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Please finish this given task as soon as possible, latest until Saturday 7 September, 5 pm.
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For any questions, reach out to 092 200 526

As a potential new Member in the Fundraising and Donor Management Department, it is significant to be
flexible, creative, strategic.
As we are currently, raising almost all funds from overseas and our Mission from ICF Cambodia is
“Empower Cambodia” we believe it is also possible to raise awareness and funds in Cambodia. Our goal
is: To implement successful fundraising and donor management strategies also in Cambodia.

Please read and inform yourself (understand) on our website and what we are doing to define a purpose – driven strategies.
There is no right or wrong, you can choose any approach what fits to Cambodia based on our Vision and

ASSIGNMENT (Please list out the goal and activities in a total of 2–3 pages)
1. Fundraising Strategic where you see the most potential in Cambodia to raise awareness and
funds to support the work of ICF Cambodia. The goal is to raise at least 100k in one Year.
2. After raising the funds successfully, it is essential to keep the Donors motivated and connected
to us and our Vision of ICF Cambodia. What are potential ways to build up a sustainable
relationship and cultivate our valuable donors, so they can give again next year. (Donor
Relationship & Retention)
3. Describe how you would reach out and find new leads / donors for ICF Cambodia.

PS: You can use all the resources you can find, internet, books … (Please don't copy and paste)

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