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Facial Skills Training Manual for Beginners

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Table of Contents

Facial Skills...........................................................
Course Outcomes………………………
Course Content.…………………………
Module 1………………………….
Module 2………………………….
Module 3………………………….
Module 4………………………….

Icons Used in the Modules

1) Module
1: Facial Introduction
1.1 Module Objectives
1.2 What is a Facial Treatment?
1.3 Basic Structure & Functions of the Skin
1.4 What Does PH Balanced Mean?
1.5 Module Summary
1.6 Module Feedback and Personal Note

2) Module
2: Skin Conditions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Module Objectives
2.3 Skin Analysis
2.4 Understand Contra-Indications
2.5 The 3 Infections
2.6 Module Summary
2.7 Module Feedback and Personal Note

3) Module
3: Hygiene, Health and Safety
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Module Objectives

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
3.3 Hygiene and Sanitation
3.4 Personal Hygiene and Grooming
3.5 What does mean Professional Ethics?
3.6 Module Summary
3.7 Module Feedback and Personal Note

4) Module
4: Beauty Facial Treatments
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Module Objectives
4.3 Types of Professional Skin Care Treatments
4.4 Professional Facial Devices and Tools
4.5 Facial Products
4.6 Facial Treatment Steps and Home Aftercare
4.7 Module Summary
4.8 Module Feedback and Personal Note


Facial Skills

Welcome to the Beginner Facial Course! You are about to begin an interesting journey that
will develop some knowledge and skills in the application of Basic Facial Beauty Treatment.
This course will introduce you to the theoretical and to the practice a Basic Facial Treatment.
You will get some information on how to maintain good hygiene and safety in all your
procedures, while performing a Professional Facial Treatment

Course Outcomes

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
 Describe the Basic Structure of the Skin and some of its Function
 Identify some Basic Conditions of the skin and Contra-Indications to Facial Treatments
 Describe Basic Hygiene and Safety Measures to maintain a Healthy Environment in the
Beauty Clinic/Spa
 Get Basic Knowledge and Information about Facial Products
 Demonstrate some Basic Skills in Performing a Facial Treatment.

Course Content

This course is divided into the following 5 Modules, all of which are designed to help you
achieve the outcomes we have just stated.
These are
 Module 1: Facial Introduction
 Module 2: Skin Conditions
 Module 3: Hygiene, Health and Safety
 Module 4: Beauty Facial Treatments

Icons used in the Modules

In the margin of these units, you will find the following icons that tell you what to do:

Read the Objectives of the Module

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Read the summary of what has been covered in the Module

Give feedback /Take your personal Notes

Module 1
Facial Introduction
Welcome to the first Module in our course on Facial skills for beginners. In this Module
we will start by looking at the meaning of a Beauty Facial Treatment. Then you will learn
about the structure of the skin and some of its functions. It is very important for you to
have a good understanding of the skin conditions, so that you can give the best services to
.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
your clients and be able to answer their questions.

1.1 Module Objectives

By the end of this Module you should be able to:

 Explain the meaning of a Facial treatment

 Describe the basic structure of the skin and its functions
 Understand the meaning of pH balanced

1.2 What is a Facial Treatment?

A Facial is a beauty treatment for the face that is specifically geared towards maintaining
and improving the appearance and condition of the skin. A typical Facial treatment involves
the use of various products and multi-steps including cleansing, exfoliating and nourishing to
promote a clear, well-hydrated complexion and natural glow.

Facial Treatments offer many benefits including:

 Maintain and improve the appearance and the condition of the skin
 Treat and heal various skin’s conditions (acne, redness, pimples, sunspots)
 Restores the health of your skin by removing dead skin cells
 Refreshes your skin to make it look younger and make you feel younger too
 Protect against excessive exposure to UV rays due to antioxidants contained in
the treatment products
 Relieves the stress
 Get an expert care and aftercare advises.

1.3 Basic Structure & Functions of the Skin

Functions of the Skin

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
The skin is a complex organ system that has many important functions as following:

 Acts as a protective barrier against external organisms (chemicals, microbes, UV)

 Regulates the temperature of the body
 Sensation (sense pain, temperature, touch, deep pressure)
 Eliminates wastes (toxins) with sweat
 Immunity (helps alert the body of pathogens)
 Allows movement (muscles can flex and body can move)
 Synthesizes vitamin D.

Skin is much more than an outer covering. Skin also stores fat and water, and plays a role in
immunity from disease.

Structure of the Skin

The skin has 3 layers with different thickness, strength and function:

 The Epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, provides a waterproof barrier and creates
our skin tone.
 The Dermis, beneath the Epidermis contains tough connective tissue, blood vessels,
hair follicles, and sweat glands.
 The Hypodermis lies beneath the Dermis, which is mainly composed of fat and
connective tissue.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
The Epidermis
The Epidermis includes five main layers. Each layer has its own thickness and functions:

 Stratum Basale
 Stratum Spinosum
 Stratum Granulosum
 Stratum Lucidum
 Stratum Corneum

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
The Dermis

The Dermis has two parts:

 A thin, upper layer known as the papillary dermis

 A thick, lower layer known as the reticular dermis.

Its thickness varies depending on the location of the skin.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
The Hypodermis

The Hypodermis (also called the subcutaneous layer) is a layer directly below the dermis
and serves to connect the skin to the underlying fascia (fibrous tissue) of the bones and
muscles. It is not strictly a part of the skin, although the border between the hypodermis and
dermis can be difficult to distinguish.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
1.4 What Does PH Balanced Mean?

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
PH stands for potential hydrogen and is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is.
This range is from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline).

The skin’s natural pH has a pH balance of 5.5, which is often considered pH balanced. It is
a normal acidic pH.

In terms of skincare, pH balanced refers to how close the pH of the product is to the skin’s
natural pH.

The skin’s barrier is slightly acidic to keep moisture in and bacteria out.

When the skin’s pH is more alkaline, skin hydration may be reduced and may increase the
chances of inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and acne

How can you keep pH balanced?

 Don’t use harsh cleansers and soaps (alkaline)
 Opt for natural products rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
 Only use properly pH balanced skin care products

1.5 Module Summary

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
In this Module you covered the following main points:

 A Facial treatment is performed to maintain and improve the appearance and the
conditions of the skin. It contains several steps including: cleansing, exfoliating,
massaging, nourishing.

 The skin is a complex organ system.

The skin has 3 layers with different thickness, strength and function:
- The Epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, provides a waterproof barrier and
creates our skin tone.
- The Dermis, beneath the Epidermis contains tough connective tissue, blood
vessels, hair follicles, and sweat glands.
- The Hypodermis lies beneath the Dermis, which is mainly composed of fat and
connective tissue.

 The skin performs many vital functions: protection, thermoregulation, sensation,

excretion, synthesis of Vitamin D.

 You learned that the skin’s natural pH (potential Hydrogen) balance is 5.5, which
must be constantly kept. The acidity of the skin protects against diseases and bacteria.

1.6 Module Feedback and Personal Note


.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Module 2

Skin Conditions
2.1 Introduction

Welcome to this Module which discusses about skin conditions. We will start learning some
contra-indications that might prevent or restrict a Facial treatment, if these conditions are
present. It is very important for you to have a basic understanding of conditions of the skin,
so that you can refer clients for medical attention and provide the best service to your clients.
In the last part of the Module, you will learn about the causes of infections.

Let’s start by reviewing our objectives for this Module.

2.2 Module Objectives

By the end of this Module you should be able to:

 Understand the importance of the skin analysis

 Understand some contra-indications that might prevent or restrict a Facial treatment
 Describe 3 infections

2.3 Skin Analysis

Skin analysis is the part of a professional treatment when the Beautician covers the client’s
eyes with cotton pad and look at the skin underneath a magnifying lamp. It is an important
part of the facial, because it gives her a clear picture of the current state of the skin and the
treatment plan to be done to improve or maintain the skin condition.

When examining the face and neck it is very important to consider the following points:
 Look for minor skin problems that can be given specific treatment for improvement

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
 Take into account the clients age, lifestyle, nutritional intake and general health as this
will be reflected in the color and texture of the skin, muscle tone, elasticity, the
amount of wrinkles present and skin discoloration.

Skin can be affected by:

 Age
 Hormones
 Diet
 Weather
 Central heating
 Wrong products used
 Prolonged illness
 Medication or drugs
 Poor nutrition
 Smoking and alcohol intake
 Allergies
 Stress
 Genetic inheritance
 Ethnicity

Skin Types

Below is a table showing different skin types

Skin Type Description
- Shiny appearance
Oily - Thick/course epidermis
- Open pores
- Shallow in color
- Comedone/pustules/papules
Dry - Lacking oil and moisture
- Thin epidermis
- Small pores

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
- Flakiness
- Premature lines
- Feels tight after cleansing
Combination - Greasy T Zone
- Dry Cheeks
- Mixture of two skin types
Normal - Skin looks clear and healthy
- Good even color
- Smooth to touch
- Good elasticity
- No visible pores
Mature - Pigmentation spots can be present
- Loss of elasticity
- Sagging muscle tone Sebaceous
secretion slows down (can look dry)
- Wrinkles and lines are more visible
- Thin epidermis

Skin Conditions

Below is a table showing basic skin conditions

Skin Type Description
Dehydrated This can be caused by using
incorrect products, maybe that are
too harsh or through over exposure
to extreme temperatures and central
heating/air conditioning
Sensitive This can be caused by many
external factors as well as internal.
Skin sensitivity can arise for a few
week or even a few years. The skin
can become red, blotchy and
sensitive to some products
Broken Capillaries These are ting capillaries that have
been stretched often by pressure of
larger veins that are permanently
.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
dilated. When the blood dries the
result is a web like bruise

Comedones Blackheads are caused by partially

blocked pores. The "black"
appearance of them is not caused
by dirt, but by the oxidizing effect
of air on the sebum (oil) in a
blocked pore.
These are small, inflamed, pus
filled blister like spots on the skin
surface. Common in teenagers

Open Pores The open pores are small opening

of the skin and can vary in skin.
Oily skin will intend to have large
open pores where’s dry skin will
have small pores

Hyperpigmentation A common and usually harmless

condition in which patches of skin
become dark in color than
surrounding skin. It can occur in
any color and race.

Hypopigmentation The decrease of skin pigmentation.

Not enough melanin is produced to
make the skin pale in patches.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Different Skin colors

There are many different human races and skin characteristics of each race differ

2.4 Understand Basic Contra-Indications

A contra-indication is the presence of a condition which may make the client unsuitable for a
treatment. The treatment may not be able to take place or the treatment may need to be

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
When treating a client, if they show signs of any contra-indication, tactfully refer them to
their G.P. for treatment/advice. Never tell your client what contraindication they may have
even if you are sure you know what it is, you may be wrong! If you are ever unsure about a
contra-indication then does not treat the client, refer them to their G.P.
This way you are always protecting yourself and the client.

Be very careful when dealing with contra-indications. It is a controversial subject and you
never want to leave yourself open for further implications. We also have to consider other
clients, always make sure that your place of work, implements and you are very clean to
avoid cross infection.

Basic Contra-indications that PREVENT a Facial treatment:

Viral Infections:

 Colds, flu (highly contagious)

 Cold sores (contagious)
 Wart (contagious)

Bacterial Infections:
 Impetigo (contagious)
 Boil (non-contagious, but it is possible for boil to spread to another person)
 Conjunctivitis (highly contagious)

Fungal Infections:

 Ringworm (contagious)
 Yeast Infection (non-contagious)

Parasites Infections:

 Head lice (contagious)

 Scabies (contagious)

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775

 Eczema (non-contagious)
 Psoriasis (non-contagious)
 Undiagnosed bumps and lumps
 Swelling
 Known sensitivity
 Fever
 Severe acne

Basic Contraindications that could RESTRICT a facial treatment:

The following conditions are contra-indications that will not necessarily stop the treatment
from taking place but they may mean that the treatment is restricted or may have to be

 Cuts/abrasions/broken skin
 Bruises or swelling (small amount of bruising and area avoidable)
 Eczema (non-contagious)
 Psoriasis (non-contagious)
 Acne vulgaris (non-contagious)
 Recent sunburn (depends on the facial treatment, avoid peeling)
 Broken capillaries/veins

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Below is a table showing basic contra-indications that PREVENT or RESTRICT a Facial
Name Description Cause Contagious/ PREVENT OR
Cold Sores Oral herpes Herpes YES PREVENT
involves the simplex is a Sores remain
face or mouth. viral highly contagious un
It may result in infection til the skin
small blisters orcaused by completely heals.
may just cause a the herpes Unable to treat,
sore throat simplex might spread
virus, often
called cold
Bruising Discoloration of Unknown NOT PREVENT OR
the skin RESTRICT
If the amount of
bruising is small and
in area avoidable.
Can be painful

Undiagnosed Lumps Unknown NOT PREVENT

lumps and bumps No treatment if
unable to move
around the treatable
area. It could also
hide something more

Swelling Could also be Unknown NOT PREVENT OR

accompanied RESTRICT
with bruising. It Could be hiding
.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
depends the something more
origin serious, also painful

Allergy to Appearance of NOT PREVENT OR

Products redness, RESTRICT
swelling. May Avoid the products
be itchy that cause allergy if
possible or use
alternative if there
are some
Eczema Red rash, Varied, NOT PREVENT OR
itchiness, cosmetics, RESTRICT
scaling skin, soap, If closed and not
blisters, skin detergents, weeping, can treat, it
may weep or etc… may also aid and
crack relieve skin
condition. Also
moisturizes the area

Psoriasis Round or oval NOT PREVENT OR

dull red RESTRICT
papules. Treat only if not
Covered in open and weeping.
silvery scales Could aid and
relieve skin

2.5 The 3 Infections

Next we will discuss three types of pathogens: bacteria, fungi, and viruses. We all carry
micro-organisms in our bodies, on our skin and nails. Most of these micro-organisms are

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
harmless. Those that are harmful to us are called pathogens which are types of fungi,
bacteria, and viruses.
Let us look at what each of these terms mean and how they are different:


The fungi (single. Fungus) those are responsible for causing diseases in humans, animals and
plants are referred to as Pathogenic fungi. Fungal diseases of the skin grow well in warm,
damp places, for example between the toes.


There are hundreds of different types of bacteria. They are present almost everywhere around
us, in the air, in soil, in water and on most surfaces including the surface of the skin. Most
bacteria are harmless or non-disease producing. You learned earlier that some bacteria cause
disease and are called pathogens.


Viruses are different from bacteria as they penetrate into the cells of the body to survive
while bacteria can live on their own. Viruses are considered to be parasites as they need
living tissue to survive. Viruses invade healthy cells and grow inside the cell. Then the cell
wall breaks down and the infection spreads. They survive only in living cells and so cannot
live for very long outside the human body. Viral disease cannot be treated with antibiotics.

2.6 Module Summary

 You learned the importance of doing a skin analysis to give you a clear picture of the
current skin condition and the treatment plan you will implement for your client.
.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
 You learned some basic contra-indications (contagious or non-contagious) that might
prevent or restrict from proceeding to a Facial treatment.

 This section also covered the three types of pathogens: Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses.

 The most important outcome of this Module is your ability to identify skin conditions.
In so doing, you will know when to proceed with a Facial treatment and when not to.
In cases of infection you must refer clients to a doctor.

2.7 Module Feedback and Personal Note


Module 3

Hygiene, Health and Safety

3.1 Introduction

In this Module we shall look at Hygiene, Health and Safety in the salon. Every day, clients
and staff enter the salon and bring with them billions of germs. It is therefore very important
to ensure that the environment in the salon is kept clean and decontaminated.

Let’s start by reviewing the objectives for this Module.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
3.2 Module Objectives

By the end of this Module you should be able to:

 Describe the three levels of decontamination and their application in the beauty salon.
 Understand the basics that you should adopt to ensure high standards of personal hygiene
and grooming.
 Understand the meaning of Professional Ethics.

3.3 Hygiene and Sanitation

In this section you will learn about decontamination. What do you think is meant by
decontamination? Decontamination is the removal of disease causing micro-organisms. The
three levels of decontamination are:

 Sanitization
 Disinfection
 Sterilization


Sanitization is the lowest level of decontamination. This method does not remove all the
bacteria. It entails wiping, washing, sweeping or dusting, in order to reduce the amount of
germs and bacteria on tools and surfaces. Before disinfection or sterilization, it is essential to
first sanitize tools, and equipment using the appropriate method. Hand washing is a form of


Disinfection is the second level of decontamination. Disinfectants are made of chemicals

which destroy most bacteria and viruses. The most commonly used disinfectants are Savlon
and Dettol. Surgical spirits is commonly used to disinfect metal tools. All the items used on a
client should be disinfected after use or thrown away if they are disposable.
All tools and equipment used in a salon should also be disinfected.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775

Sterilization is the highest level of decontamination. It completely destroys all the living
organisms on an object. In the salon, we sterilize small sized tools.

What can be sterilized? Only hard and non-porous items. In the salon, this means metal tools
like metal scissors and tweezers can be sterilized but tools like skin brushes, bowls which are
made of plastic or wood can only be disinfected.

Methods of sterilization

Bacteria and all other micro-organisms are killed by heat. Therefore, placing tools and
equipment in a container which heats them at very high temperatures is the best way to
sterilize. High temperature sterilization can be wet or dry.

Dry – the glass bead sterilizer is a small electrically-heated

unit which contains glass beads. The beads are heated and the
heat is transferred to objects placed inside the unit. It is only
really suitable for small objects like tweezers and scissors.

Wet – autoclave machine

heats water to 121 - 134°C under high pressure. It is the most common form of sterilization
in the salon and it is also the most effective method of sterilization.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Another dry form of sterilization is a special cabinet which contains a lamp which gives off
ultra-violet light. The rays of light destroy micro-organisms. Not all micro-organisms are
destroyed so the ultra-violet cabinet is best used for storing equipment which has previously
been sterilized by the autoclave or disinfected by chemical method.

3.4 Personal Hygiene and Grooming

Clients often judge your professionalism by the way you present yourself. Therefore, you
should always maintain a high standard of Personal Hygiene.

Personal Hygiene and Grooming refer to the regular routine and practices to maintain the
cleanliness of the body and clothing to preserve overall health and well-being, even more
important in the Hospitality and Beauty Sector.

We can categorize the best hygiene practices in groups:

1. Oral Hygiene

2. Body Hygiene

3. Hair Care

4. Foot hygiene

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
5. Toileting Hygiene

6. Hand Hygiene

7. Coughing and Sneezing Hygiene

8. Clothing and Uniform Hygiene

3.5 What does mean Professional Ethics?

Professional ethics are a defined set of rules that a member of a profession must abide by to
maintain their high standing with the licensing authority that permits them to operate within
their profession.

The code of ethics should be clear, concise and comprised of key concepts that support the
operation of an honest, reliable and quality-focused salon.

3.6 Module Summary

 You learned that there are three main ways to decontaminate or clean objects in the

- Sanitization: This is the lowest level of decontamination or cleaning. This method

does not remove all bacteria.
- Disinfection: This is the second level of decontamination. Disinfectants are chemicals
which destroy most (not all) bacteria and some viruses.
- Sterilization: This is the highest level of decontamination. It completely destroys all
the living organisms on an object (both harmless ones and pathogens).

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
- Ultraviolet cabinet and the autoclave are methods of sterilization. The cabinet is better
suited to store previously sterilized objects.

 You also learned the basics of hygiene and grooming which are primordial in the
Hospitality and Beauty Sector and can be categorized in several groups.

 Last but not least, you learned the meaning of Professional Ethics.

3.7 Module Feedback and Personal Note


Module 4

Beauty Facial Treatments

4.1 Introduction

Welcome to the fourth and final Module in our course on Beginner Facial skills. In this
Module you will learn how to carry out some basic steps of a classic Facial treatment. As
you go through it, you will be expected to apply the knowledge that you have gained in the
previous Modules.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
4.2 Module Objectives

By the end of this Module you should be able to:

 Understand basic types of professional skin care treatments

 Describe basic professional facial equipment
 Outline the basic products used in a Facial treatment
 Perform a basic Facial treatment with the different steps
 Perform a basic Facial massage

4.3 Basic Types of Professional Skin Care Treatments

In this section, you will learn about some types of professional skin care treatments that can
be done manually or with some devices. Some facial treatments aim to have an anti-aging or
brightening or hydrating action. Some are performed to improve the skin condition like the
acne for example.

Deep Cleansing or European Facial

A European Facial is similar to the Deep Cleansing Facial, but focuses less on the
extractions and more on exfoliation. The exfoliation is used to remove dead skin cells and
encourage new skin cells to emerge.
Deep cleansing facial is a classic type of facial, typically involving cleansing, steam,
extraction, facial massage, facial mask, serum and moisturizer.

Anti-Aging Facial

An Anti-Aging Facial is a type of facial that focuses on improving the elasticity in your skin
to reduce the signs of aging, keeping your skin healthy, nourished, and replenished. It
prevents or reduces fine lines, creases and wrinkles. Many people in their 20s and 30s turn to
anti-aging facials as a preventative measure.

Brightening Facial

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Brightening Facial is a hyper-active facial that includes a brightening mask for luminous and
radiant skin. The restorative and brightening properties of Vitamin C are infused into the
skin to reduce the appearance of pigmentation for visibly brighter and smoother skin tone.

Acne Facial

The Acne Facial is an alternative treatment designed to treat the root cause of acne with
minimal side effects.
Acne Facial focuses primarily on extractions for blocked pores. The extraction process
releases any excess build-up of oil and cleans out dirt that might be clogging up the pores.


A Mini- Facial usually lasts around 30 minutes, making it a convenient option for people
with busy schedules and little time to spare. It is also slightly less expensive than a full facial
and there are no set rules for Mini- Facial sessions.


Microdermabrasion treatment uses a mildly abrasive instrument (either by fine crystals or by

a diamond-tipped wand). Both treatments include some sort of suction to remove the dead
skin that is brushed away. It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines,
age spots, acne scarring or other skin-related conditions.

4.4 Professional Facial Devices and Tools

Now, you will learn about basic professional facial devices and tools used during Facial

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Magnifying lamp
Used in beauty treatments (facial, waxing, eyebrow shaping) to have a
clear vision of the skin.

Hot Towel Warmer

Hot towel cabinet is great for warming towels and keeping your clients comfortable during
the Facial treatment. Can also be used for hot pack to offer an extra touch!

Face Steamer

Steamers help to make manual extractions easier to prevent too much stress on the skin.
Here's how it works: Steam increases the temperature of your skin, which in turn heats the
debris in your pores. Once your pores are open, it's easier to clean the skin and rid it of any

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
High-Frequency Machine

The high frequency facial is a skin care treatment used by professionals to help treat and
prevent stubborn acne, shrink enlarged pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and
wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes, fade dark eye circles, rejuvenate the condition of the scalp
and nourish hair follicles for healthier hair.

Microdermabrasion machines help to eliminate wrinkles and improve skin texture by
removing the outermost layer of the skin, cleaning the under layers and then tightening
pores. Your clients will enjoy more supple and vibrant skin through this non-invasive, pain-
free treatment.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Face Skin Brush

A face brush allows the dead skin cells to exfoliate quicker, and from that produce more
collagen, and gradually a tighter skin. Plus, it removes any oil or debris that's plugging pores
and allows medication to penetrate skin better.

Spatulas feature a smooth surface with wide, flat end designed for mixing facial masks,
creams, scrubs, and clay. Spatulas help prevent cross-contamination when
applying cosmetic products to skin and while sampling and testing products.

Facial Brush
With a brush, you can apply the face mask or other cosmetic product; smooth it over skin in
a quick, even layer- less product waste!

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Facial Bowl
Flexible reusable silicone facial bowl is ideal to mix the mixture for the mask. Easy to clean
and disinfect.

Facial Hair Band

Use a head band to keep the hair away from your face. It’s very annoying when the products
stick on to the hair while applying cream, scrub, and mask.

4.5 Facial Products

Eye makeup remover

This is a very gentle product, finer than a cleanser to remove make up from the delicate eye
area. It can be in the form of lotions, creams and wash off gels. There are also products to
remove waterproof mascara.

Cleansing Skin

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Cleansing preparations range among the essential skin caring products. They are part of the
daily hygiene and a prerequisite for further skin care measures. Hence, there is a great
variety of different preparations and applications. For example – creams, lotions, milks,
facial washes and gels.
It is recommended to cleanse morning and night.


Toners come in the forms of lotions, astringents, skin tonics, and fresheners to eliminate any
skin impurities.
It is recommended to tone morning and evening.


Moisturizing ensures that the skin is smooth and supple. The skin on the face gets dry easily
because of the weather. Moisturizing forms a film over the skin and helps in containing the
natural moisture of the skin. They can come in forms of creams or milk.

It is recommended to use a day cream in the mornings and a night cream in the evening.
Night creams are an absorbent intensive rich cream which restores the skin’s well-being
without leaving the skin feeling oily.

Eye creams

This is used around the delicate eye area. There are many different benefits of the cream for
example, anti-wrinkle, hydrating, reducing puffiness, soothing and refreshing.

It is recommended to use day and evening.


Exfoliating involves the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface;
this aids cell renewal and leaves the skin feeling very smooth and soft. This can be
performed using a cleanser and a brush, facial scrubs and peels.

It is recommended to exfoliate once a week.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775

Facial mask is a product applied to clean and smooth the skin. It often contains minerals,
vitamins and fruit extracts, such as cactus and cucumber.
There are different kinds of masks for different purposes; some are deep cleansing, or
hydrating or ant-aging.
Some masks are removed with lukewarm water and sponges; others are peeled off.
Duration for wearing a mask depends on the type of mask, but needs to be considered when
planning your treatment time.
Facial masks should be selected according to skin type. Clay and mud masks suit oily skin;
cream-based masks work best on dry skin types.
It is recommended to apply a mask once a week.

4.6 Facial Treatment Steps and After Care

Consultation Routine

A Facial should always begin with a consultation. You will fill out a form with the following
points discussed with the client:
 Skin concerns and condition
 Specific diet
 Water intake per day
 Medication and supplements
 Products currently used.

Guest Preparation Routine

 Always give clear instruction to your client

 Explain the different steps of the Facial treatment chosen using the guest consultation
 Ask the client to remove any jewelry from the neck, face and ears
 The client will need to remove their top (ladies can keep their bras on and the straps
can be dropped down over the shoulders)
 Ask the client to remove their shoes

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
 Settle the client on facial bed. The couch should be raised very slightly at the head or
their head should be placed on a small pillow. There should be nothing obstructing the
back of the neck, you should be able to comfortably put your hands behind the client’s
neck without them having to move
 Wrap or cover the client, checking whether they would like to keep their arms out or
wrapped in. Leave the top of the décolleté open (bust covered in ladies) as you will be
working across the top of the pectoral muscles
 Check the client is comfortable – you want them to be as relaxed as possible before
you start
 Put on a headband if necessary
 Excuse yourself and wash your hands
 Warn the client if you are going to place anything cold or warm on the skin so that
they do not jump.

Skin Analysis Routine

You must always analyze the skin for the following reasons:

 To check for contra-indications

 To ensure the client is treated with suitable products
 To identify specific areas for treatment
 To check the progress of regular clients
 To build a rapport and gain the clients confidence

Look at the skin both before and after cleansing, once you are happy that there are no
contra- indications, continue by cleansing the skin.
Look at the skin in a good light and preferably under a magnifying lamp. Look at the skin on
both the face and neck.

Cleansing Routine

1. Cleanse each eye separately with cotton pads with Makeup remover
2. Cleanse lip area with cotton pad supporting the corner of the mouth
3. Apply cleanser to the neck and face area and with upwards strokes proceed cleaning the
neck, jaw lines, chin, and corner of the mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes and forehead.
4. Remove cleanser with warm face towel
5. Dry the skin immediately with tissue.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Toning Routine

Place some toner onto damp cotton pad and follow the same sequence as for cleansing. Not
all cleansers require the use of toner; however it does give the skin a fresh feeling after

Exfoliation Routine

Exfoliation is the important part of the skin care routine.

Post-cleanse, apply the exfoliating product all over the face and neck. The sweeping action
of the hands combined with the active ingredient help loosen those stubborn dead cells. Be
careful not to over-expose it can be irritable.

Steam and Extraction Routine

Most facials use a machine that directs a thin vapor of warm steam to the client’s face. This
is relaxing and helps softens up any blackheads and whiteheads to be extracted. If client has
a very sensitive skin, the Beautician may not use steam.
New generation of products do not always require steam.
After the steam, proceed with blackheads and whiteheads extraction using tissue to avoid
making marks on the face.

Facial Massage Routine (see massage steps in practice)

Facial massage using classic strokes like effleurage to both relax the client and stimulate
her/his skin and face muscles.

 Remember always:
- Maintain contact with the skin at all times during the massage
- Keep one hand in contact whilst you reposition the other
- Keep the rhythm smooth and slow
- Avoid being unduly repetitive with the movements
- Adapt pressure according
- Avoid sudden movements

Write down Facial Massage Routine

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Note that all movements are repeated 3 times


Mask Routine

The most appropriate time to apply a mask will depend on the products being used.
Traditionally the mask is applied after the massage, allowing the client time to relax. Some
products may recommend application before the massage to deepen the effects of cleansing.
The mask can be applied direct to the skin without removing the massage medium.

Tone and Moisturize Routine

Freshen the skin with a toner; this will also make sure that the skin is clean and free from any
traces of the massage cream or mask. Blot the skin dry with tissue.

.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
Apply first eye contour cream and a suitable moisturizer. This will give the skin protection.
Warm the moisturizer in your hands before you apply it to the skin and apply with effleurage
movements up and over the face.
Remove the headband if used and slowly sit your client up. Leave them to sit for a few
minutes and offer them a glass of water. The client may then get dressed, sit down with
client and give them aftercare advice.

4.7 Module Summary

 In this Module you learned about different types of professional skin care treatments
and their benefits (Deep Cleansing Facial, Anti-aging, Brightening, Acne Facial, and

 You also learned about some devices and tools used to perform Facial treatments.

 There was a discussion about the basic Facial products used to perform a professional
Facial treatment.

 Then you learned about the Facial Treatment steps which can be summarized as

1. Client Consultation Routine 6. Exfoliation Routine

2. Guest Preparation Routine 7. Steam and extraction Routine
3. Skin Analysis Routine 8. Facial Massage Routine
4. Cleansing Routine 9. Mask Routine
5. Toning Routine 10. Tone and moisturize Routine
.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775
4.8 Module Feedback and Personal Note


You have now come to the end of the Begginer Facial Training Manual.

We hope you have found it interesting and that you are now well equipped with the
knowledge you need to do a basic service in a professional manner.


.35b Mohamed Mazhar street, 4th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
TEL: 02-273 722 80: 02-273 722 70 - MOB: 01224888775

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