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Guide to Placing

Concrete by Pumping
Reported by ACI Committee 304
ACI 304.2R-17

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI
First Printing
October 2017
ISBN: 978-1-945487-82-8

Guide to Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods

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Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI
ACI 304.2R-1 7
Guide to Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods
Reported by ACI Committee 304
Larry G. Leper, Chair

Hakim S. Abdelgader Michael R. Gardner Avi A. Mor Boris Y. Stein

David J. Akers Daniel J. Green Mike Murray Samuel X. Yao
Casimir J. Bognacki Neil R. Guptill Dipak T. Parekh Richard Yelton
David A. Burg Terence C. Holland James S. Pierce
Manjit S. Chopra Tarek S. Khan Jorge L. Quiros Jr. Consulting Member
Bernard J. Eckholdt III Gary R. Mass Royce J. Rhoads Thomas R. Clapp
J. Mitchell Engelstead Larry W. Matejcek James M. Shilstone Jr.
The committee would like to give special acknowledgement to associate member J. Bury, Chair o f the subcommittee that prepared this document, for his considerable contribution
to its development.

This guide discusses the use of pumps for transporting and placing CHAPTER 2—DEFINITIONS, p. 2
concrete. Rigid and fexible pipelines, couplings and other acces -
sories, and the various types o f concrete pumps are discussed. CHAPTER 3—PUMPING CONCRETE, p. 2
The importance o f proportioning a pumpable concrete mixture
3.1 —Mixture component distribution, p. 2
is emphasized with reference to sources for further direction on 3 .2—Disruptions to fow, p. 3
its design. Evaluation o f trial mixtures to ensure pumpability and
strength is encouraged. Of speci fc importance is a discussion on
the use of lightweight aggregates. Methods to saturate these aggre- CHAPTER 4—PUMPING EQUIPMENT AND
gates and provide a consistent moisture content are discussed. COMPONENTS, p. 4
Preconstruction planning for equipment placement and line 4.1 —Piston pumps, p. 4
routing are emphasized. Discussions on achieving a consistent 4.2—Valve types, p. 4
mixture and its critical importance are also addressed. 4.3—Trailer pumps, p. 5
4.4—Truck-mounted concrete pumps, p. 5
Keywords: blockage; boundary layer; concrete pump; coupling; mixture
4.5—Separate placing booms, p. 6
design; pipeline; placing boom; preprimed; pumpability; reverse pumping;
4.6—Specialized equipment, p. 6
4.7—Pipeline and accessories, p. 6
CONTENTS 4.8—Flexible system hose types and applications, p. 9
4.9—Concrete placing system accessories, p. 9
1 .1 —Introduction, p. 2 CHAPTER 5—PUMPABLE CONCRETE, p. 11
1 .2—Scope, p. 2 5.1 —Basic considerations, p. 11
5.2—Normalweight aggregate, p. 1 1
5.3 —Lightweight aggregate concrete, p. 1 2
5.4—Water and slump, p. 1 2
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are 5.5—Cementitious materials, p. 1 4
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and 5.6—Admixtures, p. 1 4
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use
5.7—Fiber reinforcement, p. 1 4
o f individuals who are competent to evaluate the signi f cance
and limitations o f its content and recommendations and who 5.8—Trial mixtures and pumpability testing, p. 1 5
will accept responsibility for the application o f the material it 5.9—Estimating performance, p. 1 5
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
ACI 3 04.2R-1 7 supersedes ACI 3 04.2R-96 and was adopted and published October
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
201 7.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract Copyright © 201 7, American Concrete Institute.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by
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Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI 1


There are many variables that could a ect the success ful
6.1 —General, p. 1 5 pumping of a mixture in an application, including the
6.2—Pipeline concrete placement, p. 1 6 speci f c requirements o f a speci f c combination o f materials,
6.3 —Powered boom placement, p. 1 7 equipment components, and installation circumstances, of
6.4—Equipment and operational safety, p. 1 8 which several will be discussed in more detail in this guide.
6.5—Reduction in air content, p. 1 8 This guide discusses concrete placement using the
pumping method and how it a ects the supplied concrete
CHAPTER 7—FIELD CONTROL, p. 1 9 mixture when considering pumpability in mixture design,
and with the goal to obtain optimum concrete pumping
CHAPTER 8—REFERENCES, p. 1 9 results.
Authored documents, p. 1 9
CHAPTER 1 —INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE This guide for concrete pumping discusses equipment
use, proper mixtures for good pumpability, and f eld prac -
1.1 —Introduction tices. References cited provide more detailed information on
Pumping concrete through metal pipelines by piston speci f c subjects. This guide does not address shotcreting or
pumps was introduced to the United States in Milwaukee, pumping of nonstructural insulating or cellular concrete.
WI, in 1 933 (Ball 1 933 ). This concrete pump used mechan-
ical linkages to operate, and usually pumped through pipe- CHAPTER 2—DEFINITIONS
lines 6 in. (1 50 mm) or larger in diameter. ACI provides a comprehensive list o f de f nitions through
Many new developments have since been made in the an online resource, “ACI Concrete Terminology”, https://
concrete pumping f eld. These include new and improved 1 3 .
pumps, truck-mounted and stationary placing booms, and De f nitions provided herein complement that source.
pipelines and hoses that withstand higher pumping pressures. boundary layer —thin coating of mortar fraction that
Pumps are available with maximum theoretical output capaci - lines the inner pipeline wall during pumping.
ties of over 250 yd3 /h (1 90 m3 /h). As a result of these innova- degree of pumpability —the amount of resistance of
tions, concrete placement by pumps has become one of the a speci f c concrete mixture to being pumped through a
most widely used practices o f the construction industry. delivery pipeline.
The construction industry recognizes that concrete pumpability —capability o f a speci f c concrete mixture to
pumping is use ful when space for construction equipment is being pumped through a delivery pipeline.
limited. Cranes and hoists are freed up and other crafts can relative movement —ability of concrete components to
work unhampered while pumping is in progress. Concrete navigate small distances within the mixture and to position
pumps are designed to deliver the best combination of f
di erently compared to the other components.
volume output and concrete line pressure possible. stable concrete —concrete mixture that resists the
How well the pump performs in an application depends tendency to segregate.
on many factors, both internal and external to the equipment
itsel f—for example, ambient temperature infuences pump CHAPTER 3—PUMPING CONCRETE
performance. Pipe diameter, pumping direction both for Pumped concrete moves as a cylinder riding on a thin
vertical and horizontal distance, and concrete mixture char- lubricating f lm o f grout or mortar on the inside diameter
acteristics also have an e ect. f of the pipeline. Before pumping begins, the entire pipe-
As construction designs and projects become more line’s interior diameter must be coated with either grout
sophisticated, such as requiring higher strength and greater or a specialized commercial primer using the methods for
durability, concrete mixture design today is more complex 1 00 percent coating o f the pipe walls as recommended by
than what was traditionally placed ( Putzmeister America, the manu facturer. Once concrete fow through the pipeline
Inc 201 0; American Concrete Pumping Association 2007, is established, the lubrication will be maintained as long
201 0, 2011 b). as pumping continues with a properly proportioned and
Pumpability is one consideration the contractor can consistent mixture. A steady supply of pumpable concrete,
request from the designer when speci fying mixtures. Engi - de f ned as a mixture that is capable o f being pumped through
neered mixtures, using special materials and processing, a hose or pipe, is necessary for satisfactory pumping ( U.S.
must consider design details including f nal strength, curing Bureau of Reclamation 1 981 ). A pumpable concrete, such as
characteristics, site conditions such as underwater place - conventional concrete, requires good quality control; that is,
ment, material and handling expenses, fow characteristics, it is uniform, has properly graded aggregate, and its mate-
delivery/placement, and sustainability impacts. In cases rials are uniformly batched and mixed thoroughly.
where these features are in direct confict, a compromise
or alternate solution is necessary. Given the popularity and 3.1 —Mixture component distribution
bene f ts o f placement by pumping, it could become critical 3.1.1 Boundary layer—From the concrete pump’s delivery
to a speci f c application that the components and proportions f
cylinder to the point-o f-placement end hose, e ective and
o f a mixture be designed with consideration o f pumpability. f
e cient concrete pumping depends on minimizing any
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

drag caus ed by the ins ide wall o f the delivery ves sel. O ne

sugges tion is to have the inside wall continuous ly bordered

by a boundary layer that gives the least resistance to move-

ment as possible. At the start of each placement or “pour,”
to which it is s ometimes re ferred, this boundary layer is

achieved by priming the line with a thin f lm o f grout or

commercial primer. This coating provides a slicker surface

with lower frictional resis tance for the mixture to glide along

than would a s teel pipe or rubber hos e.

To ens ure that this low res is tance- force action continues ,

the mixture should have enough mortar content to maintain a

boundary layer between the body o f mixture and the pipeline
wall. This is s imilar to the need for a certain level o f work -
ability res ulting from the mortar fraction when f nis hing

A boundary layer allows the concrete mas s to move

through the pipeline without the aggregates s craping the

pipe wall. I f s craping occurs , the contact friction caus es

resistance to pumping. The magnitude of the pumping resis-

tance depends on the aggregate, pipe wall compos ition, and

line pres s ure pus hing the aggregate into the wall. This res is

tance is s omewhat s el -
f- perpetuating becaus e the line pres

sure increases the friction of the concrete being pumped,

which in turn increas es the amount o f press ure in the line.

The boundary layer also increases the useful life of the

pipeline. I f the pipeline wall is not subj ected to frictional
scraping, it is more likely to remain coated and less likely
to be worn down or damaged. This extends the amount

of material that can be safely pumped through it before a

replacement is needed.
3.1.2 Mortar content—In addition to the need for a
mortar-based boundary layer, the remaining concrete mass
als o requires f
a minimum amount o - mortar to trans port e f Fig. 3. 1. 2—Mixture component spatial arrangement.

ciently through the pipeline (Fig. 3.1 .2). With a properly

proportioned mortar content, the concrete mixture will: o f the mixture. Their e fect on pumpability is dependent on

a) Provide enough mortar fraction to suspend the aggre- how much the f bers restrict component s hi fting, and how

gate during pumping, as well as facilitate f nis hing and often they can penetrate the boundary layer and scrape the
strength development. pipe wall.

b) Q uickly achieve a pre ferred arrangement with all

components located in positions that best arranges them to 3.2—Disruptions to fow

both physical and electrostatic attraction/repulsion charac- 3.2.1 Turbulence makers —Pipeline components can
teristics. This spatial arrangement remains intact unless it is inter fere with the orderly fow o f mixture, which can both
forced to change to navigate pipeline elbows and reducers . increase pressure needed to pump at the desired volume
c) Create a s hear- s tyle fow. B ecaus e concrete pumping output and decrease the useful life of the pipeline. Because
is not done completely through straight pipes of a constant these disruptive sources can be found to some degree
diameter, the mixture requires a relative movement of between the delivery cylinder and delivery pipeline, i f a

components as it is trans ported through elbows and reducers . di f cult mixture makes it through the f rst 2 0 ft (6 . 1 m) o f
A mixture with a low barrier to movement or low vis cosity a delivery system, it has a greater chance of success from a
will have the ability to change component locations more pumpability standpoint.
eas ily through this shear- s tyle fow. The components near Elbows —The mixture has a momentum during
the pipe axis will fow fas ter than thos e closer to the pipeline pumping that tends to carry the aggregate away from the
wall. In a high- vis cos ity mixture, relative movement and center o f the pipeline and toward the outside wall o f an

component s hi fts are minimized, which could caus e aggre - elbow. In addition, due to the increas ed f
s ur ace area at the

gate/wall abrasion and frictional res is tance. The obj ective is outside radius, there is typically a decrease in the boundary
to avoid working with a di f cult mixture. layer thickness at the outside radius and an increase in the
3.1.3 Fiber rein forcement —The addition of reinforcing boundary layer at the inside radius. Depending on the condi-
f bers binds up the components in the pipeline into a tions and mixture, the aggregate could then temporarily
pre ferred arrangement, e fectively increasing the vis cosity pierce through the boundary layer and contact the inner
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

wall, causing it to either s crape the wall or twis t enough to the ring can no longer be removed by normal cleaning proce-
leverage other aggregates into piercing the boundary layer. dures and will prevent proper priming at the next j ob s ite, Reducers — where blockages are likely to occur.

a) Material cylinders: Pulling concrete into material d) The mixture cannot be s ubj ected to s igni f cant s ources

cylinders requires s low s peeds becaus e it is s ucking in at of vibration, especially the mounting of a vibrator to the
very low pres s ure and s hould avoid s ucking in air; ine f cient hopper body.
delivery and compressible air can cause dangerous hose e) Extended-length idle times or old batches should be
whip at the boom tip. F or slow- s peed, high- volume output, avoided.
and cylinders s hort enough to f -
t on the truck, a larger diam


b) Pipeline: A smaller diameter is equal to higher pres- COMPONENTS
sures, so use the largest diameter practical. A diameter of 5
in. (1 25 mm) is the most common on truck mounts, and 4 in. 4.1 —Piston pumps
(1 0 0 mm) or s maller on lay- down pipelines due to handling The most common concrete pumps consist of a receiving
o f heavy/ f lled pipe s ections. Reducing near the end creates hopper, two concrete pumping cylinders , and a valving

a backpressure of concrete in line and, thus, a more even sys tem (4. 2 ) to alternately direct the fow o f concrete into

fow that does not increase pres s ure too much. Trans ition the pumping cylinders and, from there, into the pipeline
from 8 in. /1 1 in. (2 0 0 mm/2 8 0 mm) material cylinder down (Fig. 4.1 ). f
O ne concrete cylinder receives concrete rom the

to 5 in. (1 25 mm) pipeline is completed immediately: 1 ) receiving hopper while the other discharges into the pipeline

clos e to the source o f hydraulic power; and 2 ) with practical to provide a relatively cons tant fow o f concrete through the

eas e o f s upporting component f lled with concrete, as the pipeline to the placing area. Pistons in the concrete cylinders
delivery pipeline uses components that reduce the diameter create a vacuum to draw in concrete on the intake s troke

of the concrete. Because the area of the pipe cross section and mechanically push it into the pipeline on the discharge
decreas es rapidly with res triction in diameter, the material stroke. These pistons are driven by a hydraulic system
is being forced to move faster to transport the same rate of that alternately directs the primary hydraulic oil fow to

output. This increases the shear frictional forces and the the actively-pumping cylinder. This can be achieved using
pressure-related friction caused by aggregate penetrating either closed- or open-loop designs, and hydraulic or elec-
through the boundary layer. The net result is a much higher tronic s witching. A clos ed- loop electronic- s witching s ys tem

required pumping pres sure, localized component wear, and is capable o f improved f
fuel e ciency, minimized heating
the greatest potential for a pipeline blockage. o f the hydraulic fuid, and fas ter s witch actuation. Primary

Because the mortar fraction of a mixture in transit is power is provided by dies el, gas oline, or electric motors .

constant, the percentage of a pipe’s cross section that makes The cost of concrete pumps, their maximum pumping
up the boundary layer has to be constant. In the smaller- capacity, and their pressure applied to the concrete can vary
diameter pipe, this means the thickness of the boundary greatly. Components are sized to provide the desired volume
layer has to decrease relative to the larger-diameter pipes output and concrete pressure into the pipeline. Receiving
preceding it. hoppers vary in size to match the volume output capacity of Gaps, dents, and edges —If any feature exists the pump, and are us ually equipped with agitators that as s is t

within the delivery s ystem, s uch as a hopper trans ition valve, in mixture uniformity, giving the mixture an initial push
it will interrupt the continuous inner wall, the fow o f the toward the intake cylinders .

boundary layer will be disturbed, and des tructive turbulence These units are rated for a maximum theoretical volume
will occur. Gaps at pipeline connections , dents in pipes, and output in yd3 /h (m3 /h) based on the diameter and length of
exposed edges due to mismatches in pipe diameter all create concrete cylinders multiplied by the maximum available
turbulence that will increas e res is tance to fow, which in turn frequency of pumping strokes. They are also rated for a
increas es pumping power requirements , - which will eventu maximum pipeline pressure capability that is dependent on
ally result in the rapid removal of line component material the hydraulic s ys tem and power source used.

at or near that point.

3.2.2 Breakdowns and blockages— Concrete pumping is 4.2—Valve types
only possible if the pipeline remains blockage-free and the 4.2.1 Hydraulically-powered directional valves (Fig. 4. 1) —
mixture remains s table (nons egregating) . Take the following Although valve con fgurations can vary, all o f them are oper-
actions, proactively, to avoid problems in pumping: ated hydraulically and control the fow o f material between

a) The mixture must be designed, created, and delivered material cylinders and the pipeline. They can crush or
with the proper components and proportions . displace aggregate that becomes trapped in the valve area.
b) The pipeline must be properly prepared (primed) prior The maximum size aggregate (MSA) that can be pumped
to pumping. by these units is controlled by the diameter of the concrete
c) The delivery pipeline s hould always be watertight (leak- pas s ages within the pump and the diameter o f the pipeline

proo f) to avoid a loss o f water or paste. Leaking clamps into which the concrete is being pumped ( 5.2.1 ). In nearly all
dis turb the boundary layer, allow water and pas te to es cape, applications, the pump outlet port is larger in diameter and
and result in an encrustation ring inside the clamp. With this, less restrictive than the smaller pipeline at the point of place-
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Fig. 4. 1—Piston pump and powered valve.

ment. Pis ton pumps with hydraulic powered valves per orm f
nearly all concrete pumping operations worldwide, handling

the broadest possible range of concrete mixtures that can be

4. 2 . 2 Ball valve concrete pumps (Fig. 4. 2. 2) —This type
Fig. 4. 2. 2—Ball valve pump schematic.
o f pump us es s teel balls and mating s eats to control the fow

of concrete from the hopper into the pumping cylinder and

out of the pumping cylinder into the pipeline. The ball is
forced into its seat by the concrete being pumped and has
limited ability to displace or break aggregate that could
be trapped in the valve area. F ailure o f the ball to s eat will

res ult in loss o f pumping e f ciency. Thes e units are limited

to pumping concrete with s maller than 1 /2 in. (1 2 . 5 mm)

MS A. B ecause they are limited to small aggregate and lower

volume outputs, they are frequently used for small-scale

grouting and can pump through pipeline or hose as small as
2 in. (50 mm) in diameter.

4.3—Trailer pumps
Trailer-mounted pumps (Fig. 4.3) are available with a

wide f output and pres s ure capabilities to match the

range o

wide range o f applications in which they are us ed. Their us e Fig. 4. 3—Trailer-mounted pump.
spans from s mall s idewalks to nearly 2 0 0 0 ft (6 1 0 m) tall

skys crapers , or anywhere horizontal or vertical pipeline can

be f xed into place. O nce located on the j ob site, they are

sel f- contained units that generate their own pumping power

and weigh up to 2 4, 0 0 0 lb (1 1 , 0 0 0 kg) . They do, however,

require another s upport vehicle for trans portation between

sites , cleanout water supply, and storage o f delivery s ys tem

components such as hose, pipe, and clamp.

4.4—Truck-mounted concrete pumps

4. 4. 1 City pumps (Fig. 4. 4. 1) —Some applications are
bes t s erved with the concrete pump mounted on a truck. The

power s ource for pumping can be from the chas s is engine or

a dedicated separate engine. The intent of this machine style

is to combine a trailer- mounted unit with its s upporting truck Fig. 4. 4. 1—Truck-mounted city pump.
for e f ciency and the ability to f t onto congested j ob s ites

that cannot support two vehicles . This model also s upplies

the mos t fexibility and is the mos t frequent us er o f both rod

ground or a building and rely on a multiple-arm articulating
side (high output) or piston side (high pressure) hydraulic boom to support the pipeline. These booms vary in size and
cylinder con f gurations.
are typically rated by their vertical reach in feet (meters) of
4. 4. 2 Concrete boom pumps (Fig. 4. 4. 2) —Some appli- up to approximately 230 ft (70 m). Their range of motion
cations are not e fectively able to f x a delivery line to the
is best described as a nearly-spherical dome that extends in

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Fig. 4. 4. 2—Truck-mounted boom pump.

all directions from the truck to the maximum reach. These requirements are met, the ability to permit rapid assembly
booms are also capable o f reaching below grade into an and dis as s embly o f components at any j oint is bene f cial.

excavation for foundation work. Most boom pumps

s ite Various special-use accessories are available to customize
receive their pumping power from the truck engine with a delivery line s etups to ful f ll numerous concrete placing

special gearbox. A few o f them us e a tractor/trailer arrange - requirements . Access ories include elbows o f varying degree

ment where the trailer contains the pumping equipment, as and radius , valves (s huto f and divers ion type) , reducers ,

well as a dedicated engine. brackets , fabric and wire- rein forced hose, and cleanout

elements (Fig. 4.7). Careful handling of the pipeline during

4.5—Separate placing booms as s embly, cleaning, and dis mantling will aid in lowering line

Separate placing booms (Fig. 4.5) are designed to be resistance by preventing the formation of rough surfaces,
removed from the truck and mounted on a special pedestal dents in pipeline sections, and crevices in couplings.
located within the placement area. This boom and pedes tal Pipeline surface irregularity or roughness, diameter varia-
combination is then designed to be used in high-rise, remote, tions , and directional changes dis turb the s mooth fow o f
or barge- mounted placement applications , where it is o ften pumped concrete (American Concrete Pumping Associa-
mounted on top o f tower sections in either a free- s tanding, tion 2008). This results in increased pressure requirements
wall- supported, or inside (building) o f s el f- climbing to push concrete through the pipeline and an increased
con f guration. wear rate at those locations . f -
Expos ing long lengths o pipe

line to direct sunlight or extreme hot or cold temperatures

4.6—Specialized equipment can advers ely a f
ect the temperature o f the concrete being

Concrete pumps and placing booms have been developed to pumped. The pipeline should be shielded from these condi-
mount on concrete trucks. These units are capable of placing tions as necessary.
the concrete mixed and transported in the truck that carries Vertical lines require 1 0 to 1 5 percent of the vertical
them, and can also receive concrete from other concrete height as the starting point for horizontal line length, which

trucks to complete a placement. These units usually have helps provide a stable base for the direction changes and line
the pumping capacities of small trailer pumps (Fig. 4.6(a)). movements (von Ekardstein 1 983 ). It is common to use 3
Concrete pumps have also been mounted on volumetric- vertical lines to 1 horizontal.
measuring continuous-mixing (VMCM) units that are also 4. 7. 1 System pressure capacity —Increases in concrete
known as mobile mixers . P ower to operate the pump is pump volume and pressure have greatly increased the
usually derived from the chassis engine (Fig. 4.6(b)). importance of using a suitable pipeline system to achieve
satisfactory results. All components of the system must
4.7—Pipeline and accessories be able to handle the maximum internal pres sure that the
Most concrete placed by pumping methods is pumped concrete pump being us ed is capable o f pro ducing with an

through rigid steel tubing or heavy- duty fexible hos e adequate safety factor. Pipeline components are generally
called pipelines. Connections between s egments s hould rated according to both working pres s ure and ultimate or

use coupling devices that are rated to meet or exceed the burs t pres sure. The ratio o f the burs t press ure to working

pipeline pressure and provide a secure, sealed joint. If these pressure constitutes the safety factor. A minimum safety
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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Fig. 4. 5—Separate placing boom.

Fig. 4. 6—Rotating drum and volumetric-measuring continuous-mixing (VMCM) units with

pump. (Photos courtesy o f: (a) Putzmeister; and (b) Cemen Tech. )

factor of 2:1 is recommended. Special usage or conditions component li fe. I f a s igni f cant hardnes s level and a f

could require a higher degree of safety. The burst pressure, depth are achieved in the wall with which the concrete comes

and subsequently the safety factor, decreases as the pipeline in contact, the pipeline life can be increased by a multiple of
wears from the abrasiveness o f the concrete. The rate o f 5 or more. This res is tance to wear can be found in both s ingle
wear varies greatly. Hard aggregate s uch as crus hed granite and twin wall pipes . The latter separates the wear res is tance

is more abrasive than a softer aggregate like limestone. In functions into two distinctly di ferent
and pres sure res istance

addition to phys ical characteris tics o f the concrete, wear is pipe layers , each des ignedfor that s peci f c purpos e.
als o a fected by the yardage conveyed, material velocity, 4.7.2 Rigid placing line: straight sections, bends, and
pumping pressure, and geometry of the system (Crepas elbows —S traight sections o f pipeline are made o f welded or
1 991 ; Tobin 1 972). seamless steel tubing, most commonly 1 0 ft (3 m) in length.
Hardening proces ses and pipe wall con f gurations have The most common inside diameters are 4 and 5 in. (1 00 and
been developed to decreas e the wear rate and increas e the 1 25 mm), with the maj ority o f systems in the 5 in. (1 2 5 mm)

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Fig. 4. 7—Pipeline and accessories.

size, as these are the largest that can be handled by workers. becomes thinner, allowing some aggregate to contact the
Both rigid pipeline sections and accessory components are wall face ( 3.2.1 .1 ). This contact causes a greater wear rate
available in a variety o f wall thicknesses, from 1 1 gauge at the outer wall. For this reason, most elbows are manu -
to 0.50 in. (3 .05 to 1 2.7 mm), and wear-resistance levels. factured with a thicker outer wall. Heat treatment o f elbows
Choosing the proper combination for pressure and total also improves longevity.
volume requirements is of prime importance. Aluminum 4.7.3 System connection —Concrete pipeline components
pipeline cannot be used in concrete pumping because can be assembled in any order, then disassembled and recon-
aluminum particles produced by abrasion react with the f gured in a di ferent manner. To achieve this fexibility, each
cement causing excessive air voids (Newlon and Ozol 1 969 ). delivery line component requires the use of connecting ends
Because pipelines are frequently routed around or through or collars, a coupling, and a gasket.
obstructions, elbows are available in many degrees and Couplings— Couplings consist o f two halves
curvatures. The dis tance in which the curvature occurs that are either bolted together or hinged at one end (Fig.
is referred to as the center line radius (CLR). Whenever a ). Hinged-type couplings typically use a cam-lever
choice is available, a longer radius elbow provides less resis - closure handle. This snap or quick-release coupling provides
tance to fow. As the concrete travels around a bend, fow the bene f t o f the most rapid assembly and disassembly o f
accelerates at the outer wall and the mortar boundary layer a placing system. Snap couplings should always have a
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI
GUIDE TO PLACING CONCRETE BY PUMPING METHODS (ACI 304.2R-1 7) 9 Grooved—Note that past practices have allowed

a grooved connection. In this style, shallow grooves are cut
into the tubing or a separate weld-on end. The end, or collar,
typically has the same outer diameter as the tube itself.
Because grooved-end systems over 3 in. (75 mm) are not
able to withstand the pressures generated by most concrete
piston pumps, they cannot be used with pumps capable o f
exceeding their 500 psi (3 5 bar) working pressure limit.

4.8—Flexible system hose types and applications

Rubber hose is frequently used at the end of a placement
system. The fexibility o f the hose allows workers to place
concrete exactly where it is needed. This hose is speci f cally
designed and manufactured to meet the rigorous demands
of placing concrete. Abrasive material is pumped through it
under high pulsating pressures while the outside covering is
Fig. 4. 7. 3. 1—Pipeline connection types (photo courtesy o f subject to friction, rough handling, and abuse on the job site.
Esser Pipe Technology). Concrete pumping hose is divided into two classi f cations:
single-ended hose, and double-ended hose.
closed-position lock pin that prevents inadvertent or acci-
4.8.1 Single-ended hose —Single-ended hose is used at the
dental opening of the coupling due to vibration or mechan-
end of a placing boom (end hose) or placing line (discharge
ical interference. Bolted-type couplings provide a stronger,
hose). The boom end hose can be supplied in a continuous
more secure connection joint than a snap coupling. This type
inner diameter or as a reducing diameter. The latter is used in
of coupling is recommended for vertical standpipe, line loca-
applications that try to balance the output fow.
tions subj ect to high internal pressures, or locations where
4.8.2 Double-ended hose —Double-ended hose has iden-
the coupling will be pulled around obstructions.
tical coupling connections on each end of the hose and is Gaskets —Several gasket con f gurations are avail -
intended for connecting other line components. Speci f cally,
able and are designed to match the application. Examples are
this hose is used to accommodate the movement required
clamp-type and swivel couplings. The coupling connections
between segments o f pipeline, such as the transition from
require a gasket sealing ring to hold the required pressure
land-based to foating pipeline. This type o f hose should
and to prevent mortar leakage. Loss of mortar reduces the
never be used as a boom end hose due to its extra potential
lubricating f lm on the pipeline surface and may result in a
for bodily harm by the steel coupling in the event of a hose
pipeline blockage. This could also cause encrustation, which
is where a hard ring o f deposited material forms inside the
There are multiple methods and materials used for
joint. I f this is not removed, it will cause problems in clea -
manufacturing a concrete pumping hose. Reinforcements
nout, initial priming, and pumping (3.2.1 .3 ). End con fgurations —The connecting ends or
o f fabric, cable, and wire can be combined with di erent
assembly patterns. The hose burst and working pressures will
collars are produced with mating surfaces to accommodate
also need to meet the pressure ratings of the machine used,
the coupling devices. Several styles of matched ends and
which is usually 2:1 and 1 : 1 , respectively ( ASME B30.27),
couplings are used in concrete pumping (Fig. ).
and are determined by the quantity, type, and strength of the Raised-end, welded-on —This end incorporates
reinforcement (piles). Some end hoses are also specially
a raised section pro f le o f a set width and shoulder diameter
designed to resist or eliminate hose whipping.
that the coupling engages. Because material is added to the
Notes regarding pumping pressure:
outer diameter o f the tubing, these j oints can withstand pres -
a) Approximately three times more pressure is required to
sures exceeding 2000 psi (1 4 MPa). They can also withstand
pump concrete through a given length o f fexible hose than is
considerable stress from external bending forces. Raised-
needed to pump through the same length of steel line.
end systems are the most commonly used type. There are
b) Pumping pressure could cause a curved or bent hose to
several di erent styles. One style may not be compatible
straighten, resulting in injuries from such movement. Sharp
with another, so they should not be intermixed without proo f
bends must be avoided.
of compatibility. Tongue-and-groove —This style uses a male and
a female fange with the sealing ring positioned between the
4.9—Concrete placing system accessories
4.9.1 Valves (Fig. 4. 9. 1)— Several types of valves are
two end faces. This con f guration can handle the highest line
currently manufactured for concrete pipelines. Manu-
pressures and is generally used near the pump. A disadvan-
ally or hydraulically operated valves are available for
tage of this arrangement is that the tube assembly can be
oriented in only one con f guration. In addition, it is di f cult f
three basic functions o f shuto , diversion, and discharge.
Manufacturers’ recommendations for appropriate location
to remove a section of placing line, and proper cleaning of
and pressure limitations should be followed.
the female end groove can be tedious.

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Fig. 4. 9. 1—Shuto f and diversion valves. Shuto f —This type o f valve s tops the fow of

concrete within the placing sys tem. Thes e valves are us e ful
for holding a head of concrete in a vertical standpipe and
come in a wide range o f internal pres s ure ratings . All thes e
valves res trict the fow o f concrete by the ins ertion o f a

blocking member in the valve body. Diversion —This type of valve can divert or split
concrete into more than one placing line. A s wing tube-

type divers ion valve rotates the discharge between two or

more outlet ports. Diversion valves are commonly used in

concrete tunnel lining work where more than one pipeline

may be placed within the form. Discharge —A discharge valve allows concrete to

be placed at desired locations along the pipeline. These may

be set up in a series to accomplish speci f c location pours.

Concrete drops from these valves instead of being forced out

under pressure. Pipes with hoppers resembling “tremies” used

for underwater concrete placement are o ften used in

placement (Fig.
tion with discharge valves to control
Fig. 4. 9. 1. 3—Hoppers resembling “tremies” used for under-
4.9.2 Reducers —Reducers are tapered sections of rigid water concrete placement.
placing line us ed to make a trans ition between di ferent

s ys tem diameters . Reducers are commonly used between the

4.9.4 System cleanout elements —To help achieve maximum
pump discharge and the placing line. Additionally, reducers component life and avoidance of pipeline blockages, safe
are commonly used to convert from the rigid placing system and thorough cleanout of the pipeline is necessary at the end
to a s maller and more fexible placing hos e. Reducers s hould
of each placement or at any time a lengthy delay in pumping
have high wear res istance and be able to withs tand the pres -
operation occurs. A concrete pumping pipeline is cleaned
sure requirements. by propelling a sponge ball, or rubber go-devil, through the
The concrete has to move faster through a smaller line than line, either with air or revers e pumping.

through a large one to deliver the same volume in a given Reverse pumping f —The s a es t way to clean out

period o f time. This increase in velocity causes a signi f cant

a system is to change the direction of pumping and suck
increase in the wear rate at the reducer. Reducers should be
the concrete back through the pipeline and into the hopper.
made o f the heaviest wall material practical, be as long and as
Alternative methods exist, but this is typically done by
gradual as practical, have smooth interior surfaces, and have wetting a sponge ball, placing it into the end/discharge hos e,

inlet and outlet diameters that match the connecting line. and revers e pumping. D ispos al o f the was te concrete will

4.9.3 Support brackets and restraints —A variety of pipe- depend on the equipment and site conditions, but under-
line support brackets and system-restraining products are hopper or drive- up was te receptacles are now available for
currently available. Movement of the pipeline creates high this purpose. Arrangements for disposal of this residual
stresses on the couplings and reduces pumping performance. concrete should be made before pumping begins. Long
Better and safer pumping performance can be achieved pipelines and high-rise applications may be impractical for
when the s ys tem is s ecured or res trained to minimize move - reverse pumping clean out.
ment. The appropriate brackets should be easy and quick to Compressed air—This method has unique risks
use and be adjustable to adapt to variable job-site conditions. becaus e compres s ed air in the pipeline will remain in the

Safety chains or slings are used in placing operations system until it is safely relieved, even after the air supply
where s ys tem components are to be sus pended over work
is turned o f . This residual pres sure can propel the cleanout

areas. Reducers and hoses at the tip of placing booms are device with an explos ive and violent force, or caus e an uns e -
prime examples. cured s ystem to whip i f it is not properly relieved. O pening

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

any coupling in a pipeline under air pressure could result in of coarse aggregate should meet the requirements of ASTM
inj ury or death. Compo nents are available speci f cally for C33/C33M , recognize that the range between the upper and
this purpose, including cleanout balls of various diameters lower limits o f this standard is broader than what is recom-
and materials, go-devils, devil catchers, and air and water mended to produce a pumpable concrete. ASTM C33/C33M
valve caps (Concrete Construction Sta 1 992 ). The clea- states that the ranges are, by necessity, very wide to accom -
nout operation must be performed under the supervision of a modate nationwide conditions. In addition, ASTM C3 3 /
trained and quali f ed operator. C3 3 M speci f es grading requirements based on nominal
maximum-size aggregate (NMSA), which designates a size
CHAPTER 5—PUMPABLE CONCRETE number down to the smallest sieve opening through which
most o f the aggre gate will pass. Where a small-diameter
5.1 —Basic considerations pipeline is used, all coarse aggregate must pass the desig-
Concrete pumping is well established in most areas and nated screen opening or line blockage will result. For
applications for which concrete producers can regularly example, 1 in. (25 mm) or less is rec ommended for 3 in.
supply a mixture that will pump without incident. Like all (75 mm) diameter pipeline, and all aggregate must pass that
construction processes, concrete pumping is a ected by the screen for successful pumping.
capability of the pumping equipment; design, control, and For optimum pumpability, ASTM C33/C33M states that:
the consistency of all ingredients in the mixture; batching “Designation of a size number (for coarse aggregate) to
and mixing operations; and knowledge and experience indicate a nominal size shall not restrict the person respon-
of the personnel involved. Concrete pumping equipment sible for selecting proportions from combining two or more
has reached a point o f dependability and capability where gradings of aggregate to obtain a desired grading, provided
highly-pumpable mixtures are able to match the placement that the gradings are not otherwise restricted by the project
needs of nearly any given application. spec i f er and the NMSA indicated is not exceeded.”
However, a growing number o f applications now require This allows the addition o f ASTM C3 3 /C3 3 M pea gravel
a more sophisticated mixture than what has been tradition - gradings 8, 89, and 9A. Although size No. 9 is a f ne aggre -
ally placed. Pumpability is only one o f a few feature consid - gate, it is included as a coarse aggregate when combined
erations the designer will need to use when speci fying the with a size 8 material to create a size 89, which is a coarse
mixture. Engineered mixtures should also take into consid- aggregate. These materials f ll major voids between coarse
eration such design details as the f nal strength, curing char- aggregate particles (Shilstone 1 991 ) without excessive use
acteristics, site conditions such as underwater placement, of sand or cement.
material and handling expenses, fow characteristics, and The maximum size o f the coarse aggregate has a signi f -
sustainability impacts. In some cases, these features could f
cant e ect on the volume or amount o f coarse aggregate
be in direct confict and a compromise or alternative solution f
that can be e ciently used. The quantity o f coarse aggre -
should be made. gate must be substantially reduced as the NMSA is reduced
The extent to which attention is given to the components because the greater surface area of the smaller-diameter
and their proportions in a mixture design for a speci f c appli - aggre gate for a given weight o f coarse aggregate requires
cation depends on capabilities of the pump, and is relative to more paste to coat all surfaces. This decreases the amount
application details, including height, distance, and volume o f paste available to lubricate the pipeline wall and promote
output, for the concrete that is to be pumped. mixture fexibility inside the body o f the concrete cylinder.
The principles of proportioning are not thoroughly The shape o f the coarse aggregate, whether angular
covered in this document. Instead, refer to Kosmatka and or rounded, has an infuence on the mixture proportions,
Wilson (2011 ) for more information. This chapter discusses although both shapes can be pumped satisfactorily. The
the characteristics o f coarse and f ne normalweight and light - angular pieces have a greater surface area per unit volume
weight aggregates, water, cement, and admixtures as they and a higher percentage of voids. This combination requires
relate to pumpability o f concrete. Once a mixture is proved more mortar for the coating of each piece for pumpability.
to be pumpable, a consistent repetition of all factors ensures 5. 2 . 2 Fine normalweight aggregate —Properties of the
smooth operation. f ne aggregate or sand play a more prominent role in the
proportioning of pumpable mixtures than do those of the
5.2—Normalweight aggregate coarse aggregate. Together with cement and water, the f ne
Consistency in grading promotes consistency in the pump- aggregate in a pumpable mixture provides the mortar that
ability of any mixture. Thus, aggregate gradings should be both conveys the coarse aggregates in suspension and limits
closely monitored and blends adjusted if necessary, to as sure its motion to adjust to delivery line con f guration changes.
uniformity in the combined aggregate gradation. The gradation o f f ne aggregate should con form to the
5. 2 . 1 Coarse normalweight aggregate— The maximum re quirements o f ASTM C3 3 /C3 3 M. Experience has shown
size of angular coarse aggregate is limited to one-third of the that for optimum pumpability, particular attention should
smallest inside diameter of the pump or pipeline. Provisions be given to those portions passing the f ner screen sizes
should be made for the elimination of oversized particles in (Anderson 1 977). At least 1 5 to 30 percent should pass the
the concrete by f nish screening ( ACI 304R) or by careful No. 50 (300 mm) screen and 5 to 1 0 percent should pass
selection of the coarse aggregate. While the grading of sizes the No. 1 00 (1 50 mm) screen. Fine aggregates that are de f -
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

cient in either o f these two sizes should be blended with High-percentage saturation —Vacuum satura-
selected f ne sands, supplementary cementitious materials, tion (Burgess 1 969) and thermal saturation are processes
or other materials to produce these desired percentages. Use described in ACI 21 3R. They produce a very high degree of
o f greater amounts o f these f ner fractions requires the use o f saturation (sometimes called super-saturated) and are recom-
additional water that may cause excessive shrinkage and be mended whenever high pumping pressures are encountered
harmful to strength. or expected.
Higher values o f f neness modulus indicate coarser mate - Retention of moisture —Lightweight aggregate
rials, and lower values indicate f ner materials. Pumpability saturated by sprinkling or presoaking should be used soon
o f mixtures is generally improved with a decrease in the after achieving the desired level of saturation or maintained
f neness modulus or, in other words, with the use o f f ner f ne at a proper saturation until placement.
aggregate. Sands having a f neness modulus between 2.40 5.3.3 Coarse and fne lightweight aggregate—Th e grading
and 3 .00 are generally satis factory, although the f neness o f coarse lightweight aggregate should fall within the
modulus alone, without stipulations about particle distribu - limits stated in ASTM C330/C330M . ACI 21 3R provides
tion, may not produce satisfactory results. reasoning to select which gradations to use. Note that the
Fine aggregate for concrete may be obtained from natural lightweight aggregates could fuctuate in their unit weight.
deposits, or may be manufactured by crushing and grinding Such variations within limits are recognized and permitted
coarser materials to the desired sizes. The pumping charac- by ASTM C3 3 0/C3 3 0M. These changes in unit weight could
teristics o f various sources o f f ne aggregate may vary, but it f
be due to the di erent expanding characteristics o f the raw
appears that the f neness modulus is a good indicator o f the material during process ing, changes in moisture content,
acceptability of either type. changes in gradation, or a combination of all three. Adjust-
ments in batch weights to compensate for these changes
5.3—Lightweight aggregate concrete are imperative to maintain consistent absolute volumes of
5.3.1Introduction —Lightweight aggregate structural aggregate and proper yield (ACI 21 3R). Batching of light-
concrete has many economic applications and advantages weight coarse aggregate by volume, rather than by weight,
in building construction. This material is particularly suited is another established method used for maintaining consis-
to multi-story construction, and the use of pumps for place- tency and volumetric yield.
ment has become desirable in many instances. If it is a crit- Structural lightweight aggregates may have a coated or
ical design parameter, the mixture proportions established uncoated exterior surface, depending on the production
for the job should take into consideration the possible slump method. They also may be either rounded-, cubical-, or
loss that may occur during both transporting and pumping. angular-shaped pieces. Proper allowances may be made for
This is especially true for lightweight concrete because the shape and surface texture to handle any type o f lightweight
loss due to pumping is primarily from water absorption by aggre gate in a pump mixture using slight changes in the ratio
the aggregate under pressure. of mortar to coarse aggregate.
5.3.2 Increasing moisture content —The f rst step in In some localities, lightweight coarse aggregates larger
preparing pumpable concrete with lightweight aggregate is than No. 4 (4.75 mm) are produced in two separate frac -
to assure that the material is properly saturated (Michard tions. These two sizes should be combined, pre ferably at
1 992 ). Lightweight aggregates are generally porous mate - the batch plant, to produce a blended total coarse aggregate
rials with the capability o f absorbing signi f cant amounts combination that satis f es ASTM C3 3 0/C3 3 0M gradation
o f water. Allowances are made for this absorption in ACI speci f cations. Uni formity o f gradation should be care fully
211 .2. Absorption under atmospheric pressure may vary maintained from one batch to the next because fuctuations
for di ferent lightweight aggregate from 5 to 25 percent by f
will a ect the degree o f pumpability.
weight. Under the pressures exerted by pumping, absorp tion
may be considerably greater. I f absorption is signi f cantly 5.4—Water and slump
increased during pumping, the loss o f water from the mortar In the history of concrete pumping, a traditional normal-
reduces fuid properties and pumpability o f the concrete. weight concrete mixture (basic ingredients o f cement,
There fore, to pump lightweight concrete, it is nec essary to sand, coarse aggregate, and water, without admixtures and
both pretreat the aggregate and supply enough water in the cementitious substitutes) has been dependent on water
mixture design to prevent excessive sti fening and loss o f content for determining the slump value. This, in turn, has
mortar available for the pumping operation. A more detailed been the primary indicator o f the mixture’s pumpability, with
discussion o f methods o f saturating lightweight aggregate is a 2 to 6 in. (50 to 1 50 mm) slump range being the target, and
given in ACI 21 3R. has been used for estimating the equipment needed to meet Presoaking c oarse and fne aggregate —Presoaking a speci f c application (Fig. 5.4). To reach this slump range,
o f lightweight aggregate is critical and should receive serious the available water-cement ratio ( w/c) would typically have
attention regardless o f whether it is coarse or f ne aggre - a corresponding 0.4 to 0.6 baseline target range. Necessary
gate. The characteristic rate of absorption and methods for adj ustments can then be made for speci f c properties in the
achieving saturation using a presoaking operation are always aggregate, its gradation, or both. Examples are water absorp -
di erent between the two, but it is extremely important for tion in lightweight aggregate, aggregate size or shape, and
both that this be completed as described in ACI 21 3R. the amount o f f ne aggregates used.
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Fig. 5. 4—Pressure-volume nomograph (courtesy o f Putzmeister).

In the traditional mixture, the slump range was an indi - result needed for the application. Mixture variations are
cator o f how well the mortar paste would f
per orm relative commonplace due to the large array o f factors for which they
to the pumping concepts described in Chapter 3. Beyond are designed to achieve in terms of compressive strength,
any strength and shrinkage implications, too high of a slump curing time, freezing- and- thawing res is tance, creation

would indicate that the mortar paste could be too thin and, and placement cos ts , durability, permeability, workability,

therefore, have a high risk of not properly suspending the pumpability, shrinkage, environmental conditions (that is,
aggregate in the pipeline and simply washing over it. At the ambient temperature and underwater - placement) , transpor

opposite range, a low slump would indicate that there might tation time, and fow characteristics for hopper- to- cylinder

not be enough fuidity to coat the aggregate, provide limited movement and di f cult point- o f- placement geometries.

relative aggregate movement, and create a su f cient boundary It is pos s ible to begin with a bas ic traditional mixture and

layer at the pipeline wall for e f cient/e f

ective pumping. adjust the recipe such that the slump is greatly increased
Concrete mixture design has seen increased regular usage without caus ing an equal change in the pumpability o f the
of highly advanced admixtures and cementitious/pozzolanic mixture. B ecaus e slump would no longer be a relevant indi -
materials that are focus ed on delivering the s peci f c des ired cator o f the pumpability for these mixtures , it would no

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

longer be useful in the application of estimating, as seen in 5.6—Admixtures

Fig. 5.4. 5.6.1 General —Any admixture that increases workability

For example, it is a common perception that concrete will usually improve pumpability. The type o f admixture and

pumping is responsible for large decreases in slump. Rules the advantages gained from its use in concrete to be pumped
o f thumb have been developed for how much s lump los s will depend on the characteristics o f the pump mixture. When

can be expected without necess arily unders tanding what is an admixture is selected for use as an aid in concrete pumping,
caus ing the los s. There are, however, several reas ons why it can provide additional lubrication or reduce segregation.
the s lump o f concrete might change between initial mixing Admixtures used to improve pumpability are generally
and f nal placement. They include: clas si f ed as :

a) Variations in the setting time of cement due to the phys- a) Normal- and high- range water- reducing admixtures

ical or chemical properties b) Supplementary cementitious materials

b) Amount f o time f
s pent -
in trans port, waiting or down It is beyond the scope of this report to discuss all types
loading, and pumping of concrete admixtures. Refer to ACI 21 2.3R for a general
c) Variations in ambient air temperature or concrete dis cussion of them.
mixture temperature during mixing and pumping 5.6.2 Normal- and high-range water-reducing admixtures—
d) Variations in the temperature o f cement, water, and The primary bene f t derived from water- reducing admixtures
aggregates prior to mixing is the reduction in water requirement at a cons tant s lump or a

e) Infuence o f all admixtures continuous ly interacting decrease in viscosity at a constant w/c . S ome water reducers

with other components in varying conditions are des igned to have no apparent e f ect on s etting time, and

f) Variations in the water re quirements and abs orptive others to achieve varying degrees of acceleration or retarda-
capacities of the aggregates tion in the setting rate of the mixture. When used as directed,
g) Water added or lost (environment, improper addition, mos t water- reducing admixtures increas e pumpability o f the
non- watertight pumping s ys tem) concrete mixture.
h) Potential loss of entrapped air in the pipeline or at High- range water- reducing admixtures can be e fective in

placement increas ing the pumpability o f concrete. They are, however,

Because job-site personnel cannot readily determine the e fective for only a limited time. Concrete that depends on

exact caus e o f a los s o f s lump, they s hould not add water to a high- range water- reducing admixtures for pumpability will

mixture in an e f ort to meet a s lump s peci f cation or improve have to be discharged from the pipeline before any reduction
pumpability. This is es pecially true with mis guided attempts in slump occurs. These admixtures should be included in the
to add water to the concrete pump’ s hopper. The agitator trial mixture program if their use is proposed. Compatibility
paddles are not des igned to be an e f ective mixer, and nearly o f the mixture ingredients s hould be clos ely watched.
all the additional water would likely res ult in undes irable 5.6.3 Finely divided mineral additives —Thes e f nely

voids in the cured concrete. If slump at placement is critical, divided mineral admix tures are clas s i f ed into three types :

changes should instead be made by reviewing the mixture 1 . Relatively chemically inert material: This type
des ign and improving the quality control within batching, includes such materials as ground limestone and quartz, and
mixing, or transporting. hydrated lime.
2. Cementitious materials: This type includes natural
5.5—Cementitious materials ce ment, ASTM C61 8), slag cement (ASTM C989/
fy as h (

Determination of the cementitious materials content for C989M), hydraulic lime (ASTM C1 41 /C1 41 M ), and blended
a pumpable f mixture f ollows - many o the s ame bas ic prin cements Type IS (ASTM C595/C595M ).
ciples used for any concrete. The use of extra quantities of 3. Pozzolans: Examples of pozzolanic materials are Class
cementitious materials as the only solution to the correction C and F fy as h (AS TM C6 1 8 ) , diatomaceous earth, volcanic

o f
f pumping di culties is shortsighted and uneconomical. It glass, some heat-treated shales or clays, and silica fume
is far more des irable, as well as economical, to f rs t correct (ASTM C1 240).
any de f ciencies in the ag gregate gradation, especially in the Many of these materials have particle sizes as small or
f ne aggregate fraction. With well- graded coarse and f ne smaller than portland cement. S ome have a bene f cial

aggregates, properly combined, the cement factors for pump strength e f

ect on the concrete mixture and can be us ed to

mixtures will clos ely parallel thos e used in other concrete. enhance pumpability due to their spherical particle shape
This is explained in further detail in ACI 211 .1 . and smooth, dense surface texture.
The substitution of portland cement using other cementi- In concrete mixtures de f cient in f nes , the addition o f a

tious materials such as fy ash, s ilica fume, and s lag cement, f nely divided mineral admixture generally improves work-

have di fering e fects on the pumpability o f the res ultant ability and pumpability.
mixture. In general terms , fy as h improves pumpability

(smooth/spherical shape), silica fume consumes available 5.7—Fiber rein forcement

water that may be needed for pumping, and s lag cement’ s B oth steel and synthetic f forced concrete can be

e f ects are s ource and production- method dependent. pumped. While the proper addition o f steel or synthetic fbers
can a fect viscosity and fow characteristics, most o f them do

not have an overwhelming adverse e f ect on the pumpability

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

o f the concrete to which they are added. The fber manu factur- d) Pumping distance equivalent *
er’s literature and ACI 544.1 R should be consulted to ensure e) Available engine performance
proper application o f fber-concrete systems. A reinforcing f) Delivery line pressure
fber for concrete should comply with ASTM C111 6/C111 6M . To use the nomograph, many variables need to be speci-
f ed. This scenario is then used to predict the value o f the
5.8—Trial mixtures and pumpability testing remaining variable(s) to determine if they meet the needed
Where prior experience or a mixture analysis does not criteria. For example, if the equipment (available horse-
provide satisfactory assurance that the planned mixture power, available line pressure, pipe diameter, and pipe
proportions will provide the required phys ical character - distances) and consistency are known, the nomograph can
istics and pump satisfactorily in the appropriate style and be used to determine the expected volume output capability
size pump, trial mixtures intended for pumping should be at the point of placement.
prepared and tested. The highest possible f neness modulus This nomograph has limitations, as it is based on all other
o f f ne aggregate should be used in test mixtures rather than potential variables, such as quality control of the mixture and
the average f neness modulus to ensure worst-case scenario site and equipment conditions; ideal conditions; and values
performance during pumping. held as expected at the job site. The values are subject to
Testing pumpability of the trial mixture involves the interpretation of the chart intersection values at each point.
production of a sizeable quantity of the mixture and pumping Finally, the slump value shown on the graph is only relevant
it under predetermined conditions. For optimum results, the for the traditional basic mixtures.
tests should include the equipment, pressures, and placing As noted previously, the use of special admixtures can
rate anticipated for completed work. I f testing is not possible greatly modi fy the slump without an equal e fect on pump -
due to risk o f failure, a scaled-down version using less ability. There fore, the nomograph should refect the consis -
distance or decreased volume output is an option, as long as f
tency o f the mixture di erently than with the measurement
the main variables are controlled. of slump. The use of rheometers to measure the viscosity has
This test is usually performed at a construction site as been suggested as one alternative. However, the direct corre -
part o f a more routine initial placement. Taking the f nal lation with pumpability and the ability o f the rheometers to
pumping application as a guide, the variables required in give meaningful readings in high-viscosity mixtures have
5.9 should be duplicated. Speci f cally, the mixture should yet to be fully developed or made commercially available
be pumped using a known delivery system (pipe diameter for use on most job sites.
and total horizontal and vertical lengths) at a speci f c volume Until these predictive tools are perfected, if a mixture/appli -
output setting. The resultant hydraulic pressure needed in cation/equipment combination appears to be close to what has
the equipment to do the work can be equated to a resultant historically been considered pumpable, it is strongly recom-
pipeline pressure. Using Fig. 5.4, the equivalent character - mended that trial runs be performed as described in 5.8. Prepa-
istic slump (consistency) can be deduced for that speci f c ration for problems is a much better strategy than facing costly
mixture. Several di erent volume settings should be tested on-site downtime and personnel-intensive line cleanout.
in this same manner to get an average consistency value.
This value can then be used in the estimating process in 5.9 CHAPTER 6—FIELD PRACTICES
to match the equipment (horsepower, pressure, and volume
output capabilities) to the application. 6.1 —General
Note that the easiest and least-risky con f guration for this The wide variety o f concrete pumps and job-site applica -
testing would include all horizontal pumping through steel tions has resulted in the development o f f eld practices that
pipe. Using conversion factors o f 3 ft (1 m) rubber hose and are speci f cally appropriate to the pump’s capability and the
approximately 1 0 ft (3 m) steel pipe, the results from this type o f proj ect on which it is being used. Preplanning for
less-strenuous pump test can be extrapolated if the applica- concrete pumping is essential for successful placements,
tion includes the extensive use of vertical pipes or rubber with increasing detail and coordination required as the size o f
hoses. An accurate reading of the hydraulic pressure is the placement and the project increases. At a minimum, the
important, as is as the actual volume output as calculated preplanning and preparation should involve the following:
using actual cylinder strokes per minute. a) Noti fying the concrete supplier that the concrete will
be pumped and con f rmation that the appropriate provisions
5.9—Estimating per formance have been made to produce and provide, at the rate and in
To estimate compatibility of the mixture design and the quantity needed, concrete properly proportioned for
pumping equipment with the requirements o f the application, pumping that also complies with all proj ect speci f cations
nomographs have been created, as shown in Fig. 5.4. The or other requirements. A continuous supply of concrete is
speci fc variables included in this estimation process are: required because if the pumping is stopped for any appre-
a) Delivery line diameter ciable time, concrete in the line could sti fen, making it di - f
b) Required volume output cult to begin pumping again.
c) Consistency of the mixture (traditionally equal to slump)
* Vertical pumping adds one bar per 1 3 ft (4 m), one elbow = 3 ft (1 m) straight
distance (von Ekardstein 1 983 ), 3 ft (1 m) o f rubber hose = 1 0 ft (3 m) o f pipe distance
(American Concrete Pumping Association 2011 a).
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Fig. 6. 1—American Concrete Pumping Association (ACPA) standard hand signals (cour-
tesy o f ACPA).

b) Establishing the distance concrete will be pumped (hori- the mixer driver and pump operator should also be available.
zontal, elevation, and decline) and the maximum rat e ofplacing Examples are an audible horn or emergency stop button.
required, followed by the pumping estimation described in h) Awarenes s by the mixer operators o f the hopper- f lling

5 . 9 , so that the proper equipment will be s upplied. method required to avoid introducing air into the pumping
c) Es tablishing a time that the pump will be ready for s etup pipeline. Pump operators and f nis hing crews s hould be

and placement, as well as the provis ion for any required aware o f what to do i f air pockets are s us pected to avoid

pipeline. This includes agreements on the supply of pipeline

materials and arrangements for the required labor i) Care taken not to segregate the mixture when placing

and assemble them. concrete. Drop height from the discharge hose should be
d) Agreement between all parties involved—that is , pump limited by the job-site conditions, type of structure, amount
operator, j ob s upervis or, and place ment crew—as to the and spacing o f reinforcing bar, and other j ob-speci fc obstacles.
placement sequence, total volume to be placed, safe-setup
pump location as near to the placing area as practical, exis- 6.2—Pipeline concrete placement
tence o f any potential hazards s uch as power lines , s upply o f In pipeline placement, the limiting factor is the ability
ground support timbers as required for the soil conditions, to spread the concrete as needed at the end of the pipeline.
and required access to allow a minimum o f two concrete Generally, this is done by laborers using a rubber hose at the
trucks to discharge into the pump-receiving hopper at the end of a rigid placing line (Fig. 6.2a). Manually operated
s ame time. Two concrete trucks s hould be pos itioned to placing booms are also available for horizontal spreading
discharge into the pump-receiving hopper to maintain a (Fig. 6.2b). Trailer-mounted concrete pumps are typically
cons tant fow o f concrete to the pump and to enable blending selected with the engine hors epower, concrete press ure, and

o f the las t concrete dis charged from the f rs t concrete truck, output capacity appropriate for the project (5.9). The pump
which frequently has a higher percentage o f coars e aggre - should be lo cated as near the placing area as is possible and
gate, with concrete from the s econd concrete truck. concrete placing should commence at the point most distant
e) Agreement on who is res pons ible for providing material from the pump. This allows the entire pipeline to be grouted

to prime the pipeline and where that priming material will before concrete placing begins. As placement proceeds,
be placed. rigid pipeline sections are removed to shorten the pipe-
f) Provision for clearing and cleaning the pump and pipe- line, and the rubber hose or placing boom is reconnected
line when the placement is completed. S ometimes, the bes t to the shortened steel pipeline. Concrete from the removed
arrangement is to design the placing system so concrete sections is used in the placement. These sections should then
re maining in the pump hopper and pipeline can be discharged be cleaned outside the placement area. When placement is
into a concrete truck. In other cases, a disposable or desig- completed, the remaining pipeline can be disassembled and
nated dumping container can be made available. individual pieces drained o f concrete and rins ed with water.

g) F amiliarity wi th s tandard hand s i gnals as s ho wn in Where a long section is involved, concrete remaining in the
Fig. 6.1 by the pump operator and placing crew. When vis ual pipeline can be pus hed out with water or air pres s ure. I f air is
signals are not practical, telephone or radio communication used, take extreme care in regulating the air supply and pres-
s hould be provided. A method for communication between sure; a catcher should be installed at the point of discharge
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

to prevent the go-devil from being ejected as a dangerous near-vertical up or down to horizontal. Figure 6.3 .1 shows
proj ectile. A provision will have to be made to relieve air the discharge range of a four-section 1 25 ft (38 m) boom.
pressure in the event of a pipeline blockage (4.9.4). Most booms are rated according to the maximum elevation
The weight o f concrete in the pipeline becomes signi f cant they can reach when truck-mounted, and they range in size
when pumping concrete up or down a substantial distance from 50 to over 225 ft (1 5 to over 69 m). The horizontal
(over 50 ft [1 5 m]); this type of placing should only be done reach is usually 1 0 to 1 2 ft (3 to 3 .7 m) shorter, as shown in
under the supervision o f an experienced and knowledgeable Fig. 6.3.1 . Boom functions are operated by hydraulic cylin-
professional. ders and usually have provision for remote control from the
placement area. Generally, a short discharge hose is attached
6.3—Powered boom placement to the pipeline at the tip of the boom and is used by a desig-
6.3.1 General— A powered placing boom’s discharge nated hose man to direct the concrete to where it is needed.
can be posi tioned at almost any point within the radius o f Boom placement greatly reduces the number of laborers
the boom and at elevations achieved with the boom from needed to get pumped concrete in place.
The pump operator must avoid hazardous proximity or
contact with power lines under all circumstances. This means
maintaining a 20 ft (6 m) clearance while accounting for
movement o f the wires by wind force ( American Concrete
Pumping Association 2008). The placing boom, the concrete
being pumped, and all parts of the pump and concrete truck
are conductors of electricity. Anyone touching any of them
is at risk of electrocution.
Concrete placing and boom movement have to be directed
or controlled from the placement area. Boom placing requires
frequent relocation of the placing hose. This is usually done
by an operator who controls both pumping and boom move-
ment using a remote control. If the pump and boom operator
are not stationed at the pump, it is desirable to have a laborer
direct move ment of the concrete trucks to the pump hopper
charging location to ensure a constant fow o f concrete into
Fig. 6. 2a—Material placement with fexible hose at end o f the hopper and stop the pumping if concrete is not available.
rigid pipeline.

Fig. 6. 2b—Rotary distributor placing booms.

Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

6.4—Equipment and operational sa fety

Like many pieces of construction equipment, concrete
pumps are power ful machines that require pro fessional
operators and the use of safe procedures in and around them.
These safe operating practices are a necessity for the protec-
tion of the pump operator, concrete truck drivers, and the
workers placing and f nishing the pumped concrete. The
concrete pumping industry has adopted the standardized
hand signals shown in Fig. 6.1 (AMSE B3 0.27; American
Concrete Pumping Association 2008).

6.5—Reduction in air content

It is not unusual for concrete to lose up to 1 .5 percent
of air as a result of handling by any conventional means.
This includes drop ping concrete vertically from a bucket,
through a tremie or elephant trunk, or through the pipe line
of a concrete pump (Hover 1 993b; National Ready Mixed
Concrete Association 1 992).
In cases where air loss has been observed in the f eld, such
change was not necessarily implied a reduction in the frost
resistance o f the concrete. When air has been lost under low-
pressure freefall conditions, the loss has predominantly been
in the larger air voids with negligible impact on freezing and
thawing resistance (Hover 1 993 b,c). Higher air content does
not necessarily mean better concrete quality. Frost resistance
in any concrete depends less on total air content and more on
the characteristics of the air void system. Porosity, perme-
Fig. 6. 3. 1—Placing boom range diagram (courtesy o f ability, tensile strength, degree of saturation, curing history,
Putzmeister). and rate o f freezing also have an e fect ( Hover 1 993c).
Tests have shown that variation in truck-to-truck air
6.3.2 Truck-mounted booms —Truck-mounted concrete content was frequently greater than the variation due to
pumps and placing booms have the greatest fexibility f
di erent methods o f handling concrete. A fter pumping, the
because they have the mobility of the truck and the reach of remaining air bubbles were smaller than the average bubble
the boom. These units move to and about the project like a sizes be fore pumping and the air void spacing factor, which
truck and can quickly set up for placement. Boom stability is o ften used as an index to frost resistance, was not signi f -
for cantilevered reach is provided by an outrigger system cantly altered. The actual freezing-and-thawing resistance
and the unit weight. The area in which the pump is located did not correlate with air content. In one ASTM C666/
must provide stable support for the outrigger feet, pump C666M test, the concrete that lost the most air in pump ing
truck chassis, and concrete trucks. Generally, large pads had the lowest total air content and the highest durability
are required under the outrigger feet to evenly distribute factor (Hover 1 995 ).
the concrete pump’s leveraged forces into the ground. The Air-entraining admixtures stabilize bubbles created and
outriggers also serve to level the boom pedestal to within trapped in the mixing process. The smallest air bubbles are
the industry standard 3 degrees (ASME B30.27). Generally, f
most e ective in preventing freezing-and-thawing damage.
these units use the truck engine to power the concrete pump Larger bub bles are the least stable and the most likely to be
and boom, so there is adequate power for pumping high lost during handling. They make limited contribution to frost
capacities at medium pressures. resistance but may be recorded as a signi f cant decrease in
6.3.3 Separate placing booms —When the distance from total air content when they are lost ( Hover 1 993a).
the closest point accessible to concrete trucks exceeds the In general, the infuence o f pumping on air-entrained
reach of truck-mounted placing booms, placing booms concrete is minimized by maintaining the lowest possible
may be mounted on pedestals located in or adjacent to the pump ing pressure, minimizing free fall within a vertically
placement area (Fig. 4.5). The functions of these booms are descending pipeline, and reducing impact by directing
powered by separate diesel or electric power packs; concrete discharge from the hose into previously placed concrete.
is brought from the concrete pump to the boom by a pipe- Pumping pressure is reduced by designing a pumpable
line. For this type of operation, it is essential to have a good concrete mixture as described previously. Pressure is also
system of communication among the boom operator, pump reduced by selecting the appropriate pump and pipeline for
operator, and placing crew. the task. Freefall and impact are reduced by planning the
placement and pump location to avoid putting the boom
in the A- frame con f guration, and by laying a length o f the
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

placing hose fat at the point o f discharge. In addition, the ACI 21 2.3R-1 0—Report on Chemical Admixtures for
height of discharge from the end hose should be minimized, Concrete
with a maximum o f 3 ft (1 m). Curving the discharge hose ACI 21 3 R-1 4—Guide for Structural Lightweight-Aggre -
or otherwise creating a back pressure to keep a full pipeline gate Concrete
on descending sections have also been found to be useful, ACI 304R-00(09)—Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Trans-
although they should be used with extreme caution and with porting, and Placing Concrete
slower output rates to avoid rapid hose whipping accidents. ACI 3 04.6R-09—Guide for Use o f Volumetric-Measuring
and Continuous-Mixing Concrete Equipment
CHAPTER 7—FIELD CONTROL ACI 305R-1 0—Guide to Hot Weather Concreting
Quality concrete in the f eld is the ultimate objective. ACI 306R-1 6—Guide to Cold Weather Concreting
Pumped concrete does not require any compromise in ACI 544.1 R-96(09)—Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete
quality. However, a high level o f quality control for assur- ACI SP-2(07)—Manual of Concrete Inspection
ance of concrete uniformity should be maintained.
The locations at which samples for testing the concrete American Society o f Mechanical Engineers
are taken are extremely important. Sampling, according ASME B30.27:201 4—Material Placement Systems
to ASTM C94/C94M , is for the acceptability of the ready
mixed concrete. The quality of the concrete being placed in ASTM International
the structure can only be measured at the placement end of ASTM C3 3 /C3 3 M-1 6—Standard Speci f cation for
the pipeline. If critical, sampling at both the truck discharge Concrete Aggregates
and point o f f nal placement should be employed to deter- ASTM C94/C94M-1 7—Standard Speci f cation for
mine if any changes in the slump, air content, and other Ready-Mixed Concrete
signi f cant mixture charac teristics occur. When sampling at ASTM C1 41 /C1 41 M-1 4—Standard Speci f cation for
the end of the placement line, great care must be taken to Hydrated Hydraulic Lime for Structural Purposes
ensure that the sample is representative of the concrete being ASTM C3 3 0/C3 3 0M-1 7—Standard Speci f cation for
placed. Changing the rate o f placing, the boom con f gura - Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete
tion, or both, can result in varying or misleading test results. ASTM C595/C595M-1 7—Standard Speci f cation for
Concrete must not be allowed to free fall into the tester’s Blended Hydraulic Cements
container. Cylinders must be stored away from sources o f ASTM C61 8-1 5—Standard Speci f cation for Coal Fly Ash
vibration. The handling of the sample must not result in and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete
changes in concrete properties. ASTM C666/C666M-1 5—Standard Test Method for
Pumpable concrete has been successfully produced by Resistance o f Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing
volumetric-measuring continuous-mixing (VMCM) equip- ASTM C685/C685M-1 4—Standard Speci f cation for
ment meeting ASTM C685/C685M and operated in accor- Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous
dance with ACI 304.6R. This type of equipment can provide Mixing
a continuous supply o f concrete to the pump i f raw materials ASTM C989/C989M-1 6—Standard Speci f cation for
have been stockpiled at the j ob site, and allows for almost Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars
immediate adjustment o f the mixture with little or no waste. ASTM C1 1 1 6/C1 1 1 6M-1 0—Standard Speci f cation for
Because the concrete is measured and mixed right at the Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
pump, it is unnecessary to consider the possible detrimental ASTM C1 240-1 5—Standard Speci f cation for Silica
e ects o f aged concrete. Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures
Concrete has been pumped successfully during both hot
and cold weather. Precautions could be necessary to provide Authored documents
adequate protection during extreme conditions (ACI 305R; American Concrete Pumping Association, 2007, “Trump
ACI 306R). This! ” Concrete Pumping , Spring, pp. 44-51 .
The need for control and consistency of every operation American Concrete Pumping Association, 2008, Sa fety
has been emphasized throughout this report. ACI SP-2 gives Manual , Version 7.0.1 , Lewis Center, OH, 88 pp.
a detailed outline of points to check in concrete construction. American Concrete Pumping Association, 201 0, “Modern
Marvel,” Concrete Pumping , Winter, pp. 1 0-1 3.
CHAPTER 8—REFERENCES American Concrete Pumping Association, 2011 a, “Certi-
Committee documents are listed f rst by document number f ed Operator Study Guide: Guidelines for the Safe Opera -
and year o f publication followed by authored documents tion o f Concrete Pumps,” Version 03 .1 1 , ACPA, Lewis
listed alphabetically. Center, OH, 40 pp.
American Concrete Pumping Association, 2011 b,
“Rebirth: One World Trade Center,” Concrete Pumping ,
ACI 211 .1 -91 (09)—Standard Practice for Selecting Winter, pp. 8-1 2.
Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete Anderson, W. G., 1 977, “Analyzing Concrete Mixtures for
ACI 211 .2-98(04)—Standard Practice for Selecting Pumpability,” ACI Journal Proceedings , V. 74, No. 9, Sept.,
Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete pp. 447-451 .
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI

Ball, C. F., 1 93 3 , “Concrete Pump,” U. S. Patent No. Michard, D., 1 992, “Producing Pumpable Lightweight
201 2944 A, Washington, DC. Concrete,” Concrete Products , Sept., pp. 22-25.
Burgess, G. T., 1 969, “Pumping Breakthrough: Light- National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, 1 992, “What,
weight Structural Concrete Reaches New Heights,” Concrete Why, and How? Loss o f Air Content in Pumped Concrete,”
Construction , V. 1 4, No. 2, Feb., pp. 41 -46. Concrete in Practice No. 21 , Silver Spring, MD, Nov.
Concrete Construction Staf, 1 992, “Slickline for Pumping Newlon, Jr., H., and Ozol, M. A., 1 969, “Delayed Expan -
Concrete,” Concrete Construction , Aug, pp. 609-611 . sion of Concrete Delivered by Pump through Aluminum
Crepas, R. A., 1 991 , Pumping Concrete: Techniques and Pipeline,” Concrete Case Study No. 20, Virginia Highway
Application , second edition, Aberdeen Group, Addison, IL. Research Council, Oct.
Hover, K., 1 993a, “Air Bubbles in Fresh Concrete (Part 2 Putzmeister America, Inc., 201 0, “Burj Khalifa:
of 4),” Concrete Construction , Feb, pp. 1 48-1 52. Conquering the World’s Tallest Building,” Concrete
Hover, K., 1 993b, Infuence o f Handling on Air-Entrained Contractor , Putzmeister America, Inc., Sturtevant, WI,
Concrete , American Concrete Pumping Association and April/May.
Cornell University, Jan., pp. 2, 6, 47. Shilstone Sr., J. M., 1 991 , “Understanding Concrete
Hover, K., 1 993c, “Specifying Air-Entrained Concrete Mixtures,” Concrete Products , June, pp. 41 -42.
(Part 4 of 4),” Concrete Construction , May. Tobin, R., 1 972, “Hydraulic Theory of Concrete Pump ing,”
Hover, K., 1 995, “Report on Air-Entrained Concrete ACI Journal Proceedings , V. 69, No. 8, Aug., pp. 505-51 2.
Tests,” American Concrete Pumping Association, Lewis U.S. Bureau o f Reclamation, 1 981 , Concrete Manual ,
Center, OH. eighth edition, U.S. Bureau o f Reclamation, Denver, CO,
Kosmatka, S. H., and Wilson, M. L., 2011 , Design and pp. 286-292.
Control o f Concrete Mixtures , Portland Cement Association, von Ekardstein, K. E., 1 983, Pumping Concrete and Concrete
Skokie, IL, 372 pp. Pumps: A Concrete Placing Manual, Schwing, 1 33 pp.

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ACI
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