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Moringa tea.

ABM12- A
Moringa oleifera is known as the drumstick tree, Ben oil tree or the horseradish tree. It is native to the
foothills of northwestern India and is now cultivated around the world as a valuable, drought-resistant,
multi-purpose crop.

Moringa seed pods can be boiled and used as an ingredient in regional soups and curries. The seeds
themselves can be cooked like peas or roasted and eaten like nuts.

Moringa leaves are the most nutritious part of this versatile plant. The leaves contain significant
amounts of important vitamins and minerals and also contain a considerable amount of protein.
Because of these attributes, many people consider moringa to be an important super food.

Moringa Oleifera or “Dawa Mboga” in Kiswahili is a known nutritional values and healing wonders that.
grows abundantly along the Lake Victoria region specifically in Suba District) and in some parts of
Western Kenya region . This underutilized natural resource was never thought in ways that can make it
as source of income or livelihood. Now for the first time in Kenya, it is being processed as a valuable
feeding program against malnutrition.Moringa capsule as food

supplement and source of vitamins, liquid fertilizer for plants, porridge flour as nutritional supplement
for malnourish, topical ointment to cure skin diseases and allergies, and herbal iodine powder to treat
open. wounds and rashes.



"New competitive"

-threat of new entry =medium

The moringa tea market is anticipated to rise at a steady pace over the 2020- 2030 forecast period.
Rising awareness of the health benefits of various parts of moringa tree, including moringa leaves for a
health concoction is fuelling the moringa tea market.

experts and naturotherapists advocate consuming moringa tea to build immunity and fight several
medical conditions.
Moringa is now recognized as a super food with more than seven times vitamin C as compared to

The report on the moringa tea market analyzes demand dynamics, growth opportunities, and regional
outlook of the said market for the 2020- 2030 forecast period. Furthermore, the report delves into the
competitive landscape for an accurate analysis of growth strategies that both existing

-Supplies power= high

The global Moringa market has been divided on the basis of application, regions, and product type.
Global Moringa Products Market Size supllier Will Reach USD 8,400 Million by 2026: facts the supplier of
moringa tea can number in the thousands. because the agriculture of its cultivation is fertile no matter
where the country is able to produce them. and because it's easy to plant so you wouldn't expect global
sources to be rich.

According to the research report, the global Moringa Products Market was estimated at USD 5,000
Million in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 8,400 Million by 2026. The global Moringa Products Market
is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% from 2020 to 2027. More supplier
each country.not less than 70% of the supplies. and the planter can earn 40% and the company is 30% or
more than depending on the type of these products.

-Buyer power=low

It mainly comprises critical assessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging
avenues, and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.

Customer Experience Actionable Results to meet all the business prioritiesStrategic Frameworks to
boost the growth journey. The study strives to evaluate the current and future growth prospects,
untapped avenues. It offers various customer impressions about the products and service use. The
analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints.

the total number of buyers greater than 60% consumers. because there are already many herbal
supplements and drinks. each year changes before demand and price because supplies or low demand.
And there are also too many competitors in this type of product. as a result, the company is forced to
lower the price to please consumers. most order 12.6% per place. but sometimes increases by 25.4%.
when less than 40% the buyers experience the price also drops 20%OFF.

-Threat of substitution=medium

If you have a medical issue, always seek the advice of a certified medical professional. Moringa seed
pods can be boiled and used as an ingredient in regional soups and curries. The seeds themselves can be
cooked like peas or roasted and eaten like nuts. The seeds are also pressed to extract their essential oil
which is known as Ben oil. Ben oil is edible and can be used as salad oil or even made into soap or used
as a clean burning fuel.
Ben oil is also used as a base for perfumes and at one time was used for lubricating fine machinery like
watches and clocks. The roots of the moringa tree are sometimes shredded and used as a condiment
that tastes similar to horseradish.

When they get tired of the tasted of moring tea we can change the types of contain there will be a
different flavor for children, youth and the elderly. but it is still a tea but it tastes different. like a ginger
tea, and other herbal drinks.

Therefore, it is best to avoid moringa if you are breast-feeding. Children: Moringa leaf is POSSIBLY SAFE
when taken by mouth, short-term. Moringa leaf has been used with apparent safety in children for up to
2 months. Diabetes: Moringa might lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

-Competitive rivalry =Medium

some of the market participants in the global moringa tea market identified are Kuli Kuli, Grener,
Rootalive, Rainforest Herbs, Ayuritz Phytonutrients Pvt. Ltd., and others. Moringa tea is ranked among
the top beverages and health supplements inThreat of newwhen less comes to this flow earn can be
the market.
adjusted. the consumer because of the amount ofentry
competitors they are there in the best major
company. but if there have loyalty. that always order to our product, they can get used to us. but we
will make ways or strategies to increase the number of consumers.

*New competitive. MEDIUM

Supplies power Buyer Power



4=Mjr stng 3=Mir stng 2=Mir wkss 1=Mjr wkss

ISBM tea Campany Campany B Campany C

critical Success Wt Rating Wt'd Rating Wt'd Rating Wt'd

Foctor score score score

Marketing 0.25 3 0.75 3 0.75 4 1.00

Prod. Quality 0.09 4 0.36 3 0.27 4 0.36

Cons. Loyalty 0.14 3 0.28 3 0.28 4 0.56

Global Exp 0.30 4 1.20 4 1.20 4 1.20

Cust. Service 0.04 3 0.12 4 0.16 3 0.12

Prise conpetitive 0.03 1 0.03 2 0.06 3 0.09

Prod. Range 0.15 1 0.15 1 0.15 2 0.30

Total 1.00 2.89 2.87 3.67

Threat of



Source of competitive advance


•The study offers an in-depth assessment of various customers’ journeys pertinent to the market and its
segments. It offers various customer impressions about the products and service use. I will offering to
consumers products and services.
• The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints. To
all my customer I will offer my products as malonggay tea and all flavor and my service to demonstrate
the benefits and step by step.

•According to the industry analysis more of consumer is need the culture medicine. However the most
important part product is to Service, even its hard is already to give services to customers. And less than
30% of services available to consumer because of the amount of competitors

•if we base it on size it can be consumer persuasion. here with us we set a few percent so that we can
fill the lack of our services. to grow our product line.we set 40% for products and 30% for services so the
total of products line is 70% the extent of our product line available.


*(VP) Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The value of this product is enormous
because it helps our health.The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more
potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal
and build muscle.The leaves of the moringa tree contain several compounds that can stave off chronic
disease. These substances include polyphenols, tannins, saponins, and others. Besides combating heart
disease, liver damage, and diabetes, these compounds also fight chronic inflammation

*(USP) It's difference because you won’t find its benefits in other herval drinks. it is two in one pweding
it in heat andMoringa powder is generally well tolerated with a low risk of side effects ( 19 ). Studies
report no adverse effects in humans who consumed 50 grams of moringa powder as a single dose or 8
grams per day for 28 daysIt is recommended that you consume Moringa with a meal, rather than on an
empty stomach. Stay clear of seed extracts, as they have shown a level of toxicity in immune cells.
Always make sure you are purchasing PURE Moringa leaves, no matter what form you decided to
consume it.

THE 7Ps OF MARKETING (Marketing mix)


Quality Trade channels Discounts Marketing community

Customer Service Sales support Payment methods Personal promotion

Support Segmented channels Value added elements Branding

Features Channel number List Derect marketing

Branding useful


Individuals on marketing Product packaging Customer focus


Recruitment Online experience Design features

Culture Research and development

Training and skills Business Led

Individuals on customer


•The sales will increase by 10% in year 2

•The sales will increase by 15% in year 3

•The sales will increase by 20% in year 4

Sales forecast Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4

Unit price P350.00 P330.00 P320.00 P315.00

Unit sales 40% 50% 65% 85%

Unit product 50,000 pcs 50,000 pcs 50,000 pcs 50,000 pcs

Sales % 10% 15% 20%

Total P4.3Million P8.2Million P10.4Million P13.3Million

A. Manufacturing elements :

*Ingredients :

>Malunggay,vitamin A,vitamin B1 (thiamine),B2 (riboflavin),B3 (niacin), B-6,folate and, ascorbic

acid (vitamin C)calcium,potassium,iron, Water. And added flavor


>Extracts obtained from leaves of Moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) are a rich source of many
bioactive compounds: flavonoids, phenolic acids or carotenoids. It also contains such components as,
vitamins (A, C, niacin, pantothenic acid), alkaloids, tannins or saponins.In order to manufacture Moringa
tea, Moringa leaves are firstly reapplied (100%). The extraction step is the same as the Moringa leaf
extraction procedure of Moringa bush tea. The collected meringue leaves are washed in clean water
(200%). ... For Moringa leaf, steam for 20 to 40 seconds, preferably 20 to 30 seconds.


>After processing it can be coated or mixed with different flavors desired by the consumer. And
can also be wrapped and put in the freezer at 6-15 degrees.

B. Distribution methods :

This type of US selling is many ways such as directly to consumers, direct to marketing. so this process
helps to grow or increase our demand.
Base on my salling step by step from the manufacturing until the consumer.

*selling directly to consumers we develop a strategy where we sell our product directly to consumers.
however we earn big.

*selling through retailer we also sell in small markets or sari sari stores, however we make money

*selling through wholesaler by this expanding the size of our demand or we earn double.

C. Payment process :

*payment by cash

*PAYMENT. *payment by check *product

*payment by credit card

*Job description :

>We need employees such as crew and cashier for a crew they need to serve costumers and
communicate with them. For cashier they need to know what costumer's need or order

*Employer qualification :

>For Our Employee Qualification, We're gonna have a job interview to know their experience and are
they really willing to take their jobs and position

*Employer development :

>We're gonna train our qualified employees in order to know what costumers want to order and also
to satisfy them. They will undergo in various training programs to enhance their skills that is potential on
them, and in order to acquire new knowledge and learning from our company.

•Equipment and other Physical facilities

For the equipment we must provide what our shop needs like coffee maker etc, just like other fast
food chain we must provide eating, food or drinking establishment, including accessories such as soap
towel and dispensers and needed to build comfort room, attachments such as light fixtures air
conditioning and heating vents.

•Telecommunication and Information technology

For Telecommunication we're gonna gather information about how our competitor what they're doing
and what kind of business and sales they have. Despose

For information technology we need a gadget and smarter apps for improved data storage, faster
processing and also wide information Manufacturing
distribution in order to run business efficiently


In supplies, we needed the suppliers from a company and also we need toCollector
invest money to buy that
supplies that we needed in our business






Projected income statement Prior year (2021) Projected Remarks


Sales P4,300,000 P13,300,000 45% increase

Cost of products sold 20,000 100,000 85% of sales

Selling expenses 15,000 75,000 30% of sales

Administration expenses 5,000 25,000 10% of sales

Earning Before interest and taxes 7,000,000 32,037,500

Interest 3,000 4,500

Earning before taxes 6,964,000 31,875,500

Taxes 15,000 18,000 45%rate

Income tax 6,784,000 31,227,500

Total expenses 20,000 100,000

Net income 1,784,000 3,227,500


Projected balance sheet ISBM TEA



Cash 20,000,000

Account receivable 7,000,000

Stock 5,600,000

Equipment 5,500,000

Other assets 6,550,000

Total 46,050,000

Account payable ------------------


Capital 20,000,000

Expense 11,900,000

Revenue 13,300,000

Drawing 850,000



Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Starting balance 20,000,000 21,797,000 20,897,000 17,247,000


Sales 7,000,000 8,200,000 10,400,000 13,300,000


Start up cost 2,650,000 2,500,000 2,850,000

Interest 3,000

Rent 50,000 65,000

Utilities 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,700,000

Labor 2,000,000 2,500,000

Stock 5,600,000 7,000,000 8,450,000

Total cash outflow 5,203,000 9,100,000 14,050,000 8,515,000

Net cash flow 1,797,000 -900,000 -3,650,000 4,785,000

Closing balance 21,797,000 20,897,000 17,247,000 22,032,000

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