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Assessment Learning 2 MRS.


Sentence Completion
Panfilo John S. Go
Assessment Learning 2

At the end of this lesson, the student can:
a. Distinguish among the types of sentence completion;

b. Integrate the different strategies of sentence completion; and

c. Illustrate sentence completion with an example.

Assessment Learning 2

What is a sentence completion?

The sentence completion method asks responders to finish

sentences that have been left unfinished. These statements are
typically written in the third person and have a propensity for
ambiguity. Sentence completion tests are easier to interpret since
the answers provided will be more detailed.
Assessment Learning 2

What is a sentence completion?

Sentence completion is known as “Fill in the blanks”. It could be

single blank or double blank. It might have to fill it with a word, a
phrase or a sentence depending to the type of question. Always
check whether you are capable of fitting the right word in the right
blank. It checks you “English” and “Logic”.
Assessment Learning 2

What is a sentence completion?

Some sentence completion test have been constructed with

standard set of items for use in general personality, attitude
assessment, achievement motivation and measurement of other
construct. Example: Moral attitude
Assessment Learning 2

What is a sentence completion?

It is used to assess psychological characteristics. Construct

formal measures of intelligence. It could contribute to assessing
personality characteristics as well as intellectual functioning
originated with some observations. (Carl Jung, 1916)
Assessment Learning 2

1. I learned ______________________________________________

2. I think the Science subject is ____________________________

Assessment Learning 2

The advantage of using the incomplete sentence format is that it
captures whatever what comes to mind from each student.

However, there are disadvantage too for this. one of this
student they faking their response thinking that the teacher will
notice their penmanship, hence students will tend to favorable to
liked response of the teacher, another is scoring, which takes more
time and is more subjective than the other traditional objective

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