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CLIMALULUU ae Pyranometer measures global solar radiation — that is, the short-wave radiation received on a horizontal surface from sun and sky (Fig. 2.2.3). Use of a masking device to screen out the sun’s direct beam allows measurement of the diffuse component of solar radiation. (Previously called a pyrheliometer.) Pyrheliometer measures only the direct beam component of the solar radiation, ie., the solar radiation received on a horizontal surface. Pyrradiometer measures the total short-wave and long-wave radiation incident on a horizontal plane. Net pyrradiometer or net radiometer measures total (short-wave and long-wave) net radiative flux through a horizontal plane. Pyrgeometer measures the long-wave atmospheric radiation on a horizontal upward-facing black surface at ambient air temperature. In addition to these five general terms, trade names are often attached to specific instruments. To ensure the reliability and compatibility of radiation measurements on an international and national scale, the WMO has established a system of world, re- gional, and national centers that provide facilities, maintain equipment, and conduct comparisons. The primary North American center is located at the NOAA Environ- mental Research Laboratories Solar Facility, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colo., 80303. FIGURE 2.2.3 A pyranometer for measuring solar radiation. This instrument is screened from the sun's direct beam by a shade ring in order to measure diffuse radiation. Without the ring, the instrument measures total solar radiation received on a horizontal surface. (Photograph provided by U.S. National Weather Service.)

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