M3 Hum021-Summative Assessment

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The mandated COVID-19 vaccination program for Filipinos


This house believes that COVID-19 should be required for Filipinos because it may help
avoid the development of severe COVID-19 in anyone. Additionally, the Department of
Health confirmed that each COVID-19 vaccine is secure. The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approved it with an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and
determined that the vaccines were both safe and effective.


1. COVID-19 vaccination is a preventative measure against COVID-19 infection.

2. The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines have been established.
3. COVID-19 is a number one threat to public health.


Kenneth Jude B. Rosales

HUM021 – C217
The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the infectious agent that causes coronavirus disease,
also known as COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization (2020). The
Philippines's first COVID-19 case to be identified was reported in January of this year. It
took only a short while for the World Health Organization (WHO) to proclaim the novel
coronavirus outbreak, also known as COVID-19, a global pandemic (Cucinotta &
Vanelli, 2020). The epidemic had generated a tragic situation as it resulted in the death
of people, the destruction of jobs, and economic instability. Given that the COVID-19
virus poses a serious threat to human health, the World Health Organization and the
government's health-related sectors are doing everything they can to provide the
protection that the public requires. In addition, together with BIDA or the “Bawal walang
mask, I-sanitize and ang mga kamay, Dumistansya ng isang metrong layo, at Alamin
ang tamang impormasyon” which is coerced by the Department of Health (DOH)
together with the Interagency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-EID),
and Presidential Communications Operations (PCOO) implemented BIDA to encourage
the people to take an active role in fighting against the community’s enemy which is the
COVID-19, vaccination is also an as vital way to protect people from getting covid
(Department of Health, n.d). This house believes that because it could assist prevent
anyone from contracting severe COVID-19, COVID-19 should be required for Filipinos.
Additionally, the Department of Health confirmed that each COVID-19 vaccine is
secure. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it with an Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) and determined that the vaccines were both safe and effective.

The following vaccinations were assessed by the World Health Organization as

of January 12, 2022, and they all passed the required safety and efficacy tests.
AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinovac, and many other companies produce these
vaccines. Additionally, vaccinations were created to save lives. Additionally, according
to the World Health Organization, vaccines help to educate and prepare our immune
systems to recognize and combat germs and viruses. Vaccines aid in preventing
contracting serious diseases. (World Health Organization,2022).
Many Filipinos are reluctant to receive any COVID-19 vaccinations, and some
even refuse to do so. being aware that there are instances where people become ill
immediately after receiving a vaccination. However, the World Health Organization
noted that a person may experience minor side effects following vaccination.
Additionally, severe and long-lasting consequences are uncommon. Vaccines offer
defense against contracting COVID-19. These vaccinations have the advantage of
lowering the risk of infection. Following vaccination, the body of the subject will start to
manufacture coronavirus antibodies. If the person is exposed to the virus, these
antibodies will aid our immune system in battling it. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were
found to be quite effective at preventing COVID-19-related severe illness. (What are the
benefits of Covid-19, n.d).

The Department of Health assured that the immunizations have been shown to
be both safe and efficacious, as was already established. The World Health
Organization made certain that vaccines had undergone testing to assure their safety
for various populations (World Health Organization, 2022). Additionally, the vaccinations
have demonstrated excellent efficacy in patients who have chronic illnesses like
diabetes, asthma, lung, liver, or renal disease. Vaccines against COVID-19, specifically
the Pfizer vaccine, are safe for children aged five (5) and older. WHO provided a 10 g
decreased dose (0.2 ml). Moderna can also be used safely in children twelve (12) years
of age and older with a dosage of 0.3 to 0.5 ml.

A significant number of lives were lost as a result of the pandemic. More than
53,000 deaths have been attributed to the COVID-19 virus in the Philippines, according
to the World Health Organization (n.d.). The COVID-19 virus was seen as a serious
threat to public health because between 2020 and 2021, the number of cases
unexpectedly increases. The epidemic has also had an impact on people's health as
well as on a number of other areas, including commerce, tourism, and education.
Filipinos should be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to help people
avoid contracting the dangerous COVID-19 virus. It might be perceived as a breach of
people's rights. However, if the goal of vaccination mandates is to safeguard everyone's
health and/or lives, then someday, people could get it. However, there may be some
people who refuse or are still hesitant to take or be vaccinated for a variety of reasons,
such as they believe they may not be able to handle the negative effects of the
vaccination, lack of trust, and ignorance of the vaccines. In order for everyone to
function freely and without hazard to themselves or others, immunization should be


Department of Health. (n.d.). Safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

What are the benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine? (n.d.). Muhealth.Org.
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Philippines: WHO coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
dashboard with vaccination data. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard With
Vaccination Data. https://covid19.who.int/region/wpro/country/ph/
World Health Organization. (2021, March 31). Safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
World Health Organization. (2022, January 21). COVID-19 vaccines advice.

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