Discuss The Existence and Importance of God

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Discuss the existence and importance of God.

While other think of some fictitious being created by people imagination, I do believe that
God exists. He is not the product of human intelligence or ingenuity. We live in a world
deprive of truth, are we not liars, are we not putting mask? The question indeed need to be
asked. Man’s heart is full of emptiness. We persuade success, money, heritage, achievements
and we make our own strength, in fact, we are trying feel something that only God could take
place. Like that, one old proverb says, you may be rich and indeed, you cannot buy health. In
fact, man is caught in this deep illusion of sufficiency when we are insufficient. We are deep
liars and manipulators, projecting a certain ideology and fairytale of life and instructing
generation with such paradox.
From destruction of nature to the noise of war, we still believe in humanity. The truth is that
our humanity has contribute nothing to make things change. Reality shocks the audiences but
unveil the most terrifying answers. We have been misled and diverted onto knowing God. If
we retrieve God’s laws for common sense in the law courts, instability will arise because man
does not know what is wrong or good. Therefore, we verging toward a precipice or even
God’s evidence is seen everywhere because he is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.
C.S. Lewis a British writer delivered a beautiful argument of desire. This argument explain
that when one thirsts, there is water to quench that thirst; when one hungers, there is food to
satisfy that hunger. He then said that the human longing for perfect justice, perfect peace,
perfect happiness, and other intangibles strongly imply their presence, even though they
appear unattainable on Earth. He went on to say that, the insatiable cravings of this life
clearly hint that we are meant for a different existence, one that must be guided by a God who
can offer the sought intangibles.
Even Albert Einstein asserting that Christianity is only a childish legend, do recognize that
God does exists and he has supreme dominion over the universe.
God Existence is inevitable you cannot talk creation without mentioning the creator of all
things. Can we even count the number of hairs on our head or the number of stars in the sky?
The truth is we are under a certain influences to convert us to thought same in every aspect
and that the mention God becomes alienated. Why controversy over controversy, debates
over debates? Man should simply have the assumption that everything surpass themself.
Christianity thoughts on God would be first a loving and righteous God. The Holy one who
implemented laws in heaven and earth. The sacrificial God who give his life to others, and
the direct the path of the pure heart. The one who resist the prideful and give grace to the
humble. He cannot be measured according to the human consciousness. He is the father to the
orphans. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the last. The only to door to heaven and
we are only prisoners of the body until we met him in the afterlife. His love endures forever
more, Jesus.

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