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Influence Of School Motto "Ako ay Disiplinado"

To The Behavior Of Junior High Students

In Morong National
High School


Beraña, Adeza L.
Magsino, Cyra Mae N.

Morong National High School-JHS

Schools Division of Bataan
(June, 2023)
Table of Contents

I. Introduction

Context and Rational 2-4

Research Questions 4-6

Review-Related Literature 6-12

II. Research Method

Type of Research 12-14

Respondents and Sampling Methods 14

Source of Data 14

Instruments 14

Data Collection 16-18

Data Analysis 18


Discipline is one of the characteristics of which we Filipinos, should feel proud of. It has been

with us since our society's inception and has become a part of our culture and tradition.

Discipline is a means of training our body, mind, and soul to go in and learn things in proper

manner. A disciplined person is responsible in whatever they do and is capable of achieving

astounding heights in life, both personally and professionally. No work can be accomplished

correctly if discipline is lacking. As a result, self-control is essential in all parts of life. In accord

to Shem Bodo (2020) Discipline impacts the learning process by creating a stress-free

environment for apportioning time to various activities, improves planning through observing

and maintaining a set daily routine, molds learner character and enhances their motivation,

enables the setting of good examples and positively contributes to better grades. Elements such

as test anxiety, environment, motivation, and emotions require consideration when developing

models of academic performance. Discipline, however, was fading as the civilization matured

and evolved into a modern culture. In the study of Jugo (2022), discipline is what Filipinos lack

and discipline is what strongmen promise to enforce. Nowadays, people, especially children or

the one's who was born in this generation, forgets what is the true essence of discipline. In the

Adolescents stage of a youth have a tendency to rebel against and disrespect their parents or

guardians, which causes them to fail at something they want to succeed at. Furthermore,

discipline had become an essential component of how we lived in daily. Discipline is one of the

most essential concepts that educators and teachers teach to students in schools. Children who
behave well in class will benefit from a variety of advantages including fewer conflicts and a

better understanding of how to respect their peers and others around them. To discipline their

students, they employ various forms of punishment. Some of it includes making kids standalone

against a wall and beating their hands with a stick if they make errors or exhibit poor behavior on

school grounds. However, some parents objected to instructors punishing pupils in this manner.

As a result, various acts concerning such penalties where pupils would be safe emerge. Mrs.

Norma Mariano, the principal of Morong National High School, devised a strategy to instill

discipline in her students by adopting the phrase "ako ay disiplinado" (I am disciplined). Ma'am

Mariano always has the pupils say it — together with the other mottos and guidelines — at every

flag raising ceremony so that they remember it and feel and grasp the true meaning of the motto

completely. Mrs. Mariano believes that reminding pupils of the school motto and having them

recite it at least once a week will help them become disciplined, resulting in Morong National

High School becoming a prosperous and peaceful school for everybody.


This study will attempt to answer the question:

Does the school motto “Ako ay Disiplinado” (I am disciplined.) influence the behavior of the

Junior High School students of Morong National High School.

It will specifically seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the effect of the school motto to the moral character of the students?

2. How effective could this school motto be for the teachers as a lecture and guide the

3. Is there any changes to the rate of moral record of students on the school premises

throughout the time the school motto "I am disciplined" was released?


The aim of this study is to determine and know the influence of the school motto “I am

disciplined” to the behavior of the students of Morong National High School.

The following objectives will facilitate the achievement of this aim:

1. The effect of the school motto to the good moral character of the students.

2. Effectiveness of this school motto for the teacher as a lecture and guide for the students.

3. The difference in the rate of bad moral on the school premises throughout the time the

school motto "I am disciplined" was released.



Null Hypothesis (Ho): The school motto “Ako ay disiplinado” (I am disciplined) has no

influence on the behavior of Morong National High School‘s junior high students.


Importance of discipline. Discipline instructs people how to deal with their lives in the most

efficient and productive manner as possible. Discipline includes you make little sacrifices in the

present for a better life in the future. Discipline is a technique for getting important things done

early, it produces habits, which produce routines, and routines become who you are on a daily

basis. Practice not only allows one to develop a beneficial activity. It aids in the training of our
minds and bodies, letting us to focus on our objectives and manage our emotions. It contributes

to the maintenance of societal peace and order (CUE MATH, 2020). However, according to the

field study of Aklan State University in the year 2021, it's stated that even though the students

are well-mannered, there are unpredictable situations that would challenge the teachers’

patience. There is a need to enforce a positive discipline among students to positively address the

conflicts that may arise in the classroom without being too harsh on students. Maintaining good

relationships between students and teachers can also contribute to the good environment inside

the classroom. Moreover, Riverside (2021), listed four effective ways of school discipline

benefits the students namely it encourages positive performance, helps students to stay focused

on their goals, it limits problems with negative peer pressure, and it creates safe environment for

the students. (1)Having positive academic performance is one of the sign of having proper

discipline. Students who are aware of their own actions may become more accountable

especially in terms of their academic performance.(2) Students staying more focused on their

goals will make them more accountable in reaching their dreams and goals in life. (3) Discipline

limits the problems with negative peer pressure making the students choosing the right way to do

things or in solving their own problems. (4) Students that are discipline are the ones who are

most likely to have safe environment. If the students are discipline it will be easy for the teachers

to trust them because they know that students will not make any inappropriate doings. In

addition, according to Singh (2023), discipline is one of the most important things in a student’s

life. It is crucial to follow the discipline in School. Along with education, students must learn the

discipline in School because without the discipline; students can’t be well educated.
Effects of School Motto. A motto denotes that your actions are motivated by an ideal. A motto

is an effective technique to convey the concepts, beliefs, and ideals that guide teachers' decisions.

The motto was not something that the students had to say out loud all the time, but rather

something that lingers in their mind and guide them to make good decisions in life. In accord to

Swaminathan (2022), it represents the beliefs and ideals of a family and institution and drives all

the conversation toward adhering to these mottos. These mottos come up with one idea that

keeps people, who have one goal, intact through one belief or thought. With the use of this

mottos students can practice the

Students’ Behavior in School. Youth tend to have problematic behaviors such as lying,

fighting, using inappropriate language, skipping class, and bullying. They engage in aggressive

behavior for a variety of reasons, including the development of many changes not only

physically but also mentally, the onset of confusion, and their capacity to be easily influenced by

those around them. (teach-nology, 2021). Behavior influence is vital in the classroom. It's not

merely a matter of punishing bad conduct or rewarding good behavior. Rather, it is about putting

strategies in place to help children behave in ways that allow them to get the most out of their

education. In overall, student behavior management refers to any actions used by the school and

educators to offer activities that generate meaningful learning experiences, such as the regulation

of places, resources, hours, and grouping, and which may affect behavior among students. (Eco

Globale, 2020)
Moral. Moral character is probably best characterized as the sum of a person's inclinations or

characteristics that impact how the person behaves morally. To put it another way, having a

specific moral character entails having (or not having) certain personality characteristics and

vices. Because a person's character is made up of his or her proclivity to act in certain ways,

developing healthy habits (both habits of thought and habits of behavior) is crucial to the

formation of good character. As a result, moral education is emphasized alongside moral

character. ( Seven Pillar Institute, 2019). Values teach and enlighten students about the essence

of living and life. These are personal guides to change pupils' thoughts and behavior in all

aspects. Learning about moral principles helps students realize the difference between right and

wrong. They analyze circumstances and determine whether or not they are ethically fair; this aids

them in making ethical choices in life. (GIIS Singapore, 2023)


Type of Research:

The researchers are going to employ a Qualitative Approach to develop their study with the

objective to find an answer to the major problem of the researcher's study which is to determine

and know the influence of the school motto “I am disciplined” to the behavior of the students of

Morong National High School. Qualitative research is a type of research that investigates and

provides deeper insights into real-world problems. It is any research that uses data that does not

indicate ordinal values. Rather, qualitative research aids in the development of hypotheses as

well as the further investigation and understanding of quantitative data. Qualitative research

gathers information about people's experiences, opinions, and behaviors. It enables researchers
to gain insights into what it's like to be someone else and experience the world through their

eyes. It focuses on acquiring information through open-ended and conversational encounters

rather than how many or how much.

Respondents and Sampling Methods:

The Purposive Sampling Method will be used by the researchers to select participants for this

study. The researchers intend to choose at least two students from each grade level (grades 7 to

10) to participate in interviews using a questionnaire that are prepared by the researchers.

Furthermore, the researchers are going to hold face-to-face interview with the school principal

and guidance counselor (if possible).

Source of Data:

The researchers will deliberately pick two (2) individuals from each grade level; levels 7-10, to

interview using the questionnaires created by the researchers to gather data. Furthermore, the

researchers will conduct a face-to-face interview (if possible) with the school principal and

school guidance counselor to acquire data that the researchers may use in the study. This will

allow the researchers to properly conduct the research instrument and obtain the most accurate



When choosing the research instrument, the researchers will considered the most reachable

participant available. Some of them may be difficult to get in touch with because they are filled

with work or have a hectic schedule. As a result, the researchers chose to use a questionnaire as

the study's instrument. A questionnaire is the collection of information from a random sample of

people based on their replies to questions. The researchers are going to generate a questionnaire
and use it to acquire information from a sample of people by asking relevant questions with the

goal of understanding the population's perspective as a whole.

Data Collection Procedure:

The researchers first identify the type of research that they will employ in this study. The

researchers used qualitative research in this study. Second, the researchers recognized their

participants which are the junior high students of Morong National High School and the principal

and the school guidance counselor, and the sampling technique they will use which is the

purposive sampling method. Next, the researchers know their sources of data. The researchers

purposely select two students every grade levels, the school principal and the school guidance

counselor as the source of the data that the researchers will analyze. Then, the researchers made

questionnaires that the participants will answer when the researchers conduct the study. This is

where the researchers will get the data that they will use in the data analysis. Finally, when the

researchers already have the data from the questionnaires, the researchers will now proceed to

the data analysis of the study where the researchers will prove if the school motto “Ako ay

disiplinado” (I am disciplined) does really influence the attitude of the junior high students of

Morong National High School.

Possible content of the questionnaires:

Set A : For the participants in every grade levels

1. What was the first thing that came into your mind when you first knew about the

implementation of school motto "Ako ay Disiplinado"?

2. Does the school motto affect your view in the importance of good moral as a student here in

Morong National High School?

4. Do you think that the school motto was effective for keeping the peace in the school premises?

5. Base on your observation, what was the influence of the school motto to the other students?

Set B: For the school principal

1. What was the reason behind the implementation of the school motto "ako ay


2. What made you think that this is a good motto for our school?

3. After since the motto was implemented, do you think that the school motto is an effective

way in changing the behavior of the students inside or even outside the school premises?

Set C: For the school guidance counselor

1. What is your viewpoint, as a guidance counselor, on the implementation of our school's slogan

"Ako ay disiplinado"?

2. Do you think this school motto affects/influence the behavior of the students?

3. Do you believe there is a better approach for motivating children to be disciplined using a


Data Analysis:

The researchers will employ Thematic Analysis which is the commonly used method of data

analyzing in Qualitative type of research. The researchers will take down notes all the answers of

the participants that the researchers will gather through the questionnaires that the researchers

give. On the other hand, the part of face to face interview with the other participants, the

researchers are planning to record the conversation so that the researchers can transcript it to

construct codes, themes and categories that are crucial in the research study.

Jugo, J. (2020). Next-level Discipline: Defining Democratic Order for Today’s Philippines.

Retrieved from / June , 2023


Budo, S. (2020) The Education Pendulum: The Role of Discipline in Learner Performance and

Quality of Life. Retrieved from June 6, 2023


Importance of Discipline in Student’s Life. Retrieved from June 13, 2020.

Aklan State University (2021). Field study 1 ep 5. Retrieved from June 6, 2023




from June 6, 2023 detail?



Singh, A. (2023) Importance of Discipline in Student’s Life. Retrieved from June 7, 2023


Gurusubramanian Swaminathan (2022) Why School Motto Is Important. Retrieved from June 7,


Seven Pillar Institute (2019). Moral Character. Retrieved from June 17, 2023

LSD Law (2021) Good Moral Character. Retrieved from June 16, 2023

teAchnology (2021) Why Do Most Behavior Problems Spring Up Around Middle School?. June

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