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Slide 2. Primary school is the beginning of something new and unknown for children.

This is where
they will spend most of their time, meet new friends and learn to be independent and responsible for
their actions. In other words, the desire to learn and the impression of this process depend on the
primary school.

Slide 3.

1. Encouragement.

It is important to show children that learning is not something boring and annoying. This process
should become interesting and exciting. In my opinion, teachers should learn to combine play and
learning, thus turning boring and long lessons into useful and interesting ones.

Slide 4.

2. The learning process.

The learning process is the interaction between students and the teacher. The task of teachers is to
show that learning consists of trial and error. Children should not be afraid to answer or solve
problems for fear of making a mistake.

Slide 5.

3. Equipment.

The modern world has a lot of the latest technologies from a regular smartphone to a smart home.
Then why not introduce something similar in schools. The latest technologies, such as interactive
whiteboards and others, should become an integral part of an ideal school.

Slide 6.

4. Attitude towards students.

It is the most important element of an unsurpassed school. After all, this affects the child as a
person. First, the teacher's attitude towards everyone should be the same. The status of the parents
or the financial support of the family should not influence the teacher in any way. Secondly, in
elementary school, this person should become a friend for children, and not a strict supervisor.

Slide 7

5. Grades.

In my opinion, grading in elementary school is a bit out of place. After all, it is here that children
just begin the learning process, and not everyone can succeed at everything right away. So giving it
bad marks is not fair at all.

Slide 8

6. Homework.

Homework is an important part of learning new material. However, its quantity and complexity
should be calculated wisely. There should not be moments when students study until late in the
evening or ask their parents for help because they cannot cope on their own. Everything should be
within reasonable limits.
Slide 9.

7. Conducting educational hours.

Children can also be cruel to each other. Bullying based on skin colour, status, weight, and ability is
a problem in our society. Therefore, it is extremely important to tell students that we are all equal
and to teach them to respect each other.

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