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1) Add up to something – equal – рівний чомусь

Your purchases add up to $200.

2) Back someone up – support – підтримувати
My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.
3) Break down – stop functioning (vehicle, machine) – перестати функціонувати
Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
4) Break in – interrupt – cut in – перебивати, вриватися
The TV station broke in to the report news.
5) Break up – end a relationship – розійтися
My girlfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.
6) Call something off – cancel – скасувати
Jason called the wedding off because he wasn’t in love with the girl.
7) Call someone up/back – phone – передзвонити
Give me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town.
8) Check in/out – в’їжджати у/виїжджати з готелю
You have to check out of the hotel by 11:00 am.
9) Come across something – find unexpectedly – натрапити на щось
I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet.
10) Come down with something – become sick – хворіти
My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend.
(Артиклі не вживаються з назвами хвороб. Окрім: the flu - |fluː| - грип, the measles - |ˈmiːz(ə)lz| - кір, the mumps - |
mʌmps| - свинка, a cold - застуда.)
11) Count on someone/something – rely on – покладатися на когось/щось
I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.
12) Come from somewhere – originate in - походити звідкись
The art of origami comes from Asia.
13) Cross something out – draw a line through - перекресли
Please cross out your old address and write your new one.
14) Cut something off – stop providing – перестати забезпечувати (сервіси, послуги)
The phone company cut off our phone because we didn’t pay the bill.
15) Drop out – quit (a class, school etc.) – покинути
I dropped out of Science because it was so difficult.
16) Eat out – eat at a restaurant etc. – їсти не в дома
I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Let’s eat out.
17) Fall apart – break into pieces – розпадатися, розвалитися
My new dress fell apart in the washing machine.
18) Figure something out – understand, find the answer – зрозуміти, знайти відповідь, рішення
I need to figure out how to fir the piano and the bookshelf in this room.
19) Fill something in – to write information in blanks – заповнювати пропуски
Please fill in the form with your name and address.
20) Find out – discover – дізнатися
We don’t know where he lives. How can we find out?
21) Get along/on – like each other – ладити з кимось
I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sister got along/on.
22) Get away – go on a vacation – поїхати у відпустку
We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.
23) Get over something – recover from an illness, loss, difficulty – долати хворобу, втрату, перешкоду
I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.
24) Give someone away – reveal hidden information about someone – видати когось
His wife gave him away to the police.
25) Give something back – return (a borrowed item) – повернути
I have to give these books back to Tom.
26) Go ahead – allow to happen – продовжуй
Go ahead and try to read the next line.
27) Go out with someone – date – зустрічатися
Amber has been going out with Luke since they met last winter.
28) Go over something – review – переглядати, перевіряти
Please go over your answers before you submit your test.
29) Grow up – become an adult – стати дорослим
When Tom grows up he wants to be a fireman.
30) Hand something in – submit – здавати
I have to hand in my essay by Friday.
31) Hang on – wait a short time (informal) – трохи почекати
Hang on while I grab my coat and shoes!
32) Hold something back – hide an emotion – приховувати емоції
Jane hold back her tears.

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