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Hasil Daya Diskriminasi

Aitem dan Uji
Reliabilitas Skala

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 306 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 306 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in

the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.925 25

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

VAR00001 4.3791 .75101 306

VAR00002 4.4150 .72945 306
VAR00003 4.3431 .82377 306
VAR00004 4.1471 .83839 306
VAR00005 4.2026 .86733 306
VAR00006 2.5261 1.03431 306
VAR00007 3.8007 1.01277 306
VAR00008 4.4575 .61657 306
VAR00009 4.2974 .82569 306
VAR00010 4.3856 .68352 306
VAR00011 3.3758 1.24107 306
VAR00012 4.2124 .74039 306
VAR00013 3.8595 1.02583 306
VAR00014 4.1667 .89900 306
VAR00015 4.3039 .77404 306
VAR00016 4.0327 .91557 306
VAR00017 4.0490 .89491 306
VAR00018 3.3170 1.17103 306
VAR00019 4.0131 .90163 306
VAR00020 3.9150 1.05860 306
VAR00021 3.8301 1.01652 306
VAR00022 3.8203 1.01967 306
VAR00023 3.7680 1.04415 306
VAR00024 4.6078 .67978 306
VAR00025 4.3758 .80933 306

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

VAR00001 96.2222 175.006 .470 .924

VAR00002 96.1863 173.890 .545 .923
VAR00003 96.2582 172.900 .523 .923
VAR00004 96.4542 171.245 .591 .922
VAR00005 96.3987 171.480 .558 .923
VAR00006 98.0752 189.014 -.182 .936
VAR00007 96.8007 167.013 .645 .921
VAR00008 96.1438 174.786 .598 .923
VAR00009 96.3039 171.648 .582 .922
VAR00010 96.2157 173.357 .616 .922
VAR00011 97.2255 163.487 .627 .922
VAR00012 96.3889 172.612 .604 .922
VAR00013 96.7418 164.697 .728 .919
VAR00014 96.4346 167.217 .726 .920
VAR00015 96.2974 170.767 .670 .921
VAR00016 96.5686 167.046 .720 .920
VAR00017 96.5523 166.674 .755 .919
VAR00018 97.2843 172.998 .342 .927
VAR00019 96.5882 165.902 .784 .919
VAR00020 96.6863 167.265 .604 .922
VAR00021 96.7712 164.964 .725 .920
VAR00022 96.7810 165.083 .717 .920
VAR00023 96.8333 171.720 .442 .925
VAR00024 95.9935 176.400 .446 .924
VAR00025 96.2255 176.523 .360 .925

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

100.6013 184.916 13.59838 25


Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 306 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 306 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.936 24

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

VAR01 4.3791 .75101 306

VAR02 4.4150 .72945 306
VAR03 4.3431 .82377 306
VAR04 4.1471 .83839 306
VAR05 4.2026 .86733 306
VAR06 3.8007 1.01277 306
VAR07 4.4575 .61657 306
VAR08 4.2974 .82569 306
VAR09 4.3856 .68352 306
VAR010 3.3758 1.24107 306
VAR011 4.2124 .74039 306
VAR012 3.8595 1.02583 306
VAR013 4.1667 .89900 306
VAR014 4.3039 .77404 306
VAR015 4.0327 .91557 306
VAR016 4.0490 .89491 306
VAR017 3.3170 1.17103 306
VAR018 4.0131 .90163 306
VAR019 3.9150 1.05860 306
VAR020 3.8301 1.01652 306
VAR021 3.8203 1.01967 306
VAR022 3.7680 1.04415 306
VAR023 4.6078 .67978 306
VAR024 4.3758 .80933 306
Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

VAR01 93.6961 178.960 .472 .934

VAR02 93.6601 177.871 .545 .934
VAR03 93.7320 176.761 .528 .934
VAR004 93.9281 175.057 .597 .933
VAR05 93.8725 175.213 .568 .933
VAR06 94.2745 170.724 .652 .932
VAR07 93.6176 178.729 .601 .933
VAR08 93.7778 175.557 .584 .933
VAR09 93.6895 177.218 .623 .933
VAR010 94.6993 167.181 .632 .933
VAR011 93.8627 176.466 .610 .933
VAR012 94.2157 168.543 .729 .931
VAR013 93.9085 171.178 .724 .931
VAR014 93.7712 174.623 .674 .932
VAR015 94.0425 171.051 .715 .931
VAR016 94.0261 170.609 .753 .931
VAR017 94.7582 176.728 .351 .938
VAR018 94.0621 169.790 .784 .930
VAR019 94.1601 171.197 .603 .933
VAR020 94.2451 168.861 .724 .931
VAR021 94.2549 168.971 .717 .931
VAR022 94.3072 175.741 .440 .936
VAR023 93.4673 180.466 .443 .935
VAR024 93.6993 180.368 .368 .936

Hasil Daya Diskriminasi

Aitem danUji Reliabilitas
Skala Forgiveness
Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 306 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 306 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.937 18

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

VAR00001 2.2712 1.14016 306

VAR00002 2.1928 1.07981 306
VAR00003 2.6765 1.25838 306
VAR00004 2.3758 1.22779 306
VAR00005 2.7418 1.33134 306
VAR00006 2.9281 1.33111 306
VAR00007 2.4935 1.21802 306
VAR00008 3.8072 1.18685 306
VAR00009 3.0033 1.37065 306
VAR00010 3.4444 1.28236 306
VAR00011 3.6144 1.27330 306
VAR00012 3.6405 1.30881 306
VAR00013 3.7680 1.04415 306
VAR00014 3.8987 1.08923 306
VAR00015 3.5229 1.07175 306
VAR00016 3.6601 1.09343 306
VAR00017 3.5392 1.06821 306
VAR00018 3.5588 1.12124 306
Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

VAR00001 54.8660 202.956 .650 .934

VAR00002 54.9444 203.810 .662 .934
VAR00003 54.4608 197.738 .736 .932
VAR00004 54.7614 200.182 .682 .933
VAR00005 54.3954 200.627 .609 .935
VAR00006 54.2092 198.684 .664 .934
VAR00007 54.6438 200.105 .690 .933
VAR00008 53.3301 202.602 .632 .934
VAR00009 54.1340 195.716 .724 .932
VAR00010 53.6928 198.450 .700 .933
VAR00011 53.5229 197.299 .740 .932
VAR00012 53.4967 197.752 .704 .933
VAR00013 53.3693 209.388 .493 .937
VAR00014 53.2386 206.582 .562 .936
VAR00015 53.6144 204.356 .649 .934
VAR00016 53.4771 204.473 .630 .934
VAR00017 53.5980 206.589 .575 .935
VAR00018 53.5784 204.605 .608 .935

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

57.1373 225.378 15.01259 18

Hasil Uji Asumsi
Normalitas & Linearitas

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Forgiveness .054 306 .032 .989 306 .025

Resiliensi .057 306 .018 .971 306 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Skala Forgiveness
Skala Resiliensi


Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.

Resiliensi * Between (Combined) 15468.000 68 227.471 1.317 .069

Forgiveness Groups
Linearity 3375.113 1 3375.113 19.543 .000

Deviation from
12092.888 67 180.491 1.045 .397

Within Groups 40931.359 237 172.706

Total 56399.359 305

Hasil Uji Hipotesis


Resiliensi Forgiveness

Resiliensi Pearson Correlation 1 .245**

Sig. (1-tailed) .000

N 306 306
Forgiveness Pearson Correlation .245** 1

Sig. (1-tailed) .000

N 306 306

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).

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