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Unit 5: Personal Care and Appearance – Further Practice


Would you like to 1. _____change_____ your face and body? Would you like
2. ____movie___ __stars____ looks? A lot of people want to do this. They
pay lots of money to go to a __cosmetic surgeon_________ __________
and change their ___appearance___________. The most common operation
we call a nose job. People who are unhappy with their _nose___________
have it reshaped. Other people want their ___wrinkles____ to disappear to
make themselves look younger. People also go under the knife and have
things made bigger or smaller. I think this is a ____waste____ of money.
I'm not the best-looking person in the world but I would never consider
plastic surgery - even if it was __free_____. Some people have so many
_operations_____ that they end up looking like they’re made of
_____plastic__. I'd rather stay looking ____human___.

Listening 2: BEAUTY

People say that 1._____ is in the eye of the beholder. That means if
someone 2.______ someone else is beautiful, then they are beautiful. I
think the idea of beauty is 3.______. Why do we think some things or some
people are 4.______ and others aren’t? Some people think a building is
beautiful, while others think the 5.______. People nowadays 6._____ _____
_____ time and money on beauty. I agree with the expression, “beauty is
only 7._____ _____”. This means that what’s really important is someone’s
8.____ and 9.______, not what they look like on the 10.______. It’s a little
strange, and 11.______, that you have to be beautiful to be a top
12.______ or even a news reader on TV. I think there should be 13._____
_____ for most of us “non-beautiful” people.

Listening 3: FIRST …

People say first 1.______ count. What do you think? Can you understand a
lot about someone from the 2.____ ____ time you see them or meet them?
I think I’m good at 3.______ someone’s character from the first time I set
4._____ on them. It’s easy to understand if the person is 5.____ ______ of
person. First 6._____ count most when you meet someone 7._____. If you
have a job 8._____, it’s very important to give a good first impression. The
interviewer can 9._____ if they like you as soon as you 10.____ _____ the
door. Are you 11._______? Do you look happy? Do you 12._____ the
interviewer? All these things are important. I also think first impressions
13._____ when you meet your future 14._____.

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