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Basic Concepts
of Agricultural Extension
Basic Concepts
of Agricultural Extension
The foundations of any discipline are its definition, knowledge base, philosophy,
principles, scopes, and its importance. Gaining a basic understanding of the course
deals with acquisition of basic information upon which more complex learning
relies. This unit presents the meaning, philosophy, principles, and scopes of
agricultural extension. A grasp of these topics is imperative as we move to more
complex topics in agricultural extension.

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
1. Articulate the meaning of Extension and Agricultural Extension.
2. Discuss the philosophy and the different principles of agricultural
3. Determine the importance of Agricultural Extension in the Philippines.

What is Agriculture?

What is Extension?

As form of service
As a form of education

As a form service system which

assists farm people
As a form of communication
What is Agricultural Extension?
• Extension is derived from the Latin words: “ex”
which means out, and “tensio” means to extend
or to stretch. Thus, extension implies extending
out or stretching out.
• Agricultural Extension-
(also known as agricultural advisory services)
plays a crucial role in boosting agricultural
productivity, increasing food security, improving
rural livelihoods, and promoting agriculture as an
engine of pro-poor economic growth.
Terminology for Extension and their Meanings in
other countries
Country Terminology Meaning
Netherlan Voorliching Lighting the pathway ahead to help people find their way
Indonesia Penyuluhan Lighting the way ahead with a torch
Malaysia Perkembagan Lighting the way ahead with a torch
Austria Förderung “Furthering” or stimulating one to go in a desirable direction

Germany Beratung “Advisory work”- an expert can give advice on the best way to
reach one’s goal but leaves the person the final responsibility
for selecting the way
Aukflärung “Enlightenment” so that one knows clearly where he/she is
Erziechung “Education,” that is, to teach people to solve their problems
France Vulgarisation Simplification of the message for the common man

Spain Capacitacion Improving people’s abilities, normally through training

USA Education To teach people to solve problems themselves

Concepts of Extension Education
• Extension education is a lifelong process of learning.
• It is a continuing process of bringing about desirable changes
in the behavior of human beings which involves a variety of
methods and sources.
• It is an educational activity outside the school to improve the
health, wealth, or socio-cultural wellbeing of the clients.
• A process of effecting positive change in the lives of people in
the countryside
• Extension education is intended to improve all facets of rural life
concerned with social, economic, institutional/political,
technological, and environmental change (rural development
• Its central task - identification and dissemination of useful
information (need of rural societies)
3 modes of Education
knowledge, skills, highly NON-FORMAL EDUCATION
attitudes and insights institutionalized
from daily chronologically any organized,
experiences and graded and
systematic, educational
exposure to the hierarchically
structured “education activity carried outside
environment. the framework of the
system” starting from
primary school and formal system
reaching the
university education.
Differences between Formal & Non-
formal Education
Group served/ Generally, youth Youths and adults
clientele/audience Heterogeneous
Educational For future application/ Immediate application
objectives preparation for life
Curriculum Fixed curriculum or course Based on peoples’ needs/no
of study fixed curriculum or course
of study
Place/Venue Classrooms/schools Where the people
are/anywhere in the
Certification Confers degree and Gives certificates
Sponsorship National government and National government and
other sources other sources
Philosophy of Extension
• That education is the most permanent way through which to bring
about change; extension is fundamentally education.
• That effective education must be based upon freedom of choice,
voluntary participation, and that participation in extension functions
best when democratic are applied
• That extension must be a form of education that teaches people to
do things, not a system of doing things for people.
• That the idea must be put to work for the betterment of human
race. Pursuing knowledge for its own sake is like keeping tools up.
Tools must be used like knowledge must be put to work.
• That knowledge can only be transferred through a process of “man
helping his fellowman”.
• There is no fundamental difference in the intellectual abilities of
any race or sex, if given a chance to acquire education and if
helped in the application of knowledge.
Principles of Extension
a) Principle of cultural difference
b) Principle of cultural change
c) Principle of interests and needs
d) Principle of grassroots approach
e) Principle of cooperation
f) Principle of participation
g) Principle of the use of extension methods
h) Principle of leadership
i) Principle of voluntary education
j) Principle of satisfaction
k) Principle of trained specialists
l) Principle of whole family approach
Activity # 1
Picture with thousand words (Essay)

Activity Instruction
• Choose 1 extension philosophy or 1 extension principle.
• Find a picture 1 picture from the internet, magazine, or
newspaper (or you can draw) that would show a story
you can relate to your chosen philosophy/principle
• On the space provided hereafter, paste the picture, and
write (below the picture) your
interpretations/explanations in relation to your chosen
philosophy or principle. (maximize the space provided
for the explanation)

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