Artikel Baitul Izzah

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Efforts to Develop the Characteristics of Nationalism

Learners in IT Baitul Izzah Elementary School

Riza Miranda , Devita Rahma Sari , Liza Suryani , Tasya Nur Medina ,
Andre Bramandhyta , Neysa Putri Nabila , Atika Susanti

Elementary School Teacher Education, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia


Abstract: Education on the Character Value of Nationalism of Students at Elementary Shcool IT Baitul Izzah, Bengkulu
City. This study aims to describe efforts to develop the character of nationalism in students process at IT Baitul Izzah
Elementary School, Bengkulu City. The research method used is qualitative. Data collection techniques are carried out
through observation, interviews and documentation. Efforts to develop the character of nationalism in students are carried
out through habituation activities in the school environment by approaching routine activities, spontaneous activities and
programmatic activities. The role of teachers in developing the character of nationalism in students is carried out based on
the role of educators, supervisors, mentors, and models or role model. The subjects of the research conducted at IT Baitul
Izzah Elementary School Bengkulu City were 5 grade teachers, principals, and 5th grade students. The development of the
character of nationalism in learners is developed in eight values: love of the motherland, responsibility, discipline,
patriotism, courtesy, and tolerance by respecting cultural, racial and tribal diversity. The habituation activities carried out
at IT Baitul Izzah Elementary School are very relevant to the achievement of students' nationalism values and attitudes
because in habituation activities it can develop the nationalistic character of students.

Keywords: Education, Character, Nasionalism

PRELIMINARY all subjects contained in the curriculum.
Indonesia is a country that is rich in and character building are integrated and
diversity, including a diversity of applied in everyday life so that students
ethnicities, religions, cultures, and gain experience. Therefore, character
different regional languages. Diversity becomes a mandatory requirement to be
brings both positive and negative taught to students. and character is one of
influences on Indonesian society. The the effective steps to prevent the erosion of
positive influence of the diversity of the values of nationalism (Wibowo, 2015)
Indonesian society is the creation of
Nationalism is very important for
interactions in society that are dynamic,
students, especially in elementary schools
rich in culture, rich in creativity and
to protect students from the bad effects of
innovation because there is diversity in
globalization. Globalization brings positive
thinking and being creative. The negative
and negative influences for the Indonesian
effect is that several cases often occur in
nation. This globalization can damage the
Indonesian society, including cases of
value of nationalism. One clear example is
group fanaticism, ethnocentrism,
that the Indonesian people are more proud
primordialism, ethnicism, collusion,
of using foreign products than domestic
nepotism, as well as problems between
products (Marhayani & Indraswati, 2020).
ethnic groups, religions, groups and races.
Observing this, nationalism needs to be
Therefore, character education and the
developed in elementary school students
value of nationalism and the commitment
who are integrated through habituation of
to Unity in Diversity need to be instilled
learning activities to minimize the negative
(Winataputra, 2008).
effects of globalization itself. Simple
Character education is a system for
examples of applying the values and
developing students' character values
attitudes of nationalism in elementary
which consists of components: awareness,
schools include students taking part in the
understanding, concern, and high
flag ceremony, students' understanding
commitment both to God Almighty God,
when honoring the red and white flag,
oneself, fellow creatures of God, the
In carrying out nationalism the
environment, and society and the nation,
teacher plays an important role in
so that they become whole human being in
developing an attitude of nationalism in
accordance with his nature (Mulyasa,
students. Soedijarto (2008: 177) said that
2013: 7). According to Mulyasa (2013: 8)
in the learning process, the teacher plays a
character education can be integrated into
role as a determinant of the quality of the describing what is presented with words in
process and learning outcomes. In the understanding human problems, making
learning process the teachers act as reports regarding the views outlined
facilitators, conductors, and motivators obtained from sources of information, and
who can supervise and guide students to carried out in a setting (2009: 25). settings)
become more active, reactive, and are natural. Helaluddin (2019: 30) said that
exploratory individuals. qualitative research is a research study that
Researchers have made analyzes events in settings in a natural
observations at the IT Baitul Izzah context, so that the events observed cannot
Elementary School, Bengkulu City. Based be manipulated. The approach used in this
on the results of observations and research is a case study. One of the
interviews conducted, it can be concluded characteristics of qualitative case study
that IT Baitul Izzah Elementary School research is that there are limitations in
Bengkulu City has carried out efforts to terms of the number of people to be
develop the character of nationalism in interviewed or limited time to make
students. The efforts made at this observations or also limited places to carry
elementary school are maximal in out a research (Merriam, 1998). The
developing the values and attitudes of research subjects conducted at IT Baitul
nationalism in students by integrating Izzah Elementary School Bengkulu City
nationalism values, especially through were 5 grade teachers, school principals,
habituation activities. Therefore,
and 5 grade students. According to the
researchers are interested in conducting
type of research specified, qualitative data
research on nationalism in the school. This
were obtained through several data
study focuses on the processes and
collection techniques such as observation,
attitudes of student nationalism, the role of
interviews and documentation studies.
the teacher, as well as the driving and
Data collection technique:
inhibiting factors in the implementation of
1. Observation
student nationalism.
Observation is carried out by
making direct observations of the research
The research method used in this
object to be studied. According to Sutrisno
study is a qualitative research method.
Hadi (Sugiyono, 2014: 145) observation is
According to Creswell (2009: 25)
an act of direct observation of ongoing
qualitative research is a research process
activities in an environment that observes
with the aim of thoroughly and complexly
all activities centered on an object study including data reduction, data presentation,
using sensing devices. and drawing conclusions. This data
2. Interview collection was carried out in three stages:
The next technique is the interview. first, recording all field data obtained
The researcher conducted a direct question through observation, interviews and
and answer with the principal of IT Baitul document study; second, re-checking the
Izzah Elementary School Siti Rhodiyah. data that has been obtained and classifying
Interview according to Sugiyono (2015: the data based on categories; third,
72) interview is a meeting between two or concluding the data that has been
more people to interact and exchange categorized according to the research
information by way of question and objectives, and conducting a final analysis
answer, so that it can be accumulated into of the research results.
a conclusion or meaning in a particular RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
topic. The stages carried out in the a. Efforts to Develop Student
interview process include the introduction Nationalism Character
stage, the interview stage and the The results of the study show that
conclusion stage. The focus of this the habituation activities carried out at IT
research interview is (a) the process and Baitul Izzah Elementary School are very
attitudes of students' nationalism; (b) the relevant to the achievements and attitudes
teacher's role in nationalism; and (c) of students' nationalism because these
driving and inhibiting factors in the habituation activities can instill and
implementation of student nationalism. develop the character of nationalism in
3. Document study students. According to (Erviana, 2021)
This documentation is done to habituation carried out in schools is an
obtain information related to the research opportunity to be able to integrate the
topic by exploring the documents to be character of nationalism. Routine activities
examined (Ahmed, 2010). The and spontaneous activities in schools are
documentation examined in this study is also an effort to instill peace-loving
the document on the implementation of character education and nationalism. This
student nationalism activities that have habituation activity is carried out through
been implemented. several approaches that support the attitude
4. Data analysis and nationalism of students. The
Researchers collected data using approaches taken include routine activities,
the Miles & Huberman (1994) model
spontaneous activities, and programmed respect heroes and it is hoped that students
activities. will be motivated to become heroes.
Routine activities are carried out profession, custom and others. Before
such as the flag ceremony which is held students determine the costumes to be
every Monday. The attitude of nationalism worn, students will first find out the role
can be applied in carrying out flag and history of the hero they will choose.
ceremonies such as accustoming students That way, students can recognize and
to be orderly and disciplined, familiarizing respect heroes and it is hoped that students
students with neat appearance and wearing will be motivated to become heroes.
complete clothing attributes, increasing profession, custom and others. Before
their ability to lead, and instilling a sense students determine the costumes to be
of responsibility when they become worn, students will first find out the role
ceremonial officers. So that with routine and history of the hero they will choose.
activities carried out in schools, it can That way, students can recognize and
strengthen the national spirit, love for the respect heroes and it is hoped that students
motherland, patriotism, and strengthen the will be motivated to become heroes.
role of students in the life of the nation and
state. Routine activities carried out are
manifested as a form of faith and devotion
to God Almighty, maintaining personal
and environmental hygiene and health,
being responsible for school assignments,
build confidence and exercise courage.
Routine activities at IT Baitul Izzah Figure 1.1 Documentation of Students
Elementary School are not only the flag Using Hero Costumes to Commemorate
ceremony on Mondays but also activities the Indonesian National Heroes
on national holidays. To commemorate In addition to the routine Monday
Heroes' Day, IT Baitul Izzah Elementary flag ceremony and national holiday
School held an event using hero costumes, activities, other routine activities in IT
professions, customs and others. Before Baitul Izzah Elementary School are
students determine the costumes to be morning exercises, community service,
worn, students will first find out the role daily picket schedules, and activities
and history of the hero they will choose. before the teaching and learning process
That way, students can recognize and
such as Dhuha prayers, prayers before tahfidz. The values of nationalism that are
studying and singing songs. national. instilled through habituation in schools are
Habituation in spontaneous very effective in the development of
activities is carried out spontaneously. strengthening student character education.
Spontaneity is the manifestation of a habit Because with the habituation that has been
that has been formed. Spontaneous formed students will immediately apply it
activities, for example students greet to everyday life.
teachers and friends or vice versa when b. The role of the teacher in nationalism
they pass by, throw garbage in the trash, One indicator of the success of
pick up trash, bow when passing in front developing students' nationalism values is
of other people and always say sorry and the teacher's understanding of nationalism
thank you according to the conditions. values. Nationalism is an understanding
Students are taught to respect and love that maintains and upholds the sovereignty
each other. This attitude can be seen when of a country, the attitude of nationalism
students enter school, students greet and gives rise to a spirit of having and
kiss hands when meeting with the teacher. maintaining the identity of a country and
In addition, students are accustomed to (Mitha, 2014). According to school
lining up in an orderly manner. When principal Siti Rodhiyah the value of
preparing to take ablution water, students nationalism is a value that is centered on
spontaneously stand in line. the values contained in Pancasila.
IT Baitul Izzah Elementary Elementary school teachers have a very
School's programmed activities are very important role in fostering students'
supportive in instilling nationalist values in nationalism. The following is the role of
students. This can be seen from the various elementary school teachers in nationalism:
activities carried out such as voluntary 1. Teachers as educators
work, visits to museums, recitations, The teacher as an educator
competitions, outbound and national develops the attitude and character
holiday activities such as the Youth Pledge of nationalism to students through
Day, Kartini's Day, Heroes' Day, August learning in class by providing
17th Independence Day, and so on. . The material on the concept of
extracurricular activities at IT Baitul Izzah nationalism. This material is given
Elementary School include dance, dol to participants so that students have
musical instruments, karate, computer knowledge about the attitude of the
programming (coding), English, and homeland. The strategy used in
fostering the attitude and character the teacher is also responsible for
of nationalism is an integration advising, supervising and guiding
strategy through subjects and students to be orderly, study
extracurriculars. The teachers of IT seriously, love domestic products,
Baitul Izzah Elementary School and love culture and maintain local
have taught the attitudes and wisdom.
behavior of loving the motherland 3. The teacher as a model or role
to students by associating the value model
of nationalism in learning The IT Baitul Izzah
activities. For example by doing Elementary School teacher tries to
group discussion activities. The set a good example for his students.
purpose of carrying out this Exemplary is manifested by
discussion activity is so that providing examples of good
students can exchange opinions habituation learning, so that
about the attitudes and character of teachers become role models for
nationalism. their students. The example of
2. Teachers as supervisors and educators has a major contribution
mentors in the development of students'
The teacher supervises the nationalism. The teacher sets an
behavior and observes the character example by respecting the services
of students so that it is easy to give of heroes. The teachers of IT Baitul
directions to foster an attitude of Izzah Elementary School always
nationalism in students. The set good examples, for example,
teacher teaches with an approach to arriving on time, smiling, friendly,
students with great affection. For caring and so on.
example, the teacher reminds c. Factors driving and inhibiting the
students to pray diligently but implementation of nationalism
without coercion or Based on the results of research
doctrinalization. The teacher asks conducted by researchers in the field, there
students why they don't pray and are supporting and inhibiting factors in the
gives directions to students about implementation of nationalism education
the benefits and importance of at IT Baitul Izzah Elementary School,
prayer. So that way, students pray Bengkulu City. The supporting factor in
of their own volition. In addition, the implementation of nationalism
education is that this school has adequate environment that does not provide good
facilities and infrastructure. This school examples is the inhibiting factor in
has a total of 12 study rooms, 1 library and instilling nationalist values in students.
1 laboratory. This school also has a dol CONCLUSION
musical instrument that supports The character of nationalism is
nationalism in maintaining local wisdom. very important to be taught to students,
In addition, Baitul Izzah IT Elementary especially in elementary schools to protect
School teachers totaled 26 people and 7 students from the bad effects of
education staff. Teachers are required to globalization. The habituation activities
attend teacher professional training and carried out at IT Baitul Izzah Elementary
trainings organized by the Ministry of School are very relevant to the
Education and Culture. achievements and attitudes of students'
The inhibiting factor in the nationalism because these habituation
implementation of nationalism is the activities can develop the character of
environment. The environment is a place nationalism in students. This habituation
for humans to carry out their daily activity is carried out through an approach.
activities, so that the environment can The approaches taken include routine
contribute greatly in giving positive and activities, spontaneous activities, and
negative influences. The inhibiting factor programmed activities. The role of the
in the implementation of nationalism teacher in developing the character of
education comes from the environment. nationalism in students is carried out based
We live in a diverse society, and of course on their roles as educators, supervisors,
there are negative influences from the mentors, and models or role models.
environment. The surrounding community

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