
10. In crop production it is used for cutting of weeds particularly tall
shrubs and grasses.
a. bolo
b. rake
c. shovel
d. grab hoe

Assignment/Additional Activity

Identify the tools that you have encountered in your home. How
do you prolong the usability and functionality? Explain each.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment
1. d
2. d
3. d
4. c
5. b
6. d
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. a


Even if the equipment and installation is correct and the

system has been well maintained, people still need to use safe work
practices to avoid the normal hazards associated with operation of the
1.2. Check materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures

Ditch- a long, narrow excavation made in the ground by digging, as
for draining or irrigating land.
Pivots- a shaft or pin on which something turns
Irrigation- the practice of supplying land with water so that crops
and plants will grow
Grit- abrasive particles or granules, as of sand or other small, coarse
impurities found in the air, food, water, etc.

Pre Assessment

Read the questions carefully. Write the letter only of your choice in
your quiz notebook.
1. Why do we need to conduct pre-operative checkup of tools?
implements and equipment before use?
a. To check if the tools are serviceable
b. To determine the functionality of tools, and implements
c. To repair defective tools
d. All of the above
2. Why is it necessary to apply oil to the metal parts of tools and
implements when they will be stored for a long time?
a. To prevent them from rusting
b. To retain its shiny look
c. To clean the tools
d. All of the above

3. This irrigation system generally powered by fossil fuel engines or
electric motors.
a. drum irrigation
b. sprinkler irrigation
c. pumping irrigation
d. gravity
4. Manufacturers must design equipment to_______.
a. safety standards
b. standard
c. safety
d. security
5. What is the reason why irrigation systems fall into states of disrepair?
a. Many irrigation systems are poorly maintained
b. Many irrigation systems are properly maintained
c. Many irrigation systems are well- maintained
d. Many irrigation systems are orderly maintained
6. In some cases irrigation repair does not work functionally because___.
a. Many systems have been modified or repaired using
substandard equipment.
b. Many systems have been modified or repaired using standard
c. Many systems have been modified or repaired using locally
made equipment.
e. Many systems have been modified or repaired using quality
7. Irrigation system repair is important to_______.
a. to prolong the functionality of equipment
b. to continue work in the field
c. to increase the expenses
d. a & b is the correct answer
8. __________refers to the correct installation of equipment system.
a. Safe Work Practices
b. substandard activity
c. unplanned safety work
d. unregulated practices
9. What is the main consideration to maintain the quality tools and
a. Check materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
b. Observe materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
c. Perceive materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
d. Notice materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures

10.The practice of supplying land with water so that crops and plants will
a. drainage
b. irrigation
c. pivot
d. system

Information Sheet
Irrigation Systems
A Pumping System
x One or more pumps generally powered by fossil fuel engines or
electric motors.
x Connects to water distribution system.


A Distribution System

x Many different types (ditch, gated pipe, center pivots, side-

roll, big- gun, etc.), many utilizing electrical powered motors
and drivetrains to move the system over/across the field.

Equipment Design/Installation

The first link in the chain of irrigation safety is proper equipment

design, selection, and installation by manufacturers, equipment dealers,
and installers.


Irrigation System Maintenance

The second link in the irrigation safety chain involves maintaining
properly installed systems in good shape. –Many irrigation systems are
poorly maintained and fall into states of disrepair. –Many systems have
been modified or repaired using substandard equipment.


Safe Work Practices


been well maintained, people still need to use safe work practices to
avoid the normal hazards associated with operation of the equipment.

Irrigation Safety Requirements

‡ Dealers must install equipment correctly.

‡ Owners, Irrigators and Service people must maintain equipment
‡ Owners, Irrigators and Technicians must use Safe Work Practices.

Checking and Cleaning Components

The various components of the irrigation system must be
checked before the system is started. Never start the pump system
to check that it is working properly, as damage may be caused to a
component. A visual check of the various components is essential.
Pumps and motors run on bearings that need lubrication by
either grease or oil. Failing to lubricate the pump and motor can
result in a serious damage. Bearings that are lubricated by oil have
a dipstick that indicates the oil level. Before the pump is started,
remove the dipstick and check the oil level. The oil level should be
between the minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) marks. If the oil
level is above the Max or below the Min marks, report it immediately

to the manager. In addition, visually check that the oil is clear. If the
oil is milky, grey or black, report it immediately to the manager
before starting the pump.

Where pumps and motors are fitted with grease nipples, the
pump and motor must be greased regularly. Consult the manager
for the intervals, as they vary between different makes of pumps and
motors. Note however that some motors are fitted with sealed
bearings that must not be greased.
Grease the bearing with a grease gun until the old grease is
expelled from the casing. Clean the nipple before greasing and wipe
off the old grease with a rag. Beware of over-greasing electrical
motors, as the excess grease can end up inside the motor windings
and cause the motor to burn out. Make sure grease is clean, free of
grit and sand, and of the right type.
In additional, the following checks must be made before
starting the pump:
water is found, try to establish where the water is coming from.
body. Flanges are the metal discs on the pipes that are bolted down
on to the pump. A gasket is inserted between the two flanges and
leakage can occur if the gasket is worn or if the flanges are not
properly tightened.
packing is the seal at the pump shaft and seals of the water inside
the pump.
signs of wear and cracks.
pump to the platform.
‡7XUQWKHSXPSwith your hand to ensure that it rotates
.Check for signs of vandalism, e.g. forced entry, missing cables,
broken panels and mountings.

Filters are used to remove solids and other debris from
irrigation water. There is a filter, called a suction filter in the suction

pipe before the water enters the pump. There are also filters in the
delivery pipe after the pump.
It is important to ensure that the filters are working properly,
will happen if the suction strainer is broken or missing;
The suction strainer is under water and can be checked only by
removing it. This is done once a year or on instruction from the
manager. At these times, inspect the strainer for damage and
blockages, and clean if needed. Perform the following checks on the
filters before starting up the pump system.
‡&KHFNWKHOLG-seal or rubber ring for cracks.
If the filter is fitted with hydraulic valves, check the small
inline filter and clean if necessary. If the filters in the filter bank
after the pump delivery are dirty, there will be a pressure loss in the
field. This can only be assessed when the pump is running. Filter-
banks are cleaned by back-flushing them with the pump running.
Valves For manual valves, being gate and butterfly valves,
check the following:
they should.
this can be indication of a broken thrust washer, in which case the
valve will not open or close.
stripped nut, in which case the valve will not open or close.
vandalized parts
For hydraulic valves check the following:
‡&KHFNWRVHHLIWKH-way valve is able to turn between open,
close and auto, and return it to original setting.
solenoids and wires.

Other Components
The following should also be checked, preferably while the
system is operating:
Do not damage emitter during unblocking.
immediately when found.

Practice Task 1

Complete the worksheet below.

1. What will happen if you do not grease or oil the pump and motor?
2. What should you do when the oil is discolored?

Practice Task 2

Describe what will happen the items/situation below.

Describe what will happen if you Describe what will happen if you
will not check the leaks in the start the pump and the water level
lateral and other pipelines. is too low.

Post Assessment

Read the questions carefully. Write the letter only of your choice in
your quiz notebook.
1. Why do we need to conduct pre-operative checkup of tools?
implements and equipment before use?
f. To check if the tools are serviceable
g. To determine the functionality of tools, and implements
h. To repair defective tools
i. All of the above
2. Why is it necessary to apply oil to the metal parts of tools and
implements when they will be stored for a long time?
a. To prevent them from rusting
b. To retain its shiny look
c. To clean the tools
d. All of the above
3. This irrigation system generally powered by fossil fuel engines or
electric motors.
a. drum irrigation
b. sprinkler irrigation
c. pumping irrigation
d. gravity
4. Manufacturers must design equipment to_______.
a. safety standards
b. standard
c. safety
d. security.
5. What is the reason why irrigation systems fall into states of disrepair?
a. Many irrigation systems are poorly maintained
b. Many irrigation systems are properly maintained
c. Many irrigation systems are well- maintained
d. Many irrigation systems are orderly maintained
6. In some cases irrigation repair does not work functionally because___.
a. Many systems have been modified or repaired using
substandard equipment.
b. Many systems have been modified or repaired using standard
c. Many systems have been modified or repaired using locally
made equipment.
d. Many systems have been modified or repaired using quality
7. Irrigation system repair is important to_______.
a. to prolong the functionality of equipment
b. to continue work in the field
c. to increase the expenses
d. a & b is the correct answer

8.__________refers to the correct installation of equipment system.
a. Safe Work Practices
b. substandard activity
c. unplanned safety work
d. unregulated practices.
9. What is the main consideration to maintain the quality tools and
a. Check materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
b. Observe materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
c. Perceive materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
d. Notice materials, tools and equipment for insufficient
quantity or faults/defects and report to the authority based
on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating procedures
10. The practice of supplying land with water so that crops and plants
will grow.
a. drainage
b. irrigation
c. pivot
d. system

Assignment/Additional Activity
What is the importance of periodic check-up of equipment and
other components? Explain your answer.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment
1. d
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. d
8. a
9. a


Handling and storing materials involve diverse operations such as

hoisting tons of steel with a crane; driving a truck loaded with concrete
blocks; carrying bags or materials manually; and stacking palletized
bricks or other materials such as drums, barrels, kegs, and lumber.
The efficient handling and storing of materials are vital to industry.
In addition to raw materials, these operations provide a continuous flow of
parts and assemblies through the workplace and ensure that materials
are available when needed. Unfortunately, the improper handling and
storing of materials often result in costly injuries.

1.3. Demonstrate correct manual handling and techniques used
when loading and unloading materials to minimize damage to
the materials, tools and equipment


Diverse- showing a great deal of variety; very different.

Struck- is a person or thing that has been hit or attacked

Metatarsal- one of the bones in your foot between your ankle and your

Pre Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

the statement is wrong.

_____1. Strains and sprains from lifting loads properly or from carrying loads
that are either large or heavy.

_____2. Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that have been properly
stored or by correctly cutting ties or other securing devices.

_____3. Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being
caught in pinch points, and

_____4. Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that
they lift as major contributing factors to their injuries.

_____5. Workers should always wear appropriate personal protective

equipment and use proper lifting techniques.
_____6. Workers should seek help when a load is so bulky that employees
cannot properly grasp or lift it.
_____7. Workers should seek help when employees can see around or over
a load.

_____8. Workers should seek help when employees cannot safely handle a

______9. Make sure PPE is provided – eye protection for chiseling,

grinding and welding work; respiratory protection for work that creates
_____10. Using of personal protective equipment prevents needless injuries
when manually moving materials.

Information Sheet

Handling and Storing Materials

What should your employees know before moving, handling, and

storing materials?

In addition to training and education, applying general safety
principles—such as proper work practices, equipment, and controls—can
help reduce workplace accidents involving the moving, handling, and
storing of materials. Whether moving materials manually or mechanically,
your employees should know and understand the potential hazards
associated with the task at hand and how to control their workplaces to
minimize the danger.
Because numerous injuries can result from improperly handling
and storing materials, workers should also be aware of accidents that may
result from the unsafe or improper handling of equipment as well as from
improper work practices. In addition, workers should be able to recognize
the methods for eliminating—or at least minimizing—the occurrence of
such accidents. Employers and employees should examine their
workplaces to detect any unsafe or unhealthful conditions, practices, or
equipment and take corrective action.
What are the potential hazards for workers?
Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that
they lift as major contributing factors to their injuries. In 1999, for
example, more than 420,000 workplace accidents resulted in back
injuries. Bending, followed by twisting and turning, were the more
commonly cited movements that caused back injuries.
Other hazards include falling objects, improperly stacked materials,
and various types of equipment. You should make your employees aware
of potential injuries that can occur when manually moving materials, including
the following:

ƒ Strains and sprains from lifting loads improperly or from carrying loads
that are either too large or too heavy,
ƒ Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being
caught in pinch points, and
ƒ Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that have been improperly
stored or by incorrectly cutting ties or other securing devices.

What precautions should workers take when moving materials manually?

When moving materials manually, workers should attach handles or
holders to loads. In addition, workers should always wear appropriate
personal protective equipment and use proper lifting techniques. To
prevent injury from oversize loads, workers should seek help in the

ƒ When a load is so bulky that employees cannot properly grasp or lift

ƒ When employees cannot see around or over a load, or
ƒ When employees cannot safely handle a load.

Using the following personal protective equipment prevents needless
injuries when manually moving materials:

ƒ Eye protection.
ƒ Steel-toed safety shoes or boots.
ƒ Metal, fiber, or plastic metatarsal guards to protect the instep area
ƒ impact or compression.

Practice Task 1

Demonstrate correct manual handling and techniques used when loading

and unloading materials to minimize damage to the materials, tools and

Practice Task 2

What are the precautions you need to consider when moving materials


Post Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

the statement is wrong.

_____1. Strains and sprains from lifting loads properly or from carrying loads that
are either large or heavy.

_____2. Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that have been properly
stored or by correctly cutting ties or other securing devices.

_____3. Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being

caught in pinch points, and

_____4. Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that they lift
as major contributing factors to their injuries.

_____5. Workers should always wear appropriate personal protective equipment

and use proper lifting techniques.

_____6. Workers should seek help when a load is so bulky that employees
cannot properly grasp or lift it.
_____7. Workers should seek help when employees can see around or over
a load.

_____8. Workers should seek help when employees cannot safely handle a

_____9. Make sure PPE is provided – eye protection for chiseling, grinding
and welding work; respiratory protection for work that creates dust.
_____10. Using of personal protective equipment prevents needless injuries when
manually moving materials.

Assignment/Additional Activity
How do you apply proper handling and storing of materials? What will you
do before moving, handling, and storing materials? Explain your answer.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment
10. TRUE


Materials handling is a form of logistics movement that includes

any process that involves the movement between vehicles, conveyors,
store rooms, other forms of logistics support where employees are
involved to some extent.
The extent of employee involvement will vary by operation and may
include manual, automated, and semi-automated material handling
events. The safety keys outlined below a general guidance that would
require tailoring for specific materials and logistics support scenarios.

1.4. Follow material and equipment handling procedures
Logistics- the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving
many people, facilities, or supplies.
Comprehensive- covering completely or broadly
Mitigation- the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or
painfulness of something

Pre Assessment

Write the letter of the best answer.

1.The mitigation of safety risks starts with _____
a. proper training, procedures and safety equipment.
b. proper training in awareness, safety equipment.
c. proper awareness, procedures and safety equipment.
d. proper training in awareness, procedures and safety
2. The day to day handing of materials continues free of accident or
injury when safety procedures are __________.
a. followed when necessary
b. inconsistently followed
c. consistently followed
d. consistently followed yearly

3. _____________ should be mandated for any new employees involved
with lifting, carrying, loading or transporting materials in any form.
a. Safety training
b. Security
c. Training
d. Safety
4. Manufacturers must design equipment to_______.
a. safety standards
b. standard
c. safety
d. security
5. This is one of the lists of safely lifting and moving materials.
a. Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending and keep lifts
close to the body
b. Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending and keep lifts
away to the body
c. Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending over and keep lifts
close to the body
d. Maintain the posture: avoid bending over and keep lifts close
to the body
6. One of the lists of safely lifting and moving materials.
a. Never lift materials from a sitting position, or twist to pick up
a heavy object
b. Lift materials from a sitting position, or twist to pick up a
heavy object
c. Lift materials from a standing position, or twist to pick up a
heavy object
d. Never lift materials from a standing position, or twist to pick
up a heavy object
7. The foundation for a____________ starts with policies and procedures
that senior management must put in place. .
a. safe workplace
b. workplace
c. work
d. workplace area
8. Safety training should be mandated for any new employees
involved with ____________________________ materials in any form.
a. lifting, loading or transporting
b. carrying, loading or transporting
c. lifting, carrying, loading or transporting
d. lifting, carrying, dancing, loading or transporting
9. Use the correct grip on objects; lifts should be shoulder ____ and with
full grasp of the hands.
a. eye
b length
c. high
d tight

10. Regularly _________ and leg muscles during the day and keep in good
physical shape.
a. stretch down
b. stretch back
c. stretch bent
d. stretch apart

Information Sheet

An Effective Materials Handling Safety Policy

The foundation for a safe workplace starts with policies and

procedures that senior management must put in place. A comprehensive
health and safety policy would include the appropriate level
of guidelines on material handling and the associated employee training
A key portion of the policy would be the safety compliance activity
that is essential for the business to operate. Most importantly, the policy

would inform on the shared responsibilities of each employee in keeping
the workplace safe.
Safety Training for Materials Handling
There are employee safety risks involved with materials handling in
distribution centers, warehouses, shop floors and loading docks. The
mitigation of safety risks starts with proper
training in awareness, procedures and safety equipment.
Safety training should be mandated for any new employees involved
with lifting, carrying, loading or transporting materials in any form. In
addition to new hire training, the safety risks and potential safety
compliance rules may require re-certification on an annual or other
regular time cycle.
Materials Handling Safety Procedures
The day to day handing of materials continues free of accident or
injury when safety procedures are consistently followed. Procedures
start with awareness of the specific materials handling risks involved and
the proper safety equipment for the situation. Procedures would cover the
types of material, and the conditions of the work area.

Is the work area free of obstacles? Is there adequate lighting? Other

procedures would cover the number of employees involved with specific
handing events and the proper safety gear for the task.
Here’s a list for safely lifting and moving materials:
ƒ Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending over and keep lifts close
to the body

ƒ Lift in a careful, deliberate manner and avoid any sudden lift
ƒ Never lift materials from a sitting position, or twist to pick up a heavy
ƒ Use the correct grip on objects; lifts should be shoulder high and with
full grasp of the hands
ƒ Get assistance from co-workers to avoid successive lifts of heavy
ƒ Always make use of conveyors, slides or other devices, to avoid
unnecessary lifting or pushing of objects
ƒ Always go around a blocked pathway, never step over an obstacle
while carrying material
ƒ Maintain a clear line of site; objects should not block vision; lift only
where there is sufficient lighting
ƒ Whenever possible; reduce load sizes, adjust bulky objects to ease
ƒ Regularly stretch back and leg muscles during the day and keep in
good physical shape
These are useful if posted and/or included in safety training manuals
and modules.
Knowing the Proper Safety Equipment to Use for Materials
Handling – And Its Proper Use

Safety for materials handling gear means the proper fit and use of
personal protection, to include, eye-protection, steel toed boots, other
personal safety equipment.
Materials handling safety equipment included the proper tools
should be used in moving material. This would include the proper use of
loaders, conveyers, forklifts and other aids to safely move material.

A company’s day to day operation and its customers are dependent
on efficient logistics, and the employees involved must be trained and
equipped to consistently work safely in meeting the materials handling
requirements of the business.

Practice Task 1

Arrange the steps on how to avoid manual handling injury when lifting.

A___________________ b.______________


1. a b c d 2. d c a b 3. c d a b 4. d a b c

a. Check your balance and procedure

b. When lifting items use your legs, do not jerk when you lifting
c. When moving your load, move from your feet do not keep
heaviest load
d. Ensures that other can see you

Practice Task 2

Describe picture A and B. Explain why picture A marked check and

picture B marked X.


Post Assessment

Write the letter of the best answer.

1. The mitigation of safety risks starts with _____
a. proper training, procedures and safety equipment.
b. proper training in awareness, safety equipment.
c. proper awareness, procedures and safety equipment.
d. proper training in awareness, procedures and safety
2. The day to day handing of materials continues free of accident or injury
when safety procedures are __________.
a. followed when necessary
b. inconsistently followed
c. consistently followed
d. consistently followed yearly
3. _____________ should be mandated for any new employees involved
with lifting, carrying, loading or transporting materials in any form.
a. Safety training
b. Security
c. Training
d. Safety

4. Manufacturers must design equipment to_______.
a. safety standards
b. standard
c. safety
d. security
5. This is one of the lists of safely lifting and moving materials.
a. Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending and keep lifts
close to the body
b. Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending and keep lifts a
way to the body
c. Maintain the correct posture: avoid bending over and keep lifts
close to the body
d. Maintain the posture: avoid bending over and keep lifts close
to the body
6. One of the lists of safely lifting and moving materials.
a. Never lift materials from a sitting position, or twist to pick up
a heavy object
b. Lift materials from a sitting position, or twist to pick up a
heavy object
c. Lift materials from a standing position, or twist to pick up a
heavy object
d. Never lift materials from a standing position, or twist to pick
up a heavy object
7. The foundation for a____________ starts with policies and procedures
that senior management must put in place.
a. safe workplace
b. workplace
c. work
d. workplace area
8. Safety training should be mandated for any new employees
involved with ____________________________ materials in any form.
a. lifting, loading or transporting
b. carrying, loading or transporting
c. lifting, carrying, loading or transporting
d. lifting, carrying, dancing, loading or transporting
9. Use the correct grip on objects; lifts should be shoulder ____ and with
full grasp of the hands.
a. eye
b length
c. high
d tight
10. Regularly _________ and leg muscles during the day and keep in
good physical shape.
a. stretch down
b. stretch back
c. stretch bent
d. stretch apart

Assignment/Additional Activity
What is the importance of following the correct procedures in
handling of materials. Are they useful in every workplace? Explain
your answer.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment
6. a
8. c


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provides people protection

from various hazards likely to arise in the workplace.

1.5. Select and check suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
prior to use and according to job requirements

Distress-extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain
Nausea -a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit

Protruding- to stick out from or through something.

Pre Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

the statement is wrong.

_____1. Individuals performing maintenance or testing of irrigation

systems can be exposed to very high temperatures and possible heat
_____2. Heat stress can cause various bodily distress including dizziness,
elevated body temperature, nausea, and in severe cases can result in death

_____3. Ensure adequate drinking water or fluids are available (rely on drinking
from the irrigation system)

_____4. Typical foot hazards encountered when working around irrigation

systems include rough, un-even ground and frequent muddy conditions.

_____5. Comfortable foot wear appropriate for wet, muddy conditions and
un-even terrain is required.

_____6. Appropriate hand protection in the form of gloves is generally

warranted for technicians performing maintenance and testing on
irrigation systems.

_____7. Cotton balls stuffed in your ears will provide hearing protection.

_____8. Accidental or un-expected sudden starting of irrigation related

electrical equipment is a major contributor to irrigation accidents

______9. Before leaving for the site consider: – What clothing & personal
protective equipment do I need?

_____10. Dress appropriately for the field and conditions

Information Sheet

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


x The most common types of PPE include head, ear, eye, hand, and
foot protection
Clothing/Personal Protective Equipment

x Before leaving for the site consider: – What clothing & personal
protective equipment do I need?
x Clothing - What’s the weather like? (hot or cold) – If it’s hot, bring
drinking water……don’t rely on drinking water from the irrigation
x Footwear - Boots…. Rubber or Leather?
x Hand Protection - Gloves…. Rubber or Leather?
x Head Protection - Class 1 Hard Hat.
x Hearing Protection - Earplugs or Earmuffs.
x Eye Protection - Safety Glasses. Heat Stress
Heat Stress

Individuals performing maintenance or testing of irrigation systems

can be exposed to very high temperatures and possible heat stress.

x Heat stress can cause various bodily distress including dizziness,

elevated body temperature, nausea, and in severe cases can result
in death.
x Dress appropriately for the field and conditions
x Ensure adequate drinking water or fluids are available (don’t rely on
drinking from the irrigation system)

Eliminate Problem Clothing & Jewelry/Accessories

x Secure Long Hair & Eliminate: – Jewelry (rings, watches, chains,

large belt buckles etc.) – Loose clothing (ties, scarves, etc.)
x Metal jewelry is electrically conductive and long hair & loose clothing
can easily become caught in rotating parts.
Foot Protection

x Typical foot hazards encountered when working around irrigation

systems include rough, un-even ground and frequent muddy
x Comfortable foot wear appropriate for wet, muddy conditions and
un-even terrain is required.

Hand Protection

Irrigation systems generally consist of significant quantities of

machined metal with sharp edges and lots of protruding bolts and other

x Appropriate hand protection in the form of gloves is generally

warranted for technicians performing maintenance and testing on
irrigation systems.
Head Protection

Most owners and operators typically do not wear head protection

when working on/around irrigation systems.

x Falling objects are rarely ever encountered however, bumping your

head on the structure can be painful.
x A Class 1 head protective device (hard hat) is adequate for working
around irrigation systems.
Noise - Hearing Damage

xMany fossil fuel power units will produce significant amounts of

noise that will damage hearing slightly if exposure is sufficient.
x Wear appropriate hearing protection when working around this type
of equipment
Noise - Hearing Protection

Irrigation pumps powered by fossil fuel engines are extremely loud.

Hearing Protection can be provided through PPE by wearing either
approved earplugs or earmuffs.
x Cotton balls stuffed in your ears will not provide hearing protection
Eye Protection

Most owners and operators typically do not wear eye protection when
working on/around irrigation systems.

x Technicians performing maintenance or testing of most any type

should have and use appropriate eye protection when working on
irrigation systems even if owners and operators do not.
Visually Inspect the System/Area

x Locate the disconnect switches for the irrigation equipment –

pump(s), irrigation machine(s), other equipment
x Look for missing lids & enclosure covers exposing live electrical parts.
x Look for damage from equipment or livestock on exposed electrical
panels and cords.
x Look for missing guards on moving and rotating equipment.
x Locate the Electrical Disconnects
x Always identify the electrical disconnects for the equipment you are
going to work on. – Look for labeling/evaluate layout of system. – Ask
Land Owner/Manager
x Look for Damaged Equipment & Other Hazards
x Damaged Equipment – Open enclosures – Damaged insulation –
Water in enclosures
x Missing Guards
x Chemical Spills
x Structural Instability
Test the Metal Structure

x Check the system with a voltmeter.

x Measure from metal water pump/pipe to earth (soil).
x Measure from metal machine structure to earth (soil).
x Voltage reading should be 5 volts or less.
Back-Hand the System

Make it a practice to always lightly brush the BACK of your hand
against any irrigation system metal structure or enclosure before
grasping with your palm.
x Grasping an energized metal structure member will cause your
hand to clamp around It.
Always De-energize Equipment

Accidental or un-expected sudden starting of irrigation related
electrical equipment is a major contributor to irrigation accidents. –
You MUST de-energize equipment prior to physical inspection or
working on equipment in order to do it safely. – Lockout/Tagout
procedures should be followed.

x Means of ensuring electrical and other energy is off and others

cannot turn it back on accidentally.
x Most basic safety work practice.


x Turn the power off and apply a padlock to the controls or switch to
indicate someone is working on it and it cannot be turned back on.
x Tags can be used in some instances under certain conditions.
x Only the person applying the lock/tag may remove it under normal
conditions. 44
Practice Task 1

Enumerate Personal Protective Equipment and give each uses..


Practice Task 2
Activity 6

What PPE is used …..

Farm Irrigation Work PPE

1.When spraying chemicals.

2.When operating Water pump.

3. When performing maintenance or

testing of irrigation systems.
4.When working around the fossil
fuel power units.

5.When working wet, muddy

conditions and un-even terrain.

Post Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

the statement is wrong.

_____1. Individuals performing maintenance or testing of irrigation

systems can be exposed to very high temperatures and possible heat
_____2. Heat stress can cause various bodily distress including dizziness,
elevated body temperature, nausea, and in severe cases can result in
_____3. Ensure adequate drinking water or fluids are available (rely on
drinking from the irrigation system)
_____4. Typical foot hazards encountered when working around irrigation
systems include rough, un-even ground and frequent muddy conditions.
_____5 Comfortable foot wear appropriate for wet, muddy conditions and
un-even terrain is required.
_____6. Appropriate hand protection in the form of gloves is generally
warranted for technicians performing maintenance and testing on
irrigation systems.
_____7. Cotton balls stuffed in your ears will provide hearing protection.
_____8. Accidental or un-expected sudden starting of irrigation related
electrical equipment is a major contributor to irrigation accidents
______9. Before leaving for the site consider: – What clothing & personal
protective equipment do I need?
_____10. Dress appropriately for the field and conditions

Assignment/Additional Activity

What are the importance of using PPE while working on specific

task? Explain your answer.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment


Many hazards are present in the farm. If the farmers are not aware
of these hazards these may cause injury to their body or may cause
diseases and even death. Farmer should always apply appropriate safety
measures while working in the farm. In this lesson the students with the
guidance and supervision of their teacher should identify farm works that
involve the use of chemicals and hazardous tools and equipment;
determine the uses of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and determine
farm emergency procedures regarding safety working environment.

1.6. Provide irrigation support according to OHS requirements and
according to workplace information.
1.6.1. Identify and report to the supervisor the OHS hazards based
on OHS requirements and company reporting procedures

Safety - the physical or environmental conditions of work which comply
with the prescribed Occupational Health Safety (OHS) standards and
which allow the workers to perform their job without or within acceptable
exposure to hazards.

Occupational safety- the practices related to production and work


Health-a sound state of the body and mind of the worker that enables
him or her to perform the job normally

Pre Assessment
Write the letter only of your choice in your quiz notebook.
1. Refers to the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an employee ‘s
health. Anything which may cause injury or ill health to anyone at
or near a workplace.
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Exposure
d. Harm
2.___________ is the likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill
health to anyone at or near a workplace. The level increases with
the severity of the hazard and the duration and frequency of
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Exposure
d. Harm
3.____________ occurs when a person comes into contact with a hazard.
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Exposure
d. Harm
4. What type of hazard includes electricity, machinery, equipment,
pressure vessels, dangerous goods, fork lifts, cranes, hoists
a. Physical Hazard
b. Mechanical or Electrical hazard
c. Chemical Hazard
d. Biological hazard
5. What type of hazard includes chemical substances such as acids or
poisons and those that could lead to fire or explosion, like pesticides,
herbicides, cleaning agents, dusts and fumes from various processes
such as welding
a. Physical Hazard
b. Mechanical or Electrical hazard
c. Chemical Hazard
d. Biological hazard
6. ______________ are required on electrical enclosures containing live
electrical parts and potentially hazardous voltages to alert personnel
performing repair & maintenance to the potential hazard.
a. Signs
b. Symbols
c. Safety Shoes
d. Safety Signs
7. Don’t __________ irrigation systems while they are spraying water on
power lines.
a. consider
b. look
c. touch
d. study
8. To help minimize the risk of personal injury or property damage in the
event of an emergency, people working on and visiting the farm need to
know and understand the _______________
a. procedures and their responsibilities.
b. emergency procedures
c. defective tools
d. emergency procedures and their responsibilities.
9. What type of hazard includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew,
insects, vermin, animals
a. Physical Hazard
b. Mechanical or Electrical hazard
c. Chemical Hazard
d. Biological hazard
10. Wear appropriate clothing and use any necessary personal protective
equipment refers to_________________.
a. Irrigation System Safe Work Practices
b. Irrigation System Practices
c. Irrigation System
d. Irrigation System Safe Practices

Information sheet
Occupational Safety and Health

Hazard, Risk and Exposure in The Farm

Agricultural crop production deal with a lot of activities to be

done in the different workplace. While performing these activities we
expose ourselves to a lot of risk. Workplace hazard is a major cause of
accident, injury, or harm to a worker who performs such task. These
hazards should be the major concern of all who are involved in a certain
job or work.

It is important to distinguish hazard, risk and exposure when

undertaking risk management.

x Hazard is the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an employee’s

health. Anything which may cause injury or ill health to anyone at
or near a workplace is a hazard. 50
x Risk is the likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill health to
anyone at or near a workplace. The level of risk increases with the
severity of the hazard and the duration and frequency of exposure.
x Exposure occurs when a person comes into contact with a hazard.

Classes of Hazard

Hazards are classified into five different types. They are:

Physical - includes floors, stairs, work platforms, steps, ladders,

fire, falling objects, slippery surfaces, manual handling (lifting, pushing,
pulling), excessively loud and prolonged noise, vibration, heat and cold,
radiation, poor lighting, ventilation, air quality.

Mechanical and/or electrical - includes electricity, machinery,

equipment, pressure vessels, dangerous goods, fork lifts, cranes, hoists.

Chemical - includes chemical substances such as acids or poisons

and those that could lead to fire or explosion, like pesticides,
herbicides, cleaning agents, dusts and fumes from various processes
such as welding.

Biological - includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects,

vermin, animals.

Psychosocial environment - includes workplace stressors arising

from a variety of sources.
Farm emergency procedures regarding safety working environment
1. Identify the potential emergencies. The emergencies that may
occur on a crop production farm could include:

1. Fire 2. Flood
3.Machine entrapment 4. Electric shock

5.Chemical Exposure 6. Farm injuries

7. snake /spider bite 8. typhoon

9. Farm Illness 10. Farm Accidents

2. Provide emergency facilities appropriate for the sorts of
emergencies that might occur on the farm (e.g. deluge
showers, eye washes, firefighting equipment, first aid kits).
3. Make sure that the correct equipment is available to contain and handle any
chemical or other dangerous materials spills that might happen.
4. To help minimize the risk of personal injury or property damage in the event of
an emergency, people working on and visiting the farm need to know and
understand the emergency procedures and their responsibilities.
5. Instruct everyone working on the farm in the emergency response procedures
6. Everyone should know the location of fire alarms, fire extinguishers and first aid
kits; how and where to contact emergency services; and where to safely
assemble in the event of an emergency.

Safety Around Irrigation Systems

Unsafe Work Practices

Installation of the safest and best maintained electrical system can

still result in electrical accidents if unsafe work practices are used by
personnel performing repair, maintenance or testing of the system.

Irrigation Hazard - Electrical Contact

Safety Signs are required on electrical enclosures containing live

electrical parts and potentially hazardous voltages to alert personnel
performing repair & maintenance to the potential hazard.
x The electrical voltage to most irrigation machines will be 240 or 480 volts
three phase.
Irrigation Hazard – Lightning

Stay away from self-propelled irrigation machines during storms.

x The large metal structures make good paths to ground and they tend to
be large lightning “receptors” due to their height in the field.
Irrigation Hazard Overhead Power Lines

Irrigation concerns with overhead power lines include: – Lifting

aluminum irrigation pipe into overhead power lines. – Standing on
irrigation systems while performing maintenance near overhead power
lines. – Well drilling trucks/booms drilling wells close to overhead power

High Voltage Circuits

x Un-qualified employees (not trained to work on the system) must stay a
minimum distance of at least 10 feet in any direction from energized
overhead power lines or open transformers.
x For high voltage transmission lines, the distance is even farther…10 feet
+ 4 inches for each additional 10,000 volts over 50,000 volts.
Irrigation Hazard Spraying Water on Power Lines
x Don’t touch irrigation systems while they are spraying water on power
lines. Alert the power company.
x Distance, stream size, water conductivity, voltage, and wind ALL effect
the amount of current carried when an irrigation system sprays a power
Irrigation System Safe Work Practices
x Wear appropriate clothing and use any necessary personal protective
x Visually inspecting the equipment prior to touching. – Look for unguarded
drive-lines and other mechanical hazards. – Locate the equipment 54
disconnect switches/devices. – Look for broken or damaged equipment
and electrical insulation on cords and open or damaged electrical
x Test the equipment (voltmeter and/or backhand)
x Disconnect energy sources prior to repair, maintenance and testing.
x Practice Lockout/Tagout

Practice Task 1

Observe picture A & B. Explain and give the importance of OHS

requirements according to workplace information.


Practice Task 2

Identify the different types of hazards that you might encountered in

irrigation work.

Post Assessment

Write the letter of the best answer.

1. Refers to the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an employee ‘s
health. Anything which may cause injury or ill health to anyone at
or near a workplace.
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Exposure
d. Harm
2.___________ is the likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill
health to anyone at or near a workplace. The level increases with
the severity of the hazard and the duration and frequency of
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Exposure
d. Harm
3.____________ occurs when a person comes into contact with a hazard.
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Exposure
d. Harm 56
4. What type of hazard includes electricity, machinery, equipment,
pressure vessels, dangerous goods, fork lifts, cranes, hoists
a. Physical Hazard
b. Mechanical or Electrical hazard
c. Chemical Hazard
d. Biological hazard
5. What type of hazard includes chemical substances such as acids or
poisons and those that could lead to fire or explosion, like pesticides,
herbicides, cleaning agents, dusts and fumes from various processes
such as welding
a. Physical Hazard
b. Mechanical or Electrical hazard
c. Chemical Hazard
d. Biological hazard
6. ______________ are required on electrical enclosures containing live
electrical parts and potentially hazardous voltages to alert personnel
performing repair & maintenance to the potential hazard.
a. Signs
b. Symbols
c. Safety Shoes
d. Safety Signs
7. Don’t __________ irrigation systems while they are spraying water on
power lines.
a. consider
b. look
c. touch
d. study
8. To help minimize the risk of personal injury or property damage in the
event of an emergency, people working on and visiting the farm need to
know and understand the _______________
a. procedures and their responsibilities.
b. emergency procedures
c. defective tools
d. emergency procedures and their responsibilities.
9. What type of hazard includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects,
vermin, animals
a. Physical Hazard
b. Mechanical or Electrical hazard
c. Chemical Hazard
d. Biological hazard
10. Wear appropriate clothing and use any necessary personal protective
equipment refers to__________.
a. Irrigation System Safe Work Practices
b. Irrigation System Practices
c. Irrigation System
d. Irrigation System Safe Practices

Assignment/Additional Activity

Visit your nearby farm or your own farm. Identify the common hazards
and give suggestions on how to prevent each hazard.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment
6. d
8. d


If you’re a boss, supervisor or manager, you’re probably used to

giving a lot of directions at work. But if you’re not, you may be someone
who mostly takes instructions from others. To get a task done properly,
there are a few things we can all do to give and follow directions more


2.1. Follow and clarify instructions and directions based on

authority’s requirements and workplace procedures

Resist- to withstand, strive against, or oppose.

Micromanage- to manage especially with excessive control or attention

to details.

Pre Assessment

Match Column A with column B.


Tips on giving directions:

1. Resist any urge to micromanage a. Try your best to be as detailed as

you can, especially when you
have a set idea about how the
task should be done.

2. Offer the other person the b. Try to avoid negative language

opportunity to ask questions and don’t forget to say “please”.

3. Ask politely rather than barking c. The better he understands what

others to do, the greater chance for a
successful outcome.
4. Provide context and be specific d. Instill faith in your task-
doer by letting him do

Tips on taking directions and fulfilling tasks:

5. Actively listen e. Visually think about

what's being said and
maybe even repeat it in
your head.

6. Take notes f. Instead of trying to

remember everything,
write it down.

7. Ask questions g. Check things off as you go

to make sure you don’t
miss anything.

8. Respond with a good attitude h. Just as the person giving

directions need to speak
9. Before starting the task, make
a checklist i. Provide any background
to help that person better
understand the task at
10. Positive communication
and listening j. If you are even slightly
unsure of what you are
being asked to do, don’t be
afraid to question.

Information Sheet

5 Steps in Giving & Following Instructions in the Workplace
requitements/ 61
Tips on giving directions:

1. Provide context and be specific: Provide any background to help that

better understand the task at hand. Try your best to be as detailed as you
can, especially when you have a set idea about how the task should be
2. Ask politely rather than barking orders: Tone of voice can change
especially when telling someone what to do. Speak at a reasonable volume
and use kind, respectful words. Try to avoid negative language and don’t
forget to say “please.”
3. Offer the other person the opportunity to ask questions: Whenever the
receiving the task is unsure, it’s important that you allow him time to ask
questions. The better he understands what to do, the greater chance for a
successful outcome.
4. Resist any urge to micromanage: If you give directions properly, you
should not feel the need to oversee or micromanage. Instill faith in your
task-doer by letting him do things without you to the best of his ability.
Provide positive feedback and appropriate gratitude: When the task is
complete, be sure to affirm the person. This makes your team member feel
respected and trusted. And give clear, helpful feedback or constructive
criticism if the task was done improperly.

Tips on taking directions and fulfilling tasks:

1. Actively listen: Try to listen intently, not just hear. When you actively
listen, you can
better understand what you need to do. Here’s a trick that may help:
pretend that there is going to be a quiz after the conversation. Visually think
about what's being said and maybe even repeat it in your head.
2. Take notes: Instead of trying to remember everything, write it down. There’s
wrong with keeping notes; it shows that you are prepared, organized and
want to do the job correctly.
3. Ask questions: If you are even slightly unsure of what you are being asked
to do,
don’t be afraid to question. Make sure the other person allows you the
chance to find out all the needed details to move forward.
4. Respond with a good attitude: Just as the person giving directions needs
to speak
respectfully, it’s important to respond respectfully. If you go into the
conversation with a bad attitude, it’s likely that performing the task will be
much more challenging.
5. Before starting the task, make a checklist: Whenever there is a job that
requires multiple steps, try organizing a to-do list. Check things off as you 62
go to make sure you don’t miss anything. Then when you’re done, be sure to
review your work.

Overall, positive communication and listening are essential when giving

and taking instructions. For some jobs, following step-by-step directions is
pertinent, but in the case of working in an office, warehouse, restaurant,
etc., learning how to provide direction properly and knowing how to take
direction make for a smoother and more productive work environment.

Practice Task 1

Use the Graphic organizer below enumerate and explain

the Tips on giving instruction to make the workplace healthy and safety.

Tips on giving

Practice Task 2

Use one (1) coupon bond long, copy the illustration below
enumerate and explain the tips on giving directions and fulfilling tasks.

Post Assessment

Match Column A with column B


Tips on giving directions

1. Resist any urge to micromanage a. Try your best to be as detailed

as you can, especially when
you have a set idea about how
the task should be done.
2. Offer the other person the
opportunity to ask questions b. Try to avoid negative language
and don’t forget to say “please.”

3. Ask politely rather than barking c. The better he understands

others what to do, the greater chance
for a successful outcome.

4. Provide context and be specific d. Instill faith in your task-doer by

letting him do

Tips on taking directions and fulfilling tasks

5. Actively listen e. Visually think about what's

being said and maybe even
repeat it in your head.

6. Take notes f. Instead of trying to remember

everything, write it down. 64
7. Ask questions g. Check things off as you go to
make sure you don’t miss

8. Respond with a good attitude h. Just as the person giving

directions need to speak
9. Before starting the task, make i. Provide any background to
a checklist help that person better
understand the task at
10. Positive communication j. If you are even slightly unsure
and listening of what you are being asked to
do, don’t be afraid to question.

Assignment /Additional Activity

Make a slogan about workplace health and safety. Use 1 coupon

long with at least 10 words.

Answer Key

Pre/Post Assessment

1. d

2. c

3. b

4. a

5. e

6. f

7. i

8. h

9. g

10. j


Water management is very essential in rice production. This lesson

presents the types of irrigation system, schedule of irrigation, water use
and disposal and the six stages of rice growth when the field is to be
drained. You will learn these in thirteen days.


2.2. Undertake irrigation work in a safe, appropriate and

environmentally appropriate manner according to
enterprise guidelines

Tillering stage – starts with the development and appearance of

the first shoot/tiller and ends when the plant stops producing
Panicle initiation – beginning of the reproductive phase
characterized by the formation of the panicle within the stalks
Milk stage – stage of rice growth when the content of the grain becomes
Irrigation – the application of water needed by the plant by
means of any method
Drainage –a shallow canal to remove excess water from the field when
not needed
Inutile-useless, unusable
DAT – days after transplanting

Pre Assessment

Write the letter of the best answer.

1. The supply of water to the soil by any other means than rainfall is
a. duty of water b. fertilization c. drainage d. irrigation
2. The water is applied above the ground, either in furrows or by
spreading it over the land being irrigated is called
a. sub-irrigation 67
b. over head or spray irrigation
c. surface irrigation
d. watering by hand
3. This method of irrigation is used to apply water with the use of
sprinklers to irrigate crops grown in a small piece of land like school
and home gardens.
a. irrigation by hand c. irrigation by windmill
b. irrigation by gravity d. irrigation by power machinery
4. Which of the following benefits is NOT derived from irrigation?
a. Assures crop against drought
b. Improves soil aeration
c. Enables the growing of quick maturing crop
d. Increases quality and yield of crops
5. In order to save irrigation water, you should practice the following
a. avoiding over irrigation.
b. practicing wild flooding
c. practicing lining of canals properly with a clay puddle.
d. planting the field with uniform or properly graded surface.
6. The process of removing excess water from the soil in order to increase
its productivity is---------------.
a. fertigation c. drainage
b. irrigation d. none of these

IDENTIFICATION. Identify the processes wherein water lost from the soil.

1. ______________ It is the direct loss of water from the water

surface or moist soil surface. The amount of water that
evaporates is influenced by high intensity of sunlight,
strong and dry wind, and high temperature. Second crop
rice production which is on time with the summer season needs
more water to sustain growth and yield.
2. _____________ It is the loss of water from the leaves.
Transpiration is affected by the weather condition. More water
will be lost during dry season which explains the need of
constant irrigation.
3. _____________ Water moves sideways within the soil. It may pass
through the dike or below the ground. This can be minimized if
the dikes and levees are well-maintained.
4. ______________. It is the downward flow of water. Its occurrence
is high if the soil is sandy, deep, and has a deep-water table.
Well-puddled rice paddies minimize percolation and tend to
hold water efficiently.

Information Sheet

Water Management

Due to climate change, the supply of water is becoming scarce

nowadays. The extreme changes of weather conditions in the different
regions of the country caused a dramatic impact in rice production.
Places with extreme rainfall experience flooding while those with scarce
rainfall face long drought. Both situations cause soil degradation,
resulting in loss of agricultural production.
Dams that hold water for irrigation purposes become destructive
during rainy season due to excessive supply of water yet becomes inutile
to supply water during summer when it is needed most in the rice fields.
Farmers turn to use of water pumps to source out water from deep wells
but the water level below is getting deeper each year making it very
expensive for farmers to sustain a profitable rice production.
Water is life. It is one of the most important factors in increasing
production of our staple food. It determines the availability of nutrients in
the soil and control weeds. Hence, efficient utilization and conservation of
irrigation water are necessary.
Water insufficiency in any stage most especially during the vegetative
and reproductive growth stages is evident. It reduces plant height, tiller
number, and yield. Water is most critical from panicle initiation to grain
development. Lack of water during these stages leads to production of
unfilled grains.
For efficient water management in irrigated r i c e production, take
note of the following desirable recommended water depth at different
stages of growth:
a. After transplanting, irrigate the puddied field with a depth of 2 -
3 centimeters.
b. Maintain this water depth from 3–5 DAT (Days After
Transplanting), then gradually increase the level up to 5 cm as
the crop grows. Avoid deep flooding to minimize percolation and
seepage. Keep farm ditches well-shaped and free of weeds to
allow quick flow of irrigation water with minimum loss.
c. At tillering stage, keep water depth at 2 - 3 centimeters.
d. Maintain the water depth at 3–5 cm during panicle initiation
e. At ripening stage, maintain deep inflow of water 20 days after
flowering then drain the field 2 – 3 weeks before harvesting.

For rainfed areas construct bigger and higher dikes to

impound more water. It should be about 25 – 30 cm high to free it
from rats, holes and breaks. Start impounding water during the early
stage of growth gradually increasing from 5 cm. to a maximum of 15
cm as the crop becomes taller.
When there is abundant water supply, the field must be kept
submerged for 3-5 days after transplanting. A depth of 2-3 cm is
enough to get higher yield. But a depth of 5-10 cm helps control
weeds. However, there are periods when the rice field has to be
drained for a specific purpose and water efficiency. These are:
1. during transplanting, for ease and more accurate distance and
spacing of planting
2. during early stage of growth, to attain maximum tillering
and to prevent late tillers to come out for a uniform plant growth
and development
3. during weeding, for easier control of weeds using a
mechanical weeder
4. fertilizer application, for the plants to be able to absorb the
maximum nutrients from the applied fertilizers
5. maximum tillering stage, to attain uniform growth, and
6. two weeks before harvesting, to facilitate grain development and
maturity and for ease of harvesting and transport

Draining the field during the maximum tillering stage prevents the
emergence of late tillers and the accumulation of toxic nitrogen which
the plant needs. It is necessary to let the water flow out of the rice field
while the paddy is being drained. Water must be channeled to other
paddies that need it.
Types of Irrigation System

a. Reservoir type. A large dam or a small water impounding dam is

constructed across a stream of river where water is impounded for irrigation
and for domestic use. The flow of irrigation water is dependent on the
selection of the methods of water distribution to meet the water needs of the
service area. The rotation method is usually employed to ensure even
distribution of available water supply and to ensure that a wider area will
be supplied with irrigation water.

b. The run-off-the-river type. In this method a controllable gate is

constructed along the river or stream. When water outlet is closed,
water level rise which could be diverted to the canals and laterals. The
quantity of water entering the main canal is regulated at the intake
gate. The available water supply is dependent on the elevation at the
source. As a general rule, the supply is proportionate to the height
of the source and volume flowing from the source. During periods of
high flow when available supply becomes abundant, the continuous
method is usually practiced. When the supply is scarce, the rotational
method is employed.


a. Pumping type. This method makes use of a pump powered by an

engine installed to draw water from underground or open sources like

rivers and lakes. The available water supply is dependent upon the
power-can-be-saved/Figure 1

capacity of the pumps and the water level. Energy is used to run the
system; hence, higher operation expenses are incurred. When using
this type, never allow the rice paddies to dry and have cracks, which
will cause water seepage making irrigation more expensive.

Whatever type of irrigation is used, cooperation among farmers is to
be practiced at all times in order to implement the schedule of irrigation
calendar for an efficient and effective rotation method.

Irrigating the field using water pump, at the panicle

initiation stage of rice where water supply is very

Efficient Water Use and Disposal
To determine the right amount of water to use, consider the following:
1. Rice variety. You may need more water for the late maturing varieties
than early maturing varieties.
2. Season. Wet season crops need less water than dry season crops.
3. Types of soil. Clay or clay loam soil needs less water than light soil
such as sand.
4. Presence of weeds. Flooding the field always prevent the growth of
Water may be lost through the following processes:
1. Evaporation. It is the direct loss of water from the water
surface or moist soil surface. The amount of water that
evaporates is influenced by high intensity of sunlight, strong
and dry wind, and high temperature. Second crop rice
production which is on time with the summer season needs more
water to sustain growth and yield.
2. Transpiration. It is the loss of water from the leaves.
Transpiration is affected by the weather condition. More water will
be lost during dry season which explains the need of constant
3. Seepage. Water moves sideways within the soil. It may pass
through the dike or below the ground. This can be minimized if
the dikes and levees are well-maintained.
4. Percolation. It is the downward flow of water. Its occurrence is
high if the soil is sandy, deep, and has a deep-water table. Well-
puddled rice paddies minimize percolation and tend to hold water
The three systems of irrigation are:
1. reservoir type
2. run – off – the river or free flowing
3. pumping type

The methods of water distribution are:

1. rotational
2. continuous method

The factors to consider in determining the right amount of

irrigation water to use are:
1. rice variety
2. season
3. type of soil
4. presence of weeds
The six stages of rice growth when the rice field has to be drained:
1. during transplanting
2. early stage of growth
3. weeding
4. fertilizer application
5. maximum tillering stage
6. two weeks before harvesting

9 Adequate water supply is needed to:

o facilitate land preparation especially
o ensure good crop establishment with faster
root development;
o promotes seedling vigor and normal crop growth
and development with minimal lodging; and
o facilitates better nutrient uptake with the right amount and
timing of water.

9 Efficient water management means

o Achieve 3-5 cm water depth every irrigation time from
early tillering until 1-2 weeks before crop maturity or

9 A water depth of about 3-5 cm will be maintained from 10

DAT or 10- 15 DAS to near crop maturity will ensure water
status for optimum crop growth and yield. However, under
field conditions, irrigation water supply may be insufficient to
maintain a flooded soil condition or a certain surface water
depth. While a certain flood water depth can control weeds,
saturated soil condition at an early crop growth stage can
reduce snail mobility and damage.

9 Stop irrigation one week before harvesting for medium textured

soil and 2 weeks before harvesting for fine textured soil.
This ensures sufficient moisture to complete grain filling and
facilitates harvest operations. This also helps ensure better grain
appearance, i.e., grains will not be splashed with mud and water.

Practice Task 1

Give the desirable recommended water depth at different stages of

growth of rice.
1. After transplanting
2. 3–5 DAT (Days After Transplanting)
3. At tillering stage
4. During panicle initiation stage.
5. At ripening stage
6. 2 – 3 weeks before harvesting

Practice Task 2

Describe how to minimize water loses in the rice paddies.

Ways to minimize the water

loses in the rice paddies

Practice Task 3

Identify the six stages of rice growth when the field is to be drained
and give the importance of doing it.






1. 76
Post Assessment

Write the letter of the best answer.

1. The supply of water to the soil by any other means than rainfall is
a. duty of water b. fertilization c. drainage d. irrigation
2. The water is applied above the ground, either in furrows or by
spreading it over the land being irrigated is called
a. sub-irrigation
b. over head or spray irrigation
c. surface irrigation
d. watering by hand
3. This method of irrigation is used to apply water with the use of
sprinklers to irrigate crops grown in a small piece of land like school
and home gardens.
a. irrigation by hand c. irrigation by windmill
b. irrigation by gravity d. irrigation by power machinery
4. Which of the following benefits is NOT derived from irrigation?
a. Assures crop against drought
b. Improves soil aeration
c. Enables the growing of quick maturing crop
d. Increases quality and yield of crops
5. In order to save irrigation water, you should practice the following
a. avoiding over irrigation.
b. practicing wild flooding
c. practicing lining of canals properly with a clay puddle.
d. planting the field with uniform or properly graded surface.
6. The process of removing excess water from the soil in order to increase
its productivity is---------------.
a. fertigation c. drainage
b. irrigation d. none of these

IDENTIFICATION. Identify the processes wherein water lost from the soil.

1. ______________ It is the direct loss of water from the water

surface or moist soil surface. The amount of water that
evaporates is influenced by high intensity of sunlight, strong
and dry wind, and high temperature. Second crop rice
production which is on time with the summer season needs more
water to sustain growth and yield.
2. _____________ It is the loss of water from the leaves. Transpiration
is affected by the weather condition. More water will be lost during
dry season which explains the need of constant irrigation.
3. _____________ Water moves sideways within the soil. It may pass
through the dike or below the ground. This can be minimized if
the dikes and levees are well-maintained.
4. ______________. It is the downward flow of water. Its occurrence is
high if the soil is sandy, deep, and has a deep-water table. Well-
puddled rice paddies minimize percolation and tend to hold water

Assignment/Additional Activity

Do you believe at present we are suffering climate change?

What is then the use of water management in our present situation
especially in the rice production?

Answer Key

Pre/Post Assessment

1. d

2. c

3. a

4. c

5. a

6. c

1. Evaporation

2. Transpiration

3. Seepage

4. Percolation


The DOLE is the lead agency of the government in the administration and
enforcement of laws, policies, and programs on occupational safety and health.

The legal basis of its mandate is the Presidential Decree No. 442, Labor Code
of the Philippines. The OSHS was created in 1978 under these standards:

A set of mandatory rules on OSH which codifies all safety orders and
patterned after the standards of other developing countries.


2.3. Carry out in a positive and professional manner the interactions with
other staff and customers as specified in the employee manual


Stevedoring- the act or practice of loading or unloading a ship, ship's cargo.

Pyrotechnic- refers literally to fireworks


OSHS- Occupational Safety and Health Standards

OSH-Occupational safety and health

Pre Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong.

_____1. As the employer, you are responsible to ensure the health and
safety of all people working on your farm.
_____2. Just as you need to know crop management, you also need to
know what is required by government occupational health and safety
_____3. The legislation can be used as farm management tools which can
help you farm more safely and more profitably. ီ
_____4. All farms have dangerous machinery and work situations. People of
all ages, who work and live on farms, are at risk of injury
_____5. Adults are especially vulnerable to hazards on farms because it is
their home, as well as, a place of work. 80
_____6. Young, inexperienced workers are at a higher risk for injuries than
older experienced workers.
_____7. The Occupational Health and Safety Act will apply to all workplaces,
including farms.
_____8. Working alone and time pressure also decrease the risk of injury.
______9. In our country the agency that is in-charge to take the lead in the
conduct of Occupational Safety and Health System (OSHS) is the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
_____10. Exposure to biological agents as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa,
nematodes and other parasites are example of hazardous workplaces .

Information Sheet

Protection of Workers from Occupational Risks and Hazards

All workplaces, except safety in mines Rule 1000 General provisions:

To protect every worker against injury, sickness or death.
Under the rule:

Duties of employers:

o Furnish safe healthful working conditions

o Give job safety instructionီ
o Comply with OSHSီ
o Use approved safety devices

Duties of workers

o Cooperate with management

o Report unsafe conditionီ
o Use all safe devices

Hazardous Workplaces

o Exposure to dangerous environmental elements,

contaminants or work conditions
o Construction work, logging, fire-fighting, mining, quarrying,
blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep sea, fishing and
mechanized farming
o Manufacture or handling of explosives and pyrotechnic
o Use or exposure to power=driven or explosive materials
o Exposure to biological agents as bacteria, fungi, viruses,
protozoa, nematodes and other parasites

Eminent Danger

A condition or practice that could reasonably be expected to cause

death or serious physical harm before abatement under the enforcement
procedure can be accomplished.

Government Agencies Covered:

The following government agencies are: Department of Health, Local

Government Units such as provinces, towns, cities and its barangays,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of
Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Education,
Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of
Transportation, Department of Transportation and Communication,
Department of Energy, National Economic and Development Authority,
Department of Science and Technology and Department of Agriculture.

NGOs, Labor and Employer groups:

They are Philippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM),

Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines (OHNAP),
Employees Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP), People Management
Association of the Philippines(PMAP), Trade Union Congress of the
Philippines (TUCP), Federation of Free Workers (FFW), Association of Safety
Practitioner of the Philippines (ASPPI), and World Safety Organization (WSO).


Among colleges and universities are University of the Philippines

College of Public Health (UPCPH), University of the Philippines School of
Labor and Industrial and Relations (UPSOLAIR), De la Salle University
(DLSU), Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) etc.

OHS Ligeslative Requirements and Codes of Practice

Running a nursery is like managing a farm crop production. From

time to time, you will probably hire workers to help run your farm
operations. It will become a business enterprise involving Ɇemployer-worker
relationships. As the employer, you are responsible to ensure the health and
safety of all people working on your farm. Just as you need to know crop
management, you also need to know what is required by government
occupational health and safety legislation. The legislation can be used as
farm management tools which can help you farm more safely and more 82
profitably. ီ

All farms have dangerous machinery and work situations. People of all
ages, who work and live on farms, are at risk of injury. Children are
especially vulnerable to hazards on farms because it is their home, as well
as, a place of work. Young, inexperienced workers are at a higher risk for
injuries than older experienced workers. Performance changes which occur
with aging can result in reduced balance and reaction time, vision and
hearing impairment. These and other changes affect the aging farmer’s
ability to work safely. Working alone and time pressure also increase the
risk of injury. When these injuries occur, especially at critical farming times,
they can reduce farm revenues. Losing a limb and the resulting loss of
productive work time can devastate both the short and the long-term
profitability of a farm operation. The Occupational Health and Safety Act will
apply to all workplaces, including farms. ီ

In our country the agency that is in-charge to take the lead in the
conduct of Occupational Safety and Health System (OSHS) is the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The agency should monitor
the following: ီ

o Prevention- Executive Order 301 (OSHC)ီ

o Enforcement- Administrative Code of 1987ီ
o Compensation Rehabilitation-Presidential Decree 626
(Environmental ီCertificate Compliance)
o Updating of Health & Safety Standard and Other Related OSH
Policies- Adm. Code 1987

Practice Task 1

What are the duties of employees/workers regarding OHS? Explain

each duty.


Practice Task 2

If you are the manager/owner of the farm, how did you address the
negative behavior of your employees?


Not observing
Issue of Bad
Laziness safety in
Tardiness behavior

Post Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong.

_____1. As the employer, you are responsible to ensure the health and safety
of all people working on your farm.
_____2. Just as you need to know crop management, you also need to know
what is required by government occupational health and safety legislation.
_____3. The legislation can be used as farm management tools which can
help you farm more safely and more profitably. ီ
_____4. All farms have dangerous machinery and work situations. People of
all ages, who work and live on farms, are at risk of injury
_____5. Adults are especially vulnerable to hazards on farms because it is
their home, as well as, a place of work.
_____6. Young, inexperienced workers are at a higher risk for injuries than
older experienced workers.
_____7. The Occupational Health and Safety Act will apply to all workplaces,
including farms.
_____8. Working alone and time pressure also decrease the risk of injury.
_____9. In our country the agency that is in-charge to take the lead in the
conduct of Occupational Safety and Health System (OSHS) is the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
_____10. Exposure to biological agents as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa,
nematodes and other parasites are example of hazardous workplaces.

Assignment/Additional Activity

If you are the worker, what are the positive behavior that will help
your employer or company? Explain each behavior.

Answer Key
Pre/Post Assessment
10. TRUE


Handling and storing materials involve diverse operations such as

hoisting tons of steel with a crane; driving a truck loaded with concrete
blocks; carrying bags or materials manually; and stacking palletized bricks
or other materials such as drums, barrels, kegs, and lumber.
The efficient handling and storing of materials are vital to industry. In
addition to raw materials, these operations provide a continuous flow of parts
and assemblies through the workplace and ensure that materials are
available when needed. Unfortunately, the improper handling and storing of
materials often result in costly injuries.


2.3. Observe handling and disposal practices of materials for

irrigation work, following engineering and enterprise policy and

2.3.1. Report problems or difficulties in completing work to required

standards or timelines to authority, based on company reporting


Grasp - to quickly take something in your hand(s) and hold it firmly.

Impairs - to weaken or make worse

Metatarsal - one of the bones in your foot between your ankle and your

Silos- a tall round metal tower on a farm, in which grass, grain, or some
other substance is stored.

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong.

_____1. When moving materials manually, workers should attach handles or

holders to loads
_____2. To prevent injury from oversize loads, workers should seek help when
employees can see around or over a load
_____3. To prevent creating hazards when storing materials, employers must keep
storage areas free from accumulated materials.
_____4. Acknowledge your emotion and then determine its source.
_____5. Realize that emotions are part of the workplace and that negative
emotions can fuel the conflict.
_____6. Most people remember how you respond to a situation rather
than what happened.
_____7. Listen only to hear what you expect the other person to say or to
confirm your viewpoint
_____8. By involving the other person in resolving the conflict, you gain his
or her commitment and develop a stronger working relationship.
______9. You should address difficult issues after you have had time to
organize your thoughts.
_____10. Numerous injuries can result from properly handling and storing

Information Sheet

Handling and Storing Materials

What should your employees know before moving, handling, and storing
In addition to training and education, applying general safety
principles—such as proper work practices, equipment, and controls—can
help reduce workplace accidents involving the moving, handling, and storing
of materials. Whether moving materials manually or mechanically, your
employees should know and understand the potential hazards associated
with the task at hand and how to control their workplaces to minimize the
Because numerous injuries can result from improperly handling and
storing materials, workers should also be aware of accidents that may result
from the unsafe or improper handling of equipment as well as from improper
work practices. In addition, workers should be able to recognize the methods
for eliminating—or at least minimizing—the occurrence of such accidents.
Employers and employees should examine their workplaces to detect any
unsafe or unhealthful conditions, practices, or equipment and take corrective

88 I Page
What are the potential hazards for workers?
Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that they
lift as major contributing factors to their injuries. In 1999, for example, more
than 420,000 workplace accidents resulted in back injuries. Bending,
followed by twisting and turning, were the more commonly cited movements
that caused back injuries.
Other hazards include falling objects, improperly stacked materials,
and various types of equipment. You should make your employees aware of
potential injuries that can occur when manually moving materials, including
the following:

ƒ Strains and sprains from lifting loads improperly or from carrying loads
that are either too large or too heavy,
ƒ Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being
caught in pinch points, and
ƒ Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that have been improperly
stored or by incorrectly cutting ties or other securing devices.

What precautions should workers take when moving materials

When moving materials manually, workers should attach handles or
holders to loads. In addition, workers should always wear appropriate
personal protective equipment and use proper lifting techniques. To prevent
injury from oversize loads, workers should seek help in the following:

ƒ When a load is so bulky that employees cannot properly grasp or lift it,
ƒ When employees cannot see around or over a load, or

Using the following personal protective equipment prevents needless

injuries when manually moving materials:

ƒ Hand and forearm protection, such as gloves, for loads with sharp or
rough edges.
ƒ Eye protection.
ƒ Steel-toed safety shoes or boots.
ƒ Metal, fiber, or plastic metatarsal guards to protect the instep area from
impact or compression.

See OSHA's booklet, Personal Protective Equipment (OSHA 3077), for

additional information.
Employees should use blocking materials to manage loads safely.
Workers should also be cautious when placing blocks under a raised load to
ensure that the load is not released before removing their hands from under
the load. Blocking materials and timbers should be large and strong enough
to support the load safely. In addition to materials with cracks, workers

89 I Page
should not use materials with rounded corners, splintered pieces, or dry rot
for blocking.

What precautions should workers take when moving materials

Using mechanical equipment to move and store materials increases the
potential for employee injuries. Workers must be aware of both manual
handling safety concerns and safe equipment operating techniques.
Employees should avoid overloading equipment when moving materials
mechanically by letting the weight, size, and shape of the material being
moved dictate the type of equipment used. All materials-handling equipment
has rated capacities that determine the maximum weight the equipment can
safely handle and the conditions under which it can handle that weight.
Employers must ensure that the equipment-rated capacity is displayed on
each piece of equipment and is not exceeded except for load testing.
Although workers may be knowledgeable about powered equipment,
they should take precautions when stacking and storing material. When
picking up items with a powered industrial truck, workers must do the

ƒ Center the load on the forks as close to the mast as possible to minimize
the potential for the truck tipping or the load falling,
ƒ Avoid overloading a lift truck because it impairs control and causes tipping
ƒ Do not place extra weight on the rear of a counterbalanced forklift to allow
an overload,
ƒ Adjust the load to the lowest position when traveling,
ƒ Follow the truck manufacturer's operational requirements, and
ƒ Pile and cross-tier all stacked loads correctly when possible.

What precautions must workers take to avoid storage hazards?

Stored materials must not create a hazard for employees. Employers should
make workers aware of such factors as the materials' height and weight, how
accessible the stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the
containers where the materials are being stored when stacking and piling
materials. To prevent creating hazards when storing materials, employers
must do the following:

ƒ Keep storage areas free from accumulated materials that cause tripping,
fires, or explosions, or that may contribute to the harboring of rats and
other pests;
ƒ Place stored materials inside buildings that are under construction and at
least 6 feet from hoist ways, or inside floor openings and at least 10 feet
away from exterior walls;
ƒ Separate noncompatible material; and

90 I Page
ƒ Equip employees who work on stored grain in silos, hoppers, or tanks,
with lifelines and safety belts.

Important Safety Measures

To reduce the number of accidents associated with workplace
equipment, employers must train employees in the proper use and
limitations of the equipment they operate. In addition to powered industrial
trucks, this includes knowing how to safely and effectively use equipment
such as conveyors, cranes, and slings.

Problem Solving Information and Tips

Principles for Addressing Workplace Conflict

Common and ineffective strategies to deal with workplace disputes include:

x Avoidance
x Indirect communication in the form of complaints and/or gossip,
x Bartering
x Emotional reactions
x Righteousness: holding on to positions

Principles to Help:

x Pay attention to your emotions and how they influence you.

Realize that emotions are part of the workplace and that negative
emotions can fuel the conflict. Acknowledge your emotion and then
determine its source. Is it based on a bad experience or a past
interaction that may be influencing the current situation? Is it based
on something you have no control over? Take the time to deescalate
before moving forward.
x Consciously decide how to respond to a conflict situation. Most
people remember how you respond to a situation rather
than what happened. While you often do not have control of many
situations, you can choose how to respond to others to help reduce
work conflict and stress. By responding appropriately to a conflict
situation, you take responsibility for your actions. Refer
to Understanding Conflict Handling Styles to discover the advantages
and disadvantages for each style.

91 I Page
x Give yourself time to prepare. You should address difficult issues
after you have had time to organize your thoughts. Take the time to
understand and be clear about what your real concerns. Ask yourself,
“What is the underlying reason or the ‘why’ behind what I want?” Refer
to Focus on Interests (Needs), Not Positions (Wants) for more
x Listen, Reflect, Inquire. Do you have enough time to listen? Is the
setting appropriate? Make good eye contact and keep your facial and
body expressions in check. Listening is hard when emotions are high.
Cool down first. Do not listen only to hear what you expect the other
person to say or to confirm your viewpoint. Listen with an open mind.
Help the other person feel heard. Empathize. Ask open ended
questions to gather information. Refer to Listening Effectively for tips
on how to listen well.
x Use “I” messages to express your concerns in a non-
confrontational way. Focus on and clarify your issues, feelings, or
opinions. “I feel frustrated when you come in late because I am not
able to end my shift on time,” rather than “You are always late.” “I”
messages place the responsibility on you and include three
components: 1) your personal reaction/feeling, 2) a description of the
situation/action, and 3) the impact/consequence from your
perspective. “You” messages focus the blame on the other person and
they are likely to elicit a negative or defensive response.
x Frame the issue in terms of interests. Frame the discussion by
being direct about your interests. Ask powerful questions to better
define the problem for the two of you to address together. The best
questions are open-ended questions rather than questions that require
a “yes” or “no” reply or a short answer. Good questions include “What
would that look like?” “How would that work in this situation?” “How
do you want to move forward?” Refer to How to Identify Interests for
help on questions.
x Focus on what you can change – the future. Discussion about the
past and/or arguing about examples may be necessary for
understanding, but it is not to convince the other person you are right
or to defend yourself. Focus on how you can both work more
productively in the future.
x Recognize that other viewpoints are possible and likely. Although
you feel differently about the situation, the other person’s feelings are
real and legitimate to them. Denying their existence is likely to escalate
the situation. It is difficult to find solutions without agreement on the
problem. If you do not understand the other person’s viewpoint, you
run the risk of not solving the right problem which could make the
conflict worse.
x Brainstorm creative options. By involving the other person in
resolving the conflict, you gain his or her commitment and develop a

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stronger working relationship. Being open-minded to solutions
expands the universe that can bring you relief.

Practice Task 1

What are the needed information of the employees before moving,

handling, and storing materials?

Practice Task 2

What are the precautions must workers take/do to avoid storage


Practice Task 3

93 I Page
How do you address workplace conflict? What are the principles
needed to solve the problems?

Post Assessment

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong.

_____1. When moving materials manually, workers should attach handles or

holders to loads
_____2. To prevent injury from oversize loads, workers should seek help when
employees can see around or over a load
_____3. To prevent creating hazards when storing materials, employers must
keep storage areas free from accumulated materials.
_____4. Acknowledge your emotion and then determine its source.
_____5. Realize that emotions are part of the workplace and that negative
emotions can fuel the conflict.
_____6. Most people remember how you respond to a situation rather
than what happened.
_____7. Listen only to hear what you expect the other person to say or to
confirm y 5mour viewpoint.
_____8. By involving the other person in resolving the conflict, you gain his or
her commitment and develop a stronger working relationship.
_____9. You should address difficult issues after you have had time to
organize your thoughts.

94 I Page
_____10. Numerous injuries can result from properly handling and storing

Assignment/Additional Activity

Give the importance of proper handling and disposal practices of

materials for irrigation work. Explain your answer. Review Modules from
week 20 to week 30 and be ready for the Third Periodical Examination.

95 I Page
Answer Key

Pre/Post Assessment


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