54 - A Smartphone Indoor Localization Using Inertial Sensors and Single Wi-Fi Access Point

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2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct.

2019, Pisa, Italy

A Smartphone Indoor Localization Using Inertial

Sensors and Single Wi-Fi Access Point
Tuan D. Vy, Thu L. N. Nguyen, and Yoan Shin†
School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul 06978, Korea
Email: {tuanvyduc, thunguyen, yashin}@ssu.ac.kr
(† Corresponding author)

Abstract—This study focuses on indoor localization of a [1]–[5]. In practice, in order to provide accurate location
smartphone (e.g., iPhone 7) by using its inertial sensors and tracking and to support other management tasks, it may
a currently-connected Wi-Fi access point (AP). In the situations require a hybrid mode localization among those infrastruc-
where the density of APs is low, the inertial sensors provide a
way to localize the users smartphone, while the AP plays as a tures, which is still an open research area. In general, a
reference point and an additional source to provide a starting typical localization algorithm includes three steps: distance
point for the user tracking its movements. We propose a new measurement, location estimation and calibration. In the first
indoor localization scheme called the pedestrian dead reckoning step, the estimated distance can be obtained from several
with step compensation that can be implemented on mobile received signal information such as angle of arrival (AoA),
devices with limited resources. In order to test our localization
scheme, we perform several experiments to track a mobile user time of arrival (ToA), time difference of arrival (TDoA),
in one of the largest shopping malls in Korea using public Wi-Fi received signal strength indication (RSSI), or any combination
network services. The results show that the successful localization of them [6]. The second step processes the range information
percentage is about 92% within 2 m error, which is highly to estimate the user location associated with other optimization
accurate with acceptable measurement errors. approaches (e.g., maximum likelihood, least-squares, semi-
Index Terms—indoor localization; Wi-Fi fingerprinting; pedes-
trian dead reckoning; drifting effect reduction; step-heading- definite programming) [7]. Finally, the estimated location is
system tracking refined by applying calibration methods such as iteration
refinement to improve the accuracy. Among measurement
I. I NTRODUCTION techniques, the RSSI is considered as a cheap solution because
it is quite easy to obtain and does not require extra antenna
Location information plays a vital role in many applications
array as AoA or time synchronization as ToA and ToA. In
such as asset tracking, transportation monitoring, etc. The
order to transform a physical measurement to the location,
aim of the localization task is to identify the location of a
RSSI localization methods utilize RSS measurement data for
mobile user within an area of interest. With the popularity of
location estimation. Assuming that the RSS distribution of
smartphones, global positioning system (GPS) is a straight-
a set of reference nodes is relatively stable over the area
forward solution but it has two main limitations for indoor
of interest, an RSS vector measured by an unknown node
users [1], [2]. First, there are several factors preventing the
is defined as an RSS fingerprint. The location of the node
GPS receivers from functioning indoors such as attenuation,
can be estimated base on the existing RSS profile. To use the
multipath reflections by the walls, floors, or ceilings. Second,
RSS fingerprint, the system needs to conduct a site survey by
it takes large cost to equip a GPS receiver as well as consume
recording the RSS measurements at several reference points
lots of energy during the localization process. Meanwhile,
in the area and store them as a database.
indoor localization scenarios become more self localization,
In this paper, we adopt a fusion approach between Wi-Fi and
i.e., the mobile user receives signals from the access point
smartphone dead reckoning to perform self-localization and
(AP) and interprets the signals as an ambient source to localize
tracking the smartphones, in particular iPhones. We develop
its location in a local coordinate system. Thus, developing
an indoor localization scheme called the pedestrian dead
energy-aware localization function in indoor environment with
reckoning with step compensation (PDRSC). In this scheme,
a good performance is needed according to application-specific
a localization system consists of three main parts: (i) infras-
tructure of the building; (ii) mobile user (smartphone); (iii)
Regarding hardware capability, we classify the indoor mea-
localization engine. Depending on the infrastructure installed
surement techniques into several categories in terms of signal
in the building, each one comes with a set of parameters
characteristics: Wi-Fi, RFID, Bluetooth, mmWave, sound, im-
such as measurement data, cover area, and noise type. The
age, visible light, smartphone dead reckoning, and magnetism
localization engine plays a local server which provides a
This work was in part supported by the NRF grant funded by the Korea certain information for the area of interest and directs the
government (MSIT) (2016R1A2B2014497), and by the MSIT, Korea, under mobile user in some cases. It also responses to localization
the ITRC support program (IITP-2019-2018-0-01424) supervised by the IITP. requests and offers input data (e.g., building digital map, AP
978-1-7281-1788-1/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE location). This information will be used for location estimation
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2019, Pisa, Italy

at the mobile user. In order to perform tracking task, the methods (e.g., k-nearest neighbor or maximum a posterior).
smartphone’s inertial sensors will be used to calculate the On the other hand, in order to develop a mobility-assisted
number of user steps and combine with the outputs from Wi- localization, the pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) with inertial
Fi for reducing noise effects caused by user’s walking style sensors were proposed in [8]–[11] to provide meter-level
and by smartphone handing position. tracking. In this case, the current location of a moving user
The organization of the paper is as follows. The related depends on the past locations and its movement. Although
works and the motivation of this paper are described in Section the inertial sensors enabled in the smartphones reveal the
II. A robust self-localization scheme in the cooperation of Wi- information on the user mobility such as walking steps and
Fi and smartphone dead-reckoning is presented in Section III. trajectories, they are easily affected by sensor placements or
Experimental results are demonstrated in Section IV, followed complex human locomotion. In the summary, the combination
by conclusions in Section V. of the Wi-Fi fingerprinting and the inertial sensors not only
opens great possibilities in location-based services on the mo-
II. R ELATED W ORKS AND M OTIVATION bile devices and the upgrades Wi-Fi-based indoor localization
A. Related Works into a higher level, but also integrates into more complex
Regarding how to obtain user’s smartphone location, prox- issues such as incorrect step counting according to speed
imity sensing [8] is the simplest method in which user location variation and smartphone placement [12], [13], and fingerprint
is assigned to the closest AP with the highest RSS. In terms of mismatch [14], [15].
geometry, the multilateration [9] calculates the user location
by using a relative measurement set of at least three APs. A B. Issues and Motivation
big disadvantage of the proximity sensing method is that its
accuracy highly depends on the AP density, while the multilat- One big problem of the current Wi-Fi fingerprinting ap-
eration often requires line-of-sight measurements between the proach is that we need to conduct building survey by recording
APs and the user, which is impractical in indoor environments. all the RSS readings at each RP with respect to several user’s
Specially, when the AP density in the environment is low, the orientation, so that the RSS-location-direction database takes
smartphone may not fall in either the coverage range of any a lot of effort to build as well as to maintain, while it does
AP or the intersection among their ranges. Fig. 1 gives an not guarantee to handle the mobility of the user [3]. While in
example of such scenario. the inertial sensor based localization approach the distance can
be computed by estimating the number of user’s steps. This
method provides us a simple way but the localization accuracy
depends on the user’s waking pattern and speed [16]–[18].
Therefore, we make two key modifications in our localization
scheme: RSS profile for all APs and auto-correction of user
stride. First, we use a mobile device to collect RSS profile at
all APs in the building. The AP locations and its RSS profile
will be used for location estimation at the user. Second, in
order to track the relative location to give a precise trace and
to adjust the deviation when the user veers off the correct path,
we develop a technique to adjust to the user’s footstep length.
For the system settings, we consider a practical scenario
consisting of a smartphone, APs, and a local server as illus-
trated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. An example of low AP density scenario.

Recently, Wi-Fi fingerprint-based localization method is

a common approach for indoor mobile devices. Assuming
that an area of interest is covered by Wi-Fi signals, the
fingerprinting method consists of two phases: offline phase and
online phase. In the offline phase, a smartphone records the
Wi-Fi APs and collects their signals for several predetermined
locations called the reference points (RPs) [3]. At each RP,
a set of RSS readings containing the RP coordinate, its RSS
values from multiple APs, is stored in a local server. The actual
localization takes place in the online phase. A smartphone
which is carried by the user collects the RSS readings from
different APs, matches them with the stored database from
the offline phase, and estimates its location by using different Fig. 2. Localization system architecture.
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2019, Pisa, Italy

The smartphone carried by a user collects the RSS from inside a wall or upon the ceiling, the distance error between
detectable APs for self-localization. The APs are deployed the measured point and the actual point is neglected. For a
over a building to cover the area. Their exact positions are given area of N APs, we denote MAP as the RSS profile
known to the localization system. The local server stores database {(APi , Ψi ), i = 1, · · · , N }, where APi = [xi , yi ]
the RSS profile collected by the mobile device and the AP is the i-th AP coordinates, Ψi = [Ψi (1), · · · , Ψi (M )]T is its
maps, which provides exact AP positions as their densities corresponding RSS reading vector, and M is the number of
in the building. Table I summarizes the components of the RSS samples.
localization system. In this paper, we aim to provide a real- 2) iPhone inertial sensors: A modern smartphone is typi-
time indoor localization and tracking scheme that can give cally equipped with inertial measurement unit (IMU), which
accurate location estimate and can be implemented on the measure the phone mobility. IMU is an electronic device com-
iPhone. Note that iPhone is extremely tight on how the posed by an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer
software and hardware work together due to the iOS, thus that measure gravity, orientation, and velocity, respectively
cannot give a list of available APs in the area. [3]. Thus, the smartphone is also constrained by the cost, the
sizes, and the power consumption of those sensors. In order to
TABLE I assist indoor navigation, the PDR localization system use the
C OMPONENTS OF A MOBILE ASSISTED LOCALIZATION SYSTEM . IMU measurements to continuously perform the localization,
Component Characteristics and functions i.e., the current position of the user is estimated based on its
previous positions, the estimated speed and moving direction
Smartphone • Can extract information such as MAC address, obtained from the IMU.
(iPhone 7) service set identifier (SSID), and RSS from APs
In particular, we assume that the user holds the iPhone in
front of him. The phone’s screen is pointed up while its top
Has unique MAC address

• Sends radio frequency signal over the area
of edge is directed towards the moving direction of the user.
Access In order to construct a moving trajectory, three main functions
• Provides network connectivity and wireless Inter-
net in public place through Wi-Fi of the PDR involve step detection, orientation reckoning, and
Its location is used to calculate the smartphone

stride estimation.
• Step detection: Accelerator exhibits periodically repetitive
patterns that represent the behavior of human walking. It
• Stores and keeps track on the RSS profile
database collected by the mobile device can provide step counting and achieve a highly accurate
Local server
• Responses to the user during the online localiza- value about 98%. When the user is walking, the generated
tion phase changes in the acceleration across all three axes are
recorded as XYZ acceleration data. To convert XYZ
acceleration data into the step count, it is used to find
III. P ROPOSED L OCALIZATION S CHEME the local maxima of its magnitude. With a predefined
threshold θ, the peak with a minimum height above θ is
Regarding signal observation model, we exploit the RSSI
considered as a step. The value of θ should be learned
measurements to estimate the range of the user. In particular,
from experiments to match the user’s movement behavior.
the smartphone measures the received power Pr which is d m
For instance, it can be obtained by applying either the
away from a specific AP as [6]
  zero-crossing or the level-crossing methods, where the
d level is defined by historical mean and variance from the
Pd = P0 + 10γ log10 + Xτ [dB], (1)
d0 lowpass filtered accelerator of the phone [17]–[19].
• Orientation reckoning: This information is obtained from
where P0 denotes the received power at the reference distance
the gyroscope and the magnetometer to provide an abso-
d0 < d, γ ∈ [2, 6] represent the path loss exponent in indoor
lute direction with respect to the Earth coordinate system
environments, and Xτ ∼ N (0, τ 2 ) denotes the log-normal
and the relative direction changes with respect to the
shadowing random variable with zero mean and variance τ 2 .
phone platform. We employ the gyroscope to monitor
Hence, the maximum likelihood estimate of the distance is
moving direction, while incorporating with the compass
given by [6]
in the magnetometer to support the direction of the
moving trajectory. The compass measures the angle α
ˆ Pd
d = d0 . (2)
P0 (in radian) between the user and the North of the Earth.
• Stride estimation: By multiplying by user stride length,
A. Profile Data we can convert a number of steps into a physical distance
1) RSS profiling for Wi-Fi APs: Our RSS profile is also in meter. For instance, assuming that the user’s stride
based on several assumptions as follows. First, all APs have length is about 0.43 m and the number of footstep counts
the same SSID and frequently broadcast radio signals over the is 100, the user has moved a distance about 43 m. To
building area. Second, we only exploit Wi-Fi RSS measure- obtain an accurate walking distance, the characteristics of
ments along the pathways. That is, in case an AP is located the stride length is necessary. A pedestrian may exhibit
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2019, Pisa, Italy

different stride lengths due to the variety of walking speed footstep counts. Once the MAP in Section III-A completes
and style. the construction in the offline stage, the user in the online
In practice, we build a simple Xcode project to get the phase first connects the closest AP with the strongest RSS.
information from those aforementioned sensors [15]. Since the Then, it requests the local server to download the MAP and
PDR suffers from integration drift due to the measurement the representative RSS profile for each AP. The currently-
errors of the acceleration and the angular velocity sensing, the connected AP is chosen as the starting point for PDR tracking.
localization performance may be degraded over a long period Once the initial AP APint = [xint , yinit ] is selected, we
of time. Also, the IMU is sensitive to smartphone placement attempt to guide the user based on the map information,
and human body poses, so that we need to develop a method and the data from inertial sensors can be used to find the
for step detection and stride correction. movement trajectory of the user. Denote Pm (xm , ym ) as the
iPhone location at the m-th step, it can be estimated from the
B. Jointly location estimation and tracking previous location Pm−1 (xm−1 , ym−1 ) as follows.
In this section, we illustrate how to collect mobile data as
well as how to monitor the walking trajectory of the user. Pm (xm , ym ) = Pm−1 + ∆P
Different from Android smartphones, iPhone only can get the = (xm−1 + λ0 cos α, ym−1 + λ0 sin α).
information from one AP that it is connected to instead of a
full list of current APs. In order to obtain the SSID, the MAC Here, λ0 is the user footstep length (typically λ0 ∈ [0.5m,
address, and the RSS profile of that AP, iPhone needs to turn 0.7m]) and α is the orientation angle. We also frequently check
on the function “Auto connecting Wi-Fi without asking” in the if the iPhone is still within the communication range to the
“Settings”. In this study, we consider a low density of the APs, current AP. In particular, denoting dm as the distance from
i.e., each AP covers a separated area with another. In case of the current iPhone location to the current AP and dˆAPn is the
many APs, the strategy of the AP selection step is to select estimated range obtained from its RSS measurement (2), the
the reliable and strongest AP from available ones to be used range difference or dissimilarity δm between them is defined
for actual localization. The RSS reading between the AP and as
the user is given by (1). The overall process of the proposed δm = |dm − dˆAP |, m ≥ 2.
work for mobility-assisted localization is described in Fig. 3.
For dm and dˆm , if their dissimilarity δm is smaller than a
predefined threshold σn (i.e., δm ≤ σn ), the calibration for
user’s stride length is not needed. Otherwise, it performs an
extra stage for step deviation correction as

ǫn = , (5)
λn = λ0 + ǫ n , (6)

where cn = dn /λ0 is the number of steps obtained from

the distance between the iPhone location to the currently-
connected AP and the fixed stride length λ0 from the inertial
sensors. In order to avoid accumulation of measurement errors,
we adopt the individual number of steps in a walking distance,
then employ an update for the stride estimation. This is
because even the same user may exhibit different stride length
due to various walking speed and style. The constant stride
length λ0 is only efficient when the user walks on a short
distance. For a long walking, the step counts may increase even
the moving distance of the user is still short, thus the stride
length calibration strategy is required. Finally, the current
iPhone location will be updated according to (3) with respect
to a new λn in (6), which yields to

Pm (xm , ym ) = (xm−1 + λn cos α, ym−1 + λn sin α). (7)

Fig. 3. Workflow of the proposed joint location estimation.
Such updates (5)-(7) can eliminate the errors of stride estima-
We let the user walk for a certain duration of time, tion caused by the adverse user habit of walking, then further
then stop at a specific spot to collect the RSS. The iPhone mitigate localization errors during the trajectory matching of
records the RSS along the user’s moving path as well as the location estimation.
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2019, Pisa, Italy



In this section, we describe how the proposed localization -35

scheme in Section III is implemented on iPhone 7. We develop
a software application for the iPhone with Xcode. The Wi- -40

Fi scanning functionality and measurements from the inertial -45

sensors are ruled by Apple official hardware. We conduct

RSSI (dBm)
several experiments at COEX mall that is one of the largest
shopping malls in Korea with an area of 119,685 m2 . In this -55
area, there actually exist 59 Wi-Fi APs provided by an operator
named SK Telecom, but only 47 of them are working. Thus,
we only use those APs for building the RSS profiling as well -65
as the localization process. Most of APs are deployed at the
ceiling of the building, while a few of them are placed on two
adjacent walls. All APs have the same SSID name as “T wifi -75
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
zone-secure”. Determining where to place the APs depends on Access point name (AP n )
the current planning and proper assessment of the operator. In
our experiments, we obtain exact AP locations based on a Fig. 4. RSSI ranges of the APs.
given AP installation map.
Regarding RSS profile collection in the offline stage, we
hold the phone beneath each AP location and collect RSS between two APs, where the thickness of the line indicates
signals in two minutes. The RSSI of the AP is scanned and an error rate r (i.e., upper bound of localization errors). We
stored in the RSS profile. This observation stage allows us to notice that stride lengths are vary with different persons. The
see the RSS behavior of a specific AP such as RSS range and tester was 1.75 m tall and has a stride length of about λ0 = 0.6
its average value, while it helps the iPhone determines a unique m. He walked with speed of 3 km/h from an AP to another
AP identifier and its signal strength. Since the RSS reading is AP following the actual path. We set the threshold for step
used to estimate the user’s location, it is important to obtain detection in Section III-A to θ = 1. The experiments were
a reliable average RSS range. Fig. 4 shows the average range conducted from 2 pm to 4 pm, when the mall was in working
of RSS readings for all APs over the area. We observe that hours and the customers were not much crowded. The iPhone
the RSS ranges of two distinct APs may be different even was currently-connected with AP16 , thus this AP was selected
though the APs have the same type and the same service as the initial point of the walking path. Furthermore, all the
provider. This phenomenon may be caused by the difference footsteps of the tester are plotted as blue dots, and the line
among ceiling heights where APs are located. Larger range of connected them called the estimated path is plotted in red
RSS results in a large error in distance estimate (2), yet yields color. For a given r, we first collect the number of steps Nsum
more false alarms, while smaller range achieves more robust that the user finished a particular path. At each user step, we
distance estimate. Moreover, for each APn we let βn be the denote the estimated position of the iPhone as Pm obtained
standard deviation of the estimated distance (2) obtained by by (7). The distance between the point Pm and the actual path
its RSS recording, and assign σn = βn /2 as the dissimilarity APi −APj can be considered as the distance between Pm and
threshold during the calibration process in in III-B. Note that ~ ij formed by two adjacent APs APi and APj . Note
the line D
due to time varying characteristics of the Wi-Fi signals, RSS that the line plotted between APi and APj is defined by the
readings collected by the iPhone may deviate from those stored shortest distance without any obstacles between them from the
in the RSS profile. As a result, this deviation may lead to errors 2D location floor map. The localization accuracy is evaluated
in iPhone location estimation. Thus, RSS readings should be by the following metric.
sampled at several time intervals during the day in order to ~ ij ) ≤ r}
#{Pm : d(Pm , D
obtain their accurate distribution over time. F = × 100%. (8)
In order to evaluate the localization performance of the
proposed scheme when the user is walking, Fig. 5 depicts A good localization scheme should achieve a high percentage
the real-time tracking results. In this experiment, the iPhone of F and its performance should be independent on the AP
7 runs with iOS 12.1.3 and join “T wifi zone-secure” Wi-Fi density.
network. The description of the experiment is introduced as Fig. 5 shows the localization tracking results with different
follows. Since we do not have a local server to store the RSS walking route when r = 2 m. Each route represents an
profile, we store the MAP on the iPhone and assume that the irregular pattern in a walking path. For examples, in Route
phone has already queried the map during the online phase. A 1 when the user walked from AP24 to AP23 then returned to
tester holds the iPhone with his hand and walks following a AP24 as illustrated in the subplot of the Fig. 5(a), it creates a
design route called actual path, which is marked as green line sharp pattern in the route. While in Route 2 when he passed
in the figures. The actual path is obtained by plotting the line some non-working APs (e.g., path from AP52 to AP35 ), the
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2019, Pisa, Italy

or higher).
For comparison purposes, we compare our proposed scheme
(“Proposed PDRSC”) and the conventional one (“Conventional
PDR”) in terms of localization accuracy. With a certain
walking route, we calculate (8) for both schemes and make
a bar plot with categorical data as illustrated in Fig. 6.
From the figure, we observe that our scheme outperforms the
conventional PDR one, thus the localization accuracy has been

Proposed PDRSC
90 Conventional PDR


(a) Route 1: F1 = 88% 70

Accuracy (%)






1 2 3
Actual path number

Fig. 6. Comparison of localization accuracy.

Fig. 7 shows the comparative plots of the cumulative distri-

bution function (CDF) of the two schemes versus localization
(b) Route 2: F2 = 85%
error upper bound. The CDF value gives the probability that
the average root mean square error (ARMSE) is smaller than a
given bound, which can refer as the estimation accuracy. This
localization error is defined as the average Euclidean distance
from the estimated location to the actual one. For example,
for a given bound error of r = 1 m, the probability that the
ARMSE is lower than r is around 0.48 in the PDR method
and about 0.65 in the proposed PDRSC one. We observe that
with the same error bound a higher reliability is guaranteed in
our proposed scheme. By employing the RSS profile from the
available APs, we can use it as an external source to improve
the accuracy of the current PDR.

The main focus of this paper is to develop a simple and
robust indoor localization algorithm, especially when the AP
(c) Route 3: F3 = 92% density is low in a large area. The conventional Wi-Fi-based
fingerprinting method takes lot of efforts to build a reliable
Fig. 5. Experimental results with different tracking routes.
database, while the inertial sensors offer low cost solution
but integrate with high bias and errors. Based on the fusion
between two aforementioned methods, we constructed and
iPhone only used the inertial measurements to localize itself. proposed an indoor localization scheme called the PDRSC
In Route 3, the walking path contains a loop pattern in the by exploiting an RSS profile for the APs and developed a
middle of the area. Generally, the proposed scheme can still method to mitigate the impact of errors in the user strides.
achieve a high level of localization performance (about 85% Experimental results show that the localization accuracy has
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2019, Pisa, Italy

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