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FA4 Informercial Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing

10 – 9 8–6 5–3 2–1 0
Organization Excellently Presents Presents Audience has The
presents information information difficulty audience
information in logical but the following cannot
in logical, sequence sequence is presentation understand
interesting which the not logical, the
sequence audience can making it presentation
which the follow. hard for the because
audience can audience to there is no
follow. understand. sequence of

Creativity The The The The The

and infomercial infomercial infomercial infomercial infomercial
Originality demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates lacks
original some average minimal personal
personal personal personal personal expression
expression expression expression expression and
and and and and outstanding
outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding problem-
problem- problem- problem- problem- solving
solving skills solving skills solving skills solving skills skills that
that will that will that will that will will capture
capture capture capture capture audience
audience audience audience audience attention.
attention. attention. attention. attention.

Content Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Lacks ideas

full some average s minimal on how to
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge campaign
on how to on how to on how to on how to against
campaign campaign campaign campaign climate
against against against against change.
climate climate climate climate
change. change. change. change. Video lack
ideas that
Video Video Video Video will create
includes includes includes few includes very an impact in
realistic ideas some ideas ideas that minimal restoring
that will that will will create an ideas that and healing
create an create an impact in will create an the earth.
impact in impact in restoring and impact in
restoring and restoring and healing earth. restoring and
healing the healing the healing the
earth. earth. earth.
Volume and Uses very The audio is The audio is Audio is Unable to
Clarity clear audio somewhat low. Student extremely hear the
and correct, clear. incorrectly poor. audio which
precise Pronounces pronounces Students leads to
pronunciation most words terms. incorrectly missing or
of terms. correctly. pronounce incomplete
terms. information.
Following of Followed all Failed to Failed to Failed to Failed to
Instructions instructions follow one of follow two of follow three follow a lot
correctly. the the of the of
instructions instructions instructions instructions
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

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