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Dwi Affits A/VII G/015

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of West Java, there lived a young and strong prince
named Sangkuriang. He was known throughout the region for his bravery and skill in
hunting. Sangkuriang's kingdom was surrounded by lush forests and majestic mountains, and
he spent most of his days exploring the wild beauty of his homeland.

One fateful day, while venturing deep into the forest with his loyal dog, Tumang,
Sangkuriang came across a stunningly beautiful woman. Her name was Dayang Sumbi, and
she was unlike anyone he had ever seen before. Her grace and charm left Sangkuriang
mesmerized. He approached her, and they struck up a conversation.

As they spent more time together, Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi fell deeply in love. They
shared stories, laughter, and dreams of a life together. Sangkuriang realized that he wanted to
marry Dayang Sumbi and make her his queen.

Unbeknownst to Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi possessed a secret. She was no ordinary

woman but a celestial being with incredible powers. She knew that marrying a mortal like
Sangkuriang would be against the divine laws of her world.

Despite her love for Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi knew that she had to find a way to deter his
marriage proposal. So, she devised an impossible challenge. She told Sangkuriang that she
would only marry him if he could build her a lake and a boat in just one night.

Sangkuriang, deeply in love and determined to prove his love and worthiness, accepted the
challenge without hesitation. He immediately set to work, using his strength and
resourcefulness to dam a river and create a vast lake. With the night sky as his witness, he
toiled tirelessly, convinced that he could complete the task.

As dawn approached, Sangkuriang was nearly finished. The lake was taking shape, and the
boat was almost complete. However, the rooster crowed, signaling the arrival of a new day.
Dayang Sumbi knew that her plan had succeeded.

She rushed to Sangkuriang, realizing the dire consequences if he completed the boat. With
her magical powers, she disguised herself as an old woman and approached him. She
pretended to help him, but secretly, she broke the unfinished boat into pieces and spread them
across the land.

When Sangkuriang returned to see his work, he was devastated. His efforts had been in vain,
and he believed that he had failed the impossible task. Overwhelmed by grief and frustration,
he struck the old woman, unknowingly hurting Dayang Sumbi.
Realizing what he had done, Sangkuriang felt an immense sense of guilt and regret. He fled
into the forest, leaving Dayang Sumbi behind. The celestial being, too, was heartbroken but
understood the consequences of her actions.

As time passed, Sangkuriang wandered the land, eventually becoming a wise hermit. He
often thought of the beautiful woman he had loved and lost, not knowing that she was still

The broken boat pieces that Sangkuriang had scattered across the land eventually turned into
the formation we now know as Mount Tangkuban Perahu, a dormant volcano with a shape
resembling an upturned boat. This geological wonder served as a lasting reminder of
Sangkuriang's love and the impossible challenge that separated him from Dayang Sumbi.

And so, the legend of Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi is told through the generations in West
Java, a tale of love, divine intervention, and the enduring mark of their love on the landscape.

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