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Various Chinese Dishes
• 中国八大菜系

Chinese Eight Regional Cuisines

• Chinese cuisine includes a variety of different flavors
due to China's vast geography and diverse nationalities,
geographical environment, climatic products, cultural
traditions and ethnic customs in a certain area.

• Local dishes with their own distinctiveness can be

roughly divided into eight regional cuisines.
• 菜系 Cuisines
• 菜系,也称“帮菜”,是指在选料、切配、烹饪等技艺方面,经
于气候、地理、历史、物产及饮食风俗(Climate, geography,
history, products and food customs)的不同,经过漫长历史
粤(Cuisines named after provinces)四大菜系形成历史较早,
的“八大菜系”(Eight major cuisines)。
• 烹饪的方法:八大菜系组成的二十四种制作工艺

• 炒 chǎo fry、stir-fry

• 爆 quick-fry

• 熘 sauté ['səutei]

• 炸 zhà fry

• 烹 cook、boil

• 煎 simmer['simə] in water、fry in shallow oil

• 烧 bake、heat、roast

• 焖 braise,stew

• 炖 stew 蒸 zhēng steam

• 汆 quick-boil

• 煮 zhǔ cook/boil/stew

• 烩 braise
• 炝 cook in soy,vinegar ['viniɡə],

then quickly in hot oil

• 腌 salt,pickle

• 拌 stir and mix

• 烤 kǎo bake,roast
• 卤 stew in soy sauce

• 冻 freeze

• 拔丝 Crisp frying with syrup ['sirəp, 'sə:-]

• 蜜汁 honeydew

• 熏 bacon

• 卷 roll up,curly
家 常 菜 Common dishes
• 西红柿鸡蛋 tomato scrambled eggs

• 芋头排骨汤 rib soup with taro

• 家常豆腐 bean curd with vegetable

• 炒青菜 fry vegetable

• 茄子炒豆角 Eggplant fried beans

一、粤菜 Yue (Cantonese) Cuisine
From Guangdong Province, mainly made up of 3 parts: Guangzhou,
Chaozhou and Dongjiang. Though with a relatively short history,
Guangdong dishes is quite famous all around the world. The Chinese
food in many Chinese Town majorly belong to Yue Cuisine.
“Daring to eat” is a commonly accepted saying for Guangdongnese, for
they put everything edible to their dinning table, thus Yue Cuisine has
the largest diversity of ingredients. What is more, cooks in
Guangdong has also compounded some western cooking methods
with their local traditional ways, making Yue Cuisine more creative.
• Guangdong Cuisine: Guangdong cuisine is creative with an
emphasis on artistic presentation. The cuisine is considered

light, crisp, and fresh.

• 粤菜:主要强调在菜的摆式上,口味特点是爽、淡、脆、鲜。

• Yue Cuisine is also famous for its fresh and mild flavor,
which helps to keep the nature of ingredients.
Cantonese morning tea is a Cantonese folk
food custom. Cantonese people drink morning tea,
some as breakfast, usually the whole family sits
around a table to share the joy of family. Because
drinking morning tea is drinking tea while eating
snacks, so local people call drinking morning tea
as eating morning tea. In the past, Guangzhou
people had the habit of getting up early, so
morning tea was the highlight. The teahouse was
already lively at six in the morning. Some people
brought bird cages to amuse, and some people
listened to Cantonese opera while drinking tea.
Therefore, drinking tea is also called "tan tea"
(meaning enjoyment) in Guangdong.
For Cantonese people, "no chicken can't be a feast".
Chicken has a very high status in Cantonese cuisine.
Most of the local people choose to cook with steamed
chicken. In the hotel, because the chicken was boiled
without condiments, and it was eaten when you
wanted to eat it, it was named Baizhanji, and because
the raw chicken of Baijianji was three-yellow chicken
(yellow feet, yellow mouth, and yellow skin), this dish
was It's called Three Butter Chicken.
White sliced chicken means that the white sliced
chicken is not sprinkled with seasonings and
maintains the original taste of the chicken. It is called
white sliced chicken.
The white sliced chicken looks pretty golden on the
outside, a bit greasy but not greasy in the mouth.
People in Guangdong usually sprinkle white sliced
chicken with chopped green onion. Garlic water to
season, without the chopped green onion and garlic
water, it seems like something is missing.
Nanxin Double Skin Milk is a famous
traditional food in Guangzhou, Guangdong,
belonging to Cantonese cuisine. Founded in
1939, the founder was Huang Jingyun,
Shunde Daliang. I suggest that everyone
have the opportunity to go to "Shangxiajiu
Snack Street" to taste this traditional food!.

Someone put aside the leftover milk from

the previous day. After freezing it, he found
a layer of milk on the surface. He found it
interesting. The next day, he poured a layer
of milk on it, and the "double skin milk" was
二、川菜 Sichuan Cuisine
Sichuan cuisine is famous for its hot and spicy
dishes. The climate in Sichuan and Chongqing
is very humid all through the year, then
people there like to keep the damp out by
eating heavily spiced food. Hot chilli, wild
pepper and ginger are the ever-present
• Typical Flavors: spicy, sour and spicy, zanthoxylum-
flavored, sweet and sour, garlic-flavored, fish-sauce-
flavored, etc.

• both spicy and pungent, is one of the most famous

Chinese cuisines in the world.

• 川菜:四川的麻辣是世界上最著名的中国菜系之一。
麻婆豆腐 火锅
Bean Sauce Tofu hot pot
Sichuan hot pot belongs to Sichuan cuisine. It is
famous for its numbness, spicyness, freshness and
fragrance. It is the representative of Sichuan
1. Fresh and fragrant: Under the action of
firepower, the soup broth in the hot pot is in a
boiling state, and the eater eats it while it is hot,
and the heat and flavor are combined.
2. Popular taste: The deployment of dozens of
different flavor dishes is suitable for popular taste.
3. Wider range of materials: Any edible food can
be boiled or scalded in a hot pot.
4. Suitable for gatherings: friends and relatives,
surrounded by hot pot, cooking and hot, chatting
while eating, the fun is endless
宫保鸡丁 四川牛肉
Kung Pao Chicken Szechuan Beef
(spicy diced chicken with peanuts )
The dock workers asked the boss to cook some hot
and cheap dishes. Chen Ma Po saw that there was no
food in the store, only a few plates of tofu and a little
minced beef were left. It would be too late to go
shopping now. Chen Mapo have an idea,add some
soup, put two centimeters of tofu cubes, add other
seasonings, add fried crispy ground beef, and sprinkle
a handful of pepper and chili on the tofu.

A bowl of delicious color, spicy, hot, tender, tender

and fresh tofu is on the table. Everyone in this group
sweated their noses after eating. After eating several
bowls of rice, their stomachs became bigger and their
mouths become spicy red. Later, those people began
to pass on ten to one hundred, and they all knew that
the tofu made by Chen Mapo was delicious, and saved
money. More and more people came. As a result, it
became the signature dish of the Chen family. Because
this kind of tofu is hot and spicy, is also called Chen
Mapo, so this tofu dish is called Chen Mapo Tofu.
三、鲁菜 The Lu Cuisine
From Shandong province, mainly made up of 3 parts:
Ji’nan style, Jiaodong style, Confucius Dishes.

Ji’nan and Jiaodong dishes mainly use the soybean

sauce to cook, seafood is the most representative part
of these two styles. And snacks made of all kinds of
grains in stead of rice as main food are also very
typical in Shandong Province.
• Confucius Dishes has a long history, which can even
parallel the ancient royal cuisines. Most of the
Confucius dishes have refined names related with
historical stories, and the exquisite cutting technique
and delicate style make Confucius Dishes one of the
most expensive even luxurious dishes nowadays.
• Shandong Cuisine: A combination of Jinan and
Jiaodong, Shandong is characterized by an emphasis on
freshness, aroma and crispness.
• 鲁菜:由济南和胶东两部分地方风味组成,注重鲜香和清
糖醋鲤鱼 四喜丸子
Carp in Sweet Four-Joy Meatballs
and Sour Sauce
There is such a classic saying about sweet
and sour carp: "Carp leaps across the Dragon
Gate, and there is sourness before
sweetness". This sentence not only expresses
the taste of sweet and sour carp, but also
reflects its auspicious meaning. As early as
more than 3,000 years ago, the Yellow River
carp has become a well-known dish.
According to legend, many ancient emperors
visited Shandong Province in private, and
they passed by Shandong Province to eat this
dish.It is full of praise and introduced into
the palace. Every time a distinguished guest
is entertained, this dish must be chosen as
the main representative.
一品豆腐 油爆双脆
steamed tofu Fried two
stuffed with vegetables crispy ingredients
Dezhou Braised Chicken evolved from
roast chicken, and its founder was Han
Shigong. The Qing emperor once stayed in
Dezhou and asked the Han family to make
chicken to taste. After that, the emperor was
delighted and praised it as "a strange food
in the food", and then it was a tribute to the
court. Dezhou Braised Chicken is thus
famous all over the country and exported to
overseas, known as "the best chicken in the
world". Nowadays, many tourists who travel
from south to north pass through Dezhou,
and they all want to buy and taste the
grilled chicken.
四、苏菜 Su Cuisine
From Jiangsu Province and Shanghai. Ingredients are supposed to be
as fresh as possible in this cuisine. Because of the delicate life style
around this region, people would like to process ingredients in a
exquisite way. Thus the servings are always little smaller but much more

Sweet is the main flavor of Su Cuisine, and food are always cooked
thoroughly into very soft, which can utterly digest the sweet and
delicious sauce.
• Jiangsu Cuisine: Also called Huaiyang,
Jiangsu uses seafood as its main ingredient
and is known for carving techniques and a
light, fresh and sweet flavor.

• 苏菜:江苏又名淮阳,菜肴以海鲜为主要原料,
松鼠桂鱼 三套鸭
Sweet and Sour Three-nested Duck
Mandarin Fish
蟹黄包 扬州炒饭
crab-roe bun Yangzhou fried rice
We all know that Su Shi is not only a literary
talent, but also a famous gourmet and cooking
expert. The practice of braised meat left by him
has also been passed down to this day! Dongpo
Meat, also known as Rolling Meat, Dongpo
Braised Meat, is a traditional and famous dish
in the southern region of the Yangtze River.
The main ingredients and shapes of Dongpo
Meat are similar. The main ingredients are half-
fat and half-thin meat, which is stewed with
ingredients. The finished dishes are all neatly
sized mahjong pieces, red and translucent, with
a color like agate. The entrance is soft but not
rotten, fat but not greasy.
Some people describe the "eight major cuisines" in an
metaphorical way as follows: Su and Zhejiang cuisines
are like delicate and elegant Jiangnan beauties;
Shandong and Anhui cuisines are like quaint and simple
northern men; Cantonese and Fujian cuisines are like
elegant and elegant princes; Sichuan and Hunan cuisines
It is like a celebrity with rich connotation and talent.
"Oriental beauty" is equivalent to the pursuit of
"roots". The true "Eating in the East" is enough to
make Chinese people around the world proud. I
hope more people can feel the oriental charm in
literary works and the connotation of Chinese culture
in Chinese cuisine.
Every Chinese has a Chinese stomach. When they feel
homesick, eating Chinese food is to give themselves
a new soul.
Learning Chinese food is also a way to understand
the long-standing Chinese traditional culture.
Foodies are not eating, they are on the way to eat.
All the best wishes are placed in the food, the perfect
combination of emotion and art, you are welcome to
come to China to taste it yourself!
Jiaozi has a very long history in China, once it was invented by a
famous doctor to prevent people from getting sick. Though the present
Jiaozi has changed a lot from the original one, its significance has,
however, improved. Nowadays, Jiaozi is a very common food in the north
part of China (as introduced just now, in Shandong Province and many
other neighboring places). When the Chinese new year comes, almost
every Chinese family will eat jiaozi, because the pronunciation of jiaozi
can express a very good meaning, which both means the happy get-
together of family members and connection of the new year and the past
old year.
Jiaozi can be made into many shapes, the stuffs inside are also various.
Ways to cook Jiaozi are also diverse: deeply-fry, boil ,steam,etc.
馄饨 包子 饺子
hún tun Jiǎo zi
Bāo zi
Sticky Rice Wrapped in Leaves
A Famous Ancient Poet and Statesman-Quyuan
• When Chinese People talk about Zongzi, we are always related to
this great man, Qu Yuan who was talented as a poet but chilled in his
political career. Being framed by some flunkies who were jealous of
his talent and afraid of his sense of justice, Quyuan could no longer
stand all of these, threw himself into a river and ended his life.
In case fishes therein ate the rice, they used some leaves to wrap the
rice and threw them into the river, hoping their beloved Quyuan
could receive their good wishes.

From then on, we decide that day a special day called “duan wu”
Fesitval, which comes on May the 5th (from lunar calendar, in this
year it will come on June 19th). On that day, people will eat Zongzi
and hold boating competition according to the old traditions.
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