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(a) Btys Array:

1. No. of Btys Cells:

There are total 40 cells of 125Ah each at 3.2V nominal.
2. No. of Btys Cells placed in a single array:
There are 5 cells in a single array or brick of cells, all connected in
parallel to each other.
3. No. of single arrays connected in series & parallel:
There are 8 arrays of cells all connected in series with each other.

(b) Troubleshooting:
1. Complete Health Status of APU:
The Battery Management System monitors the complete health of the
APU and displays it on the LCD.
2. Error Code for troubleshooting:
The LCD will display Error codes of APU. Error codes will include errors
due to faulty cells or charging systems.

(c) Charging Mechanism:

1. Charging Amp required by APU:
It will draw a maximum of 60 Amps of current from the alternator.
2. Clarification on loading of Alternator with APU charging:
The current drawn by the batteries of APU for charging from the
alternator is selected in such a way that it will not overload the
alternator at any stage. In case of turret movement when the alternator
is providing very large currents, the APU will automatically detect it and
disconnect its charging from the alternator momentarily.
Our System contains batteries of Lithium Iron Phosphate technology which do not
catch fire even after getting damaged. We have also installed smoke detectors
and temperature sensors in our system which cause the system to generate
warning in case of any potential electric fire threat or tripping in extreme cases
where overheating may lead to electric fire. We have also included short circuit
protection in our systems to further improve the system safety.

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