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Table of Contents

Assignment 1: Where are you now?..........................................................................................5

Assignment 2: The Wheel of Life..............................................................................................6

Detailed Instructions..............................................................................................................9

Assignment 3: The Importance of your Thoughts...................................................................15

Assignment 4: What are your Life Goals?...............................................................................17

Assignment 5: The Power of a Positive Attitude.....................................................................23

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

Date issued: 2022-06-07 Version: 1 Page 2
Review date: 2023-06-01 Last reviewed
Assignment 1: Where are you now?

Duration: 30 minutes

1. Describe your current circumstances

I am a single mother and unemployed
I don’t have friends or a good relationship with my family
Im always sick with no money for medication

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

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Assignment 2: The Wheel of Life
Duration: 10 hours

If you are not aware of what is working in your life and what needs improvement, you will
never achieve your goals. Knowledge of yourself and your world as it is now will give the
awareness needed to start planning the action you will need to do to move from where you
are now to where you want to be. This is where the Wheel of Life comes in.

The Wheel of Life is a visual tool that shows the 8 categories needed for a balanced life.

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Fig 2.1: The Wheel of Life

The 8 categories of the Wheel of Life are:

1. Family and Friends. Alternatives include Community, Social.

2. Significant Other: Alternatives include Dating, Relationship, Girlfriend, Boyfriend.
3. Career: Alternative labels include Vocation, Work, Business, and Volunteering. You can
also include the skills you have for getting a job here.
4. Finances: Another label for finances could be money.
5. Health: Alternatives include Wellbeing and Fitness. This category could also split into
Emotional Health and Physical Health, and/or include Spiritual Health.
6. Home Environment: Other labels could be simply "home", "house" or "apartment". This
category could split into two for work and home environments.
7. Fun & Leisure: Some other ideas for this category label include Leisure Time, Sports,
Recreation, or Play.
8. Personal Growth: Alternatives include Learning, Self-Development or Spiritual.

Balance is important for every person. It is better to have more balance that some categories
on the Wheel of Life being 10 when other categories are a 4 or 5.

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Fig 2.2: Balanced and Unbalanced life

In the picture above, the rider on the left is clearly going to have a bumpier ride than the rider
on the right.

So, from a “balance” perspective, the rider on the right has a stronger life balance wheel,
even if their individual scores have decreased in a couple of areas.

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Wheel of Life Activity
Review the 8 wheel of life categories – think what a satisfying life might look
for you in each area
Next, draw a line across each segment that shows your satisfaction score for
each area
 Imagine the centre of the wheel is 0 and the outer edge is 10
 Choose the value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied)
 Now draw a line and write the score alongside (see example below)
 NB! – Use the FIRST number that pops into your head, not what you think you would
like it to be EXAMPLE
₇₇₇₇₇ 55


88 44

66 77

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

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Detailed Instructions
1. Using the Wheel of Life shown above, review the 8 categories on the Wheel of Life. The
categories should together create a view of a balanced life for you.
2. Think about what success or satisfaction would feel like for each area.
3. Rank the level of satisfaction with each area of your life by drawing a line across each
segment. Place a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied) against each
area to show how satisfied you are currently with each category in your life.
4. The new perimeter of the circle represents their Wheel of Life - Is it a bumpy ride?
5. Now, looking at the wheel here are some great questions you can use to take the exercise
 Are there any surprises for you?
 How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel?
 How do you currently spend time in these areas? How would you like to spend time in
these areas?
 What would make that a score of 10?
 What would a score of 10 look like?
 Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
 How could you make space for these changes in your life?
 What help and support might you need from others to make changes and be more
satisfied with your life?
 What change should you make first? And what change do you want to make first?
 If there is one key action you could take that would begin to bring everything into
balance, what would it be?
 Taking action - the final step. To wrap-up the exercise you need to identify one action for
each area, and then pick 1-3 actions to get started. Choose the 3 areas YOU most want to
work on and identify an action for each.
 TIP: What is the smallest step you could take to get started?

Use the space provided below to answer these questions.

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

Date issued: 2022-06-07 Version: 1 Page 8
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• Are there any surprises for you?
• How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel?
That I need to fix my life and be focused
• How do you currently spend time in these areas? How would you like to spend time
in these areas?
I am always in my room and I do not want to change it.
• What would make that a score of 10?
Nothing would
• What would a score of 10 look like?
I don’t know because ifail even at reaching a 9
• Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
Career and money
• How could you make space for these changes in your life?
By learning how to survive outside my room and learn to be around people.
• What help and support might you need from others to make changes and be more
satisfied with your life?
I don’t need help or support. I need to learn how to do these things on my own.
• What change should you make first? And what change do you want to make first?
Learn how to make friends and fix my relationship with my family
• If there is one key action you could take that would begin to bring everything into
balance, what would it be?
Enrolling into school
• Taking action - the final step. To wrap-up the exercise you need to identify one
action for each area, and then pick 1-3 actions to get started. Choose the 3 areas YOU most
want to work on and identify an action for each.
Friends and family- I need to make friends as i have o
Health-I need to start practicing a healthy lifestyle
Money- find ways to make extra income
• TIP: What is the smallest step you could take to get started?
Writing supplementary exam so I can qualify to enrol into school

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

Date issued: 2022-06-07 Version: 1 Page 9
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Friends and family- 8
Home environment-5
Fun and leisure-6
Personal growth-7
Significant other-5

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Assignment 3: The Importance of your
Duration: 30 Minutes

2. Explain how the power of your thoughts can help you achieve your goals
Clarity and Focus: When i have a clear and well-defined goal, my thoughts naturally align
with that objective. By consistently focusing your thoughts on what i want to achieve, I
will increase my awareness of opportunities and potential actions that can lead me closer to
my goal.

Motivation and Persistence: Positive thoughts boost my motivation and strengthen my

commitment to my goals. When i believe in the possibility of achieving my objectives, I
am more likely to persist in the face of obstacles and setbacks. my thoughts can act as a
constant source of encouragement and drive.

Visualization: Imagining myself successfully accomplishing my goals through

visualization is a powerful technique. Visualization can also reduce anxiety and build

Positive Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: If you believe you can achieve your goals, you are
more likely to take actions that align with that belief. These actions can lead to positive
outcomes, reinforcing your belief and encouraging you to continue working towards your
objectives. This cycle creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where your thoughts influence your
actions and, in turn, your actions bring about the desired results.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Positive thinking improve my problem-solving abilities.

When faced with challenges, a positive mindset allows me to approach difficulties with a
can-do attitude, seeking solutions rather than dwelling on the problems themselves.

Resilience and Adaptability: Having a positive mindset enables me to bounce back from
setbacks more effectively. Rather than viewing failures as definitive, i see them as

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

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opportunities for growth and learning. This adaptability allows me to adjust my strategies
and persevere in pursuit of my goals.

Boosted Confidence: Positive thoughts bolsters my self-confidence. Believing in my

abilities and worthiness of success can lead to a more assertive approach in seizing
opportunities and taking calculated risks that can accelerate my progress.

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Assignment 4: What are your Life Goals?
Duration: 5 hours

3. Take the time needed to become clear on the goals you want to achieve – do not be
limited by your current circumstances – What do you REALLY want to achieve in
your life??



Identify goals for the following categories:

 Significant other (Brother, sister, father, mother, girlfriend, boyfriend)
 Personal Growth
 Fun & Leisure
 Home Environment
 Career
 Money
 Health
 Friends and Family

Significant Other:

Build a deeper and more meaningful connection with my partner.

Improve communication and understanding in the relationship.
Plan and create special moments to nurture the bond.
Work together to support each other's personal goals and aspirations.
Personal Growth:

Cultivate a daily mindfulness or meditation practice to enhance self-awareness.

Read a set number of books or take courses to broaden knowledge and skills.

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

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Develop greater emotional intelligence and resilience.
Step out of comfort zones by taking on new challenges and experiences.
Fun & Leisure:

Pursue hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Travel to new destinations and experience different cultures.
Spend more time engaging in outdoor activities and nature.
Attend concerts, events, or shows that align with personal interests.
Home Environment:

Create a comfortable and organized living space that reflects personal style.
Make regular efforts to declutter and simplify possessions.
Set up a functional and inspiring workspace for productivity and creativity.
Cultivate a home environment that promotes relaxation and well-being.

Advance to a leadership position within my current field.

Acquire additional certifications or qualifications to boost career prospects.
Seek out challenging projects or assignments to foster professional growth.
Find a healthy work-life balance and prioritize well-being in the workplace.

Set up a budget and savings plan to achieve financial security.

Invest in opportunities for passive income and financial growth.
Pay off debts and manage finances responsibly.
Cultivate a mindset of abundance and financial freedom.

Adopt a consistent exercise routine that promotes physical fitness.

Follow a balanced and nutritious diet to support overall well-being.
Prioritize sufficient sleep and rest for optimal energy and vitality.
Practice mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques for mental health.
Friends and Family:

© Tshwane Institute of Technology: Employability Skills Programme Workbook – Module 2

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Spend quality time with loved ones and strengthen relationships.
Be a supportive and understanding friend or family member.
Attend social gatherings and events to nurture connections.
Express gratitude and appreciation for the people in my life.

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Assignment 5: The Power of a Positive
Duration: 30 minutes

4. Explain the importance of adopting a positive attitude in the pursuit of your life
Resilience in the Face of Challenges: A positive attitude equips you with the mental
strength to face challenges and setbacks with optimism and determination. Instead of being
discouraged by obstacles, you view them as opportunities for growth and learning. This
resilience helps you persevere and stay focused on your goals, even during difficult times.

Enhanced Motivation and Drive: When you maintain a positive attitude, you naturally feel
more motivated and driven to achieve your goals. Positive thoughts and emotions generate
enthusiasm, which fuels your desire to take action and make progress toward your

Improved Problem-Solving Skills: A positive mindset fosters creativity and open-

mindedness, enabling you to approach problems and obstacles with a solutions-oriented
approach. You're more likely to explore various options and think outside the box to find
innovative ways to overcome challenges.

Increased Confidence and Self-Belief: A positive attitude boosts your confidence in your
abilities and the belief that you can accomplish your goals. This self-assurance empowers
you to take on challenges that may have seemed daunting otherwise, as you trust in your
capacity to succeed.

Attracting Positive Outcomes: The law of attraction suggests that positive thoughts attract
positive outcomes. By maintaining a positive attitude, you exude a magnetic energy that
draws in opportunities and people aligned with your goals. This can lead to a more
supportive network and favorable circumstances.

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Better Relationships and Networking: Positive individuals tend to build stronger and more
meaningful relationships. When you approach interactions with optimism and kindness,
people are naturally drawn to your positive energy, making networking and collaboration
more effective in achieving your goals.

Improved Physical and Mental Well-being: A positive attitude has been linked to better
physical and mental health. When you manage stress and negative emotions effectively,
you can maintain focus, energy, and clarity, which are essential for pursuing and achieving
your goals.

Greater Adaptability and Flexibility: Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change
unexpectedly. A positive attitude enables you to adapt and be flexible in the face of
change, making it easier to adjust your strategies and plans as needed while staying
committed to your ultimate objectives.

Inspiration for Others: A positive attitude can be contagious and inspire those around you,
including friends, family, colleagues, and team members. By being a positive role model,
you can encourage others to pursue their goals and create a supportive environment for
collective success.

Increased Joy and Fulfillment: Ultimately, a positive attitude contributes to a more joyful
and fulfilling life. Enjoying the journey towards your goals, celebrating small wins, and
maintaining gratitude along the way can create a sense of contentment and happiness,
irrespective of the final outcomes.

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