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Acids aje


Souv In
Taste me change colour When
89se Qye Batter m Taste 8lue litmus nto K
and change colour o1 Ye litrmys
itmuS and Turmerie paper nto Blue colo47
powcder ave 2 nafuna!
hcicaor for Auds ond 5
4 stain of Curry on Whife cloh tmm ydelish
a sop Becaue Soop is Basic in ntonatule gais tBroun
colour whn at
tun in yelloW L laskad by Ho
Hhen Was
mC also some Synthehc johca tos We bse luch As mehyl
0S SolO TiONThis Solutien is purple óran1 md phwphrA*
when titmus a
dye extracted from Lichen (halloph7a )
There aTe a/so Some
is numer Aucic ator Basics
colour i's Puple afas
nahua) Aud Base
tumeric,coleurec petas o1 Some FLoexsInclicatovs such As
ake Rec Cabbag, Aave
CHEMICAL PROPER TIES OF AcIDs AND BASES Hydrogenta, peunia, neicnun
nelica fors Such AS LuTyus paper,
and bases accordang to chanje phenadphythin, mehylorcage oliffeynfiare u
in cllour hiha
oLAFACToKy INDCA TORS There are Sorne Theul came in tontacf ith Heui|Bale.
Came ito Contaet Wab Aud o7 Substances whose odour changt
Vanilla Onion omc clove q Some 8ases are called
As olA1actory sheicatorsSWhbn
e of Examples o olatactory
pre cess m ahuch
olafacfory tjdicators ave Did to helicators
ONioN Tuce|Paste
loses ak Smell when ind Aud84se is olaacro
Smell o Vanlla alse Vanithes apldes Wih Bqse Bat No change in
Charcfersties of smell of ckove oip nub Base But alot Vanishes wih A%y of casee4aj4 Aud
Cam not be deteeteaf
in tase d 8ase But co in 4ua
RETloN WITH METALS when Auds or Base
reacte lahy metals it
ndydogt zas heachon Acid)Base +METt toTmeo
salt + Hydrozen
Hyeoze gos
For example whe isorme 8e cause Metaf in he doplare s
S m Solut jon
of so is mix e Hydrogen atons rm 4 m
Tesutt in foTmafioy f zinc wih Sorne zinc granuels it
Sulphete anct Hyelrog g4s (4s
RxHSoytZn zn[0yt H (when condd is place néar buble Babblesin Seap sol) u
Reacfion 1 Base nih if cruate pop SU Ha
I s Also meta)>
note mat Hydroge
2naoH + Zn s)
Na,zno2 7)E H2Hydrz)
Ja4 is not formed in case
All Metaf HYDROGEN CARBoN ATESE (Aid And Base)
cavbonates/Hyelagun Carborafes veects wih Acit to zive salt, co2
Co be
Summarisëd As and 2°
NG,COzt 2Hc>2 Na!+ (yetaf Carbonate/kycrgey
H0 +co2 ) Na HCO+ Hel> Nacl coubale +Acisalt+aT)
ON passing
Caybon dioxode gas t H2° tCo2
aives hihute precepatate cefciurnthroujh lime hlater Cca (on)2 celcium
Adn possing excess co we Carbonate A) Ca (on)+ Co2 z4rOXA
Limestone, chalk avblc foumd Cqcot H,0 co2 Cal
catoz tH
otemt ca(Hco3)2
HCo3)2 ( soluble)
HoW Ac1DS AND BASE torms of calcium Cavbonate (Ca3)
DuTing Yactien o REeT WITH EACH
Auil ano Base,
Is knoon Rxn The
atject i's nully by Base and Vice
befweer Acd and Base to give salt ond VeYsa
As nufralisation
Example of Neutralisation yraction. 8AsE+
AcID Salf + Water
Reaetion SalB +Wafer
NaoH+ Hc-> Nal (aa)+ H20
h Auols Yeact nuihh OXIDES
metal axAdu t 2ives Salt and hates
Reaction ofuG V
R coo >METAL
+ He
Co cl t Hao
+ WÄTER ut os
tnderstoma wla
Coppey xle ) Hsgro chloue qi (Sawt Copper chLorde omtwakr fimd)
(swt Copper chlorege o
Alen m ctattie orssles ave Audie in Natue So Krn Nom nefallre oXole ard8ave jve sast ,o.
Al Auds hberate kyerozn zas when taet iilh metals But Al compoumcls Contann
ydrogen onef be Gnsderd As Auts Fov example Aluhal ond glucese ae not4uds
htr Blb onnee do tatfy throu3utions Hel,Glucase,ond Atohal. we
bbseve a t Aal i 7 2to Case a He &l elos not Jo in easeof 4leoho!
and obucese eans eleclrne current pass hrouh Jid Soluhions at Can not pass
ragh futase Oncd alohad stuioy Because ausl contains ions But Aaha', gluase cost save
Aus Conta) Ht ion as cation ahile cl, Nog. So4, CHgoo 4s Anions Varieus eids
S H* Con tain in Aeds in Solution
produce zas athich responseble for Auelie properhes
AeDs 845ES IN N4TERSAUTIOA Myphogen ian s (h*)/rom Ht qaleuules (or from 4ny tua)
Can not ocCu in absence Naler. &ut exist ay el cornbining iih he uol
kuchions-0Hcl+HoHotA OA M0 H%Ho (Hydronuum1m)
)When Rases art atdsl to he hakr af g*mrate yelrogen ions (on) in he ala ter
S 4 ) NaoH Nat(a4) to () koH
gtkalis Bases kieh qve Soluble in waler kt+on («) M2 (o)2*2*t 2
aYe Called As ALkalis.
ousselVe in Waky Alka/is ave But all
Bases odo
Soapy to touth, BaMer ant Conos e
A Ads prrdute tions om Bases
Salt t Waer 0) produet Neutralsation Reactr on
on- so in
A+Mo MY+HOH ( M,°)
DrLUTION OF Ac/DS ANO BASE The pocess a dissolving An fid ov base in a
gnly exehermi one So qud uke Hcl or Hwo3 Must be added slasty to walr u
Aalhr added to Concenyafed Autt, heat gmtraled nak;4.
may cause mirhure 4o splash outcouse
4LsO glass Contatner moy olso break due to
producfion of eXcessave hcating
DrubTioNP mxuing of Aed or Base nilh water yesutt o decease in h Contetrahon
zonS H o a ) p r o i veksne -Such
a p r o c e s i s called As dilutio 7A or Base ot


Concentration of A*/oHons tells about Hoi Strong 4aud or Base is I t conbe dmc
blith a hulp of Universal Tndicator nituth s a mixhie o Sevrel sel'cabrs. cniversof
ndlicato Shou dhifernt cotouYs at diierent Concenlrafion e Hyirogtn ions m a sof"
LPHscACE4 Stale for megsurmg Aydiogen im concentration in a sotutirn i callea PHaok
PH Shanda (Poem) brman en whsth we can measare from otveyAeudie) to 19(KAr)
h e pH e Nahual solution is 7, Value e s marn on pH seae i's represat Hedisi
As R Velue Inerease ror to 4, contentrahin e onim oncent.sic shonls Basie saladtim.
H u s gve Aise to more Ht jons are shorg feids, mich hse less o t are knewn Nak Hiks.


OUr Body WorRs àh in pM Yonge o 7.o to 7-8 .ou ody Jeving nky hus PH YOe
AebRAN hhen P o4 Raiy htake ieps hon 66 itjs callea Aspd ka he fu
bws in yever at Lotier pH Value of rvir Waks made Survzva Lide auate bte dihn*
mas pheve o eu4s vents made tp hick wAzk md vello hih clokfs 4slphuTre Heeds.
PH yolue oF Soic)-plant rejuiresa speeije PH Tage Jor huir haln gnastplank
also rurd for the healhg growh d me Plan niher mor. Aeshc ná Basie
PH N DIESVE SYS7EM 0uT 9tomach pro oluteo Acroch loraè Acd whièh lps he
cigwin ot F
t% much Auis
ah eut harmuh,he a c
hat couse p a ond Imtatian. To get
nung siligesion Stemaeh produa
a i s uahm.pndueg
s Knon As Au. These 4matis nuralise he ercéss Aes magnesiumn Hyoyadel whue5
a muil bese olso knen As 7nesim Hy ovorde Cg o)a use case Aeby
OoTA DEcAY-Tooth olecoy starts when PH °4 Mouth is oner han he PHss in ouw trebs.
o Ename Is harqest substante in ous body made up ot caltiunm Hyevoxyaptte(cryshalline caleum
Enam 's comoded ahen Bacterua tn mouh ancl Temaining Food parhielesprodueP0spar
Hug (n ouY Mou Wtucs is preventeod by Toothpastes nhh are rature in 8qsis
SELE DEFENCE OFANIMALS gee sthing raves An Rit ealled mehanoic Aad our Bo
case pain
om witaio).Ahes ke swing use of wld Base like Bakirg sodauanoid
c a e r á a ceus plaut s u aloove pain ayies touching is oue to mehaneie
9cia Seclate byt. It Can also preveutlh aje Usinga tradtionefremedy Tubbe"
e o ck pkbuft whit ofn grows besides heneethe tn he ild.(8ase Na
SouRcE Vanegar 7amaxind orange Tomato Sour malk LEMoN Antshing Neetle stig
Auiels Atekc Trtaric caic Tartarie Lachie Cibric Mhanotec yehano i
S a t s of Stron9 Acils omd
salks o shm Aass and acak
strong base are Neutraf hih Pm velue-7. ON omha
kase are Audic wihh value
Salts of s h i Base one eak Auds are k i PH py less hon
valuealnay hezh
greaker mdT**
NACL Sedium chloride is CHcl) Cwa) Bose
o t Sua tauns Man Salt
a salt
Formed by oftombination Hydrochlovne
Ae nd Sodra
dussekved and 'socium chloride are
seprated from ese
Ceck saltP Depesik s l s Salts form of large cyshds duu to pruemce d puhes sor
in Brew
Com O satt (nael) is Raw makriaf c
for prb4uuctoy of sodium hudorzde, Bakig socte B/ah Pa)
CHLOh ALRQLI PRoc ESsWhen gecucik Passed of sodium ehlmde
ro43h on aqueDus tSilution led
hrouzh agueous chlor ALka
Proece e t de
n6ecause compose to
oecompase to, form Sodjun Hycoriols 7hi's process is colled ehlorARa
process PToducè dormea chlor tor chlbrine and Alkal tor sodium ty770LPG
ftarhm 1qvelved dNadl t 2,0 2Naon d2 + H2

8cAcNG PowdER
chlouine Jas pr duud duYing eleehralyis of aguous socuum ehloyde is used #or
onujadhue o Blaching Boinder. Bleaching powder is pro chuceol by Aeran 0
choanton ely Slakeg "Lime Ccatot)»]. Aehuaf compasuion q Bleach powdees2O h te,
Reactim volvd Ca (o),td Cao +"°
(slakel im)
chlsecoleachuirg pouele)
For 6/eaching cottom ond linen h texhle ssdastry and wlashud clohes Laundargt
For blenckin ABod Paitp 5 vauous pape taeie (or ditfun colouea Pypesh

8leachin9 prwder s lso us to make dnsking aaki ree 7 e

of Blohng poisdet o duprd
These ar Some ma im portant uses
The chemuca name o Bakmg Soda Sodhum yerogen carbonate (Nancoz) - It is
Pro duced Osing Soda um chloride as one of Raw haferial is uri Hen As fotloto.
Nacd Ha + Co2 + NH3 NHy + NAH O,
Srdhar ch/eriade) (Ma ka) (tarbmoliy CAmonia) Aome num chlorde) Bakin Soda)
I t isa milo nen- caro.eve sal t hata hy At caj be vsed to nutrlise 4n Aiq
Evwbve chering coekig 2NaHCoz at a,cog + H20 + C
OSESH In tithey 8aking soda uted Jor farte caoking ond making pakora cu
e)Baking secda so uret 4s grden" n gntaces Became itneura/ise excess gas inkn*
Bakin seca is also or AS SoD9- 4us Fre oxttngurhers
w 8akin Seda 1 akre Ose r making Baking pader on a mild ed1ble H4 aaneAu
Reach Iveved naHcogt ut(Erory f Cot Hao tSodaium salt og Aug.
coa Produced ourug reaction co caude Bread|cake making sft anel spordt"
w AsuIm SoDA
Washeng eda CNa, cog /oo) rrcrystallisation o4 So dum Carbonate Carbnak
Can be obtained by heating 8aking Soda tNaHco3). wasking Socda is a basie Salt
Renctien Irvobved NGCog+ loh,o N4cog-10° (Washing Seda)
DSESSodru Carbonate, l ashing soda) used n alass Soap and paper CompeayLo
Bakmg Soda) ashung Socda is alto UEed i manujacture of Sodiun o
domestic purposes.
Sodium Carbonate is also Usea as a cleaning agent for
vashang Soda a/so usea Jor remoVing the permanut hardness o Waterd -
Cavbona te are setul chemèal ih Tndus
) c r a r Cavbonafe, an Sociam hydrogen
is Zixed num ber of nafer mode cules presut
kwater of cystallisation
Number of moletues present i n copper
one jermala Unit salt For 9 6
ssphate 6) lo moleales of water present in Waiking soda (Na,cog M)
Ahen We heat he crystals of Copper salphate cusog 5Hh0 , tman watr is nmovej
ond salt turn into shite colour We moisten me crystals
o copper
saphafe i h Wa ker 4han BIue colour of hese
crystols reappeqis»
ny Psum olso containmalenles hater
alto known 9s coPpe salphate (Remember Contàiy 2Casoy2H20 9P .

molerales of Wak
PEASTE OF PHKIS hen g4Psu is heated at 373k, it lases wakl moleeules
and betomes Calciun ilphate hemihydrafe Cca
Phaster od parls is a White powder again tun t o soy44) Por known 4s
pop is vsed as supporting Jraefure bónes n he n t
gy psum on mixng waBb H0.
plaster 1 paris also bse dor ma King toy4, mateua/de tóratim and also
Use tor maßing he sur7ates smoofh.

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