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Clean Cruise

Submitted to Dr Somudutta Banerjee
Clean Cruise is a startup company that has developed a small, efficient, portable home drone cleaner to help
customers clean tough-to-reach spots and their surroundings. Our product is a response to the growing demand
for efficient and easy-to-use cleaning solutions catering-savvy individuals. We are seeking funding to launch and
grow our startup to become a cleaning industry leader.

Clean Cruise - Innovative Home Drone Cleaner. Clean Hard-to-Reach Spots with Ease.

Our mission is to revolutionize and make cleaning accessible for everyone while reducing the environmental
impact of traditional cleaning methods.

Our vision is to become the leading provider of drone-based cleaning services, recognized for our commitment to
innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. We aim to transform how people think about cleaning by
offering safe, reliable, cost-effective solutions that exceed their expectations.

Clean Cruise is a state-of-the-art home cleaning solution that utilizes cutting-edge drone technology to provide
efficient and effective cleaning.

The technology behind Clean Cruise includes:

► Clean Cruise features a high-powered suction system that can easily pick up dirt, dust, and debris from any
► Clean Cruise is equipped with multiple sensors that allow it to detect obstacles and avoid collisions. This
ensures that the drone can navigate around furniture and other objects without causing damage.
► Clean Cruise uses advanced algorithms to navigate around the home and ensure efficient cleaning. The drone
can move in a variety of patterns, including straight lines and circular motions, to cover all areas of the room.
► Clean Cruise comes with a rechargeable battery that provides up to 30 minutes of continuous cleaning on a
single charge. The battery is easily replaceable and can be charged using a standard wall outlet.
► Clean Cruise can be controlled using a smartphone app that connects to the drone via Wi-Fi. This feature
allows users to start and stop cleaning, adjust settings, and view cleaning progress anywhere.
► Clean Cruise is equipped with a HEPA filter that captures allergens and other small particles. This makes it a
great choice for people with allergies or asthma.

Clean Cruise offers several unique and innovative features that set it apart from other home cleaning solutions on
the market. While traditional vacuum cleaners and cleaning tools are designed for flat surfaces and struggle to
reach hard-to-access areas, Clean Cruise is a drone-based cleaning solution that can easily navigate around
furniture and other obstacles, reaching high ceilings, corners, and under furniture with ease. Other cleaning
drones on the market may offer similar features, but Clean Cruise's obstacle avoidance sensors, advanced
navigation algorithms, and Wi-Fi connectivity make it a superior choice for efficient and effective cleaning.
Additionally, Clean Cruise's HEPA filter captures fine dust particles and allergens, making it a great choice for
people with respiratory issues. Overall, Clean Cruise's unique combination of drone technology, obstacle
avoidance, and advanced features make it a novel and highly effective home cleaning solution that sets it apart
from similar products on the market.

Cleaning drone growth and improvement are greatly aided by technology, which makes it possible for these
machines to operate more effectively and efficiently. The following are some justifications for why technology is
crucial to the creation of cleaning drones:
► Enhanced cleaning abilities: Cleaning drones can detect and identify dirt, trash, and other things more
precisely and clean more efficiently than ever before, thanks to sophisticated sensors, imaging, and
machine learning technology.

► Efficiency and productivity are boosted because cleaning drones can operate for longer periods of time
and carry out more difficult cleaning jobs because of improved power management, longer battery life,
and higher automation and autonomy.

► Improved safety: Cleaning drones can work more safely and lower the danger of mishaps or injuries during
cleaning operations with the help of more advanced communication and control systems.

► Cost savings: Cleaning drones may speed up and improve the efficiency of cleaning operations, reducing
the need for manual labour and allowing businesses and organisations to save a lot of money.

► Environmental advantages: Drone cleaning techniques that use less water and cleaning compounds than
conventional cleaning techniques positively influence the environment.

► Therefore, technology is essential to the growth and development of cleaning drones since it makes them
more effective and efficient while also enhancing safety, lowering costs, and limiting environmental

Clean Cruise's value proposition revolves around the provision of an innovative and time- and labour-saving house
cleaning solution. With its revolutionary drone technology, Clean Cruise is able to efficiently clean regions that are
typically difficult or impossible to access with conventional cleaning equipment. It is a superior option for efficient
and effective cleaning because of its obstacle avoidance sensors, smart navigation algorithms, and Wi-Fi
connectivity. In addition, the HEPA filter collects small dust particles and allergens, making Clean Cruise an
excellent option for anyone with respiratory concerns. Clean Cruise is a practical and convenient house cleaning
solution that provides consumers with significant time savings, superior cleaning performance, and enhanced air

Currently, there is no effective way to clean high ceilings and air vents without expensive equipment or hiring
professionals. Due to high ceilings that are difficult to reach, many commercial spaces and households struggle to
keep a clean environment. Convenience, minimal manual labour and low repeat cost. Hard-to-reach cleaning of
ac vents is made easy with drone ceiling cleaner. Providing more effective, safe and cost-effective cleaning

The proposed technology for Clean Cruise is a small, autonomous drone equipped with sophisticated sensors and
algorithms meant to efficiently and effectively clean hard-to-reach regions of homes and businesses. The drone
cleans surfaces with suction and HEPA filters, and its 360-degree cleaning coverage enables it to clean locations
that would be difficult or impossible to reach with conventional cleaning equipment. The drone is operated by a
mobile app or voice commands, and its sensors for avoiding obstacles ensure safe and effective cleaning.
Advanced algorithms allow the drone to optimise its cleaning course and avoid previously cleaned regions,
maximising its cleaning efficiency. The proposed technology for Clean Cruise promises to make cleaning quicker,
simpler, and more comprehensive while decreasing the need for physical labour and toxic chemicals.
► Drone dimensions: approximately 10 inches (25 cm) in diameter and 3 inches (7.5 cm) in height
► Weight: approximately 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg)
► Battery life: up to 30 minutes of continuous cleaning on a single charge
► Charging time: approximately 2 hours
► Navigation system: obstacle avoidance sensors, Wi-Fi connectivity, and advanced algorithms for efficient and
effective cleaning
► Cleaning method: suction with HEPA filter
► Cleaning coverage: 360-degree cleaning coverage, able to reach hard-to-access areas such as high ceilings
and under furniture
► Control: can be controlled with a mobile app or voice commands
► Noise level: less than 65 decibels, making it quiet enough to use while others are nearby
► Compatibility: works with both Android and iOS devices

Sensors that Clean Cruise could use:

► Optical Flow Sensor: This sensor helps the drone to maintain its position and altitude by analyzing the optical
flow of the surface below it.
► Ultrasound Sensor: This sensor is used to detect obstacles in the drone's path and to help the drone avoid
► Infrared Sensor: This sensor can detect objects within the drone's field of view, even in low-light conditions.
► Drop Detection Sensor: This sensor can detect sudden drops in altitude, such as when the drone is flying over
a staircase and can adjust its flight path accordingly.
► Gyroscope: This sensor helps the drone to maintain its orientation and stability in flight.
► Accelerometer: This sensor can detect changes in the drone's speed and direction of movement, and can
help the drone to navigate through complex environments.
► Magnetometer: This sensor can detect changes in the magnetic field, which can help the drone to maintain
its heading and direction of flight.

India is traveling and focusing more on cleaning. Using our product can be easy with minimum power consumption
and labor power. Our main objective lies in simplifying the cleaning process as simple as possible. Drones can
clean all the ty[pe of building walls where it is challenging to reach gutters; they can also clean that any human
cannot; a drone cleans nicely.

And also, these drones are taking a dangerous cleaning job to make cleaning buildings, walls, and windows are
safer for everyone; rather than requiring many people, you only need one drone and a person piloting the drone;
it not only safer, it takes less time to clean isn’t a lengthy process to move from one place to another place.

We are choosing this product because there will be high demand for this cleaning drone which is used for Cleaning
walls and ceiling fans in Educational institutions, Restaurants, Hospitals, Villas, Apartments, Function halls,
Resorts, Shopping malls, Theatres, Temples, warehouses and factories, etc. these are all required so many people
to come and clean it which is needed much time. It also consumes labor costs, more labor, etc.

Because in all these places people will be there all the time at different timings and sometimes sudden events
may also occur at that time its tough to clean everything within 1,2 days gap.
It would be easy to clean and maintain if they purchased our product. Because it is a cost-effective, modern
technology gadget, spending more money on laborers’ different events if they bought it once it will be used along
shelf life, easy to use and maintain, will save time.




► Now we can see how drone technology has wholly changed the window in the same way we are also
introducing cleaning drones of walls and ceiling fans by replacing traditional techniques.
► Drones are cost-effective, efficient, safe and secure, eco-friendly products. This solution will change how
walls and ceiling fans are cleaned. Using advanced technology future of its will be bright. Reaching all the
walls and ceiling fan parts to clean them properly is always challenging.
► Currently, there is no competition for this product because we only have drones for cleaning outside of the
walls. Still, we include cleaning walls and ceiling fans here, so it has much demand. Customers may think
buying our product is better because they only purchase other products for one purpose. Here, we provide
services in one product only, and it’s cost-effective.
► And also, our product matches the customer’s needs and wants which product satisfies them in cleaning
walls and ceiling fans because customers may think people will come and go to their shops, are, etc., so, it is
their responsibility to keep it clean and pleasant every time because it has presented about the reputation
of the company and atmosphere, attractiveness, etc.
► Many firms, restaurants, educational institutions, etc., are more interested in keeping their area clean and
their employees safe. So we came up with a cleaning drone idea, which is much faster and safer than
traditional cleaning methods; we all need a drone for this cleaning solution.


Selling a ceiling cleaner drone requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses several approaches. The sales
and distribution channels for ceiling cleaner drones include online marketplaces, direct sales, retail stores, trade
shows and exhibitions, distributors and wholesalers, and rental services. Employing multiple strategies can help
reach a wider audience and ensure the successful sale of the product.

Online Marketplaces

One of the most effective ways to sell a ceiling cleaner drone is through online marketplaces such as Amazon,
eBay, and Alibaba. These platforms have a vast customer base and can help reach a wider audience. They also
provide a convenient and secure platform for customers to purchase the product. Listing the ceiling cleaner drone
on these platforms can help attract a large number of potential customers.

However, there are also some challenges to consider when selling on online marketplaces. These platforms charge
fees for each sale, and the competition can be fierce. It is important to have a well-designed product page that
stands out from competitors and to have a competitive pricing strategy.

Direct Sales

Another strategy is to sell the ceiling cleaner drones directly to customers through a website or social media. This
approach can help build a loyal customer base and enable a direct relationship between the company and the
customers. Direct sales can also help to gather customer feedback, which can be used to improve the product and
marketing strategy.

To successfully sell through direct sales, it is important to have a well-designed website that is easy to navigate
and provides all the necessary information about the product. Social media can also be an effective platform to
promote the product and engage with customers. Offering promotions and discounts can help attract customers
and build a loyal customer base.

Retail Stores

Partnering with retail stores that specialize in cleaning products or technology gadgets can be an effective way to
distribute the drones. This strategy can also help reach a wider customer base. Retail stores provide a physical
location for customers to view and purchase the product. They also provide a sense of legitimacy and credibility
to the product.

To successfully partner with retail stores, it is important to have a strong brand identity and product packaging
that stands out on the shelves. Providing training and support to the sales staff can also help ensure that they are
knowledgeable about the product and can answer customer questions.

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Attending trade shows and exhibitions that target the cleaning industry can help showcase the drones to potential
customers and distributors. These events provide a platform to demonstrate the product and engage with
potential customers. They also provide an opportunity to network with distributors and retailers.

To successfully attend trade shows and exhibitions, it is important to have a well-designed booth that stands out
from competitors. Providing product demonstrations and offering promotional discounts can help attract
potential customers.

Distributors and Wholesalers

Partnering with distributors and wholesalers who have existing relationships with retail stores and other
distribution channels can help expand the reach of the drones. Distributors and wholesalers can help to reach a
wider customer base and can handle the logistics of distributing the product.
To successfully partner with distributors and wholesalers, it is important to have a strong relationship built on
trust and communication. Providing training and support to the sales staff can also help ensure that they are
knowledgeable about the product and can answer customer questions.

Rental Services

Offering rental services to customers who only need to use the drones occasionally can also be an effective
strategy. This approach can also help to generate additional revenue. Rental services can also provide an
opportunity to introduce the product to potential customers who may eventually purchase the product.

To successfully offer rental services, it is important to have a well-designed rental agreement and rental process.
Providing training and support to the customers can also help ensure that they are knowledgeable about the
product and can use it safely and effectively.

Targeted Advertising: Use targeted online ads to reach potential customers in high-ceilinged commercial and
residential spaces. Use keywords like "cleaning drones," "ceiling cleaners," and "air vent cleaners" to drive traffic
to the product website.

Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with cleaning and household social media influencers to promote the product
through sponsored posts, product reviews, and giveaways.

Create blog posts, videos, and social media content that highlight the benefits and features of the drone ceiling
cleaner, as well as how it can assist businesses and households in maintaining a cleaner environment.

Attend relevant trade shows and conferences to showcase the product and generate leads. Using promotional
materials such as brochures and flyers to educate potential customers about the product.

Create a referral programme that rewards current customers for referring new customers to the product. Provide
referrals with discounts, free products, or other incentives.

Customer Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials on the product website and social
media pages. Positive reviews can be used in marketing materials to increase credibility and trust with potential

Kathleen Misovic, CEO and self-described nerd claims humanitarian purpose for founding the drone technology

New techniques and tools, such as cleaning and disinfecting drones, have become popular due to the coronavirus
outbreak. According to Andrew Ashur, co-founder and CEO of Lucid Drone Technologies, the goal of developing
the company was not primarily to eradicate germs. It was worker safety instead.

"We observed workers attempting to clean multi-story properties while clinging to the sides of buildings using
lifts, ladders, and scaffolds. We set out to construct drones that could clean above ground and relocate workers
to the ground because we were horrified that no one had discovered a safer way to clean these structures by
utilising existing technology, said Ashur. "Our drones allow us to live in a future where no one has to suffer harm
or lose their life while cleaning tall structures," the company claims.

Ashur was always interested in construction, which was useful when he assisted in establishing Lucid Drone
Technologies in the fall of 2017. The business makes drones for cleaning and sanitising.
#1JMS Southeast

#2Sensory Analytics


#4 Rhino Tool House

#5 ATI Industrial Automation

#6 Interroll Company

#7 Air Power

#8 Solvere

#9 Kinequip

#10 Carolina Fluid Components


Built: 1971

Arlington, Virginia is the place.

This publicly traded American defense contractor was established more than 50 years ago and creates unmanned
aircraft, including drones and helicopters, which are utilized by more than 50 allies for espionage, surveillance,
and reconnaissance. Moreover, it manufactures ground control tablets designed to facilitate teamwork and
communication during missions.

Created in 2015

Location: California, San Francisco

Advanced lidar sensor technology is created by Ouster to enable efficient and intuitive operation of autonomous
vehicles, trucks, robotics, and drones. With each sensor leveraging specific wide-angle, mid-range, long-range, or
solid-state capabilities for a number of use-cases, the company's devices offer various distinctive laser


Created in 2014

Redwood City, California is the location.

Fast Company named Skydio as one of the most inventive startups for 2021. Skydio creates intelligent drones with
machine learning-based propulsion and autonomous flight capabilities. These drones can also fly manually at high
speeds while avoiding obstacles. The Skydio 2 was made for commercial use, while the Skydio X2 (equipped with
a 4k60 HDR camera) was created for superior video. They are both intended to serve certain functions.

Created in 2015

Seattle, Washington is the place.

WiBotic offers power solutions that are intended to cut downtime and streamline operations, improving the
operating efficiency of robotic devices of various kinds. Using transmitter coils that deliver high power and
efficiency while preserving flexibility and charge range, the company also makes wireless charging capabilities
available. Additionally, the business provides software for power optimization that enhances battery efficiency
across entire fleets.


Established in 2011; situated in San Francisco, California

In order to distribute essential medications to communities around the world, Zipline uses drone technology
designed to withstand adverse climates.
The business is focused on overcoming supply chain obstacles to provide a more effective delivery technique
based on autonomous flying. It uses drones that can go around the equator in as little as two and a half days and
deliver vital medicines to individuals who need them the most.


Created in 2014

Location: California, San Francisco

Drones can assist companies and organizations with their work, but they also pose a security risk. G7 nations,
Fortune 500 firms, international airports, and prison complexes rely on Dedrone to take unlicensed and
unwelcome drones off the property before they can cause harm. Dedrone delivers RF sensors, mitigation
technologies and machine-learning-enabled software to ensure drone countermeasures are efficiently executed.

USP of competitors

Heavy lift drone is made to clean building, wind turbind, 1000ft above the ground.

No human risk.

It performs same as human cleans.

The water supply is given by a hose i.e., attached to the ground.

It may be used in the firefighting operations.

This product is not launched in India but this technology used outside India and there are many competitors of
them whose names are mentioned above. We want to launch this technology in India with minimum problem.

Competitive Environment

Currently, no other products on the market provide an effective solution for cleaning high ceilings and air vents.

On the other hand, professional cleaning services or expensive equipment may pose a threat.

When compared to traditional cleaning methods, the drone ceiling cleaner is a unique and innovative solution
that saves time, money, and effort.

The product is simple to use, inexpensive, and capable of cleaning areas that are difficult or impossible to clean
using traditional methods.

About Us

The management team of Clean Cruise crew carries wide and multidisciplinary academic backgrounds with a
demonstrated record of performance in progressive product development, engineering, operations, and
management. Currently, they are pursuing their Master’s in Business Administration from the Department of
Management Studies, NALSAR University of Law, Shameerpet, Telangana.

Thatikonda Sarayu

Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO

Thatikonda Sarayu holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from

Kakatiya University, Warangal. She has worked on study reports related to Market
Analysis and Organizational Behaviour (Team dynamics)

She believes in: “Let passion lead your work and the rest will become history.”
K. Yasho Nandini Sharma

VP Marketing

K. Yasho Nandini Sharma has completed her bachelor’s in Commerce (Integrated

Professional Program) from St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad. She has
worked on projects related to ‘Building an Innovative Product’ and research study
based on green consumerism

She believes in: “Never stop exploring your limits”

Sankranth Kavi


Sankranth Kavi holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics and

communication engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
He is an awardee of the inter-collegiate championship – The Exhibit
Program from the Department of ECE, PSG Tech. With his extensive
academic rigor, he has gained internship experiences from esteemed
organizations such as NRSC, ISRO, DRDO and BSNL in the past.

He believes in: "A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as
simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulders to
let him know the world hasn't ended." - Batman

Shivam Tarange

VP Sales and Distribution

Shivam Tarange graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Computer

Applications from Little Flower Degree College, Hyderabad. He has worked on
scholastic tasks based on ‘Competitive Analysis’ and ‘Market Analysis of Innovative

He believes in: “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them

Raj Lakshmi Thakur

GM Marketing

Raj Lakshmi Thakur has completed her Bachelor’s in Business Administration

(General) from Asian School of Business, Chaudhary Charan Singh University in Noida.
She is certified in Digital Marketing. Recently, she also attended the Pre-Eureka
Business Model Workshop and gained experience in building a business plan from

She believes in: “Progress does not demand perfection, only Persistence.”

Jakka Jyothi

Market Research Specialist

Jakka Jyothi holds a BBA in Logistics, Retail and E-commerce from The Indian
Maritime University, Chennai. She has gained working experience as a Custom
House Agent at NTC logistics Pvt. Ltd. During her tenure of internship, she acquired
working knowledge about documentation and import/export process.

She believes in: “Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.”
Shreshta Moitra

Head of HR

Shreshta Moitra completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Journalism

and English literature from Loyola Academy, Hyderabad. She has previously
interned in a learning company as a Camp Manager. She has recently worked
on a research paper based on ‘Effectiveness of Online Recruitment Platforms’.

She believes in: “Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will
fall behind you."

Hrishita Naddipalli


Hrishitha Naddipalli is a dynamic graduate with a background in business

administration from Villa Marie Degree College, Hyderabad. She is also a
certified professional in digital marketing and data science from Villa
Marie Degree College. As an operations enthusiast, she has worked
extensively in projects related to supply chain management.

She believes in : “Face your fears.”

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