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11, JUNE 1, 2021 9359

A Novel 3-D Indoor Localization Algorithm

Based on BLE and Multiple Sensors
Yue Yu , Student Member, IEEE, Ruizhi Chen , Liang Chen , Xingyu Zheng,
Dewen Wu, Wei Li, and Yuan Wu

Abstract—Indoor wireless localization using Bluetooth low data from smartphones integrated sensors, for
energy (BLE) beacons has attracted considerable attention due example, the accelerometer, magnetometer, and
to its extensive distribution and low cost properties. This arti- gyroscope [8], [9].
cle proposes a novel 3-D indoor localization algorithm which
uses the combination of BLE and multiple sensors (3D-LBMS). 2) Absolute localization based on wireless/acoustic signals
The inertial navigation system (INS) and pedestrian dead reck- or computer vision (CV) [10], [11]. Multiple charac-
oning (PDR) mechanizations are combined for accurate heading teristics extracted from wireless/acoustic signals can be
and speed estimation, which contains a multilevel constraints- applied for indoor positioning purposes, for example,
based quasistatic magnetic field (QSMF) detection algorithm. received signal strength indication (RSSI) [12], Time
In addition, dynamic-time-warping (DTW)-based BLE landmark
detection algorithm is proposed to provide absolute 3-D loca- of Arrival (TOA) [13], round-trip time (RTT) [14],
tion reference to multiple sensors-based positioning method, and and Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) [15]. Besides,
the detected BLE landmark points are also used to calibrate fingerprinting-based method is also widely used in case
the parameter of step-length calculation. Finally, the adaptive of unknown locations of wireless stations [16].
unscented Kalman filter (AUKF) is applied to fuse the results of 3) Multisource fusion-based indoor localization, which
INS/PDR mechanizations, QSMF and locations of detected BLE
landmarks to achieve accurate and concrete multisource-based combines the advantages of both relative and absolute
3-D indoor localization performance. The experimental results location sources and provides more stable and accurate
show that the proposed 3-D-LBMS is proved to achieve meter- positioning information [14], [17]–[19].
level 2-D positioning accuracy and submeter level 3-D altitude The Bluetooth 4.0 protocol was released to promote the
estimation accuracy in typical indoor environments. development of the IoT and smart devices, and the Bluetooth
Index Terms—Bluetooth low energy (BLE), indoor localization, low energy (BLE) node (the device which supports the
multiple sensors, unscented Kalman filter (KF). Bluetooth 4.0 protocol or higher) can communicate directly
with almost all the IoT terminals. Due to the low cost char-
acteristic of BLE nodes, the BLE-based location source has
I. I NTRODUCTION become popular in applications of indoor localization [20].
Normally, the BLE-based indoor localization usually uses
URRENTLY, indoor positioning has become a signif-
C icant research topic in the fields of artificial intelli-
gence (AI) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications (e.g.,
received signal strength indication (RSSI) data for real-time
ranging between local BLE nodes and mobile terminals or
uses the fingerprinting-based method to get real-time loca-
smart city and emergency rescue) [1]. A variety of tech-
tion of the pedestrian [21], [22], thus is usually influenced
nologies, such as ultrawideband (UWB) [2], Bluetooth [3],
by multipath propagation and Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS)
Wi-Fi [4], Acoustic source [5], Image source [6], and built-
indoors, which may lead to the poor location performance
in sensors [7] have been applied for indoor positioning and
especially when pedestrians move far from BLE nodes [23].
In addition, the proximity detection algorithm can also be
Nowadays, the smartphone-based indoor positioning can be
used for BLE-based indoor localization which can effectively
mainly divided into three types.
reduce environmental interference [3]. Compared with Wi-Fi
1) Relative localization based on microelectro-mechanical-
RSSI-based positioning method, BLE RSSI proves much
system (MEMS) sensors, usually contains the inertial
higher sampling rate, therefore can be optimized before local-
navigation system (INS) or pedestrian dead reck-
ization phase [24]. Different from RSSI-based methods, the
oning (PDR) mechanizations, by collecting the
performance of multiple sensors-based indoor localization is
Manuscript received November 29, 2020; revised January 2, 2021; accepted subjected to the errors of step-length calculation and head-
January 27, 2021. Date of publication February 1, 2021; date of current ver- ing deviation therefore can only maintain the accuracy within
sion May 21, 2021. This work was supported in part by the National Key a short period [9].
Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2016YFB0502200
and Grant 2016YFB0502201, and in part by NSFC under Grant 91638203. In order to solve the above challenges, this article proposes
(Corresponding author: Ruizhi Chen.) a robust multisource-based 3-D indoor localization algorithm
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering using the hybrid location sources of BLE and multiple sensors
in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan
430000, China (e-mail: (3-D-LBMS). The contributions of this work are summarized
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3055794 as follows.
c 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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1) This article achieves the combination of INS and Ng [27] validated the accuracy of iBeacon RSSI-based prop-
PDR mechanizations (PINS) which is able to provide agation model and got the conclusion that the propagation
more accurate heading and walking speed estimation model cannot maintain high accuracy in case of long-distance
information. The quasistatic magnetic field (QSMF) ranging. Therefore, iBeacon is usually applied for proximity
period is recognized in order to compensate the cumula- detection. By calibrating pedestrian’s heading using reliable
tive error caused by heading update, and the PDR mech- magnetic data, pedestrians are able to obtain their real-time
anization is used to provide measured values of walking location information.
speed and position increment for INS mechanization. Faragher and Harle [28] proposed a fingerprint-based local-
2) This article uses the DTW algorithm to detect BLE land- ization algorithm using RSSI acquired from local BLE nodes.
mark points based on the real-time constructed RSSI The experimental site is divided into square blocks of the
map with the combination of RSSI ranging model, and length 1 m, and each area has its own fingerprints to con-
the 3-D information of the detected BLE node is used to struct the radio map. In addition, they analyzed the effects
calibrate the step-length parameter and provide absolute of the choose parameter, such as beacon density, transmit
3-D location reference to multiple sensors. power, and transmit frequency. Finally, the comprehensive
3) Based on the results of multiple sensors and BLE land- experimentation was designed to compare with Wi-Fi-based
mark detection, the 3-D-LBMS is proposed. A real-time fingerprinting.
adaptive unscented Kalman filter (AUKF) is adopted to Kriz et al. [29] constructed fingerprints using both BLE
fuse the information of INS/PDR, QSMF and 3-D loca- and Wi-Fi information. The BLE nodes are deployed in Wi-
tions of detected landmark points. The combination of Fi denied indoor environments. The real-time position of the
both BLE and MEMS sensors-based methods signifi- pedestrian is recognized based on the weighted k-nearest
cantly increases the precision of multisource-based 3-D neighbor (WKNN) method using the acquired hybrid RSSI
indoor localization. information acquired from both Wi-Fi and BLE.
The arrangement of this article is as follows. Section II To summarize, BLE-based indoor localization algorithm can
introduces the related work. Section III details the INS/PDR mainly be classified into fingerprinting and RSSI propagation
mechanizations. Section IV presents the QSMF detection algo- model. However, the accuracy and stability of BLE signal
rithm, BLE-based landmark detection and final 3-D-LBMS propagation model is severely subjected to the complex and
algorithm. Section V describes the experimental results of changeable indoor environments while fingerprint-based posi-
proposed 3-D-LBMS. Section VI concludes this article. tioning methods require labor-intensive maintenance. Various
experiments show that precise indoor localization requires the
II. R ELATED W ORK combination of different location sources.
In order to improve the performance of indoor localization,
a series of indoor localization systems have been developed
in the past years, including built-in sensors, UWB, Wi-Fi, B. Multiple Sensors-Based Positioning Method
BLE, acoustic source, and others. This section focuses on the
INS mechanization is updated using inertial sensors data to
two types of indoor localization systems that use BLE and
track the carrier’s 3-D attitude and position information.
multiple sensors-based location sources and further presents
Nowadays, with the development of MEMS sensors, the
the existing challenges toward the pedestrian-based indoor
smartphone integrated sensors are already able to meet the
requirements of low cost navigation purposes. PDR is aimed at
pedestrians-based localization, which contains two main parts:
A. BLE-Based Indoor Positioning Method 1) step detection and step-length estimation and 2) heading
BLE attracts more and more researchers for its low cost fusion and calibration.
and low power consumption properties. Different from the During the procedure of pedestrian’s walking periods, the
other location sources, BLE nodes are more convenient and collected acceleration data shows regular changes, therefore
universal for deployment and maintenance. the biomechanical models are often used to detect pedestrian
Martin et al. [25] designed a variety of experimentations gait features and calculate the step-length [30]. The advan-
to verify the feasibility and performance of BLE nodes-based tage of using biomechanical models is that the parameter of
indoor positioning algorithm, using acquired RSSI to estimate step-length calculation can be determined according to the
the distance between smartphone and deployed BLE nodes. relationships between human features and measured distance.
The location of the pedestrian is acquired by the weighted However, due to the complexity of the human motion modes
least-squares (WLS) algorithm using multiple BLE signals. and the diversity of handheld modes of smartphones, the accu-
Paek et al. [26] compared the factors which influence racy of proposed step detection and step-length estimation
the accuracy of BLE-based localization, including different models are usually unsatisfactory, the adaptive adjustment is
types of smartphones, the classification and indoor deploy- required to adapt to different characteristics of the pedes-
ment of BLE nodes, transmission power, obstacles, and others. trian [31], [32].
The experimental results prove that the performance of BLE- Traditional INS mechanization usually extracts gyroscope
based indoor positioning largely depends upon the propagation data to track the attitude change of the carrier, while the
model and corresponding indoor environments. accuracy of the smartphone integrated gyroscope is always

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on May 30,2021 at 05:01:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

subjected to the noise interference and zero bias instabil- electronic devices or others indoors which lead to the deviation
ity which may cause the fast deviation of smartphone-based of magnetic heading.
estimated heading. An effective INS-based error elimination Afzal et al. [38] presented various experiments in differ-
method is zero-velocity update (ZUPT), which was proposed ent indoor environments and found that the different types of
for the first time in the NavShoe project. The experimen- building materials lead to different results on magnetometer-
tal results in this project show that the application of ZUPT based heading, which can lead to the error of 100◦ according
effectively improves the MEMS sensors-based localization to the estimated heading. Therefore, the disturbed magnetic
performance [33]. data should be detected to decrease the influence of artifi-
Kuang et al. [34] used position increment and walking cial interference. Afzal et al. [39] proved that the disturbed
speed provided by PDR to decrease the cumulative error of magnetic field may cause unpredictable impact since verti-
INS mechanization based on an enhanced extended Kalman cally polarized magnetic fields will affect the magnitude but
filter (EKF), and analyzed the navigation performance in not the horizontal heading.
four basic phone positions, the final experiments proved that Li et al. [40] proposed an autonomous calibration algo-
the combination of INS and PDR effectively improved the rithm toward gyroscope update without the need for external
accuracy of heading estimation and final DR. equipment. The pseudo observations, QSMF and acceleration
Of the above-mentioned multiple sensors-based methods, data are extracted to restrain the deviation of gyroscope update.
the MEMS sensors integrated in smartphones can be used as The calibrated error of gyro bias under the different handhold
an autonomous location source in the case of no other location modes was decreased from several deg/s to under 0.15 deg/s
sources existing. However, the multiple sensors-based posi- indoors and 0.1 deg/s outdoors.
tioning method can get only relative position of the pedestrian 3) Establishment of Signal Propagation Model in Complex
and cannot effectively eliminate existed cumulative positioning Indoor Environments: It is not difficult to get real-time RSSI
errors, thus, the multiple sensors-based approach is normally information from local wireless stations for example Wi-Fi
integrated with other absolute location sources to adapt to APs and BLE nodes, while the RSSI signal is subjected
different environments and users. to multipath propagation and NLOS interference in dynamic
environments, resulting in significant deviation in RSSI obser-
vations [41], [42]. In order to promote the performance of
C. Challenges Toward Pedestrian-Based Indoor Positioning RSSI-based positioning, fingerprint and proximity detection-
In order to realize a concrete and accurate multisource based methods are applied to enhance indoor localization
fusion-based 3-D indoor localization algorithm, we need to performance [43], [44].
handle the following challenges. Mackey et al. [45] improved the performance of BLE nodes-
1) Cumulative Error of Multiple Sensors: During the DR based proximity detection using three different Bayesian filters
procedure, the current position is calculated by the estimated which contains a Kalman filter (KF), a particle filter (PF), and
heading and speed information based on the previous head- a nonparametric information filter (NIF). Experimental results
ing and position, including INS and PDR. The errors of in different environments shown that the Bayesian filters can
speed estimation and heading deviation lead to the decrease improve the performance of proximity detection up to 30%
of positioning accuracy. compared with the traditional filter.
Shin and Park [35] compared the most existing step-length Zhuang and El-Sheimy [46] proposed a tightly coupled (TC)
calculation methods, including different models, techniques, EKF-based localization system using Wi-Fi and smartphone
and deployments. They found that the existing public data self-contained sensors. 15 states for MEMS and 1 state (Wi-
sets and evaluation methods between different algorithms of Fi RSS bias) are extracted as the state vector and RSSI-based
step-length estimation are not sufficient. propagation model is adopted as the observation vector. The
Weinberg [36] found through a variety of experiments designed experimentation proved that the positioning error of
that the estimated step length contains about 40% measure- the proposed TC system was within 3.47 m in typical indoor
ment error during pedestrian’s walking procedure even when environments.
they are walking on the same speed, thus, the calibration of Aiming at multisource-based indoor localization using BLE
the step-length parameter is required before the use of each and MEMS sensors, various fusion methods have been
calculation model. applied. Dinh et al. [47] proposed a PF-based fusion system
Combettes and Renaudin [37] presented a robust using the combination of BLE fingerprint, trilateration, and
smartphone-based heading fusion algorithm using the com- PDR. Besides, the KF approach is applied in [6] which inte-
bination of statistical models and likelihood maximization. grated the PDR and BLE proximity detection. In addition,
In this method, the pedestrian’s motion modes and other a KF-based fusion model using trilateration and dead reckon-
characteristics are considered and the error of 1.4◦ to 15.3◦ is ing is proposed in [48]. Among the existing fusion methods,
proved based on various “1km walk” tests in different indoor the accuracy improvements of different location sources and
environments. corresponding fusion methods comprise the main part of
2) Interference of Artificial Magnetic Field: The Earth’s multisource-based indoor localization.
magnetic field maintains an almost constant value at its sur- To improve the stability and accuracy of multisource fusion-
face. While in the complex and changeable indoor buildings, based 3-D indoor localization, this article proposes the 3-
the local magnetic field (LMF) is easily affected by the D-LBMS algorithm. On the basis of previous research, this

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carrier. The INS mechanization is presented by [34]

⎡ n⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ṙ  D−1 vn 
⎣ v̇n ⎦ = ⎣ Cn f b − 2 n +  n vn + gn ⎦ (1)
n b  ie en 
Ċb Cnb  bib −  bin

where rn = [ φ λ h ]T indicates the current 3-D location of

the pedestrian; vn = [ vN vE vD ]T indicates the updated 3-D
velocity in the navigation coordinate system. Cnb indicates the
transformation matrix which is used to convert the coordinate
from the body coordinate system to the navigation coordinate
system; f b indicates the measured acceleration value in the
body coordinate system; gn represents the local gravity vector
in the navigation coordinate system;  nie and  nen represents
the skew-symmetric matrix of the rotation vector;  bib and
Fig. 1. Framework of 3-D-LBMS algorithm.  bin represent the skew-symmetric matrices of the gyroscope-
based angular rate vector; and D−1 indicates standard 3 ×
3 matrix related to the latitude φ and the ellipsoidal height h
article provides specific solutions to the above challenges. of the object.
The 3-D-LBMS combines the BLE and multiple sensors-based Due to the poor accuracy of MEMS sensors, the navigation
location sources to make the two advantages complemen- error that rely on the INS mechanization will quickly diverge
tary. First, the raw sensor data acquired from the gyroscope, over time, thus the observed position increment and walk-
accelerometer, magnetometer and barometer is collected to ing speed information provided by PDR provides an effective
realize INS and PDR mechanizations, respectively, and the approach to limit the cumulative error of INS mechanization.
QSMF periods are detected in order to extract stable mag-
netometer data and compensate gyroscope’s cumulative error; B. PDR Mechanization-Based Localization
second, the real-time RSSI data acquired from surrounding
BLE nodes is collected and processed to generate the RSSI PDR mechanization is developed aiming at the pedestrian-
map and the DTW algorithm is applied to detect the BLE land- based navigation, by extracting characteristics of pedestrians’
mark points, the detected BLE landmarks which contain the motion modes to realize the real-time positioning. During
3-D location information are used to calibrate the step-length the procedure of pedestrian’s walking periods, the collected
parameter and provide absolute reference to multiple sensors- acceleration data shows regular changes, therefore the biome-
based method; finally, a robust AUKF is adopted to fuse the chanical models are often used to detect pedestrian gait fea-
information of INS/PDR, QSMF data and 3-D locations of tures and calculate the step-length [35]. The norm of extracted
detected BLE landmarks in order to provide accurate and con- accelerometer data is calculated as

crete 3-D localization performance. The whole framework of
Normacc = a2x + a2y + a2z (2)
proposed 3-D-LBMS is shown in Fig. 1.
where Normacc represents the norm of real-time accelerometer
data, ax , ay , and az indicate the extracted triaxial acceleration
Smartphone built-in sensors can provide pedestrian’s speed Due to the complexity and randomness of pedestrian’s
and attitude information with much higher frequency com- movement, the raw acceleration data is affected by noises and
pared with other location sources. The accuracy of MEMS need to be smoothed. Low-pass filters are usually used to pro-
sensors-based method is subjected to the cumulative error cess raw acceleration data in order to obtain more obvious gait
caused by the low cost sensors and magnetic interference. In characteristics.
this section, INS and PDR mechanizations are represented, Due to the randomness of the handheld modes of the pedes-
respectively, and the results of INS/PDR mechanizations are trian, the filtered acceleration data still contains multiple peaks
further integrated in AUKF with locations of detected BLE- which may lead to the wrong step count. Thus, the multi-
based landmarks in Section IV. peak recognition method which contains several constrains are
presented in the following equation:

A. INS Mechanization-Based Localization T step > δ1

|Normacc −g|<δ2
INS mechanization is widely applied for fields of pedes-
trian and vehicle navigation, which can provide real-time 3-D where Tstep represents the time interval calculated by the two
motion information of the carrier with high sampling rate. The adjacent gaits; g indicates the local gravity value; δ1 represents
acceleration and angular rate data collected from integrated minimax time threshold of two detected steps; δ2 indicates
inertial sensors are combined in the INS mechanization to cal- the maximum allowable acceleration. The final detected step
culate the real-time 3-D position, velocity, and attitude of the information is shown in Fig. 2.

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adopted to integrate both BLE and multiple sensors-based

methods, in which the INS mechanization is regarded as the
state model and the PDR mechanization, QSMF result and
3-D location of detected BLE landmarks are regarded as the
observation model.

A. Detection of Quasistatic Magnetic Field

The LMF is regarded as the quasistatic state if the norm of
magnetometer data remains constant during the pedestrian’s
walking period. The detected QSMF periods can be used to
provide a relatively accurate LMF reference for gyroscope-
based heading estimation and can also decrease the effect of
artificial interference indoors. The feature of magnetic data can
be extracted as [34]
Fig. 2. Performance of step detection.
n  b  b 
M̃  − M̃  ≈ 0, M̃ = m2x + m2y + m2z (8)
k+1 k
An empirical model characterizes the relationship between
step length and pedestrian’s motion characteristics which is where M̃ represents the modulus of collected magnetic data in
proposed by Weinberg [36] is shown as the body coordinate system; mx , my , and mz indicate the mea-
L = K 4 Amax − Amin (4) sured trimagnetometer data; k represents the first epoch of
a detected QSMF period and n indicates the length of detected
where Amax and Amin indicate the detected peak and val- QSMF period. Since the magnetic field strength remains con-
ley acceleration values during one gait cycle, K represents stant when the pedestrian remains static, thus, the QSMF
the adjustable parameters of the step length which can be detection algorithm is always performed during pedestrian’s
calculated in walking period.
destimated In this article, multilevel constraints are used to recognize
K= (5)
dtrue the QSMF period, the whole detection procedure is shown as
where destimated and dtrue indicate the experimental and ground- follows.
truth distance during estimation. 1) Pedestrian’s Motion Pattern Recognition: The modulus
In the PDR mechanization, after the estimation of step value of gyroscope data and increment value of accelerometer
length, the required heading information is provided by the data are extracted to identify the pedestrian’s motion pattern,
fusion of both INS and PDR mechanizations to restrain the QSMF is only detected when the pedestrian walks straight
accumulative error. The real-time 2-D location of the pedes- or remains static. The modulus value of gyroscope data and
trian is updated based on the last positioning result, which is increment value of accelerometer are shown in
shown as follows: ⎨ Ngyro = g2 + g2 + g2
Px (k) = Px (k − 1) + L(k) · sin(θ (k)) x y z
(6) ⎩ Aacc = a2 + a2 + a2 − g
Py (k) = Py (k − 1) + L(k) · cos(θ (k)) x y z

where [Px (k), Py (k)] and [Px (k − 1), Py (k − 1)] indicate the where gx , gy , and gz represent the measured trigyroscope data;
pedestrian’s location at the moment k − 1 and k; L(k) and θ (k) ax , ay , and az represent the measured triaccelerometer data;
represent the calculated step length and direction at epoch k. Ngyro and Aacc remain in a certain range when the pedestrian
In order to get the altitude information indoors, the barom- is walking straight forward or remains static over a short period
eter is used to estimate the altitude difference in 3-D indoor of time.
buildings. The relationship between height and barometer- 2) Extraction of Pedestrian’s Gait Feature: A complete gait
measured air pressure is described as [49] cycle during the pedestrian’s walking period includes incre-
1.0  ment value of accelerometer data Aacc changing from zero to
100p 5.255
hb = 44330 · 1.0 − (7) peak value, then to valley value and finally return to zero, just
p0 like this: Aacc : 0 → Apeak → 0 → Avalley → 0. The mean-
where hb represents the real-time height estimated by the square error (MSE) and interquartile range (IQR) of magnetic
barometer, p and p0 represent the measured air pressure and heading in the sliding time window with a length of n are
the sea level reference pressure, respectively. calculated as follows:
   i 2
θMSE (k) = 1n · ni=0 θmag (k) − θmag (k) (10)
θIQR (k) = θQ3 (k) − θQ1 (k)
In order to realize precise and concrete performance of
multisource fusion-based indoor localization, different loca- where θMSE (k) and θIQR (k) indicate the MSE and IQR val-
tion sources should be combined. In this article, AUKF is ues of the acquired magnetic heading, θmag (k) represents the

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average magnetic heading in the sliding time window. θmag

i (k)

represents the real-time measured magnetic heading.

3) QSMF Detection During Periods of Gait Cycles: After
recognizing pedestrian’s motion pattern and acquiring the
heading information in each gait cycle, multilevel constraints
are presented to detect the QSMF state under the above

⎪ 0 < Aacc < h1

⎨ 0 < N gyro < h2 Fig. 3. Schematic of RSSI landmark detection.
θMSE < h3 , θIQR < h4 (11)

⎪ n  b  b TABLE I

⎩ n · k=0 M̃ 
− M̃  < h5
k+1 k

where h1 ∼ h5 represent the thresholds which are uses to

identify the QSMF state in local MLF. The extracted magnetic
data is fused by the AUKF, which will be described in the
following section.

B. BLE Landmark Detection and Step-Length Correction The reference BLE RSSI distribution δrefer =
The stability of RSSI data acquired from local BLE nodes is {q1 , q2 , . . . , qn } is shown in Fig. 3, which can be auto-
subjected to the multipath propagation and NLOS effects when matically generated by (12) within a fixed distance range. The
the pedestrian walking in the complex indoor environments. real-time RSSI information acquired from local BLE nodes
The accuracy of RSSI-based propagation model may decrease contained in the database will be collected and described
with the growing distance between smartphone and local BLE as the RSSI map after smoothed by Gaussian mixture
nodes [23]. In this work, BLE RSSI-based propagation model model (GMM) [51], the processed RSSI map is presented in
is presented as follows [3]: Table I.
After constructing the local RSSI map, the RSSI distribu-
μ tion from each local BLE node will be extracted from the
ξr (μ) = ξ0 (μ0 ) − 10β lg + +ϕ (12)
μ0 RSSI map, described as δk = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cm }, and then using
DTW algorithm to calculate the similarity between the refer-
where ξr (μ) represents the idealized RSSI value at distance ence distribution and real-time extracted distribution based on
μ, μ0 is the reference distance, ξ0 (μ0 ) indicates the refer- the following equation:
ence RSSI value at distance μ0 , β represents the path loss
exponent, which conforms the Gaussian distribution with the DTW(δrefer , δk ) = Dist(qn , cm )

mean of zero. ϕ is the measured noise which follows Gaussian + min D(qn−1 , cm ), D(qn , cm−1 )
distribution.  represents the human occlusion factor related 
D(qn−1 , cm−1 ) < h
parameter. When the pedestrian moves toward the BLE node,
s.t. d(t) < (13)
 is set as zero. When the pedestrian moves away from the
BLE node,  is increased to compensate the RSSI loss due where DTW(δrefer , δk ) presents the cumulative distance
to the occlusion. between two RSSI distributions, Dist(qn , cm ) indicates the
Normally, the accuracy of presented RSSI propagation Euclidean distance between each two points of distributions.
model is subjected to the multipath propagation and NLOS in A new BLE landmark is successfully detected when the DTW
complex indoor environments. In this work, a novel BLE land- value and real-time distance between detected BLE node and
mark detection algorithm is proposed to avoid the interference smartphone d (t) reach the set thresholds h and .
of indoor environments. When the pedestrian walks straight between two detected
When the pedestrian walks along a deployed BLE node, BLE landmark points, the step-length parameter K in
the received RSSI signal will generate signal peaks which can (5) can be calibrated by the location information of detected
be used for landmark detection, as shown in Fig. 3. The raw landmarks
RSSI data contains noises which may cause the signal fluctu- ⎧ dreal

⎪ K = destimated
ation. However, the RSSI signal can also fluctuate even after ⎪

⎨ dreal = PBLE (n + 1) − PBLE (n)
smoothing because of multipath propagation and NLOS. In 
this article, dynamic-time-warping (DTW) algorithm is applied ⎪ destimated = N i=1 Lstep (i)

⎪ < A < h , < < h
to detect the local BLE landmark, using RSSI data in a period ⎪
⎩ s.t. 0 acc 1 0 Ngyro 2

of time. DTW is usually applied to align and measure the (θEKF − θRefer ) < γ
similarity between two temporal sequences of data, which is where PBLE (n + 1) and PBLE (n) represent the absolute posi-
widely applied in fields for example speech recognition and tions of two adjacent BLE nodes, Lstep (i) is the detected step
magnetic field-based positioning [50]. length when walking passed the two adjacent BLE nodes.

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Normally, two adjacent landmark points can provide an abso- estimation result, which is calculated by [33]
lute heading which can be used to compare with the fused  T
heading when the pedestrian is recognized in case of walking vnPDR = ts −tLss−1 0 0 (18)
straight forward between two BLE landmarks, the parameter
K will be calibrated automatically under above constraints. where Ls represents
 the measured step length based on PDR
mechanization, ts , ts−1 indicates one step period. The ZUPT
is applied and PDR-based walking speed is set as zero when
C. Integrated 3-D Indoor Localization Based on AUKF
the pedestrian remains static, in this case, vnPDR ≈ 0 0 0 ,
INS and PDR are two main approaches toward smartphone and the ZARU-based observed value can also be applied
built-in sensors-based pedestrian indoor localization. The INS to control the cumulative error of heading estimation. The
mechanization provides much higher frequency of position observed heading information model in the navigation coordi-
and attitude information. However, the performance of the nate system is presented as follows [34]:
INS mechanization is subjected to the fast diverging error
of MEMS sensors therefore cannot provide reliable location δzψ = ψINS
− ψrefer
= δψ + nψ (19)
information for a longer time [40].
where ψINS
n represents the estimated heading by INS mecha-
In this article, a more robust MEMS sensors-based inte-
nization, ψrefer
n indicates the extracted pseudoheading at the
grated positioning algorithm is proposed using the combina-
first epoch of the quasistatic period, and nψ indicate the
tion of INS and PDR mechanizations. In the proposed PINS,
measurement noise.
the raw data acquired from triaxial accelerometer and triaxial
The observation model aimed at position increment in the
gyroscope is updated by the INS mechanization based on the
navigation coordinate system is presented as
last moment result. Second, the motion mode of the pedestrian
is predicted using the collected acceleration and angular rate. δznp = pnPDR − pnINS (20)
If the pedestrian’s motion is recognized as “static,” ZUPT and
zero angle rate update (ZARU) are applied in the procedure where pnPDR represents the real-time position estimated by
of INS mechanization to constrain the navigation deviation. In PDR mechanization and barometer-based altitude increment
addition, raw magnetic data is used to detect the QSMF periods in (6) and (7), pnINS represents the INS mechanization-based
in surrounding environment, and the detected QSMF periods position update result.
are extracted to calibrate the drift error of heading estimation. When a new BLE landmark is detected, the 3-D loca-
In addition, PDR-originated walking speed and step-length tion information of detected BLE node is applied as the
information are combined to provide the measured velocity observed value to further eliminate the cumulative error of
and position increment, which are finally fused by AUKF. INS mechanization, in this case, (20) can also be described as
In this article, AUKF is applied to fuse all the INS/PDR
δznp = pnBLE − pnINS = δp + nBLE (21)
information, ZUPT/ZARU, QSMF and landmark detection
results together in order to eliminate the cumulative error of where pnBLE represents the 3-D location of the detected BLE
multiple sensors-based INS mechanization. The state vector of landmark, the measured noise is described as
AUKF is shown as [34] ∂
 T nBLE ∼ vnINS (τ )dτ (22)
δx = (δpn )1×3 (δvn )1×3 ψ 1×3 bg 1×3 (ba )1×3 (15)
τ =0
where δpn , δvn , and ψ represent the error vectors of the INS
where vnINS (τ ) indicates the measured INS-based velocity dur-
mechanization in the navigation coordinate system; bg and ba
ing the period of time window used in GMM smoother, τ is
represent the zero bias of inertial sensors. The discrete-time
the timestamp, ∂ is the length of time window.
AUKF state model and observation model are presented as
In this article, the extracted magnetic feature during QSMF
δxk = Ak−1,k δxk−1 + ωk periods is applied to improve the performance of heading
δzk = Hk δxk + υk calculation. The LMF is calibrated at the beginning of each
QSMF period and assumed as the reference magnetic field
where δxk and δzk represents the state vector and observed
vector at the moment k, respectively; Ak−1,k indicates the state mnrefer = Cn,1
· mbk,1 (23)
transition matrix from the moment k − 1 to the moment k, and
Hk represents the observation matrix at the moment k. ωk and where mbk,1 indicates the first epoch of detected QSMF period
b represents the current attitude matrix. mn
υk indicate the state and observation noise at the moment k. in b-frame, Cn,1 refer is
In the measured model, the walking speed and step-length used as reference LMF in QSMF periods. The final observation
information provided by PDR and data extracted from QSMF model for magnetic field in the n-frame is presented as [40]
periods are ranged as the observed value. The observation
δznm = Cn,k
· mbk − mnrefer (24)
model for velocity in the n-frame is given by
δznv = vnPDR − vnINS (17) where mbk indicates the measured magnetic data in QSMF
b represents the current attitude matrix. The mea-
periods, Cn,k
where vnINS represents the INS mechanization-based speed esti- sured value is used for calibrating the drift error caused by
mation, vnPDR represents the step-length-based walking speed INS-based heading estimation.

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Finally, the AUKF is applied to fuse all the state and 6) Calculating the predicted observation value according to
observed values together to realize an accurate and con- the updated sigma points and corresponding covariance
crete multisource-based 3-D indoor localization solution. The matrix
AUKF uses unscented transformation (UT) to adapt the non- ∧ 

linear system equation to the standard KF under the linear δ Z(k + 1|k) = w(η) δz(η) (k + 1|k) (31)
assumption, instead of linearizing the nonlinear function to η=0
achieve recursive filtering like EKF, which can achieve much 
2ε !

higher nonlinear fusion accuracy. The procedure of proposed ζ zk zk = w(η) δz(η) (k + 1|k) − δ Z(k + 1|k)
AUKF is shown as follows. η=0
1) Getting sigma point set and corresponding weight based ∧
× δz(η) (k + 1|k) − δ Z(k + 1|k) +R
on the previous state vector δX(k|k)
⎛  η=0 η=1∼ε (32)

(η) (k|k) = δX(k|k) δX(k|k) + (ε + γ )ζ (k|k) !
⎜ δx 
2ε ∧
⎜ ζ xk zk = w(η) δx(η) (k + 1|k) − δ Z(k + 1|k)
⎜ η=ε+1∼2ε
⎜ δX(k|k) − (ε + γ )ζ (k|k) η=0
⎜ !T
⎜ (0) γ ∧
⎝ w = ε+γ ,η = 0 × δx(η) (k + 1|k) − δ Z(k + 1|k) +R
w(η) = 2(ε+γ ) , η = 1 ∼ 2ε (33)
where ζ zk zk represents the covariance matrix originated
where ε indicates the length of the state vector, η rep- from the predicted observation vector, and ζ xk zk is
resents the required number of sigma points, and γ the covariance matrix calculated by δZ∧ (k + 1|k) and
represents the weight related parameter. ζ (k|k) indicates x(η) (k + 1|k).
the state covariance matrix at epoch k. w(0) and w(η) 7) Calculating the Kalman gain
indicate the weights of the sigma points.
K(k + 1) = ζ xk zk ζ −1
zk zk . (34)
2) State prediction of each generated sigma point, using
current value of sigma points, η = 0, 1, 2, . . . , ε + 1 8) State value and covariance updating

δx(η) (k + 1|k) = Ak+1,k δx(η) (k) + ωk δX(k + 1|k + 1) = δ X̂(k + 1|k) + K(k + 1)
(26) !

where δx(η) (k + 1|k)
represents the predicted state value × δZ(k + 1) − δ Z(k + 1|k)
of each sigma point at epoch k + 1. (35)
3) Get the predicted value and covariance matrix by
weighting sigma point set ζ (k + 1|k + 1) = ζ (k + 1|k)
− K(k + 1)ζ zk zk K T (k + 1) (36)

(η) (η) where δX(k + 1|k + 1) and ζ (k + 1|k + 1) represent the
δ X̂(k + 1|k) = w δx (k + 1|k) (27)
η=0 final updated state value and the state covariance matrix

2ε   at epoch k + 1, which can be used in the next AUKF
ζ (k + 1|k) = w(η) δ X̂(k + 1|k) − δx(η) (k + 1|k) procedure.
η=0 To summarize, the AUKF proposed in this work provides
 T a precise and concrete solution for multisource fusion-based
× δ X̂(k + 1|k) − δx(η) (k + 1|k) + U 3-D indoor localization. First, the INS and PDR mechaniza-
(28) tions are combined in order to constrain the fast deviation error
in the procedure of INS update; second, the ZUPT and ZARU
where δ X̂(k +1|k) and ζ (k +1|k) represent the predicted measurements and the magnetic data during detected QSMF
state value and the state covariance matrix at epoch k+1. periods are extracted to further eliminate the cumulative error
4) Generating the new sigma point set using UT transform of INS-based heading and walking speed estimation; third, the
based on the predicted state value BLE-based landmark detection algorithm is applied to provide

δx(η) (k + 1|k) = δ X̂(k + 1|k)δ X̂(k + 1|k) absolute location results for MEMS sensors-based localization
method; finally, the AUKF is used to integrate all the mea-
+ (ε + γ )ζ (k + 1|k)δ X̂(k + 1|k) sured information together aiming at realizing long-term and

− (ε + γ )ζ (k + 1|k) . (29) meterlevel multisource fusion-based 3-D indoor localization,
the combination of both relative and absolute location sources
5) Observation prediction based on the predicted state value realizes much more robust 3-D indoor positioning performance
of each sigma point, η = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 2ε + 1 compared with single location source.
δz(η) (k + 1|k) = Hk δx(η) (k + 1|k) + υk (30) V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS OF 3-D-LBMS
where δz(η) (k +1|k)
represents the predicted observation In this section, the detailed experiments are presented
value of each sigma point at epoch k + 1. to evaluate the performance of proposed PINS and final

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Fig. 4. Detected QSMF during walking periods.

3-D-LBMS, one standard 3-D building is adopted as the exper-

imental scene. In this work, BLE nodes use TI’s CC2640 chip
which supports the Bluetooth 4.0 protocol, and Google Pixel
3 is used as the tracking device which supports the real-time
BLE scan and contains various MEMS sensors required by
PINS, such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer,
and barometer. The sampling rates of multiple sensors and
BLE nodes are set as 50 and 5 Hz, respectively, and the output
frequency of 3-D-LBMS is calculated as 50 Hz.
Fig. 5. (a) Pedestrian’s walking path at the 16th floor. (b) Pedestrian’s walking
A. Accuracy Evaluation of PINS path at the 15th floor.

The proposed PINS in this work uses the walking speed,

position increment and stable magnetic field provided by
PDR, barometer, and QSMF periods to eliminate the cumu-
lative error in the procedure of INS mechanization-based 3-D
attitude and location update.
QSMF detection is used to recognize the stable mag-
netic field in surrounding environments during the pedestrian’s
walking procedure, the calibrated magnetic data in these peri-
ods can be extracted as the observed vector in AUKF to
eliminate heading drift caused by gyroscope updating. The
detected QSMF periods during walking cycles in a corridor is
shown in Fig. 4.
It can be seen from Fig. 4 that there are several detected
QSMF periods during walking which are marked in red line, Fig. 6. Comparison of different heading estimation algorithms.
and the collected magnetic data during QSMF periods is fused
in AUKF after calibration, which provides a reliable observed
value for gyroscope-based heading update and can effectively It can be found from Fig. 6 that the proposed AUKF
decrease the magnetic disturbance in local environments. maintains high accuracy due to the combination of INS/PDR
In this work, a circular corridor is used as the experimen- mechanizations and QSMF periods and the heading estimation
tal site to evaluate the accuracy of proposed PINS algorithm, error is within 4◦ after a long time use (about 25 min), while
which is shown in Fig. 5. the gyroscope-based heading increases more than 30◦ because
In order to evaluate the long-term accuracy of heading esti- of the cumulative error and the magnetic heading also proves
mation and 2-D localization based on PINS, the tester started large fluctuations under artificial interference contained indoor
at point A, continuously passed by the position B, C, D, and environments.
finally went back to point A, this procedure repeated ten times In the 2-D localization experiment, the magnetic heading-
in order to evaluate long-term performance. In this work, based PDR mechanization would be affected by the artificial
the gyroscope-based heading, the magnetic heading and the interference indoors therefore the trajectory may drift in a short
AUKF-based heading are calculated, respectively, to compare time period. To be fair, the traditional PDR mechanization in
their estimation performance in a long period, the result is this experiment also uses the AUKF-based heading in order
shown in Fig. 6. to evaluate the improvement of AUKF-based walking speed

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Fig. 9. Reference distribution of BLE-based landmark.

Fig. 7. 2-D localization comparison between PINS and PDR.

Fig. 8. CDF error comparison between PINS and PDR. Fig. 10. DTW comparison result.

estimation. The comparison of 2-D localization performance

between the proposed PINS and traditional PDR is shown in
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 shows that the PINS-based localization result is more
closer to the reference route compared with traditional PDR,
because the improvement of heading and walking speed esti-
mation in proposed PINS effectively decreases the cumulative
error of 2-D indoor localization compared with the traditional
PDR algorithm, and the CDF error comparison between PINS
and traditional PDR estimated at the test points A, W1 , W2 ,
W3 , during each walking procedure is shown in Fig. 8.

B. Accuracy Estimation of Landmark Detection Fig. 11. Accuracy of BLE-based landmark detection.

The received RSSI will produce signal peak when the

pedestrian walks by a local BLE node. In this article, DTW
algorithm is used to detect the BLE-based landmark, a real- RSSI map for DTW comparison with the reference distribu-
time RSSI distribution extracted from RSSI map is used to tion extracted in Fig. 9, which can store received RSSI in
calculate the similarity with the reference distribution. The a walking period of 3s. The DTW comparison result between
reference distribution can be acquired by fitting the measured real-time RSSI data from RSSI map and reference distribution
RSSI value at each position in the range of effective distance is shown in Fig. 10.
of the BLE node by (20), which is shown in Fig. 9. In Fig. 10, the calculation result of DTW proved the mini-
Fig. 9 indicates the difference between reference RSSI dis- mum value when the pedestrian reached the position of the
tribution and real-time collected RSSI distribution. In the BLE node at the data point 22, and then the DTW value
proposed BLE landmark detection algorithm, a time window began to increase. The final accuracy of BLE-based landmark
of length 15 is used to collect real-time RSSI data from detection is shown in Fig. 11.

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Fig. 12. Comparison between PINS and 3-D-LBMS.


Fig. 11 demonstrates the precision of proposed BLE land-

mark detection algorithm, the average detection error is within
0.42 m, and the maximum detection error is not greater than
0.75 m. The 3-D location information provided by the detected
BLE landmarks is further integrated with multiple sensors-
Fig. 13. (a) 2-D results between PINS and 3-D-LBMS. (b) 3-D results
based method in proposed AUKF to realize a robust and between PINS and 3-D-LBMS.
concrete multisource-based 3-D indoor localization.

C. Accuracy Evaluation of 3-D-LBMS It can be seen from Table II that the proposed 3-D-LBMS
To evaluate the performance of proposed 3-D-LBMS, one remains stable and accurate after a long-time use and achieves
typical 3-D scene was selected as the experimental environ- the meterlevel 2-D localization accuracy. The average 2-D
ment, which is shown in Fig. 5. The BLE nodes are deployed localization error is within 0.75 m, and the CDF error is within
at reference point A to R with an average deployment distance 0.57 m and 1.12 m in cases of 50% and 90%. Thus, the inte-
of 7 m. The deployment of BLE nodes is used to provide gration of BLE-based landmarks significantly improves the
absolute reference to multiple sensors-based method, and the accuracy of multiple sensors-based positioning method in the
multisource-based information is finally fused by AUKF to typical 2-D indoor environment under magnetic interference.
eliminate the cumulative error of MEMS sensors. In order to evaluate the 3-D localization performance of
In 2-D long-term accuracy test, the tester started at point D, proposed 3-D-LBMS, two adjacent office floors which con-
passed by the point A, B, and C, then returned to the point tain complex corridors are selected as the experimental site.
D, also this procedure is repeated ten times. In this experi- The tester started at point D, passed by the point E to R,
ment, the PINS is evaluated as multiple sensors-based location then passed the point A, B, and C, finally returned to the
source in order to estimate the accuracy improvement of point D, as shown in Fig. 5. In this experiment, the detected
multisource-based AUKF. The detected BLE-based landmarks BLE landmarks can constrain the cumulative error of multiple
provides an absolute location source which can further elim- sensors-based method, especially when the pedestrian moves
inate the cumulative error caused by multiple sensors-based between different floors. The 2-D and 3-D results comparison
positioning method. The performance comparison between between PINS and 3-D-LBMS are shown in Fig. 13.
PINS and proposed 3-D-LBMS is shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 13 demonstrates that compared with the 2-D indoor
Fig. 12 illustrates that the proposed 3-D-LBMS effectively environment, the 3-D indoor environment proves much higher
eliminates the cumulative error caused by MEMS sensors- positioning error due to the pedestrian‘s motion modes of
based positioning method and further improve the long-term going up and down stairs. The 3-D-LBMS combines the
accuracy and robustness of the PINS because of the combina- advantages of relative location source of multiple sensors and
tion of both relative and absolute location sources. Table II the absolute location source of BLE landmarks, which effec-
compares the 2-D accuracy evaluation results of proposed tively eliminates the cumulative error of MEMS sensors-based
3-D-LBMS and PINS at test points A, W1 , W2 , W3 . method. The 2-D positioning accuracy is evaluated at the

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AUKF fusion. To eliminate the cumulative error of MEMS

sensors-based positioning method, the INS and PDR mecha-
nizations are combined, the position increment and walking
speed provided by PDR effective constrain the deviation of
INS update. In addition, the QSMF periods are detected dur-
ing the pedestrian’s walking procedure to further eliminate the
heading deviation caused by the artificial interference indoors.
(a) (b) In order to improve the accuracy of BLE-based landmark
detection, the DTW algorithm is applied to decrease the effect
Fig. 14. (a) 2-D positioning accuracy. (b) 3-D altitude accuracy. of RSSI signal fluctuation and uncertainty of RSSI propaga-
tion model, and the 3-D location information of detected BLE
landmarks is finally integrated with PINS by the AUKF to pro-
vide meterlevel localization performance. The final estimated
2-D positioning error is within 1.08 m in case of 75%, and
the altitude calculation error is within 0.46 m in case of 75%.

In order to realize robust multisource fusion-based 3-D
indoor positioning in complex indoor environments, this article
proposes the 3-D-LBMS algorithm that uses the combination
of BLE and multiple sensors-based location sources, and the
Fig. 15. Comparison between FP+PRM and 3-D-LBMS.
contribution of this work contains three main parts.
1) Combination of INS and PDR Mechanizations (PINS):
The walking speed and position increment provided by
reference points A, W1 , C, W3 , W4 , W5 , W6 , W7 , W8 , and the
PDR are used to eliminate the deviation of INS update,
3-D altitude accuracy is evaluated at the reference points G,
and the detected QSMF periods are adopted for further
H, I, N, O, P, respectively. The statistical results of final 2-D
improvement of the heading estimation.
and 3-D altitude accuracy of proposed 3-D-LBMS are shown
2) Application of DTW-Based BLE Landmark Detection
in Fig. 14.
Algorithm: Using DTW algorithm to decrease the effects
It can be seen from Fig. 14 that the meterlevel 2-D indoor
of RSSI signal fluctuation and propagation model in
localization accuracy and the submeter level 3-D altitude esti-
complex indoor environments, and the 3-D location
mation accuracy can be achieved by proposed 3-D-LBMS
information of detected BLE landmarks is extracted and
algorithm. The 2-D localization accuracy of 3-D-LBMS is
fused with multiple sensors-based method.
within 1.08 m in case of 75%. The cumulative error of
3) Integrated Localization Based on AUKF: In order to
barometer-based altitude calculation is also effectively elimi-
achieve accurate and concrete 3-D indoor localization
nated and the accuracy of altitude estimation is within 0.46 m
performance, the results of PINS and detected BLE land-
in case of 75%. Compared with single location source-
marks are fused together, the integration of different
based positioning method, the proposed 3-D-LBMS combines
location sources significantly increase the accuracy and
the advantages of multiple sensors and BLE-based location
stability of final 3-D indoor localization.
sources and significantly improves the long-term accuracy and
The proposed 3-D-LBMS exists some limitations in sev-
stability of multisource fusion-based 3-D indoor localization.
eral cases of real-world applications. First, although a variety
Finally, we give the localization comparison between the
of MEMS sensors are combined for more robust 3-D indoor
FP + PRM algorithm proposed in [24] and the 3-D-LBMS
localization, some kinds of smartphones do not contain the
proposed in this article. The selected walking route is the same
required IMU or barometer, therefore make it difficult to real-
as in Fig. 12 for long-term accuracy, and the points A, B,
ize multisource fusion-based 3-D indoor localization. Second,
C, D are choose as the test points, the comparison result of
this work proposes the DTW-based BLE landmark detection
positioning accuracy is shown in Fig. 15.
algorithm to improve the university and stability in different
Fig. 15 indicates that compared with the FP + PRM
environments, while the accuracy of received RSSI varies from
algorithm, the proposed 3-D-LBMS achieves much better posi-
smartphone to smartphone due the difference of hardware,
tioning performance, which is related to the improvement of
leads to the additional bias in the procedure of using RSSI
the MEMS sensors-based positioning method, BLE landmark
propagation model, which needs to be calibrated. In addition,
detection algorithm, and the final AUKF fusion structure.
the indoor NLOS and multipath propagation can also cause
the signal fluctuation, thus, a more comprehensive propaga-
D. Results of the Overall 3-D-LBMS Algorithm tion model is needed aiming at different indoor environments
This article compared the heading estimation and posi- to improve the performance of GMM. Finally, the limited cov-
tioning results of the PDR mechanization and PINS, the erage of BLE RSSI signal make the localization performance
DTW-based BLE landmark detection algorithm, and the final instable at the long distance, therefore, the deployment of the

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2010, pp. 173–184. Dec. 2017.

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[38] M. H. Afzal, V. Renaudin, and G. Lachapelle, “Assessment of indoor Liang Chen received the Ph.D. degree from
magnetic field anomalies using multiple magnetometers,” in Proc. ION Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2009. He is
GNSS, Sep. 2010, pp. 1–9. currently a Professor with the State Key Laboratory
[39] M. H. Afzal, V. Renaudin, and G. Lachapelle, “Magnetic field based of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
heading estimation for pedestrian navigation environments,” in Proc. Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan,
IEEE IPIN, 2011, pp. 1–10. China. He was a Senior Researcher with Finnish
[40] Y. Li, J. Georgy, X. Niu, Q. Li, and N. El-Sheimy, “Autonomous cali- Geodesy Institute, Kirkkonummi, Finland, the
bration of MEMS gyros in consumer portable devices,” IEEE Sensors J., Deputy Head of Sensors and Indoor Navigation
vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 4062–4072, Jul. 2015. Research Group, a Research Leader in Finnish Laser
[41] A. M. Whitney, J. M. Parker, Z. C. N. Kratzer, J. T. Fessler, and Radar National Excellent Innovation Center. His
J. G. Whitney, “Reducing RF distance error by characterizing multipath,” research interests include navigation based on new
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 3329–3338, Sep. 2019. signal theory and method, smartphone ubiquitous positioning and indoor and
[42] L. Wang and M. J. Zawodniok, “New theoretical limit analysis of LoS outdoor seamless localization and navigation.
and RSS based positioning methods for Ricean fading channel in RF
systems,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput., vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 2401–2414,
Oct. 2019.
[43] B. Molina, E. Olivares, C. E. Palau, and M. Esteve, “A multimodal
fingerprint-based indoor positioning system for airports,” IEEE Access,
vol. 6, pp. 10092–10106, 2018.
[44] P. C. Ng, J. She, and R. Ran, “A compressive sensing approach to detect
Xingyu Zheng received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
the proximity between smartphones and BLE Beacons,” IEEE Internet
in cartography and geographical information system
Things J., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7162–7174, Aug. 2019.
from the Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing,
[45] A. Mackey, P. Spachos, L. Song, and K. N. Plataniotis, “Improving BLE
China, in 2014 and 2017, respectively. He is cur-
beacon proximity estimation accuracy through Bayesian filtering,” IEEE
rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in geodesy and
Internet Things J., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 3160–3169, Apr. 2020.
survey engineering with Wuhan University, Wuhan,
[46] Y. Zhuang and N. El-Sheimy, “Tightly-coupled integration of WiFi and
MEMS sensors on handheld devices for indoor pedestrian navigation,”
His research interests include indoor position-
IEEE Sensors J., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 224–234, Jan. 2016.
ing, ubiquitous computing, machine learning, and
[47] T. M. T. Dinh, N. S. Duong, and K. Sandrasegaran, “Smartphone-
channel state information.
based indoor positioning using BLE iBeacon and reliable lightweight
fingerprint map,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 20, no. 17, pp. 10283–10294,
Sep. 2020.
[48] J. Röbesaat, P. Zhang, M. Abdelaal, and O. Theel, “An improved BLE
indoor localization with Kalman-based fusion: An experimental study,”
Sensors, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 951–977, 2017.
[49] Y. Li, Z. Gao, Z. He, P. Zhang, R. Chen, and N. El-Sheimy, “Multi-
sensor multi-floor 3D localization with robust floor detection,” IEEE Dewen Wu received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
Access, vol. 6, pp. 76689–76699, 2018. from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2014 and
[50] D. J. Berndt and J. Clifford, “Using dynamic time warping to find 2017, respectively, where he is currently pursuing
patterns in time series,” in Proc. KDD Workshop, 1994, pp. 359–370. the Ph.D. degree in geodesy and survey engineering.
[51] P. Malekzadeh, M. Salimibeni, M. Atashi, M. Barbulescu, His research interests include visual positioning
K. N. Plataniotis, and A. Mohammadi, “Gaussian mixture-based and medical imaging processing.
indoor localization via Bluetooth low energy sensors,” in Proc. IEEE
SENSORS, 2019, pp. 1–4.

Yue Yu (Student Member, IEEE) received the B.S.

and M.S. degrees from Chongqing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China. Wei Li received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in sur-
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in geodesy veying and mapping from Beijing University of Civil
and survey engineering with Wuhan University, Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China. He is
Wuhan, China. currently pursuing the D.S. degree in geodesy and
His research interests include the inertial position- survey engineering with Wuhan University, Wuhan,
ing and navigation technology, indoor positioning China.
and navigation technology based on chance signal, His research interests include indoor positioning
signal processing and fusion technology. and navigation, and sensor fusion.

Ruizhi Chen received the Ph.D. degree from

the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland,
in 1991. He is currently a Professor and the Yuan Wu received the B.S. degree in computer
Director of the State Key Laboratory of Information science and technology from Southwest University,
Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Chongqing, China, in 2016, and the M.S. degree in
Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. He computer application technology from Institute of
was an Endowed Chair Professor with Texas Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, China, in 2019. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
TX, USA, the Head and a Professor with the degree in geodesy and survey engineering with the
Department of Navigation and Positioning, Finnish State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in
Geodetic Institute, Kirkkonummi, Finland, and the Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan
Engineering Manager of Nokia, Espoo, Finland. He has published two books University, Wuhan, China.
and more than 200 scientific papers. His current research interests include His research interests include indoor positioning
indoor positioning, satellite navigation, and location-based services. and navigation, information fusion, and location-based services.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on May 30,2021 at 05:01:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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