Intelsat ITSO Trinidad Earth Station Equipment

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Major Earth Station


6/10/5244 - 1
Major Earth Station Equipment
– Types
– Parameters
 Uplink
– Modulation
– Up-converters
– Transmitters
– Inter Facilities Link
 RF Downlink
– Down-converters
– Demodulation
– Inter Facilities Link

6/10/5244 - 2

 A satellite earth station antenna

– An effective interface between the uplink equipment and free space
– Must be directional to beam an RF signal to the satellite
– Requires a clear line of sight between the antenna and the satellite

Free space


Free space

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6/10/5244 - 4



 G (dBi) = 20.4 + 20 Log f + 20 Log D + 10 Log h

 f = frequency in GHz
 D = diameter in meters
 h = antenna efficiency in decimal format

 What should be the gain of a 9.3 m C-band antenna at 6.4GHz that is

62% efficiency ?

 G = 20.4 + 20 Log 6.4 + 20 log 9.3 + 10 Log 0.62

 G = 20.4 + 20 ( .806179) + 20 ( .968482) + 10 ( -0.2076)
 G = 20.4 + 16.12 + 19.37 - 2.08
 G = 53.81 dBi

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 For a given antenna, the higher the frequency the

narrower the 3dB beamwidth. Therefore the receive band will
be broader than the transmit.
 For a given frequency band the larger the antenna
aperture the smaller or narrower the beamwidth.

θ (deg.) = 21
f = frequency in GHz
D = diameter in meters

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6/10/5244 - 7
 Full Motion
– Motorized
– Azimuth ± 180o from antenna center line (CL)
– 5 - 90o
– Tracking satellites in transfer orbit
 Limited Motion
– Typically Motorized
– Azimuth ± 60o from center line (CL)
– 5 – 90o Elevation
– Full time service
– Occasional use on multiple satellites
 Fixed
– Manual movement
– Provides coverage of the entire satellite arc
– Peaked on satellite with no further adjustments

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 Antenna Position Controllers (APC)
– Installed at base of the antenna (“Jog Controller”)
– Toggle switches for AZ (CW/CCW), EL (UP/Down) and Polarizer
– Serial data link for remote control with a computer
– Transducers provide AZ & EL and Polarizer angle readouts
 Antenna Control Unit (ACU)
– Manually position and polarize the antenna
– Preset satellite locations stored in memory
– Step Track
• Requires a suitable receiver to provide signal level to the ACU
• Back and forth movement in AZ and EL to ensure peak signal level
– Memory Track
• Creates a model of satellite motion for a twenty-four hour period
• Uses this model to track the satellite
– Computer Track
• Predict data from computer controls antenna movement
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 Antenna Control Unit (ACU)
– Mono-pulse
• Relative signal phase and the sharp slope of a tracking null is
used to determine peak position
• It is not necessary to step the antenna to determine
satellite target orientation relative to the antenna’s RF axis
• Utilizes an electrical means (phase comparison) rather than a
mechanical means (antenna stepping) to determine satellite
• Responds more accurately and faster to satellite dynamics
• Primary use is for tracking transfer orbits

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Antenna Efficiency

 Well-designed antennas have efficiency ratings of 50 - 70%

– 60 – 65 % typical

 Efficiency is affected by:

– Spar and feedhorn blockage
– Subreflector alignment and placement
– Subreflector surface tolerance and design
– Main reflector surface tolerance or deviation
– Feed horn loss
– On axis alignment
– Polarization purity

 Efficiency can never be 100%

6/10/5244 - 11
Antenna Types

 Prime Focus parabolic reflector

– Center Feed
– Feed & strut blockage can be large
– High feed line loss RF
– Both TX and RX
– Poor G/T performance



6/10/5244 - 12
Antenna Types

 Parabolic reflector Cassegrain

– Typical use 5m or larger
– Parabolic main reflector
– Hyperboloidal subreflector
– Subreflector and strut blockage small
– Small feed line loss
– Good G/T

6/10/5244 - 13
Antenna Types

 Parabolic reflector Gregorian

– Typical use 5m and larger
– Parabolic main reflector RF

– Ellipse subreflector
– Subreflector and strut blockage small
– Small feed line loss SPAR

– Good G/T
OMT Ellipse




6/10/5244 - 14
Antenna Types

 Parabolic reflector offset feed

– Typical 3.7m and smaller
– No feed blockage
– Small feed line loss
– VSAT applications


6/10/5244 - 15
Antenna Types

 Simulsat
– Receive Only
– Captures signals across a 70° view arc
– Up 35 satellites are received with uniform performance
– Each satellite illuminates a specific area
– Signals reflect to their corresponding C or Ku-Band feed
– Feeds are adjusted, no antenna movement

6/10/5244 - 16
Antenna Types
 In a direct feed reflector, the feed horn is located at the
focus or may be offset to one side of the focus
 Large earth station antennas have a subreflector at the
– The subreflector permits the antenna optics to be
located near the base of the antenna
– Reduces losses because the length of the waveguide
between the transmitter or receiver and the antenna
feed is reduced
– The system noise temperature is also reduced because
the receiver looks at the cold sky instead of the warm

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Antenna Subreflector

 Cassegrain
– The subreflector is convex with an hyperboloidal surface
– Hyperboloidal? A mathematical surface whose sections
parallel to one coordinate plane form ellipses and those
parallel to the other two coordinate planes form

 Gregorian
– The subreflector is concave with an ellipsoidal surface
– Ellipsoidal? A geometric surface or a solid figure shaped
like an oval. Any section through an ellipsoid is either an
ellipse or a circle.

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Antenna Focal Distance (f/d)
 Focal Distance (f/d)
– To calculate: f/d = D2/16d
• D = Antenna Diameter
• d = Depth of Parabola



d = 0.6m
d = 0.8m

D = 3.8m
D = 3.8m

f/d = D2/16d f/d = D2/16d

D= 3.8 m D= 149.6 in D= 3.8 m D= 149.6 in

d= 0.6 m d= 23.63 in d= 0.8 m d= 31.5 in

f/d = 1.504 m f/d = 59.23 in f/d = 1.128 m f/d = 44.42 in

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 Shallow dish antenna
– Long focal length increases the feedhorn’s ability to illuminate the
entire reflector area providing good gain
– More susceptible to:
• Earth noise at low elevation angles
• Terrestrial interference
– Affects antenna noise temperature
 Deep dish antenna
– Short focal length decreases the feedhorn’s ability to illuminate the
entire reflector area providing less gain
– Can provide advantages
• Low elevation angles
• Terrestrial interference
– Better antenna noise temperature

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Antenna De-Ice
 Freezing perception will impact antenna performance
– Snow or ice on the reflector surface
• Attenuates the signal
• De-focus the antenna
 Area’s with freezing perception require antenna de-icing
 Electric
– Blankets glued to the back of the reflector
– Forced hot air with the back structure enclosed
 Natural gas
– Forced hot air with the back structure enclosed
 Fabric Cover
– Prevent snow/ice accumulation in the dish
 Rain Blower
– Blows air across feed input to prevent water buildup

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Antenna Feed Assembly

6/10/5244 - 22
Antenna Feed System
 1 Port
– Receive Only
 2 Port
– Two Receive
– One Transmit and One Receive
 3 Port
– One Transmit and Two Receive
 4 Port
– Two Transmit and Two Receive
 Polarization adjustment
– Single plane, transmit and receive are fixed and both rotate
– Dual plane, transmit and receive rotate separately

 Rain Blower
– Blows air across feed input to prevent water buildup

6/10/5244 - 23

 Ortho Mode Transducer (OMT)

– Changes feeds circular W/G to two rectangular W/G’s
– Separates and directs signals of two different polarities
– Determines isolation for Circular Polarization

Feed H Transmit

Transmit Reject Filter (TRF)

– Blocks transmit power from
the Low Noise Amplifier TRF

 4 port feed will have an OMT and TRF LNA

for each polarity

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Antenna Patterns

6/10/5244 - 25
Antenna Pattern

•3D Radiation Pattern

6/10/5244 - 26
Antenna Pattern

•Cut Through Radiation Pattern

6/10/5244 - 27
Antenna Pattern
 FCC / ITU requirements for transmit patterns
– 29-25log θ from 1 to 7o from
– 8 dBi from 7 to 9.2o Deg 29-25 log θ peak
– 32-25log θ > 9.2o 1 29.0 15.2
2 21.5 22.7
 How are the curves applied? 3 17.1 27.1
4 13.9 30.3
– Calculations are subtracted from
5 11.5 32.7
antenna gain
6 9.5 34.7
– i.e. antenna gain = 44.2 dBi
7 7.9 36.3
– Higher gain antenna will provide 8 8.0 36.2
more discrimination 9 8.0 36.2
– i.e. 50 dBi – 29 = 21 dB 10 7.0 37.2
11 6.0 38.2

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Antenna Pattern
Deg peak
1 15.2
2 22.7
3 27.1
4 30.3
5 32.7
6 34.7
7 36.3
8 36.2
9 36.2
10 37.2
11 38.2

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Antenna Pattern

Co-pol pattern

Cross-pol pattern

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6/10/5244 - 31
Uplink Components
 Uplink Block Diagram
– Modulator / Modem
– Up-Converter
– Power Amplifier
– Antenna
– Inter Facility Link (IFL)
• Fiber Optics
• Co-axial cable
• Patch Panels
• Combiners / Splitters
• Waveguide Antenna

Modem IFL Up-Converter IFL Transmitter IFL Feed

Simplified Uplink Block Diagram

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Up-Converter (U/C)

6/10/5244 - 33
Up-Converter (U/C)

 A device that converts an input signal known as the

intermediate frequency (IF) to a desired higher
frequency without disturbing the intelligence
(modulation) on the incoming signal

 The method used to achieve the conversion is

heterodyning. That is the mixing of two different
frequencies into a non-linear device ( mixer ) to
produce two other frequencies equal to the sum or
difference of the first two, while maintaining it’s

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Up-Converter (U/C)

 70 / 140 MHz IF to L-Band

– 70 MHz to L-Band
• 70 ±18 MHz input
• 950 – 1450 MHz output
• Non inverting
• 36 MHz bandwidth

– 140 MHz to L-Band

• 140 ±72 MHz input
• 950 – 1450 MHz output
• Non inverting
• 72 MHz bandwidth

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Up-Converter (U/C)

 L-Band to C-Band
– 950 - 1450 MHz input
– 5.925 – 6.425 GHz output
– Non inverting (4.900 GHz LO)
– Inverting (7.375 GHz LO)
– 500 MHz bandwidth

 L-Band to Ku-Band
– 950 - 1450 MHz input
– 14.00 – 14.50 GHz output
– Non inverting (LO = 13.050 GHz)
– Inverting (LO = 15.450 GHz)
– 500 MHz bandwidth

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 70to L-Band to C-Band (Non Inverted)
–Center Frequency of transponder (6100 MHz)
–LO frequency of the BUC (4900 MHz)
–Center frequency of Up-Converter = 1200 MHz (6100 – 4900)
• Bandwidth center freq (-) BUC LO freq
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 6104.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 74.5 MHz (6104.5 – 4900 -1200 + 70)
– Uplink freq (-) BUC LO freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 74.5 MHz 70 Mhz to L-Band 1204.5 MHz BUC 6104.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
LO = 4900 MHz
1200 MHz

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 70 to L-Band to C-Band (Inverted)
– Center Frequency of transponder (6100 MHz)
– LO frequency of the BUC (7375 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 1275 MHz (7375 – 6100)
• BUC LO freq (-) Bandwidth center freq
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 6104.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 65.5 MHz (7375 - 6104.5 - 1270 + 70)
– BUC LO freq (-) Uplink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 65.5 MHz IF to L-Band 1270.5 MHz BUC 6104.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
LO = 7375 MHz
1275 MHz

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 70 to L-band to Ku-Band (Not inverted)
– Center Frequency of transponder (14200 MHz)
– LO frequency of the BUC (13050 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 1150 MHz (14200 – 13050)
– Bandwidth center freq (-) BUC LO freq
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 14207.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 77.5 MHz (14207.5 – 13050 -1150 + 70)
– Uplink freq (-) BUC LO freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 77.5 MHz IF to L-Band 1157.5 MHz BUC 14207.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
LO = 13050 MHz
1150 MHz

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 70 to L-Band to Ku-Band (Inverted)
– Center Frequency of transponder (14200 MHz)
– LO frequency of the BUC (15540 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 1340 MHz (15540 – 14200)
– BUC LO freq (-) Bandwidth center freq
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 14207.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 62.5 MHz (15540 - 14207.5 - 1340 + 70)
– BUC LO freq (-) Uplink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 62.5 MHz IF to L-Band 1332.5 MHz BUC 14207.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
LO = 15540 MHz
1340 MHz

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Up-Converter (U/C)

 70 MHz to C-Band
– 70 ±18 MHz input
– 5.850 – 6.425 GHz output
– Non inverting
– 36 MHz bandwidth

 140 MHz to C-Band

– 140 ± 36 MHz input
– 5.850 – 6.425 GHz output
– Non inverting
– 72 MHz bandwidth

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 70 MHz to C-Band
– Center Frequency of transponder (6100 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 6100 MHz
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 6104.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 74.5 MHz (6104.5 – 6100 + 70)
– Uplink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 74.5 MHz Up-Converter 6104.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
6100 MHz

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 140 MHz to C-Band
– Center Frequency of transponder (6100 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 6100 MHz
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 6104.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 144.5 MHz (6104.5 – 6100 + 140)
– Uplink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 140 MHz

Modem 144.5 MHz Up-Converter 6104.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
6100 MHz

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Up-Converter (U/C)

 70 MHz to Ku-Band
– 70 ±18 MHz input
– 14.00 – 14.50 GHz output
– Non inverting
– 36 MHz bandwidth

 140 MHz to Ku-Band

– 140 ± 36 MHz input
– 14.00 – 14.50 GHz output
– Non inverting
– 72 MHz bandwidth

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 70 MHz to Ku-Band
– Center Frequency of transponder (14200 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 14200 MHz
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 14207.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 77.5 MHz (14207.5 – 14200 + 70)
– Uplink freq (-) BUC LO freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 77.5 MHz Up-Converter 14207.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
14200 MHz

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U/C Frequency Calculations
 140 MHz to Ku-Band
– Center Frequency of transponder (14200 MHz)
– Center frequency of Up-Converter = 14200 MHz
– Carrier Uplink Frequency 14207.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 147.5 MHz (14207.5 – 14200 + 140)
– Uplink freq (-) BUC LO freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 140 MHz

Modem 147.5 MHz Up-Converter 14207.5 MHz HPA

Center Frequency
14200 MHz

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U/C Attributes
Parameter Typical Value* Unit Parameter Typical Value* Unit
Return Loss > 20 dB AM/PM conversion at rated < 0.1 degree/
output power dB
Noise Figure < 15 dB
Group Delay (per 40 MHz)
RF output
Linear < 0.05 ns/MHz
Return Loss > 20 dB
Parabolic < 0.01 ns/MHz
Spurious 2

Non-Carrier < -80 dBm

Ripple < 1 ns P-P
Carrier < -60 dBm
Frequency Stability
Third Order Intermodulation < -40 dBc -9
Daily < 5 x 10
at 10 dB backoff from rated
output power Yearly < 1 x 10
Third Order Intercept > 23 dBm Over Operating Temperature < 1 x 10

IF/RF Performance Phase Noise (IESS 308/309

(Transfer) phase noise profile)

Gain Stability vs. < 1 dB 10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz

Temperature at 0-50 Celsius 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Gain Stability vs. < 0.25 dB
Temperature 24 Hr. at 10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
constant drive and temp. 100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz
* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

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High Power Amplifier (HPA)

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 Transceiver
– Combination Power Supply, Up / down converter, HPA and LNA
– Mounted on / at the antenna
– 70 or 140 MHz IF input
– C-Band output
– Single or dual synthesized converters
• Uplink
• Downlink Transceiver Block Diagram



TXIF Up-Converter

RXIF Down-Converter LNA

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Transceiver Attributes
Parameter Typical Value* Unit Parameter Typical Value* Unit
IF Input VSWR < 1.5 : 1 Gain Stability vs. < 1.5 dB
RF Output VSWR < 1.5 : 1 Temperature (0-50 Celsius
Gain Flatness over any 40 < 1 dB
MHz Noise Figure < 1 dB

Gain Stability vs. < 1.5 dB Frequency Stability

Temperature (0-50 Celsius Daily < 5 x 10-9
Yearly < 1 x 10-7
Spurious at rated output < -50 dBc
power Over Operating Temperature < 1 x 10-8

Harmonic Output at rated < -50 dBc Phase Noise (IESS 308/309
output power phase noise profile)

Third Order Intermodulation < -26 dBc 10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz

at 3 dB backoff from rated 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
output power
1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Receive Characteristics 10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
RF Input VSWR < 1.5 : 1 100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
IF Output VSWR < 1.5 : 1 1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Gain Flatness over any 40 < 1.5 dB

* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

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Transmitters (HPA)
 Block Up-Converter (BUC)
– Non linear
– Provides up conversion from L-band to C or Ku band
– SSPA Provides amplification
– Requires external 10 MHz reference
– Typical output power 1 to 10 Watts
– 500 MHz bandwidth
– Typical application on remote VSAT with L-Band Modem
– ≈ 3 dB OBO for multi carrier operation

SSA SSPA Bandpass Filter


10 MHz

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Transmitters (HPA)
 Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA)
– Typical output power 5 to 200 Watts
– 500 MHz bandwidth
– Non Linear
– L-Band Up-Converter optional
• Requires external 10 MHz reference
• Requires Diplexer
– Typically ≈ 3 dB OBO for multi carrier operation

6/10/5244 - 52
SSPA Attributes
Parameter Typical Unit Parameter Typical Unit
Value* Value*
Input VSWR < 1.3 : 1 Phase Noise (IESS 308/309
Output VSWR < 1.3 : 1 phase noise profile)

10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz

Gain Flatness over any 40 < 0.5 dB
MHz 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
Gain Stability vs. < 1 dB 1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Temperature (0-50 Celsius
10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Noise Figure < 10 dB
1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Spurious at rated output < -65 dBc
power Group Delay (per 40 MHz)
Harmonic Output at rated < -60 dBc Linear < 0.05 ns/MHz
output power 2
Parabolic < 0.01 ns/MHz
Third Order Intermodulation < -26 dBc Ripple < 1 ns peak
at 3 dB backoff from rated to peak
output power

AM/PM conversion at rated < 2 degree/

output power dB

* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

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Transmitters (HPA)
 Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA)
– Typical output power 100 – 750 Watts
– 500 MHz bandwidth
– Non Linear
– Built in BUC optional
• Requires 10 MHz external reference and Diplexer
– ≈ 7 dB OBO for multi carrier operation
– ≈ 4 dB OBO with linearizer for multi carrier operation

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Transmitters (HPA)



6/10/5244 - 55
Transmitters (HPA)


( f 1 - f 2 ) - f1

f 1 - f 2 f1 f2 f 1 + f 2

6/10/5244 - 56
TWTA Attributes
Parameter Typical Unit Parameter Typical Unit
Value* Value*
Input VSWR < 1.3 : 1 Phase Noise (IESS 308/309
phase noise profile)
Output VSWR < 1.3 : 1
Gain Flatness over any 40 < 1 dB 10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz
MHz 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
Gain Stability vs. < 0.25 dB 1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Temperature (0-50 Celsius
10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Noise Figure < 15 dB
1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Spurious at rated output < -65 dBc
power Group Delay (per 40 MHz for
C-band / per 80 MHz for Ku-
Harmonic Output at rated < -60 dBc
output power

Third Order Intermodulation < -24 dBc Linear < 0.05 ns/MHz
at 7 dB backoff from rated 2
Parabolic < 0.01 ns/MHz
output power
Ripple < 0.5 ns peak
AM/PM conversion at rated < 6 degree/ to peak
output power dB

* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

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Transmitters (HPA)
 Klystron Power Amplifier (KPA)
– Typical output power 1000 to 3000 Watts
– Non linear
– 40 or 80 MHz bandwidth
– OBO ≈ 2 dB for dual carrier operation
≈ 7 dB for multi carrier operation

6/10/5244 - 58




6/10/5244 - 59
KPA Attributes

Parameter Typical Unit Parameter Typical Unit

Value* Value*
Input VSWR < 1.3 : 1 Phase Noise (IESS 308/309
phase noise profile)
Output VSWR < 1.3 : 1
Gain Stability vs. < 0.25 dB 10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz
Temperature (0-50 Celsius 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Spurious at rated output < -65 dBc 10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Harmonic Output at rated < -60 dBc
1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz
output power
Group Delay (per 40 MHz for
Third Order Intermodulation < -28 dBc C-band / per 80 MHz for Ku-
at 7 dB backoff from rated band)
output power
Linear < 0.1 ns/MHz
AM/PM conversion at rated < 4 degree/ 2
output power dB Parabolic < 0.03 ns/MHz
Ripple < 2 ns peak
to peak

* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

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6/10/5244 - 61
Downlink Components
 Downlink Block Diagram
– Demodulator / Modem
– Down-Converter
– Antenna
– Inter Facility Link (IFL)
• Fiber Optics
• Co-axial cable
• Patch Panels
• Combiners / Splitters
• Waveguide
Modem IFL Down-Converter IFL LNA Feed

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Low Noise Amplifier

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Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
 Input Waveguide Low Noise Amplifier

– CPR-229 C-Band
Input Output

– WR-75 Ku-Band
 Output Coaxial connector DC Regulator Power

– N-Type (50 ohm) Standard C-Band

– SMA (50 ohm) Standard Ku-Band
 Typical 3 stage amplification (Designed to keep noise down)
– No Frequency Conversion
 “Noise Temperature” is the amount of noise added
– Specified in degrees K for C-Band
• 20o – 40oK Typical
– Specified as Noise Figure (NF) for Ku-Band
• 0.7 to 1.0 Typical (50o – 75oK)
 Lower the Noise Temperature, the better the performance

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Low Noise Block Down-Converter (LNB)
 LNA with a Block Down-Converter built in
 Provides Frequency Conversion
– DRO (Dielectric resonator Oscillator)
• ± 150 kHz to ± 500 kHz C-Band
• ± 150 kHz to ± 900 kHz Ku-Band
– PLL (Phase Locked Loop)
• ± 5 kHz to ± 25 kHz C-Band
• ± 5 kHz to ± 50 kHz Ku-Band
– External (10 MHz reference)
 Input Waveguide
– CPR-229 C-Band
– WR-75 Ku-Band
Low Noise Amplifier

Input Output

 Output Coaxial connector

– N-Type (50 ohm) DC Regulator

– F-Type (75 ohm)

6/10/5244 - 65
Low Noise Amplifier (LNA/LNB)

 Designed to provide the lowest noise contribution as possible

– 20o – 40o K noise temperature typical for C-band
– 70o – 90o K noise temperature typical for Ku-band
– 50 to 60 dB Gain typical

 Mounted as close as possible to the OMT waveguide ports

 One of the most critical components of an antenna system

– Major factor in determining the systems figure of merit (G/T)

 Frequency stability of LNB critical depending on type of


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LNA / LNB Attributes
Parameter Typical Unit Parameter Typical Value* Unit
Input VSWR < 2.5 : 1
Input VSWR < 1.3 : 1
Noise Temperature for C-Band < 45 K
Noise Temperature for C-Band < 45 K
Noise Temperature for Ku- < 100 K
Noise Temperature for Ku- < 100 K
Output VSWR < 2.5 : 1
Gain Flatness over any 40 MHz < 1 dB
Output VSWR < 1.3 : 1
Frequency Stability over < 50 kHz
Gain Flatness over any 40 MHz < 0.2 dB Temperature
Gain Stability vs. Temperature < 2 dB
Phase Noise (IESS 308/309
at 0-50 Celsius Degree
phase noise profile)
Third Order Intercept > 20 dBm 10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz
Group Delay (per 40 MHz) 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
Linear < 0.01 ns/MHz 1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Parabolic < 0.01 ns/MHz 10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
Ripple < 1 ns P-P 100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz

* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

6/10/5244 - 67
Down-Converter (D/C)

6/10/5244 - 68
Down-Converter (D/C)

 A device that converts an RF input signal to a

desired lower frequency known as the intermediate
frequency (IF) without disturbing the intelligence
(modulation) on the incoming signal

 The method used to achieve the conversion is

heterodyning. That is the mixing of two different
frequencies into a non-linear device ( mixer ) to
produce two other frequencies equal to the sum or
difference of the first two, while maintaining it’s

6/10/5244 - 69
Down-Converter (D/C)

 C-Band to L-Band (LNB)

– 3.70 to 4.2 GHz input
– 950 - 1450 MHz output
– Inverted (5150 MHz LO)
– 500 MHz bandwidth

 Ku-Band to L-Band (LNB)

– 11.70 – 12.20 GHz input
– 950 - 1450 MHz output
– Non inverted (10.75 GHz)
– 500 MHz bandwidth

6/10/5244 - 70
D/C Frequency Calculations
 C-band to L-Band
– Inverted C-Band (LNB)
– LO frequency of the LNB (5150 MHz)
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 3879.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 1270.5 MHz (5150 – 3879.5)
– LNB LO freq (-) Downlink freq

Modem 1270.5 MHz LNB 3879.5 MHz

LO = 5150 MHz

6/10/5244 - 71
D/C Frequency Calculations

 Ku-Band to L-Band
– Non Inverted Ku-Band (LNB)
– LO frequency of the LNB (10750 MHz)
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 11907.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 1157.5 MHz (11907.5 – 10750)
– Downlink freq (-) LNB LO freq

Modem 1157.5 MHz LNB 11907.5 MHz

LO = 10750 MHz

6/10/5244 - 72
Down-Converter (D/C)
 L-Band to 70 / 140 MHz IF

– L-Band to 70 MHz
• 950 – 1450 MHz input
• 70 ±18 MHz output
• Non inverting
• 36 MHz bandwidth

– L-Band to 140 MHz

• 950 – 1450 MHz input
• 140 ± 36 MHz output
• Non inverting
• 72 MHz bandwidth

6/10/5244 - 73
D/C Frequency Calculations
 Inverted C-Band (LNB)
– Center Frequency of transponder (3875 MHz)
– LO frequency of the LNB (5150 MHz)
– Center frequency of Down-Converter = 1275 MHz (5150 – 3875)
– LNB LO freq (-) Bandwidth center freq
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 3879.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 65.5 MHz (5150 – 3879.5 -1275 +70)
– LNB LO freq (-) Downlink freq (-) D/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 65.5 MHz Down-Converter 1270.5 MHz LNB 3879.5 MHz

Center Frequency LO = 5150 MHz

1275 MHz

6/10/5244 - 74
D/C Frequency Calculations
 Non Inverted Ku-Band (LNB)
– Center Frequency of transponder (11900 MHz)
– LO frequency of the LNB (10750 MHz)
– Center frequency of Down-Converter = 1150 MHz (11900 – 10750)
– Bandwidth center freq (-) LNB LO freq
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 11907.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 65.5 MHz (11907.5 – 10750 - 1150 +70)
– Downlink freq (-) LNB LO freq (-) D/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 77.5 MHz Down-Converter 1157.5 MHz LNB 11907.5 MHz

Center Frequency LO = 10750 MHz

1150 MHz

6/10/5244 - 75
Down-Converter (D/C)

 C-Band to 70 MHz
– 3.700 – 4.200 GHz input
– 70 ±18 MHz output
– Non inverting
– 36 MHz bandwidth

 C-Band to 140 MHz

– 3.700 – 4.200 GHz input
– 140 ± 36 MHz output
– Non inverting
– 72 MHz bandwidth

6/10/5244 - 76
D/C Frequency Calculations
 C-Band (70 MHz)
– Center Frequency of transponder (3875 MHz)
– Center frequency of Down-Converter = 3875 MHz
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 3879.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 74.5 MHz (3879.5 – 3875 + 70)
– Downlink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 74.5 MHz Down-Converter 3879.5 MHz LNA 3879.5 MHz

Center Frequency
3875 MHz

6/10/5244 - 77
D/C Frequency Calculations
 C-Band (140 MHz)
– Center Frequency of transponder (3875 MHz)
– Center frequency of Down-Converter = 3875 MHz
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 3879.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 144.5 MHz (3879.5 – 3875 + 140)
– Downlink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 140 MHz

Modem 144.5 MHz Down-Converter 3879.5 MHz LNA 3879.5 MHz

Center Frequency
3875 MHz

6/10/5244 - 78
Down-Converter (D/C

 Ku-Band to 70 MHz
– 11.70 to 12.20 GHz input
– 70 ±18 MHz output
– Non inverting
– Inverting
– 36 MHz bandwidth

 Ku-Band to 140 MHz

– 11.70 – 12.20 GHz input
– 140 ± 36 MHz output
– Non inverting
– Inverting
– 72 MHz bandwidth

6/10/5244 - 79
D/C Frequency Calculations

 Ku-Band (70 MHz)

– Center Frequency of transponder (11900 MHz)
– Center frequency of Down-Converter 11900 MHz
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 11907.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 77.5 MHz (11907.5 – 11900 + 70)
– Downlink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 70 MHz

Modem 77.5 MHz Down-Converter 11907.5 MHz LNA 11907.5 MHz

Center Frequency
11900 MHz

6/10/5244 - 80
D/C Frequency Calculations

 Ku-Band (140 MHz)

– Center Frequency of transponder (11900 MHz)
– Center frequency of Down-Converter 11900 MHz
– Carrier Downlink Frequency 11907.5 MHz
– Modem IF Frequency = 147.5 MHz (11907.5 – 11900 + 140)
– Downlink freq (-) U/C center freq (+) 140 MHz

Modem 147.5 MHz Down-Converter 11907.5 MHz LNA 11907.5 MHz

Center Frequency
11900 MHz

6/10/5244 - 81
D/C Attributes
Parameter Typical Value* Unit Parameter Typical Value* Unit
RF Input AM/PM conversion at rated < 0.1 degree/
output power dB
Return Loss > 20 dB
Noise Figure < 15 dB Group Delay (per 40 MHz)

IF output Linear < 0.05 ns/MHz

Return Loss > 20 dB Parabolic < 0.01 ns/MHz

Spurious Ripple < 1 ns P-P

Non-Carrier < -80 dBm Frequency Stability

Carrier < -60 dBm Daily < 5 x 10
Third Order Intermodulation < -50 dBc Yearly < 1 x 10
at 10 dB backoff from rated Over Operating Temperature < 2 x 10
output power
Phase Noise (IESS 308/309
Third Order Intercept > 25 dBm phase noise profile)

RF/IF Performance 10 Hz < -30 dBc/Hz

(Transfer) 100 Hz < -60 dBc/Hz
Gain Stability vs. < 1 dB 1 kHz < -70 dBc/Hz
Temperature at 0-50 Celsius
Degree 10 kHz < -80 dBc/Hz
Gain Stability vs. < 0.25 dB 100 kHz < -90 dBc/Hz
Temperature 24 Hr. at 1 MHz < -90 dBc/Hz
constant drive and temp.
* For better performance, the selected value should be less or greater than as indicated

6/10/5244 - 82
Patch Panels

Patch Panel

Patch Panel 10 dB 40 dB
Coupler Coupler
Up-Converter HPA
Patch Panel 8:1 1:2

Modem TP-1 TP-2


50 dB
1:8 Down-Converter Coupler
1:2 LNA


Uplink & Downlink Patch Panel and RF monitor block diagram

6/10/5244 - 83
Patch Panels
 Patch Panel’s provide a convenient place to interconnect
equipment within the uplink and downlink chains
 Data Patch Panel
– Connection between the DTE and Modem
• Ease of testing without having to get into equipment rack to
disconnect data cables
• Test equipment can be patched in to test either direction
(satellite or terrestrial)
 IF Patch Panels
– Connection between the modem transmit and uplink combiner
• Cross patch modems
– Connection between Combiner and Up-Converter
• Monitor output of combiner (All modem transmit carriers)
– Connection between the downlink splitter and modem receive
• Monitor output of Down-Converter

6/10/5244 - 84
Patch Panels
 RF Monitor Points

– 10 dB coupler on Up-Converter output (TP-1)

• Monitor Up-converter output
– 40 dB coupler at feed input (TP-2)
• Monitor aggregate transmit carriers and power

– Receive inject coupler (TP-3)

• Capability to inject carrier prior to LNA
– Ability to calibrate downlink chain
– Splitter at Down-Converter input (TP-4)
• Monitor full 500 MHz downlink spectrum

6/10/5244 - 85

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