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1. Debate participant who is eligible to participate in SEC Tournament’s debate
competition are those who are registered as junior, senior high school student, and varsity
students proven by student identity card which is required in the registration process.
2. The registration policy will be in first come first serve basis and each school and vartsity
can send up to 8 teams (the 6th until 8th team will be put on the waiting list).
3. Each teams will be compromised of two members. No participant is allowed to be a
member of more than 1 team. All members of the team must be enrolled in the same

1. All participants need to fill in the form provided on registration menu.
2. Debate competition will be conducted 21st October 2023.
3. Maximum caps of SEC Tournament’s debate competition is 40 teams.
4. Prepared motion will be launched later on October 16th, 2023 on our official website.
5. Prepared or impromptu motion will appear in any round randomly.
6. All participants should wear tidy clothes on the competition.
7. All participants are obliged to attend the technical meeting on 17th October, 2023
(3 p.m – on Tarutung street number 25. South Siantar)
8. One institution is allowed to send maximum of 8 teams (2 waiting list) for the competition.


1. Everyone is required to be present in the room before the round begins, a roll call will be
conducted by Committee.
2. Before the speech make sure to check if you’re audible and mention your POI preference.
3. Using camera during speech is optional.
4. If you are not speaking, please do quitely except if you want to offer POI.
5. Both Adjudicators and Debaters are encouraged to use their own timers.
6. Verbal adjudication will be done inside the breakout room.
7. After the round is finished, everyone must leave their breakout rooms
8. Debaters may ask for personal feedbacks to the adjudicators once the round is done, using
their preferred platforms.
9. Participants are permitted to use printed material during preparation (case building) and
during the debate but not during the speech. Printed material includes books, journals,
newspapers and other similar materials.
10. Browsing and searching materials are not allowed in case building session and during


1. The Tournament will adopt British Parliamentary System which is 4 on 4 debate (1 team-2
participants, using following regulations :
• Substantive Speech : 7 minutes ( 1 knock at 1st minute and 6th minute, twice at 7th)
• Reply Speech : 4 minutes ( 1 knock at 3rd minute, twice at 4th minute, and continuously
at 4.20)
• POI ( Point of Information ) will be given between 1st until 6th minute of the substantive
speech for 15 seconds long.
2. Debaters will deliver their speech in the following order:
• Prime Minister
• Opposition Leader
• Deputy Prime Minister
• Deputy Opposition Leader
• Government Whip
• Opposition Whip
• Member of Opposition
• Member of Government
3. The competition will be conducted in two phases:
1. Preliminary Rounds
In the Preliminary Rounds there will be four rounds of debate. These rounds will adopt
“ a power-matching system ” where team from the highest ranks competes against each
other. Only 16 teams with the highest victory point, score, and margin will proceed to
the eliminary round. It will be announced after the session ends.
2. Eliminary Rounds
The elimination rounds will adopt “break and slide pairing ” which means team from
the highest rank will be matched against team from the lowest rank. Example: Team 1
at the end of the 4th preliminary will meet team 16, team 2 will meet team 15, and so

4. Victory point, score, and margin will be accumulated by committee to determine which
team goes to the breaking announcement and standing position till the end of the

5. The adjudicators’ decisions are inviolable

6. These rules apply to all participants of this Debating competition. These rules may not be
supplanted or modified except by the Committee. All participants are obligated to obey the


1. Participants register to

2. Participants pay the registration fee, IDR 200,000 / team.
3. Participants must attach their personal identity (student card) at the registration form.
4. Participants can make the payment to Mandiri account : 107-00-1171715-6 ( Chandra
Turnip account) by including proof of payment via the confirmation link.
5. Participants will be confirmed by the committee of the competition via WhatsApp that the
participants have registered as a participant in the SEC Competition 2023

1. Winning team
1st Place: Cash + Certificate + Trophy
2nd Place: Cash + Certificate + Trophy
3rd Place: Cash + Ccertificate + Trophy
2. All participants get E-certificates

Contact Person:
WhatsApp: Chandra – 0823-6039-8882

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