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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering










MAY 2023

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


A. Name of the Business

The name “Juan” is one the most common and popular Filipino names among the
people in the Philippines. The name “Juan” replaced the letter W,O, and N in the word
Wonderland. Inspired by the word “Wonderland”, this means that the establishment
would be a place for excitement and admiration that people would enjoy. JuanderLand
Cuisine would provide good and authentic quality Filipino foods, meals, and beverages
while enjoying it with their families, friends, and other people they like to hang out or eat

B. Location of the Business

The proposed business location is to be built in National Road, Brgy. Balagtas,

Batangas City. Juander Land Cuisine will range in size from 50 – 70 meter square and
will seat from 15 – 25 guests, since it is located near a particular Cemetery and
University in Batangas where it is easily seen by the students and people visiting the
graves of their loved ones and also to accommodate customers who desire to experience
the delicious Filipino foods and cuisine. The place is an excellent choice as it is located
next to the Libro Express and it can be found near in front of the Eternal Garden
Memorial Park.

Figure 1. Vicinity Map

Figure 2. Floor Plan

Figure 2. Floor Plan

Figure 3. Outside View 1

Figure 4. Outside View (Alfresco)

Figure 5. Receiving Area

Figure 6. Kitchen Area

Figure 7. Dining Area Daytime View

Figure 8. Dining Area Nighttime View

C. Descriptive Definition of the Project
Filipino cuisine is gaining popularity worldwide because of its distinct tastes and
textures, which provide a unique and delicious dining experience. Juanderland Cuisine
offers a wide range of options, including meat, seafood, vegetables, pancit dishes, and
even Kapeng Barako which is proudly owned by Batangas that cater to various
preferences. The restaurant is an ideal spot for individuals who want to sample Filipino
flavors or indulge in dishes they missed. Additionally, the restaurant's home-cooked
meals provide a convenient alternative for those looking for comfort food while on the
go. Juanderland Cuisine will be known for its emphasis on fresh ingredients and the love
put into cooking, even if it is purchased from external sources. This results in meals that
are both appetizing and healthful, available at a reasonable price point. This dining place
exudes a pleasant atmosphere and is known for its adaptability. Operating for nine hours
every day of the week, it caters to various eating preferences, be it an individual, a family,
or a group of friends. Outdoor seating is available to provide additional space for more
customers without compromising their comfort. Moreover, it allows customers to spread
out and avoid feeling cramped inside the restaurant. At Juanderland Cuisine, we are
dedicated to providing our customers with happiness by offering them high-quality and
delicious meals, as well as an exceptional dining experience, while also striving towards
the betterment of our employees, community, and the environment.
D. Project Time Table and Status

TABLE 1. Gantt’s Chart of Activities

Table 1 shows the time of activities of JuanderLand Cuisine. The processes before
the start of operation are estimated to take 15 months to be completed. Planning of the
project would take a month starting in April. The research study would take 2 months to
be completed from May to June. Making and setting rules, policies, and regulations
would approximately take 2 months from July to August. Applying for permits and
licenses are estimated to be about 3 months from August to October. Purchasing the
needed materials for the interior would take about 2 months from October to November
before arranging and setting up the interior of the rented place that may take about 3
months to complete from December to February. Hiring the right employees and staff
would take about 3 months from February to April so that they could start training from
May to June. After all is set and done, JuanderLand Cuisine is ready to start and begin
operations to serve customers in July 2024.
E. Market Study
JuanderLand Cuisine’s target consumers are individuals who are residing in
Batangas City. The cuisine provides an authentic Filipino taste that aims to satisfy the
appetite of citizens of Batangas City regardless of age and gender. JuanderLand Cuisine’s
intends to create an atmosphere that enkindles the Filipino spirit through offering a
variety of Filipino foods and beverages, also to serve as a place like home for families
and friends where they will dine and make precious memories.

A. Survey Results

Chart 1. Respondent’s Age

Chart 1 shows the age of respondents in a 10 year range. Among 100 respondents,
73 respondents are in the 18-27 age group, 14 belongs in the 28-37 age group, 6 belongs
in the 38-47 age group, 4 belongs in the 48-57 age group, and 3 respondents are in the 57
and above age category.

Chart 2. Respondent’s Gender Identity

Chart 2 presents the gender identity of the respondents. 45 respondents identify
themselves as male while 51 respondents identify themselves as female. 4% of the
respondents are part of LGBTQIA+ Community.
Frequency Percentage(%)

Civil Status

Single 85 85.00

Married 12 12.00

Widowed 1 1.00

Separated 2 2.00

Employment Status

Full-time Student 58 58.00

Working Student 10 10.00

Employed 28 28.00

Unemployed 4 4.00

Table 2. Respondent’s Civil and Employment Status

Table 2 shows the respondent's civil and employment status. Among 100
respondents, 85% are single, 12% are married, 1% are widowed, 2% are separated. In
contrast, 58% are full-time students, 28% are employed, 10% are working students, and
4% are unemployed.

Graph 1. Respondent’s Preferred Time eating in a Filipino restaurant

Graph 1 shows the respondent’s preferred time eating in a Filipino restaurant
(respondents can select multiple choices). 26 respondents preferred to eat in the morning,
78 respondents preferred to eat in lunch time, 23 respondents preferred to eat in merienda
time, and 33 respondents preferred to eat in the evening.

Chart 3. Respondent’s Frequency of eating in a Filipino restaurant

Chart 3 presents how often respondents eat in a Filipino restaurant. Among 100
respondents, 53% sometimes eat in a Filipino restaurant, 29% often eat, 9% always eat
and 8% rarely eat while 1% have never eaten in a Filipino restaurant.

Chart 4. Respondent’s Frequent companion in eating in a Filipino restaurant

Chart 4 presents who are the respondent’s companions whenever they eat in a
Filipino restaurant. Among 100 respondents, 67% eat with their family, 20% eat with
their friends, 6% eat with other acquaintances, 4% eat alone, and 3% eat with their
classmates in a Filipino restaurant.
Frequency Percentage(%)

Pork dishes

Crispy Pata 63 64.30

Lechon Kawali 58 59.20

Inihaw na Liempo 55 56.10

Sinigang 47 48.00

Chicken dishes

Chicken BBQ 63 63.00

Crispy Chicken 68 68.00

Beef dishes

Caldereta 56 60.20

Bulalo 60 64.50


Chopsuey 69 71.90

Pinakbet 42 43.80

Laing 31 32.30


Bihon 45 45.50

Miki 34 34.30

Canton 42 42.4

Palabok 48 48.5

Lomi 43 43.4

Table 3. Respondent’s Preferred Filipino Menu/Dishes

Table 3 shows the preferred Filipino menu/dishes of respondents (they can select
multiple choices and are also not required to check any dishes). In the pork category, 63
respondents liked crispy pata, 58 liked lechon kawali, 55 liked inihaw na liempo, 47 liked
sinigang na baboy. In the chicken category, 63 respondents wanted to eat chicken bbq
while 68 liked to eat crispy chicken. In the beef category, 56 respondents liked beef
caldereta, and 60 respondents liked bulalo. In the vegetable category, 69 respondents
liked chopsuey, 31 liked laing and 42 respondents liked pinakbet. Lastly in the pancit
category, bihon got 45 respondents, miki got 34, canton got 42, palabok had 48, and lomi
got 43 respondents.

Frequency Percentage(%)


Pineapple Juice 52 53.60

Cucumber Iced Tea 44 45.40

Lemon Iced Tea 51 52.60


Kapeng Barako 31 32.60

Iced Coffee 62 65.30

Hot Coffee with Cream 38 40.00

Table 4. Respondent’s Preferred Beverages

Table 4 shows the preferred beverages of respondents (they can select multiple
choices and are also not required to check any dishes). In the category of tea/juice, 52
respondents liked pineapple juice, 44 liked cucumber iced tea, and 51 liked lemon iced
tea. In the coffee category, 62 respondents said they want to drink iced coffee, 31
respondents want to drink kapeng barako, and 38 respondents want to drink hot coffee
with cream.
Chart 5. Respondent’s Willing Expenditure in a Filipino restaurant

Chart 5 presents the respondent’s willing expenditure in a Filipino restaurant.

Among 100 respondents, 39% would spend above P100 but less than P200, 31% would
spend above P200 but less than P300, 14% would spend above P500, 10 % would spend
above P300 but less than P400, and 6% would spend above P400 but less than P500.
B. Willingness Percentage

Frequency Percentage(%)


Willing 97 97.00

Not willing 3 3.00

Table 5. Percentage of Respondents’ Willingness to avail the service

Table 5 contains the number of respondents who are willing and not willing to eat
at the cuisine if it is to be established. The survey was answered by 100 individuals and it
concluded that 97% of the respondents are willing to avail the service. On the contrary,
3% of the respondents are not willing to avail the service. It can be assumed that
Juanderland Cuisine located at Balagtas, Batangas City will receive a high demand.

C. Historical Demand

Historical Demand for Filipino restaurant

% That have
eaten at a Demand for
Filipino Population in Filipino
Year Restaurant Batangas City Restaurant
2013 99.00% 214,555 212,409
2014 99.00% 221,077 218,866
2015 99.00% 226,516 224,251
2016 99.00% 222,728 220,501
2017 99.00% 227,371 225,097
2018 99.00% 232,201 229,879
2020 99.00% 248,196 245,714
2021 99.00% 268,863 266,174
2022 99.00% 275,045 272,295

Table 6. Historical Demand for a Filipino Restaurant

Graph 2. Historical Demand for a Filipino restaurant

Table 6 and Graph 2 composes the historical demand for a Filipino Restaurant.
Based on the percentage of respondents that have been to a Filipino restaurant, 99% is the
value that is multiplied to the number of population in Batangas City per year in order to
attain the historical demand. As stated from the table, demand for Filipino restaurants
increased every year that started from 321,750 to 369,270 from the year 2013 to 2022.
The continuous increase of population concludes that the desire for Filipino restaurants
also increases.
D. Projected Demand

Projected Demand for a Filipino restaurant

Demand for a Filipino
Year % Willing SP restaurant
2025 97.00% 287384 278,763
2026 97.00% 296994 288,084
2027 97.00% 307050 297,838
2028 97.00% 317551 308,024
2029 97.00% 328497 318,642
2030 97.00% 339888 329,692
2031 97.00% 351726 341,174
2032 97.00% 364008 353,088
2033 97.00% 376736 365,434
2034 97.00% 389909 378,212

Table 7. Projected Demand for a Filipino restaurant

Graph 3. Projected Demand for a Filipino restaurant

Table 7 and Graph 3 includes the projected demand for Filipino restaurants. 97%
was used as it was the result of willingness percentage in the survey. Therefore, 97%
would be multiplied by the SP given to get the projected demand for the year 2025 to the
year 2026. As shown from the graph, the demand for Filipino restaurants is expected to
grow in the next several years starting around 278,763 shooting all the way up to 378,212
with an almost 100,000 demand increase. The demand for a Filipino restaurant would
gradually increase as years go by based on the results.
E. Price Study


Crispy Pata ₱130

Lechon Kawali ₱130
Inihaw na Liempo ₱80
Sinigang na Baboy ₱60
Chicken BBQ ₱70
Crispy Chicken ₱90
Beef Caldereta ₱100
Bulalo ₱90
Chopsuey ₱80
Pinakbet ₱60
Laing ₱140
Pancit Bihon ₱100
Pancit Miki ₱100
Pancit Canton ₱100
Pancit Palabok ₱100
Pancit Lomi ₱100

Table 8. Juanderland Cuisine’s Food Menu

Table 8 shows Juanderland Cuisine’s food menu. Rice meals on the food menu
ranges from ₱60 to ₱140 depending on the dish. Then pancit meals cost ₱100 per serving.


Pineapple Juice ₱22

CucumberJuice ₱22
Lemon Juice ₱22

Kapeng Barako ₱39

Iced Coffee ₱39
Hot Coffee w/ Cream ₱39

Table 9. Juanderland Cuisine’s Beverage Menu

Table 9 that is shown above provides the list of beverages that Juanderland
Cuisine offers. All juice drinks are all on the same price of ₱22. Same with the coffee
drinks that cost ₱39.

Figure 9. Food Menu

Figure 10. Food Menu
Figure 11. Food Menu
Figure 12. Food Menu
Figure 13. Food Menu
Figure 14. Food Menu/Beverage Menu
Figure 15. Beverage Menu
Figure 16. Beverage Menu
F. Marketing Strategy

Efficient marketing strategies are needed to raise JuanderLand Cuisine’s sales.

Since a lot of customers are very familiar with Filipino foods, it would be easy for us to
advertise our products and services. The influence of social media is large nowadays so it
would be ideal if social media would be used to inform and announce the opening of
JuanderLand Cuisine by creating social media accounts on different various social media
platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. To gather more potential
customers, there would be promos and discounts in the first few days of the opening of
the restaurant. It is also possible to invite a famous and popular figure like celebrities or
youtubers to promote and advertise the restaurant. The traditional way of inviting a
customer face-to-face and handing them flyers would also be executed.
Figure 17. Advertisement Poster
Figure 18. Soft Opening Poster

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