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Adrian Blair G.

Chiong November 17, 2022


Task 1: Importing the Data. Step 1: Click “Get Data” then click “Text/CSV”.
Step 2: Click “Load”.

Step 3: Columns on the right side will appear as shown below.

Step 4: To view the data click on “Data” located on the upper right side of the screen as shown below

Step 5: This will appear after clicking on “Data”

Task 2: Fixing the Column Names
Step 1: To fix the Column names, click “Transform Data”.

Step 2: Then click on “Remove Rows”.

Step 3: Then click on “Remove Top rows”

Step 4: Then a window will appear as shown below, then input “1” in the blank.
Step 5: Then click “Use First Rows as Headers” so it will change the column names as shown below.

Step 6: The last two column must be renamed to “DEFAULT” and “STATES” as shown below.
Step 7: To save the changes made, click on “Close and Apply” which is located on the upper right most in
the screen.

Step 8: Finished output of Task 2.

Task 3: Transforming the Data
Step 1: Click “Transform Data”.

Step 2: Click on “Data Type” then click “Text” as shown below.

Step 3: Click on “Replace Values” then in the first blank input “1” then in the second blank input “Male”.

Same goes for replacing 2 value with female

Step 4: Click on “Add Columns” then click on “Conditional Column”

Step 5: Input the following as shown below then click “Ok”.

Step 6: Remove the column named “Eduation” and drag the new column “Education Level” beside the
column “Marriage”.

Step 7: Same steps can be used in replacing values in the column “Marriage”.
Step 9: Click on “Home” then click “Apply Changes”.
Task 4: Getting Started with Reports.
Step 1: Click on Report View which can be located in the left hand side of the screen.
Step 2: To visualize any of the columns all you need to do is select it.

Step 3: If you want to see the distribution of the number of “DEFAULTS” with respect to “AGE”, then
what you need to do is drag and drop “AGE” in “Axis”.
Step 4: To make it more descriptive, we can use “Legend”. Which shows the distribution between variables.
In the figure below the variable I chose is “SEX”. The finished output can be seen below.
Task 5: Defaults by Education Level
Step 1: Select “DEFAULTS” then drag and dropEducation to “Axis”.

Step 2: To make it more descriptive, drag and drop “SEX” to “Legend”.

Task 6: Defaults by States
Step 1: Click on “Shape Map” which can be located in “Visualization”.

Step 2:Drag and Drop “State” in “Location”.

Step 3: Drag and Drop “DEFAULT” to “Color Saturation” to show a more detailed Map that darkens if there
are more number of defaults in a certain state and lighter if there are lesser number of defaults in a certain

Step 4: If you want to know the defaults in a certain state, just click on the state and you will see the report
Task 7: Defaulter Ratio and Slicing the Data

Step 1: Add another plot which is DEFAULTS BY MARITAL STATUS and SEX

Step 2: Go to visualizations and click on “Card”.

Step 3: Drag and Drop “DEFAULTS” to “Fields”.

Step 4: You can choose what type of result you want to get by pressing on the the arrow pointing down
beside “SUM OF DEFAULTS”. Since I want to get the Average, I chose Average.
Step 5: Put a title on the card by on the Paint logo, then press General, then rename the title.

Step 6: Go to visualization then click on “Slicer”.

Step 7: Drag and Drop “EDUCATIONAL LEVEL’ to “field”. Here you can see the different data and plots by
clicking on the different education levels in the slicer.

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