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Student Date Perio Student

Name Started: d #

ions, and simple, beautiful



Section Seven
apathy: indifference ensued: began
decaying: rotting, breaking down grimace: a pained facial expression, a frown
dregs: residue spectacle: an unusual event or sight
1. What happens to cause Elie to say “there was no
longer any reason to live, any reason to fight”?
2. Why does Elie strike his father?
3. a. Describe the conditions of the prisoners on the
b. What is the motivation of those who throw
bread into the car?
c. What effect does the bread have on the
4. a. What point does Wiesel make by saying “I
was sixteen” (after Wiesel describes a father
being killed by his son for a scrap of bread,
and the son being killed for the same bread by
strangers. He then writes, “I was sixteen”
(7.87). What point is he making?
b. What is the effect of “I was sixteen”?
5. Why is it significant that Meir Katz loses hope?
6. a. Describe the prisoners’ condition when they
arrive at Buchenwald.
b. Who is alive?

Section Eight
Vocabulary jostle: to push, to shove
curtly: rudely, brusquely plaintive: pleading
feeble: weak prostrate: lying flat face down

Night by Elie Wiesel: Sections I & II Comprehension check Page 1 of 3

Student Date Perio Student
Name Started: d #

1. a. Describe the shift in the relationship between

Elie and his father when they arrive at
b. What is his father’s condition?
c. What does Elie realize about his father?
2. a. What occurs to Elie in the morning that makes
him instantly ashamed?
b. What does Elie do for his father, and how
does he do it?
d. What test does Elie ultimately not pass?
3. a. When the doctor will not help his sick father,
what does Elie do?
b. Why?
4. a. What advice does the Blockälteste give Elie?
b. Why might the author include that advice as
part of the story?
5. a. How does Elie’s father die, and
b. what is Elie’s part in it?
c. What is his father’s last word?
6. What might be the reasons Elie does not weep
for his father?

Section Nine
idleness: inactivity provisions: supplies; stored food
1. a. How long is Elie at Buchenwald?
b. How does he describe his life while he is
2. a. Who takes control of the camp before the
Americans arrive?
b. What occurs at that time?
3. a. What do the prisoners do when they are free?
b. What don’t they do?
4. a. Whom does Elie see “contemplating” (9.61) him
in the hospital?
b. What never leaves Elie?

Night by Elie Wiesel: Sections I & II Comprehension check Page 2 of 3

Student Date Perio Student
Name Started: d #

Night by Elie Wiesel: Sections I & II Comprehension check Page 3 of 3

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