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a Advanced Installations Bivalent Heating Setup Aquarea is able to control a fossil fuel boiler as part of the heating system. The basic principle is that the heat pump will have full Control of all aspects of the system and will run the backup boiler as and when required, depending on system design and settings. Zoning, solar, swimming pool or any other system control setup remains unchanged by bivalent control, The boiler needs to be connected into the system in parallel and preferably, into a buffer tank. The control signal, to the run the boiler, is made by closing “dry contact” on the heat pump main PCB. The boiler operation and temperature is managed by the boiler controls. Ensure the system return temperature does not exceed 55°C. The heat pump simply gives a signal to run. The boiler is required to have its own circulating pump. J series models also have the option to remotely enable/disable boiler or heat pump operation using 3rd party switch permutations (Smart Grid control, This will be explained. There are 3 different bivalent control methods: Butfer tank sensor is not better. “Advanced Parallel ‘Alternative: Heat pump and boiler operate independent of each other, never together. Once the outside temperatures drops below “Turn On" setpoint, heat pump stops and boiler takes over. Parallel: Heat pump and boiler can operate together. Once the outside temperatures drops below “Turn On" setpoint, boiler runs as well as heat pump. ‘Advanced Parallel: Heat pump and boiler can operate together. Certain control conditions need to be met before boiler is signalled to run, which will be explained. Advanced Parallel configuration requires optional PCB (CZ-NS4P) and buffer tank sensor (PAW-A2W-TSBU). rictly necessary with “Alternative” or "Parallel" setups but i's recommended, as the system will function setups always require a buffer tank sensor and will not work without ene. This guide will demonstrate layouts using a buffer sensor for all control methods, Accessories that are needed for Bivalent installations: a Optional PCB (CZ-NS4P) Buffer Tank Sensor (PAW-AZW-TSBU) Zone Water Sensor (PAW-A2W-TSHC) Note ~ 2 required for 2 zone setups Installation Schematic Basic Layout: ‘This layout uses a & port buffer tank, so the heat pump and boiler are connected in parallel. Non-return valves are required to avoid bypassing. The boiler must have its own circulating pump, which is controlled by the boiler. Boiler temperature is managed by the boiler controls. 2 © __ © Ff 26 oo ron tenah rr oe) See 1 Moneblee Unit Mandatory Ta PCB fer advanced functions Mandatory 2 Magnet Particle Fiter Mandatory on" Series Recommended on“ Seris* = 2 Remote Conirler Supplied with Mnobioe Unit = 4 TonkSoner_"Efed thoes tobe purchund seers Eas 5 ay Vave Mandatory HW tank nstaled PAW.aWYVL-HW 6 Room Thermostat eterna Recommended (an be fd supplied) PAW.AW-TWIRED 7 G3 Kit ‘Mandatory (supplied with tank) PAW-G3KIT 8 Greulatng Purp Mandatory (Fld supple) a 8 2001 DHW Cynder Mandatory if DAW is requred PAW-TO20C165-UK % 200 DHW Cynder Mandatory if DIW is required PAW-TO30CTES-UK 10 Zone Room Termistr Mandatory PAWAW-TSRT i Buffer Tank Mandatory (eld supple) AW-BTANKSOL-2 n Non return valve Mandatory = 8 Boller Mandatory (eld supple) : u Biter Sensor Mandatory PAW-AWETSBU 15 mmesion (Goose) Heater Mandatory : 4“ a Installation Schematic Independent Buffer Connecti This layout demonstrates the heat pump and boiler directty connected to the buffer tank independently. It also shows a direct 2 zone setup, which has no impact on the bivalent setup at all. Bivalent setup is the same for all system verities. The boiler must have its own circulating pump, which is controlled by the boiler. Boller temperature is managed by the boller controls. 0 © [iil Tray Sey 6 Room Thermostat (external) Recommended (can be field supplied) PAW-AW-RTWIRED 7 G3 Kit Mandatory (supplied with tank) PAW-G3KIT a Bivalent Wiring (Main PCB) PAWSWYVL.H 3 Way (PotAeDHW Pot Bio Heat) ° [Eo & (aerate ta waeage ae “” a Bivalent Wiring (Optional PCB) Joni Zone Zone2 Extemal Rom Thermostat Mixing Vato Mixing Vote fiat Zone 1 Pump Zone 2Pump Sip pu ___ ee ) ! 2220 ony “8 |peeeeeleceeea| va = = ' ===!) tama 1 4 1 boo a } J Be | sutersonsce 202 200 ‘Room Sensor. Room Sensor q Optional « Bivalent Controller Setup Step 1: Optional PCB Connectivity Bivalent configuration with buffer tank sensor requires the Optional PCB (CZ-NS4P) to be physically installed and confirmed as being present in the system saa eae SCL Pawns # v > TEE * 6 FE a «[2] > ¢/iess aol ¥ 100) emer ra = < > ‘Step 2: Set Buffer Tank Sensor This is where you tell the heat pump whether it will be monitoring the temperature of the buffer tank. The buffer tank can then be ‘set to achieve a higher setpoint to that of the heating circuits. This is the Butfer AT, the difference in setpoint between primary and secondary sides. The butter target temperature will be the required zone flow temperature (highest temperature zone) + Butfer AT, Step 3: Bivalent Settings ‘This is where you tell the heat pump that it will be contralling a boiler. This is also where you set the cantral conditions of the bivatent system. First ofall, you need to decide which bivalent method is needed: Alternative, Parallet or Advanced Parallel. Alternative: Heat pump and boiler operate independent of each other, never together. Once the outside temperatures drops below “Turn On" setpoint, heat pump stops and boiler takes over, Operate boiler only Operate heat pump only > Outdoor temp. -10°C (setting from remote controller) (Example setting) 3 | ue < > | eee a = oo HL ¥ @ > rate PP HEE * z Y s[a|e .5— foes -> Les a sal ¥ |c6] ese Ico) bm | an] ¥ [16 * Turn On" set point: This isthe setting at which the outside temperature must be at or below before bivalent operation starts Parallel: Heat pump and boiler can operate together, Once the outside temperatures drops below as well as heat pump. urn On" setpoint, boiler runs Operate boiler and heat Operate heat pump only ump simutaneously —_—— Outdoor temp. -10°C (setting from remote controller) {Example setting] =o |e 82 ‘Advanced Parallel: Heat pump and boiler can operate together. Certain control conditions need to be met before boiler is signalled to run. These conditions are: Boiler signal turns ON when ‘utdaor ambient < Outdoor Ambient Set AND Butter tank temperature < Target Butter Tank Temperature + [START_TEMP] for [START_TIMER] Boiler signal turns OFF when (Outdoor ambient » Outdoor Ambient Set + [-2°C] OR Butter Tank temperature > Target Buffer Tank temperature + [STOP_TEMP] for (STOP_TIMER] (On Temp: This is the setting at which the outside temperature must be at or below before bivalent operation starts. Heat Start Target Temperature: This is the amount that the current buffer temperature must be below the buffer target temperature before "Heat Start Delay’ timer will begin. Heat Start Delay: The butter temperature must remain at or below "Heat Start Target Temperature’, for this delay time period, before the boiler is signalled to run, Heat Stop Target Temperature: The amount the current butter temperature must be within the butfer target temperature before “Heat ‘Stop Delay’ timer will begin Heat Stop Delay: The buffer temperature must remain at or above “Heat Stop Target Temperature! the boiler is signalled to stop running, for this delay time period, before ‘Although heat pump operates water temperature does not reach this ‘temperature for more than 30 minutes (Getting trom remote controller) o_ | > Circulation water temp. Boiler temp. ON = Boiler temp. OFF = Setting temp. -8°C (setting from -2°C (setting from remote controller) remote controller) (Example settings) 52 \¢_« i ee = aa) ¥ 116 = “Turn On” set point: This is the setting at which the outside temperature must be at or below before bivalent operation starts. 56 Smart Grid (SG) Bivalent Op n for J Series I's possible to use external 3rd party inputs to remotely choose which heat source the system should use. This makes use of the ‘smart grid switch Inputs. These inputs allow 4 diferent options: sala Coa) oes sania vec-bitt voo-bit2 1 Open Open Heat pump OFF, Boller OFF 2 Short Open Heat pump ON, Boiler OFF 3 Open Short Heat purnp OFF, Boiler ON “ Short Short Heat pump ON, Boiler ON 1. 2. 3. 4. 068) 399) ce ‘System must be set to "SG Ready” instead of "Auto" in Bivalent Setup menu. Pump Solar ror ssgnal Zone 1 Pump eer Optional Theemostat 2 ‘Optional Thotmestat 1 Moxing valve 2 Mixing valve 1 L_NCoolHeat L_NCoolHeat NOC NOC o FPA FTAA $989] |(©00808) BOSS] |OGSSH] |CSOSOO za Ext s Sr e Heat & Cool t 2 sing 99009||oo9o06|o0e9] ss a Accessories and Control Buffer Tank Room Thermostats Sensors az yg i PAW-A2W-RTWIRED PAW-BTANKSOL-2 PAWeAZWETSRT Sanitary Tank accessories PAW.TS! PaW-TS2 PAW-AZW-TSHE PAW.TSE = 4 sow cxtAW ezTAWt-ceL. hd ngs PAW-A2W-TSBU ‘Special eutdoor supports PAW-AW.MBS-H PAW-GROBSEZO Hydraulic accessories 2 PAW.AWYVLY-HW .WA2W-AFVLY 56

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